* Specialize ASN.1 character and useful types * Come up with simpler API for deeply nested constructed objects addressing ber.decoder: * suspend codec on underrun error ? * class-static components map (in simple type classes) * present subtypes ? * component presence check wont work at innertypeconst * add the rest of ASN1 types/codecs * type vs value, defaultValue ber.encoder: * Asn1Item.clone() / shallowcopy issue * large length encoder? * codec restart * preserve compatible API whenever stateful codec gets implemented * restartable vs incremental * plan: make a stateless univeral decoder, then convert it to restartable then to incremental type.useful: * may need to implement prettyIn/Out type.char: * may need to implement constraints type.univ: * simpler API to constructed objects: value init, recursive type.namedtypes * type vs tagset name convention general: * how untagged TagSet should be initialized?