.. Copyright 2014 IBM Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _event_concept: ======= Events ======= The principal goal of this specification is to ensure that similar auditable events, such as a "logon" or "critical resource update" resolve to the same data format with prescriptive data types, entities, and properties to facilitate reporting, query, federation, and aggregation. Defining Events =============== The event model is intended to describe the interactions between resources that compose a cloud service. Conceptually, the event is based upon the perspective of a single RESOURCE called the OBSERVER that is responsible for observing the Actual Event and creating the (initial) CADF Event Record. .. figure:: ./images/observer_cadf.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: Figure 1: Observer perspective of an Event At a minimum, an Event must include the following attributes to be CADF-compliant: eventType, observer, initiator, target, action, and outcome. CADF's event model is extensible so any additional attributes that may better help describe the event can be added to the event model as an additional attribute. .. note:: In some cases, the OBSERVER, INITIATOR, and TARGET could reference the same resource. The precise interpretation of these components, therefore, will depend somewhat on the type of event being recorded, and the specific activity and resources involved. Use Case Examples ================= 1. Auditing access to a controlled resource Scenario: A cloud provider has a software component that manages identity and access control that we will call an "identity management service". This service is required, by the provider's security policy, to log all user activities including "logon" attempts against any servers within the provider's infrastructure. .. figure:: ./images/audit_event.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: Figure 2: Conceptually mapping values of an audit event ================= ========================== ========================================================================================== Event Attribute Value Reason ================= ========================== ========================================================================================== eventType activity OBSERVER is required to report any user security activity observer.typeURI service/security/identity Value from the CADF Resource Taxonomy most closely describes an "Identity Manager Service" initiator.typeURI data/security/account/user Value from the CADF Resource Taxonomy most closely describes a "user" action authenticate/logon Value from the CADF Action Taxonomy most closely describes a user "logon" action. target.typeURI service/compute/node Value from the CADF Resource Taxonomy most closely describes a target "server" outcome success Any valid CADF Outcome Taxonomy value that describes result of action measurement N/A A MEASUREMENT component is not required for "activity" type events. REASON N/A A REASON component is not required for "activity" type events. ================= ========================== ========================================================================================== Event serialisation (including some optional attributes for additional details): .. code-block:: javascript { "typeURI": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/cloud/audit/1.0/event", "eventTime": "2014-02-27T19:29:30.855665+0000", "target": { "typeURI": "service/compute/node", // optional Endpoints to describe compute node, "addresses": [ { "url": "", "name": "admin" }, { "url": "", "name": "private" }, { "url": "", "name": "public" } ], "id": "06747855d62547d4bfd707f75b8a1c54", "name": "nova" }, "observer": { "id": "target" // shortform to show Observer Resource is the same as Target, }, // tags use to query events on, "tags": [ "correlation_id?value=56cdde6f-6b4e-48a4-94e6-defb40522fb2" ], "eventType": "activity", "initiator": { "typeURI": "data/security/account/user", "name": "admin", // optional Credential to describe resource, "credential": { "token": "MIIQzgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIQvzCCELsC xxxxxxxx zqvD9OPWZm7VQpYNK2EvrZi-mTvb5A==", "identity_status": "Confirmed" }, // optional Host to describe resource, "host": { "agent": "python-novaclient", "address": "" }, "project_id": "e7e2bcc9c0df4f3eabcd412ae62503f6", "id": "68a3f50705a54f799ce94380fc02ed8a" }, // optional Reason for activity event, "reason": { "reasonCode": "200", "reasonType": "HTTP" }, // list of Resources which edited event, "reporterchain": [ { "reporterTime": "2014-02-27T19:29:31.043902+0000", "role": "modifier", "reporter": { "id": "target" } } ], "action": "authenticate/logon", "outcome": "success", "id": "0a196053-95de-48f8-9890-4527b25b5007", // Event model is extensible so additional attributes may be added to describe model, "requestPath": "/v2/e7e2bcc9c0df4f3eabcd412ae62503f6/os-certificates" } 2. Periodic monitoring resource status Scenario: A cloud provider has software monitoring agents(Ceilometer) installed on every server(Nova) that it makes available as an IaaS resource to its customers. These agents are required to provide periodic informational status of each server's CPU utilisation along with metric data to their operations management software by using the CADF Event Record format. .. figure:: ./images/monitor_event.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: Figure 3: Conceptually mapping values of an monitor event ================= ====================== ========================================================================================== Event Attribute Value Reason ================= ====================== ========================================================================================== eventType monitor OBSERVER is required to monitor a server's CPU utilization observer.typeURI service/oss/monitoring Value from the CADF Resource Taxonomy most closely describes a "software monitoring agent" initiator.typeURI service/oss/monitoring OBSERVER is also the INITIATOR of this monitoring event action monitor Value from the CADF Action Taxonomy target.typeURI service/compute/cpu Value from the CADF Resource Taxonomy most closely describes a server’s "cpu" outcome success OBSERVER successfully obtained and reported a CPU utilization measurement measurement 80% MEASUREMENT component is required and the observed value is 80% CPU utilisation reason N/A REASON component is not required for "monitor" type events. ================= ====================== ========================================================================================== Event serialisation: .. code-block:: javascript { "typeURI": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/cloud/audit/1.0/event", "eventTime": "2014-02-27T19:29:30.855665+0000", "target": { "typeURI": "service/compute/cpu", "id": "06747855d62547d4bfd707f75b8a1c54", "name": "instance" }, "observer": { "id": "initiator" }, "eventType": "monitor", "initiator": { "typeURI": "service/oss/monitoring", "name": "ceilometer-pollster", "id": "68a3f50705a54f799ce94380fc02ed8a" }, "measurement": [ { "result": "80", "metric": { "metricId": "", "unit": "%", "name": "CPU utilisation metric" } } ], "action": "monitor", "outcome": "success", "id": "0a196053-95de-48f8-9890-4527b25b5007" } .. note:: Additional use cases can be found in the Full CADF specification.