""" This is the module responsible for automatically generating an HTML index of all documentation files generated by Pycco. """ import re from os import path from pycco.compat import compat_items from pycco_resources import pycco_template __all__ = ('generate_index',) def build_tree(file_paths, outdir): tree = {} for file_path in file_paths: entry = { 'path': file_path, 'relpath': path.relpath(file_path, outdir) } path_steps = entry['relpath'].split(path.sep) add_file(entry, path_steps, tree) return tree def add_file(entry, path_steps, tree): """ :param entry: A dictionary containing a path to a documentation file, and a relative path to the same file. :param path_steps: A list of steps in a file path to look within. """ node, subpath = path_steps[0], path_steps[1:] if node not in tree: tree[node] = {} if subpath: add_file(entry, subpath, tree[node]) else: tree[node]['entry'] = entry def generate_tree_html(tree): """ Given a tree representing HTML file paths, return an HTML table plotting those paths. """ items = [] for node, subtree in sorted(compat_items(tree)): if 'entry' in subtree: html = u'
  • {}
  • '.format(subtree['entry']['relpath'], node) else: html = u'
    '.format( node, generate_tree_html(subtree) ) items.append(html) return ''.join(items) def generate_index(files, outdir): """ Given a list of generated documentation files, generate HTML to display index of all files. """ tree = build_tree(files, outdir) rendered = pycco_template({ "title": 'Index', "stylesheet": 'pycco.css', "sections": {'docs_html': generate_tree_html(tree)}, "source": '', }) return re.sub(r"__DOUBLE_OPEN_STACHE__", "{{", rendered).encode("utf-8")