import copy import os import tempfile import time import os.path import pytest from hypothesis import given, example, assume from hypothesis.strategies import lists, text, booleans, choices, none import pycco.generate_index as generate_index import pycco.main as p PYTHON = p.languages['.py'] PYCCO_SOURCE = 'pycco/' FOO_FUNCTION = """def foo():\n return True""" def get_language(choice): return choice(list(p.languages.values())) @given(lists(text()), text()) def test_shift(fragments, default): if fragments == []: assert p.shift(fragments, default) == default else: fragments2 = copy.copy(fragments) head = p.shift(fragments, default) assert [head] + fragments == fragments2 @given(text(), booleans(), text(min_size=1)) @example("/foo", True, "0") def test_destination(filepath, preserve_paths, outdir): dest = p.destination( filepath, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir) assert dest.startswith(outdir) assert dest.endswith(".html") @given(choices(), text()) def test_parse(choice, source): l = get_language(choice) parsed = p.parse(source, l) for s in parsed: assert {"code_text", "docs_text"} == set(s.keys()) def test_skip_coding_directive(): source = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + FOO_FUNCTION parsed = p.parse(source, PYTHON) for section in parsed: assert "coding" not in section['code_text'] def test_multi_line_leading_spaces(): source = "# This is a\n# comment that\n# is indented\n" source += FOO_FUNCTION parsed = p.parse(source, PYTHON) # The resulting comment has leading spaces stripped out. assert parsed[0]["docs_text"] == "This is a\ncomment that\nis indented\n" def test_comment_with_only_cross_ref(): source = '''# ==Link Target==\n\ndef test_link():\n """[[]]"""\n pass''' sections = p.parse(source, PYTHON) p.highlight(sections, PYTHON, outdir=tempfile.gettempdir()) assert sections[1][ 'docs_html'] == '

' @given(text(), text()) def test_get_language_specify_language(source, code): assert p.get_language( source, code, language="python") == p.languages['.py'] with pytest.raises(ValueError): p.get_language(source, code, language="non-existent") @given(text() | none()) def test_get_language_bad_source(source): code = "#!/usr/bin/python\n" code += FOO_FUNCTION assert p.get_language(source, code) == PYTHON with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: assert p.get_language(source, "badlang") msg = "Can't figure out the language!" try: assert e.value.message == msg except AttributeError: assert e.value.args[0] == msg @given(text() | none()) def test_get_language_bad_code(code): source = "" assert p.get_language(source, code) == PYTHON @given(text(max_size=64)) def test_ensure_directory(dir_name): tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), str(int(time.time())), dir_name) # Use sanitization from function, but only for housekeeping. We # pass in the unsanitized string to the function. safe_name = p.remove_control_chars(dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(safe_name) and os.access(safe_name, os.W_OK): p.ensure_directory(tempdir) assert os.path.isdir(safe_name) def test_ensure_multiline_string_support(): code = '''x = """ multi-line-string """ y = z # comment # *comment with formatting* def x(): """multi-line-string """''' docs_code_tuple_list = p.parse(code, PYTHON) assert docs_code_tuple_list[0]['docs_text'] == '' assert "#" not in docs_code_tuple_list[1]['docs_text'] def test_indented_block(): code = '''"""To install Pycco, simply pip install pycco """ ''' parsed = p.parse(code, PYTHON) highlighted = p.highlight(parsed, PYTHON, outdir=tempfile.gettempdir()) pre_block = highlighted[0]['docs_html'] assert '
' in pre_block
    assert '
' in pre_block def test_generate_documentation(): p.generate_documentation(PYCCO_SOURCE, outdir=tempfile.gettempdir()) @given(booleans(), booleans(), choices()) def test_process(preserve_paths, index, choice): lang_name = choice([l["name"] for l in p.languages.values()]) p.process([PYCCO_SOURCE], preserve_paths=preserve_paths, index=index, outdir=tempfile.gettempdir(), language=lang_name) @given(lists(lists(text(min_size=1), min_size=1, max_size=30), min_size=1), lists(text(min_size=1), min_size=1)) def test_generate_index(path_lists, outdir_list): file_paths = [os.path.join(*path_list) for path_list in path_lists] outdir = os.path.join(*outdir_list) generate_index.generate_index(file_paths, outdir=outdir) def test_flatten_sources(tmpdir): sources = [str(tmpdir)] expected_sources = [] # Setup the base dir td = tmpdir.join("") td.write("#!/bin/env python") expected_sources.append(str(td)) # Make some more directories, each with a file present for d in ["foo", "bar", "buzz"]: dd = tmpdir.mkdir(d) dummy_file = dd.join("") dummy_file.write("#!/bin/env python") expected_sources.append(str(dummy_file)) # Get the flattened version of the base directory flattened = p._flatten_sources(sources) # Make sure that the lists are the same assert sorted(expected_sources) == sorted(flattened)