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+ <H1>[pycrypto] example</H1>
+ <B>avo ga</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[pycrypto] example">avogatro2007 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Aug 24 08:52:26 CST 2009</I>
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+I can't find any example for DSA or ELGAMAL(with google).
+so i wrote a simple example.
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Could someone help to check this?
+maybe some Hint about security or perfoumance?
+The script is not commented, sry for that
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+import os,sys,random
+print &quot;=====AES 256 Demo=====&quot;
+for a in xrange(0,32):
+ b=hex(random.randint(1,16)-1)
+ PWD+=b.replace(&quot;0x&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
+print &quot;AES-key&quot;,PWD
+crypt =,AES.MODE_CBC,Initial16bytes)
+plain=&quot;blabla what the hack blabla.&quot;
+restbyte = 32-len(plain)%32
+for a in xrange(restbyte):
+ temp+=&quot; &quot;
+print &quot;text: \n&quot;,plain
+c= crypt.encrypt(plain)
+print &quot;encrypted text: &quot;
+print c.encode(&quot;hex&quot;)
+crypt =,AES.MODE_CBC,Initial16bytes)
+print &quot;decrypted text: \n&quot;, crypt.decrypt(c)
+#################### RSA
+print &quot;\n=====RSA 368 Demo=====&quot;
+from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
+rpool = RandomPool()
+privatekeyCMS = RSA.generate(368, rpool.get_bytes)
+privatekeyClient = RSA.generate(368, rpool.get_bytes)
+publickeyCMS = privatekeyCMS.publickey()
+publickeyClient = privatekeyClient.publickey()
+signed_PWD = privatekeyCMS.sign(PWD,&quot;&quot;)
+enc_PWD = publickeyClient.encrypt(PWD, &quot;&quot;)
+print &quot;with publickeyClient encrypted AES-PWD:&quot;
+print enc_PWD
+print &quot;with privatekeyCMS signed AES-PWD:&quot;
+print signed_PWD
+dec_PWD= privatekeyClient.decrypt(enc_PWD[0])
+print &quot;identity check:\n&quot;,publickeyCMS.verify(dec_PWD,signed_PWD)
+print &quot;decrypted PWD:\n&quot;,dec_PWD
+#################### ELGAMAL
+for a in xrange(0,16):
+ b=hex(random.randint(1,16)-1)
+ K+=b.replace(&quot;0x&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
+print &quot;\n=====ELGamal 368 Demo=====&quot;
+from Crypto.PublicKey import ElGamal
+from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
+rpool = RandomPool()
+privatekeyCMS = ElGamal.generate(368, rpool.get_bytes)
+privatekeyClient = ElGamal.generate(368, rpool.get_bytes)
+publickeyCMS = privatekeyCMS.publickey()
+publickeyClient = privatekeyClient.publickey()
+enc_PWD = publickeyClient.encrypt(PWD, K)
+print privatekeyCMS.can_sign()
+signed_PWD = privatekeyCMS.sign(PWD,97)
+print &quot;with publickeyClient encrypted AES-PWD:&quot;
+print enc_PWD
+print &quot;with privatekeyCMS signed AES-PWD:&quot;
+print signed_PWD
+dec_PWD= privatekeyClient.decrypt(enc_PWD)
+print &quot;identity check:\n&quot;,publickeyCMS.verify(dec_PWD,signed_PWD)
+print &quot;decrypted PWD:\n&quot;,dec_PWD
+#################### DSA only sign
+for a in xrange(0,16):
+ b=hex(random.randint(1,16)-1)
+ K+=b.replace(&quot;0x&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
+print &quot;\n=====DSA 368 Demo=====&quot;
+from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA
+rpool = RandomPool()
+privatekeyCMS = DSA.generate(368, rpool.get_bytes)
+publickeyCMS = privatekeyCMS.publickey()
+signed_PWD = privatekeyCMS.sign(PWD,K)
+print &quot;identity check:\n&quot;,publickeyCMS.verify(dec_PWD,signed_PWD)
+print &quot;decrypted PWD from ELGAMAL:\n&quot;,dec_PWD
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