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+ <H1>[pycrypto] Hash: Remove &quot;oid&quot; attributes; add &quot;name&quot; attribute</H1>
+ <B>Dwayne Litzenberger</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[pycrypto] Hash: Remove &quot;oid&quot; attributes; add &quot;name&quot; attribute">dlitz at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sun Feb 17 23:58:48 PST 2013</I>
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+<PRE>[Reposted from 'Hash: Remove &quot;oid&quot; attributes; add &quot;name&quot; attribute'
+ <A HREF=""></A>]:
+Legrandin wrote:
+&gt;<i>Hi Dwayne,
+</I>&gt;<i>The Object ID is an identifier assigned by (inter)national standard
+</I>&gt;<i>bodies (NIST) or recognized private organizations (RSA Inc, Teletrust)
+</I>&gt;<i>to the hash algorithm for use in all the several crypto protocols based
+</I>&gt;<i>on ASN.1 (PKCS#1 signatures, PKCS#7/CMS, PKCS#8 private key
+</I>&gt;<i>encapsulation, SSL/TLS, CA certificates, etc). Nothing stops one from
+</I>&gt;<i>also using without ASN.1, as a stand-along numerical string guaranteed
+</I>&gt;<i>to be unique.
+</I>&gt;<i>The fact that a few other protocols don't use it (and prefer to have
+</I>&gt;<i>their own internal identifiers, and therefore not leverage work done by
+</I>&gt;<i>others already) does not look to me as a reason to isolate it in the
+</I>&gt;<i>PKCS#1v1.5 signature module, considering that protocols that use it are
+</I>&gt;<i>the majority, and all hashes currently in pycrypto have it (being them
+</I>&gt;<i>all quite mature).
+</I>&gt;<i>The attribute could also remained undefined for those experimental hash
+</I>&gt;<i>that pycrypto ever introduced but that don't have any Object ID
+</I>&gt;<i>assigned yet (e.g. Salsa20 maybe?). That would just mean that the hash
+</I>&gt;<i>cannot be used to make PKCS#1v1.5 signatures (which makes sense). If
+</I>&gt;<i>the OID exists, it can be added to the module. It it doesn't, it is not
+My response:
+ Be very careful with your use of Object Identifiers. In many cases there are a
+ great many OIDs available for the same algorithm, but the exact OID you're
+ supposed to use varies somewhat.
+ -- Peter Gutmann, X.509 Style Guide, <A HREF=""></A>
+&gt;<i> Protocols that use [OIDs] are the majority
+Really? The only widely-used protocols I can think of are SNMP (which
+is irrelevant here), LDAP (also irrelevant), and the CMS/TLS/PKCS
+protocol suite. SSH doesn't use them, OpenPGP doesn't use them, DNSSEC
+doesn't use them, OAuth doesn't use them, OpenID doesn't use them, DKIM
+doesn't use them, and I'm pretty sure that IPsec/IKEv1/IKEv2 don't use
+them. Of the protocols that do use them, which ones actually use the
+OIDs listed in this commit, rather than some ciphersuite identifier like
+pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC? Have there been any major new crypto protocols
+designed in the last decade that use these OIDs? That use ASN.1?
+This is going to be a bit of a long rant.
+OIDs and ASN.1 are legacy ITU-T crap, and the protocols built around
+them are overcomplicated and error-prone. The only reason why I merged
+any ASN.1 stuff at all is because PKCS#1 uses it. PKCS#1 is a bit of a
+special case, because it's basically synonymous with RSA; It's even used
+protocols that don't otherwise use ASN.1 use PKCS#1.
+I think it was you who convinced me that the ASN.1 used by PKCS#1 was
+simple enough that it wouldn't lead to an endless series of bugs. Even
+so, you *still* got it wrong, as described in LP#1119552 [1] . I'm not
+blaming you; I'm blaming ASN.1 for being such a terrible, complicated,
+obfuscatory way to define and describe data formats. Hell, the only
+reason why you got it wrong was because *so many other people got it
+wrong early on that the spec was modified to accommodate their errors*.
+And PKCS#1 is a much *simpler* use-case of ASN.1 compared to the rest of
+the CMS/TLS/PKCS suite...
+In contrast, PyCrypto *needs* to be kept simple, because we simply don't
+have the developer resources to create a secure CMS/TLS/PKCS
+implementation. Even if we had the resources, getting it right is
+tricky enough that we *shouldn't* try to make yet another
+implementation---especially not one that's Python-specific. It would be
+better to pool our limited resources with other FOSS crypto developers
+to improve the existing implementations, or maybe to try to recruit them
+to work on a new project that would become the successor to the existing
+implementations. One more insecure, resource-starved FOSS CMS/TLS/PKCS
+implementation is not good for users.
+OpenSSL exists today, and there are several ways to use it from Python.
+The purpose of PyCrypto is not to reimplement everything that OpenSSL
+already does. What would be gained by doing that? If we just wanted to
+make a nicer, more Pythonic API for OpenSSL, we could just add OpenSSL
+as a dependency and be done with it. (Python itself already uses
+OpenSSL for hashlib, so it's not unprecedented.)
+PyCrypto is used by a lot of folks who are either implementing
+recently-created protocols (i.e. *not* CMS/TLS/PKCS), or who
+are---rightly or wrongly---creating new protocols. One of my goals with
+PyCrypto has been to improve their chances of building something secure,
+and to me that means that I should steer people to simpler,
+easy-to-implement building blocks like OpenPGP and SSH, not complex,
+error-prone things like ASN.1/CMS/TLS/X.509/PKCS#12.
+I want to avoid turning PyCrypto into something that treats CMS/TLS/PKCS
+as the gold standard and everything else as a second-class citizen.
+There have already been a few cases of that (for example, the &quot;oid&quot;
+attribute here, and the &quot;pkcs&quot; parameter to RSA.exportKey), and I see
+those things as oversights that need to be fixed, not things that I want
+to entrench further.
+I see that you've been building a PKCS#8 implementation in your fork of
+the PyCrypto repo. I can only assume that you eventually plan to build
+a PKCS#7/CMS implementation, too. That's fine, but seeing things like
+`algos = { 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC' :
+_PBES2_Factory(_PBKDF2_Factory(), _DES_EDE3_CBC_Factory()) }` convinces
+me that it's beyond the scope of what I want to include in PyCrypto,
+unless it were in a well-isolated subdirectory that could be easily
+split into a separate package if the maintenance became too burdensome
+for me. At a minimum, we'd need to agree that the string &quot;X.509&quot;
+doesn't belong in the module that implements the raw RSA primitive.
+You've done a lot of good work and I appreciate your contributions, but
+IMHO you're embedding the PKCS stuff too deeply into the core of
+PyCrypto when I'd prefer to see it in separate subdirectory, or even a
+separate library. This is partly my fault: I was a bit too anxious to
+merge the PKCS#1 stuff after being absent for a while, so I didn't pay
+close enough attention to the API changes (even though the API is really
+what differentiates PyCrypto from other libraries). In the future, I'm
+going to try to be more picky upfront about the API, to avoid
+backpedaling like I'm doing right now with the .oid stuff.
+As I see it, the PKCS1 stuff probably should have been consolidated into
+something like Crypto.Protocol.PKCS1. Going forward, the PKCS8 stuff
+should probably go into something like Crypto.Protocol.PKCS8, and a
+future OpenPGP package could go into Crypto.Protocol.OpenPGP.
+RSA.importKey and RSA.exportKey should probably be deprecated and moved
+into the PKCS1 and PKCS8 packages, respectively.
+The exact names of the subtrees are debatable, but the idea is create a
+clear separation between the primitives and the protocols that use them,
+rather than mixing them all together. This is particularly important
+for the hash modules, since those could eventually become thin wrappers
+around the standard hashlib library---I doubt that would ever happen if
+we insisted on attaching extraneous things like OIDs to them.
+Again, sorry for the long message, but I wanted to explain my thinking
+as clearly as possible. Let me know what you think.
+- Dwayne
+[1] <A HREF=""></A>
+Dwayne C. Litzenberger &lt;<A HREF="">dlitz at</A>&gt;
+ OpenPGP: 19E1 1FE8 B3CF F273 ED17 4A24 928C EC13 39C2 5CF7
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