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+ <H1>[pycrypto] Verifying Signatures on Data and Certifictes</H1>
+ <B>Kyle Cummings</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[pycrypto] Verifying Signatures on Data and Certifictes">kyle.cummings at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Sep 26 15:13:19 PDT 2013</I>
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+<PRE>I apologize before hand for the long e-mail, but I just wanted to be
+thorough in what I was doing.
+I am trying to use the PyCrypto library to achieve two similar things. The
+first use is to verify that a piece of data has been signed by the private
+key of a certain certificate. The other use is to verify a certificate
+chain (verify that certificate A has signed B, and then that B has signed
+The process is as follows:
+Client generates certificate / key-pairs A, B, C and D. A signs B, and B
+signs C and D. Then the certificates for A, signed B, signed C and signed D
+are pushed to a server. The server responds with a randomly generated bit
+of binary data for each certificate. The client uses each certificate /
+key-pair to sign the respective binary data, and then pushes the (base64
+encoded) signed responses back to the server. The server then takes the
+responses, decodes them and tries to verify the signatures on the
+Code / Attempts:
+My first attempt -
+#Function - verifying the signed challenges
+Astr = storedcertificates[&quot;acert&quot;]
+Achallenge = storedchallenges[&quot;achallenge&quot;]
+Signedchallenge = (read in from http post request)
+Acert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, Astr)
+ verify (Acert, Signedchallenge, Achallenge, &quot;sha256&quot;)
+except Exception e:
+ print &quot;failed to verify for reason:&quot;
+ print e
+#Repeat above for B, C and D
+With this code I got the following error response from the verify function:
+&quot;must be string without null bytes, not str&quot;.
+My second attempt -
+Having the above code fail, I then found and tried adapting the code
+here&lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;,
+but I first received that the function &quot;get_signature_algorithm()&quot; does not
+exists for X509 certificates, and then received the same error response
+back for the verify function if I commented out the signature algorithm and
+just manually provided the digest.
+#Function - verify the signed challenges modified example
+Acert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, storedcerts[&quot;root&quot;])
+challenge = (original binary challenge sent to client)
+algorithm = Acert.get_signature_algorithm()
+dersigin = asn1.DerObject()
+sig0 = dersigin.payload
+if sig0[0] != '\x00':
+print &quot;sig0 error&quot;
+print sig0
+ return False
+signature = sig0[1:]
+verify(Acert, signature, challenge, algorithm)
+ #verify(Acert, signature, challenge, &quot;sha256&quot;) #Alternate without the
+print &quot;verifcation failed&quot;
+ return False
+print &quot;THE VERIFICATION WORKED?!?!?!?!?!?!??!&quot;
+return True
+For the chain verification stuff, I followed the example code from the
+above link exactly, but received the same errors as the second example code
+(algorithm and string / str).
+What am I doing wrong / How am I using the library incorrectly?
+Kyle Cummings
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