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+ <H1>[pycrypto] RSA exportKey() changes set in stone for 2.7?</H1>
+ <B>Dwayne Litzenberger</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[pycrypto] RSA exportKey() changes set in stone for 2.7?">dlitz at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sun Oct 20 13:24:22 PDT 2013</I>
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+<PRE>On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:28:20PM -0700, Kurt Vogel wrote:
+&gt;<i>On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Dwayne Litzenberger
+</I>&gt;<i>&lt;<A HREF="">dlitz at</A>&gt;wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> The exportKey API should be considered experimental at this point.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> There are things about it that don't really make sense (e.g. the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> `pkcs=1` parameter, which doesn't make any sense if you want to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> expoer in OpenPGP format, for example). Realistically, it should
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> probably be removed from Crypto.PublicKey and placed into Crypto.IO,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> but I'm not sure of exactly when that will happen.
+&gt;<i>Thanks, that is what I was assuming. If we move import/export to
+</I>&gt;<i>Crypto.IO it will break backwards compatibility, no? Is that
+</I>&gt;<i>Is anyone working on this issue? If backwards compatibility is
+</I>&gt;<i>important I say keep what we have there now (2.6) and have a
+</I>&gt;<i>deprecation comment and/or stderr output?
+Yes, that's the idea. Even with a move to Crypto.IO, RSA.exportKey and
+RSA.importKey should continue to work during a deprecation period---but
+only to the extent that they work in PyCrypto 2.6.1. I make no promises
+about what's in the master branch of the git repo.
+&gt;<i>Also does Pycrypto have deprecation/error transition plan? To ease
+</I>&gt;<i>transition some packages first do a deprecation warning, second major
+</I>&gt;<i>release it becomes an error/exception, then third major release the
+</I>&gt;<i>code is completely removed. Would that work with pycrypto users?
+That's what I usually aim to do, but the very few people who work on
+PyCrypto are volunteers, so we can't make hard promises. Obviously,
+compatibility is important to us (or we wouldn't be supporting really
+old versions of Python), but I weigh it against other factors. For
+1. I only worry about backward compatibility between stable releases,
+and only for public interfaces. (If it starts with an underscore, expect
+it to change. Ditto if something has been introduced in an &quot;alpha&quot;
+release.) Absolutely no guarantees are made about any part of the git
+repo that hasn't been tagged as a 'final' release. I'm not *opposed* to
+a few people using the master branch in their own projects (the early
+feedback is helpful), but things will break and you'll need to be
+prepared to fix them.
+2. I'm willing to break backward compatibility to fix a regression that
+broke backward compatibility with a previous version. For example, v2.6
+silently changed the semantics of the Cipher .IV attribute. I'm willing
+to undo that in v2.7 (any maybe even v2.6.2) without a deprecation
+3. I'm willing to break applications that were already insecure anyway.
+(For example, making IVs mandatory for CBC/CFB/OFB modes in PyCrypto
+v2.6.) My view is that the security of end-users is more important than
+convenience of developers using PyCrypto, and it's better to break an
+insecure application than to let it continue to give users a false sense
+of security.
+3.a. If an interface is highly error-prone and has relatively few users,
+I might be willing to break existing applications in order to prevent
+new applications from being written than use the error-prone interface,
+especially if there's a trivial fix that will work with both the old and
+the new versions of PyCrypto.
+4. I'm willing to remove features that I don't think are used much
+(especially if they're broken). They can always be re-introduced if
+people complain (nobody has complained about any removed features, so
+5. I'm willing to remove legally problematic code.
+6. I'm more willing to break things in a &quot;fail-safe&quot; manner than a
+&quot;fail-open&quot; manner. (For example, I might consider changing
+PKCS1_PSS.verify() to raise an exception instead of returning False on a
+signature verification failure, but I would go from raising an exception
+to returning False.)
+In general, I think it's better for end-users if everyone collaborates
+on the same tree, so I try to make things easy for developers and
+distros. However, my priorities are the security of end-users and
+keeping the code complexity manageable. Every change can potentially
+break something for somebody, so I try to weigh the impact of each
+change on a case-by-case basis, taking everything into account.
+The more information I get about how PyCrypto is being used, the better
+my decisions can be.
+Dwayne C. Litzenberger &lt;<A HREF="">dlitz at</A>&gt;
+ OpenPGP: 19E1 1FE8 B3CF F273 ED17 4A24 928C EC13 39C2 5CF7
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