path: root/pipermail/pycrypto/attachments/20100504/d5ad8e25/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pipermail/pycrypto/attachments/20100504/d5ad8e25/')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pipermail/pycrypto/attachments/20100504/d5ad8e25/ b/pipermail/pycrypto/attachments/20100504/d5ad8e25/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1174d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipermail/pycrypto/attachments/20100504/d5ad8e25/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import cPickle as pickle
+import functools
+import pickletools
+import math
+import hashlib
+# NOTE: the python random module is *NOT* cryptographically strong!
+# It should be replaced with PyCrypto's Random module.
+# (RandomPool has its own set of problems. see for more info)
+import random
+# The raw functions in PyCrypto can be a bit cumbersome from time to time.
+# Therefore I wrote some helper functions to provide me with an API which suits
+# me better.
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES as _block_cipher
+from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA as _private_key
+get_block_size = lambda : _block_cipher.block_size
+get_encrypter = functools.partial(,
+ mode=_block_cipher.MODE_CBC,
+ IV="1234567890123456"[:get_block_size()])
+get_decrypter = get_encrypter
+def pad(s, block_size=None, pad_char="."):
+ if block_size is None:
+ block_size = get_block_size()
+ return s.ljust(block_size * int(math.ceil(len(s) / float(block_size))), pad_char)
+# again: this should be replaced by a cryptographically strong version
+def get_random_chars(n=1):
+ return "".join(chr(random.getrandbits(8)) for i in xrange(n))
+def get_new_block_key(key_size=None):
+ if key_size is None:
+ key_size = get_block_size()
+ return get_random_chars(key_size)
+def block_encrypt(message, key):
+ encrypter = get_encrypter(key)
+ message_pickle = pickle.dumps(message, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+ return encrypter.encrypt(pad(message_pickle))
+def block_decrypt(encrypted_message_pickle, key):
+ decrypter = get_decrypter(key)
+ message_pickle = decrypter.decrypt(encrypted_message_pickle)
+ return pickle.loads(message_pickle)
+def pubkey_encrypt(message, public_key):
+ block_key = get_new_block_key()
+ encrypted_message = block_encrypt(message, block_key)
+ encrypted_key = public_key.encrypt(block_key, "")
+ return (encrypted_key, encrypted_message)
+def pubkey_decrypt((encrypted_block_key, encrypted_message), private_key):
+ block_key = private_key.decrypt(encrypted_block_key)
+ return block_decrypt(encrypted_message, block_key)
+def hash_(message):
+ msg_pickle = pickle.dumps(message, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+ # strangly the normal pickle doesn't seem to be unambiguous which
+ # in turn causes verification to fail. As a work-around optimizing
+ # the pickle seems to remove ambiguities.
+ msg_pickle = pickletools.optimize(msg_pickle)
+ msg_hash = hashlib.sha1()
+ msg_hash.update(msg_pickle)
+ return msg_hash.hexdigest()
+def sign(msg, private_key):
+ return private_key.sign(hash_(msg), "")
+def verify(msg, public_key, signature):
+ if not public_key.verify(hash_(msg), signature):
+ raise RuntimeError("message verification failed!")
+ else:
+ return True
+# a small demonstration
+aliceKey = _private_key.generate(1024, get_random_chars)
+bobKey = _private_key.generate(1024, get_random_chars)
+# alice gives her public key to bob and bob gives his public key to alice
+bobPubKey = bobKey.publickey()
+alicePubKey = aliceKey.publickey()
+# alice wants to share a secret with bob
+secret = "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!!"
+# she encrypts it with bobs public key that she received earlier
+encryptedSecret = pubkey_encrypt(secret, bobPubKey)
+# she signs the messages hash with her own private key
+signature = sign(secret, aliceKey)
+# then she sends both over to bob
+# ...
+# ...
+# once bob received the stuff he can try decrypting it with his own private key
+decryptedSecret = pubkey_decrypt(encryptedSecret, bobKey)
+# then he can choose to verify that the message was written by alice by verifying the signature with alice's public key
+verify(decryptedSecret, alicePubKey, signature)
+print decryptedSecret
+# Note that we did not verify that the message was *sent* to bob by alice
+# only that it was *written* by alice, and sent to bob by someone who knows
+# bob's public key (which is more or less everybody).