# Project-specific configuration for CruiseControl.rb Project.configure do |project| # Send email notifications about broken and fixed builds to email1@your.site, email2@your.site (default: send to nobody) # project.email_notifier.emails = ['email1@your.site', 'email2@your.site'] # Set email 'from' field to john@doe.com: # project.email_notifier.from = 'john@doe.com' # Build the project by invoking rake task 'custom' # project.rake_task = 'custom' # Build the project by invoking shell script "build_my_app.sh". Keep in mind that when the script is invoked, # current working directory is [cruise data]/projects/your_project/work, so if you do not keep build_my_app.sh # in version control, it should be '../build_my_app.sh' instead python = case project.name when /-py2(\d)$/ "python2.#{$1}" else "python" end project.build_command = "#{python} setup.py build test" # Ping Subversion for new revisions every 5 minutes (default: 30 seconds) # project.scheduler.polling_interval = 5.minutes # Force the project always build once every day and always build whether there are source control changes or not # project.scheduler.polling_interval = 1.day # project.scheduler.always_build = true # Force the project to check for source control changes every given time interval, but NOT build if there are no changes # project.triggered_by ScheduledBuildTrigger.new(project, :build_interval => 5.minutes, :start_time => 2.minutes.from_now) end