Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Release 2.3.0 (#608)2.3.0Anthony Sottile2021-03-142-1/+13
* Fix: Named types incorrectly raising UndefinedName inside annotated subscript...Léni2021-03-142-12/+104
* Fix annotation clobbering __all__ (#606)Anthony Sottile2021-01-052-1/+17
* deterministic ordering for errors in __all__ (#604)Anthony Sottile2021-01-041-1/+4
* Fix quoted type annotations in typing.TypeVar contexts (#534)Ran Benita2021-01-042-0/+28
* Test PyPy2/3 on GHA (#598)Hugo van Kemenade2020-12-071-3/+0
* Test on GitHub Actions (#596)Hugo van Kemenade2020-12-034-45/+41
* Recognize __qualname__ when used in class scope (#588)Pilou2020-10-122-1/+22
* simplify typing.Literal check (#587)Anthony Sottile2020-10-031-6/+2
* Fix tests with Python 3.9, closes #549 (#586)Louis Sautier2020-10-022-8/+7
* Fix test_invalidEscape with recent PyPy3 versions, closes #584 (#585)Louis Sautier2020-10-024-27/+23
* fix: don't return syntax error for Annotated's metadata (#580)Sebastian Kreft2020-09-282-9/+71
* Fix undefined name in annotations (#535)Sebastian Rittau2020-09-282-13/+84
* Extend F822 to support tuple concatenation (#544)jack11422020-09-272-5/+14
* update pypy download urls (#581)Anthony Sottile2020-09-271-2/+2
* List Python 3.8 support (#541)Brett Cannon2020-05-114-2/+5
* Add tests demonstrating common use of TYPE_CHECKING guards (#531)Anthony Sottile2020-04-271-0/+44
* Fix test for nightly Python (3.9) (#532)Petter Strandmark2020-04-262-0/+7
* Release Sottile2020-04-092-1/+28
* Fix pyflakes for removal of ast.Param (#523)Anthony Sottile2020-03-181-3/+5
* Be more cautious when identifying typing Literal (#517)Anthony Sottile2020-03-172-1/+22
* Fix quoted type annotations in unusual contexts (#516)Peter Law2020-03-172-13/+102
* Deprecate optparse in favor of argparse (#499)sim-d2020-03-171-3/+7
* Add a check for if statement conditions which are non-empty tuples (#512)Peter Law2020-03-173-2/+39
* Clarify message docstring (#522)Peter Law2020-03-141-1/+1
* Fix bug in async function scope checking (#511)Peter Law2020-03-132-2/+8
* Warn about is comparison to tuple (#484)Anthony Sottile2020-02-173-7/+74
* Fix false positive with partially quoted annotations (#479)Anthony Sottile2020-02-142-19/+144
* Make pyflakes more resistant to syntax additions (#490)Anthony Sottile2020-02-072-1/+20
* Fix annotation of posonlyarg (#508)Anthony Sottile2020-01-172-0/+12
* Allow continue inside finally in 3.8+ (#476)Batuhan Taşkaya2019-11-032-1/+4
* fix test name typo (#478)Florian Dahlitz2019-10-051-1/+1
* Allow @overload on async functions as well (#472)Anthony Sottile2019-09-302-1/+21
* Support typing_extensions.overload in addition to typing.overload (#466)Michael J. Sullivan2019-09-282-1/+20
* Adjust tests for different SyntaxError offsets for pypy7.1.1 (#468)Anthony Sottile2019-09-284-36/+49
* Remove unnecessary `else` (#439)Steven Myint2019-08-121-2/+2
* Add support for PEP 572 assignment expressions (#457)Anthony Sottile2019-08-122-1/+10
* In PEP 484 type comments, allow text after "# type: ignore" (#455)Michael J. Sullivan2019-08-123-5/+28
* Fix RST markup of bullet point list (#459)Peter Cock2019-08-071-0/+1
* Shebang detection improvements (#438)Ville Skyttä2019-08-042-4/+29
* String formatting linting (#443)Anthony Sottile2019-07-303-3/+593
* Use absolute link to change log for PyPI's benefit (#451)Steven Myint2019-07-161-1/+1
* Namespace pyflakes's node monkeypatches (#444)Anthony Sottile2019-07-161-18/+27
* Merge tag '2.1.1'Phil Frost2019-07-132-1/+5
| * Release Frost2019-02-282-1/+5
* | Fix NoneType has no attribute parent when handling doctests (#452)Marius Gedminas2019-07-092-1/+12
* | Fix return annotation is class level variable caused undefined (#448)秋葉2019-07-022-1/+21
* | Add another test for #422 (#433)Markus Unterwaditzer2019-05-041-14/+6
* | Improve @overload detection (#435)Anthony Sottile2019-03-012-8/+52
* | Include column numbers with all error messages (#426)Aaron Meurer2019-02-091-2/+2