""" Tests for behaviour related to type annotations. """ from sys import version_info from pyflakes import messages as m from pyflakes.test.harness import TestCase, skipIf class TestTypeAnnotations(TestCase): def test_typingOverload(self): """Allow intentional redefinitions via @typing.overload""" self.flakes(""" import typing from typing import overload @overload def f(s): # type: (None) -> None pass @overload def f(s): # type: (int) -> int pass def f(s): return s @typing.overload def g(s): # type: (None) -> None pass @typing.overload def g(s): # type: (int) -> int pass def g(s): return s """) def test_typingExtensionsOverload(self): """Allow intentional redefinitions via @typing_extensions.overload""" self.flakes(""" import typing_extensions from typing_extensions import overload @overload def f(s): # type: (None) -> None pass @overload def f(s): # type: (int) -> int pass def f(s): return s @typing_extensions.overload def g(s): # type: (None) -> None pass @typing_extensions.overload def g(s): # type: (int) -> int pass def g(s): return s """) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 5), 'new in Python 3.5') def test_typingOverloadAsync(self): """Allow intentional redefinitions via @typing.overload (async)""" self.flakes(""" from typing import overload @overload async def f(s): # type: (None) -> None pass @overload async def f(s): # type: (int) -> int pass async def f(s): return s """) def test_overload_with_multiple_decorators(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import overload dec = lambda f: f @dec @overload def f(x): # type: (int) -> int pass @dec @overload def f(x): # type: (str) -> str pass @dec def f(x): return x """) def test_overload_in_class(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import overload class C: @overload def f(self, x): # type: (int) -> int pass @overload def f(self, x): # type: (str) -> str pass def f(self, x): return x """) def test_not_a_typing_overload(self): """regression test for @typing.overload detection bug in 2.1.0""" self.flakes(""" def foo(x): return x @foo def bar(): pass def bar(): pass """, m.RedefinedWhileUnused) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6') def test_variable_annotations(self): self.flakes(''' name: str age: int ''') self.flakes(''' name: str = 'Bob' age: int = 18 ''') self.flakes(''' class C: name: str age: int ''') self.flakes(''' class C: name: str = 'Bob' age: int = 18 ''') self.flakes(''' def f(): name: str age: int ''') self.flakes(''' def f(): name: str = 'Bob' age: int = 18 foo: not_a_real_type = None ''', m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable, m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' def f(): name: str print(name) ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' from typing import Any def f(): a: Any ''') self.flakes(''' foo: not_a_real_type ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' foo: not_a_real_type = None ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' class C: foo: not_a_real_type ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' class C: foo: not_a_real_type = None ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' def f(): class C: foo: not_a_real_type ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' def f(): class C: foo: not_a_real_type = None ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar bar: Bar ''') self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar bar: 'Bar' ''') self.flakes(''' import foo bar: foo.Bar ''') self.flakes(''' import foo bar: 'foo.Bar' ''') self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar def f(bar: Bar): pass ''') self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar def f(bar: 'Bar'): pass ''') self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar def f(bar) -> Bar: return bar ''') self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar def f(bar) -> 'Bar': return bar ''') self.flakes(''' bar: 'Bar' ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' bar: 'foo.Bar' ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar bar: str ''', m.UnusedImport) self.flakes(''' from foo import Bar def f(bar: str): pass ''', m.UnusedImport) self.flakes(''' def f(a: A) -> A: pass class A: pass ''', m.UndefinedName, m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' def f(a: 'A') -> 'A': return a class A: pass ''') self.flakes(''' a: A class A: pass ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' a: 'A' class A: pass ''') self.flakes(''' T: object def f(t: T): pass ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' T: object def g(t: 'T'): pass ''') self.flakes(''' a: 'A B' ''', m.ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError) self.flakes(''' a: 'A; B' ''', m.ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError) self.flakes(''' a: '1 + 2' ''') self.flakes(''' a: 'a: "A"' ''', m.ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6') def test_annotating_an_import(self): self.flakes(''' from a import b, c b: c print(b) ''') @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6') def test_unused_annotation(self): # Unused annotations are fine in module and class scope self.flakes(''' x: int class Cls: y: int ''') # TODO: this should print a UnusedVariable message self.flakes(''' def f(): x: int ''') # This should only print one UnusedVariable message self.flakes(''' def f(): x: int x = 3 ''', m.UnusedVariable) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 5), 'new in Python 3.5') def test_annotated_async_def(self): self.flakes(''' class c: pass async def func(c: c) -> None: pass ''') @skipIf(version_info < (3, 7), 'new in Python 3.7') def test_postponed_annotations(self): self.flakes(''' from __future__ import annotations def f(a: A) -> A: pass class A: b: B class B: pass ''') self.flakes(''' from __future__ import annotations def f(a: A) -> A: pass class A: b: Undefined class B: pass ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' from __future__ import annotations T: object def f(t: T): pass def g(t: 'T'): pass ''') @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6') def test_type_annotation_clobbers_all(self): self.flakes('''\ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List from y import z if not TYPE_CHECKING: __all__ = ("z",) else: __all__: List[str] ''') def test_typeCommentsMarkImportsAsUsed(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import A, B, C, D, E, F, G def f( a, # type: A ): # type: (...) -> B for b in a: # type: C with b as c: # type: D d = c.x # type: E return d def g(x): # type: (F) -> G return x.y """) def test_typeCommentsFullSignature(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import A, B, C, D def f(a, b): # type: (A, B[C]) -> D return a + b """) def test_typeCommentsStarArgs(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import A, B, C, D def f(a, *b, **c): # type: (A, *B, **C) -> D return a + b """) def test_typeCommentsFullSignatureWithDocstring(self): self.flakes(''' from mod import A, B, C, D def f(a, b): # type: (A, B[C]) -> D """do the thing!""" return a + b ''') def test_typeCommentsAdditionalComment(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import F x = 1 # type: F # noqa """) def test_typeCommentsNoWhitespaceAnnotation(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import F x = 1 #type:F """) def test_typeCommentsInvalidDoesNotMarkAsUsed(self): self.flakes(""" from mod import F # type: F """, m.UnusedImport) def test_typeCommentsSyntaxError(self): self.flakes(""" def f(x): # type: (F[) -> None pass """, m.CommentAnnotationSyntaxError) def test_typeCommentsSyntaxErrorCorrectLine(self): checker = self.flakes("""\ x = 1 # type: definitely not a PEP 484 comment """, m.CommentAnnotationSyntaxError) self.assertEqual(checker.messages[0].lineno, 2) def test_typeCommentsAssignedToPreviousNode(self): # This test demonstrates an issue in the implementation which # associates the type comment with a node above it, however the type # comment isn't valid according to mypy. If an improved approach # which can detect these "invalid" type comments is implemented, this # test should be removed / improved to assert that new check. self.flakes(""" from mod import F x = 1 # type: F """) def test_typeIgnore(self): self.flakes(""" a = 0 # type: ignore b = 0 # type: ignore[excuse] c = 0 # type: ignore=excuse d = 0 # type: ignore [excuse] e = 0 # type: ignore whatever """) def test_typeIgnoreBogus(self): self.flakes(""" x = 1 # type: ignored """, m.UndefinedName) def test_typeIgnoreBogusUnicode(self): error = (m.CommentAnnotationSyntaxError if version_info < (3,) else m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(""" x = 2 # type: ignore\xc3 """, error) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_return_annotation_is_class_scope_variable(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TypeVar class Test: Y = TypeVar('Y') def t(self, x: Y) -> Y: return x """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_return_annotation_is_function_body_variable(self): self.flakes(""" class Test: def t(self) -> Y: Y = 2 return Y """, m.UndefinedName) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 8), 'new in Python 3.8') def test_positional_only_argument_annotations(self): self.flakes(""" from x import C def f(c: C, /): ... """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_partially_quoted_type_annotation(self): self.flakes(""" from queue import Queue from typing import Optional def f() -> Optional['Queue[str]']: return None """) def test_partially_quoted_type_assignment(self): self.flakes(""" from queue import Queue from typing import Optional MaybeQueue = Optional['Queue[str]'] """) def test_nested_partially_quoted_type_assignment(self): self.flakes(""" from queue import Queue from typing import Callable Func = Callable[['Queue[str]'], None] """) def test_quoted_type_cast(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import cast, Optional maybe_int = cast('Optional[int]', 42) """) def test_type_cast_literal_str_to_str(self): # Checks that our handling of quoted type annotations in the first # argument to `cast` doesn't cause issues when (only) the _second_ # argument is a literal str which looks a bit like a type annotation. self.flakes(""" from typing import cast a_string = cast(str, 'Optional[int]') """) def test_quoted_type_cast_renamed_import(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import cast as tsac, Optional as Maybe maybe_int = tsac('Maybe[int]', 42) """) def test_quoted_TypeVar_constraints(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TypeVar, Optional T = TypeVar('T', 'str', 'Optional[int]', bytes) """) def test_quoted_TypeVar_bound(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TypeVar, Optional, List T = TypeVar('T', bound='Optional[int]') S = TypeVar('S', int, bound='List[int]') """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_literal_type_typing(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Literal def f(x: Literal['some string']) -> None: return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_literal_type_typing_extensions(self): self.flakes(""" from typing_extensions import Literal def f(x: Literal['some string']) -> None: return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_annotated_type_typing_missing_forward_type(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Annotated def f(x: Annotated['integer']) -> None: return None """, m.UndefinedName) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_annotated_type_typing_missing_forward_type_multiple_args(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Annotated def f(x: Annotated['integer', 1]) -> None: return None """, m.UndefinedName) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_annotated_type_typing_with_string_args(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Annotated def f(x: Annotated[int, '> 0']) -> None: return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_annotated_type_typing_with_string_args_in_union(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Annotated, Union def f(x: Union[Annotated['int', '>0'], 'integer']) -> None: return None """, m.UndefinedName) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_literal_type_some_other_module(self): """err on the side of false-negatives for types named Literal""" self.flakes(""" from my_module import compat from my_module.compat import Literal def f(x: compat.Literal['some string']) -> None: return None def g(x: Literal['some string']) -> None: return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_literal_union_type_typing(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import Literal def f(x: Literal['some string', 'foo bar']) -> None: return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3,), 'new in Python 3') def test_deferred_twice_annotation(self): self.flakes(""" from queue import Queue from typing import Optional def f() -> "Optional['Queue[str]']": return None """) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 7), 'new in Python 3.7') def test_partial_string_annotations_with_future_annotations(self): self.flakes(""" from __future__ import annotations from queue import Queue from typing import Optional def f() -> Optional['Queue[str]']: return None """) def test_idomiatic_typing_guards(self): # typing.TYPE_CHECKING: python3.5.3+ self.flakes(""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from t import T def f(): # type: () -> T pass """) # False: the old, more-compatible approach self.flakes(""" if False: from t import T def f(): # type: () -> T pass """) # some choose to assign a constant and do it that way self.flakes(""" MYPY = False if MYPY: from t import T def f(): # type: () -> T pass """) def test_typing_guard_for_protocol(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Protocol else: Protocol = object class C(Protocol): def f(): # type: () -> int pass """) def test_typednames_correct_forward_ref(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TypedDict, List, NamedTuple List[TypedDict("x", {})] List[TypedDict("x", x=int)] List[NamedTuple("a", a=int)] List[NamedTuple("a", [("a", int)])] """) self.flakes(""" from typing import TypedDict, List, NamedTuple, TypeVar List[TypedDict("x", {"x": "Y"})] List[TypedDict("x", x="Y")] List[NamedTuple("a", [("a", "Y")])] List[NamedTuple("a", a="Y")] List[TypedDict("x", {"x": List["a"]})] List[TypeVar("A", bound="C")] List[TypeVar("A", List["C"])] """, *[m.UndefinedName]*7) self.flakes(""" from typing import NamedTuple, TypeVar, cast from t import A, B, C, D, E NamedTuple("A", [("a", A["C"])]) TypeVar("A", bound=A["B"]) TypeVar("A", A["D"]) cast(A["E"], []) """) @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6') def test_namedtypes_classes(self): self.flakes(""" from typing import TypedDict, NamedTuple class X(TypedDict): y: TypedDict("z", {"zz":int}) class Y(NamedTuple): y: NamedTuple("v", [("vv", int)]) """)