tag name1.1.0 (8c6cd0f6116165f9de126f76994549e52577e73b)
tag date2016-03-01 10:31:13 -0500
tagged byPhil Frost <>
tagged objectcommit cddd729ec5...
Release 1.1.0
* main() can now accept arguments * the matrix-multiplication operator (@) is now supported * imports from __future__ are checked for validity * fixes to doctest scope testing * asserts against a tuple (which are always true) now emits a warning * "import *" not at the module level on python3 emits a warning * many kinds of SyntaxErrors not previously caught now are * PEP 498 f-strings are checked * and a few more sundry bugfixes I'd like to thank this release's contributors: * Aaron Meurer * Ian Cordasco * John Vandenberg * Nik Nyby * Steven Myint -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAABAgAGBQJW1bXEAAoJEAKUqQKmgwwH6OgH/RY/Lorr5t48r1ymClaaDDLU 8dD4Ep3kvIHaxwwRZRhjfJIouJjaZ9jzGOkP0fNQrLlhFvByR9ve9i00KYnuYnFa qjNN+O1/Bq2I3E/6seZ8JE9BfQAicylstAQoIPQo2GCvx2BHTeAgQ5F9TgCZCX81 H0aOXommN0Et32EFwWZmzJcML61vnT+U1WzcSo9p6+/VLkfNbLnLnshDmkPgGy/e foSltLl3Grc6CCa5AaF0CYhF+U/rvNM12dy3tAuYOeJaR6SOdXZ5hxWe6LBwi9u/ e1sXn9ClYE8NK2XmaGvjU0TR7RnfqmGWstphf2cIG2NOsWqVq1ahkyjMQsmQyMQ= =R+Ue -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----