# The MIT License # # Copyright 2013 Sony Mobile Communications. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Interface to the Gerrit REST API. """ import json import logging import requests GERRIT_MAGIC_JSON_PREFIX = ")]}\'\n" GERRIT_AUTH_SUFFIX = "/a" def _decode_response(response): """ Strip off Gerrit's magic prefix and decode a response. :returns: Decoded JSON content as a dict, or raw text if content could not be decoded as JSON. :raises: requests.HTTPError if the response contains an HTTP error status code. """ content = response.content logging.debug(content[:512]) response.raise_for_status() if content.startswith(GERRIT_MAGIC_JSON_PREFIX): content = content[len(GERRIT_MAGIC_JSON_PREFIX):] try: return json.loads(content) except ValueError: return content.strip() class GerritRestAPI(object): """ Interface to the Gerrit REST API. :arg str url: The full URL to the server, including the `http(s)://` prefix. If `auth` is given, `url` will be automatically adjusted to include Gerrit's authentication suffix. :arg auth: (optional) Authentication handler. Must be derived from `requests.auth.AuthBase`. :arg boolean verify: (optional) Set to False to disable verification of SSL certificates. """ def __init__(self, url, auth=None, verify=True): headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'} self.kwargs = {'auth': auth, 'verify': verify, 'headers': headers} self.url = url.rstrip('/') self.session = requests.session() if auth: if not isinstance(auth, requests.auth.AuthBase): raise ValueError('Invalid auth type; must be derived ' 'from requests.auth.AuthBase') if not self.url.endswith(GERRIT_AUTH_SUFFIX): self.url += GERRIT_AUTH_SUFFIX else: if self.url.endswith(GERRIT_AUTH_SUFFIX): self.url = self.url[: - len(GERRIT_AUTH_SUFFIX)] if not self.url.endswith('/'): self.url += '/' logging.debug("url %s", self.url) def make_url(self, endpoint): """ Make the full url for the endpoint. :arg str endpoint: The endpoint. :returns: The full url. """ endpoint = endpoint.lstrip('/') return self.url + endpoint def get(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Send HTTP GET to the endpoint. :arg str endpoint: The endpoint to send to. :returns: JSON decoded result. :raises: requests.RequestException on timeout or connection error. """ kwargs.update(self.kwargs.copy()) response = self.session.get(self.make_url(endpoint), **kwargs) return _decode_response(response) def put(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Send HTTP PUT to the endpoint. :arg str endpoint: The endpoint to send to. :returns: JSON decoded result. :raises: requests.RequestException on timeout or connection error. """ kwargs.update(self.kwargs.copy()) if "data" in kwargs: kwargs["headers"].update( {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}) response = self.session.put(self.make_url(endpoint), **kwargs) return _decode_response(response) def post(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Send HTTP POST to the endpoint. :arg str endpoint: The endpoint to send to. :returns: JSON decoded result. :raises: requests.RequestException on timeout or connection error. """ kwargs.update(self.kwargs.copy()) if "data" in kwargs: kwargs["headers"].update( {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}) response = self.session.post(self.make_url(endpoint), **kwargs) return _decode_response(response) def delete(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Send HTTP DELETE to the endpoint. :arg str endpoint: The endpoint to send to. :returns: JSON decoded result. :raises: requests.RequestException on timeout or connection error. """ kwargs.update(self.kwargs.copy()) response = self.session.delete(self.make_url(endpoint), **kwargs) return _decode_response(response) def review(self, change_id, revision, review): """ Submit a review. :arg str change_id: The change ID. :arg str revision: The revision. :arg str review: The review details as a :class:`GerritReview`. :returns: JSON decoded result. :raises: requests.RequestException on timeout or connection error. """ endpoint = "changes/%s/revisions/%s/review" % (change_id, revision) self.post(endpoint, data=str(review)) class GerritReview(object): """ Encapsulation of a Gerrit review. :arg str message: (optional) Cover message. :arg dict labels: (optional) Review labels. :arg dict comments: (optional) Inline comments. """ def __init__(self, message=None, labels=None, comments=None): self.message = message if message else "" if labels: if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise ValueError("labels must be a dict.") self.labels = labels else: self.labels = {} if comments: if not isinstance(comments, list): raise ValueError("comments must be a list.") self.comments = {} self.add_comments(comments) else: self.comments = {} def set_message(self, message): """ Set review cover message. :arg str message: Cover message. """ self.message = message def add_labels(self, labels): """ Add labels. :arg dict labels: Labels to add, for example Usage:: add_labels({'Verified': 1, 'Code-Review': -1}) """ self.labels.update(labels) def add_comments(self, comments): """ Add inline comments. :arg dict comments: Comments to add. Usage:: add_comments([{'filename': 'Makefile', 'line': 10, 'message': 'inline message'}]) """ for comment in comments: if 'filename' and 'line' and 'message' in comment.keys(): line_msg = {"line": comment['line'], "message": comment['message']} file_comment = {comment['filename']: [line_msg]} if self.comments: if comment['filename'] in self.comments.keys(): self.comments[comment['filename']].append(line_msg) else: self.comments.update(file_comment) else: self.comments.update(file_comment) def __str__(self): review_input = {} if self.message: review_input.update({'message': self.message}) if self.labels: review_input.update({'labels': self.labels}) if self.comments: review_input.update({'comments': self.comments}) return json.dumps(review_input)