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authorPhil Hagelberg <>2020-09-05 13:44:45 -0700
committerGeorg Brandl <>2020-09-07 07:57:03 +0200
commitaec2a60214d8a80696916d742d9498020d2c92ae (patch)
parentc4a3b82967dd9fc78018fae8a49162ec19c1ee65 (diff)
Remove old python-2-style strings.
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 1ecbf9d5..717b11ff 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -2636,27 +2636,27 @@ class FennelLexer(RegexLexer):
# this list is current as of Fennel version 0.6.0.
special_forms = (
- u'require-macros', u'eval-compiler', u'doc', u'lua', u'hashfn',
- u'macro', u'macros', u'import-macros', u'pick-args', u'pick-values',
- u'macroexpand', u'macrodebug', u'do', u'values', u'if', u'when',
- u'each', u'for', u'fn', u'lambda', u'λ', u'partial', u'while',
- u'set', u'global', u'var', u'local', u'let', u'tset', u'set-forcibly!',
- u'doto', u'match', u'or', u'and', u'true', u'false', u'nil', u'not',
- u'not=', u'.', u'+', u'..', u'^', u'-', u'*', u'%', u'/', u'>',
- u'<', u'>=', u'<=', u'=', u'...', u':', u'->', u'->>', u'-?>',
- u'-?>>', u'rshift', u'lshift', u'bor', u'band', u'bnot', u'bxor',
- u'with-open', u'length'
+ 'require-macros', 'eval-compiler', 'doc', 'lua', 'hashfn',
+ 'macro', 'macros', 'import-macros', 'pick-args', 'pick-values',
+ 'macroexpand', 'macrodebug', 'do', 'values', 'if', 'when',
+ 'each', 'for', 'fn', 'lambda', 'λ', 'partial', 'while',
+ 'set', 'global', 'var', 'local', 'let', 'tset', 'set-forcibly!',
+ 'doto', 'match', 'or', 'and', 'true', 'false', 'nil', 'not',
+ 'not=', '.', '+', '..', '^', '-', '*', '%', '/', '>',
+ '<', '>=', '<=', '=', '...', ':', '->', '->>', '-?>',
+ '-?>>', 'rshift', 'lshift', 'bor', 'band', 'bnot', 'bxor',
+ 'with-open', 'length'
# Might be nicer to use the list from but it's unclear how?
builtins = (
- u'_G', u'_VERSION', u'arg', u'assert', u'bit32', u'collectgarbage',
- u'coroutine', u'debug', u'dofile', u'error', u'getfenv',
- u'getmetatable', u'io', u'ipairs', u'load', u'loadfile', u'loadstring',
- u'math', u'next', u'os', u'package', u'pairs', u'pcall', u'print',
- u'rawequal', u'rawget', u'rawlen', u'rawset', u'require', u'select',
- u'setfenv', u'setmetatable', u'string', u'table', u'tonumber',
- u'tostring', u'type', u'unpack', u'xpcall'
+ '_G', '_VERSION', 'arg', 'assert', 'bit32', 'collectgarbage',
+ 'coroutine', 'debug', 'dofile', 'error', 'getfenv',
+ 'getmetatable', 'io', 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'loadstring',
+ 'math', 'next', 'os', 'package', 'pairs', 'pcall', 'print',
+ 'rawequal', 'rawget', 'rawlen', 'rawset', 'require', 'select',
+ 'setfenv', 'setmetatable', 'string', 'table', 'tonumber',
+ 'tostring', 'type', 'unpack', 'xpcall'
# based on the scheme definition, but disallowing leading digits and