%% Autogenerate a list of LilyPond keywords \version "2.23.6" #(use-modules (ice-9 receive) (ice-9 regex)) #(define port (open-output-file "../pygments/lexers/_lilypond_builtins.py")) #(define output-preamble "\"\"\" pygments.lexers._lilypond_builtins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LilyPond builtins. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. \"\"\" # Contents generated by the script lilypond-builtins-generator.ly # found in the external/ directory of the source tree. ") #(format port "~a" output-preamble) #(define (dump-py-list name vals) (let* ((string-vals (map symbol->string vals)) (fixed-vals (filter-map (lambda (str) ; To avoid conflicts with Scheme builtins, ; a leading backslash is prepended to \<, ; \= and a few others. The lexer finds it ; itself, so remove it here. (cond ((equal? str "\\\\") #f) ((string-startswith str "\\") (string-drop str 1)) (else str))) string-vals)) (sorted-vals ; reproducibility ; Avoid duplicates (e.g., identical pitches ; in different languages) (uniq-list (sort fixed-vals stringsymbol (map car supported-clefs))) #(dump-py-list 'clefs all-clefs) %% SCALES #(define all-scales '(major minor ionian locrian aeolian mixolydian lydian phrygian dorian)) #(dump-py-list 'scales all-scales) %% REPEAT TYPES #(define all-repeat-types '(volta percent tremolo unfold segno)) #(dump-py-list 'repeat_types all-repeat-types) %% UNITS #(define all-units '(mm cm in pt staff-space)) #(dump-py-list 'units all-units) %% CHORD MODIFIERS #(define all-chord-modifiers '(m dim aug maj)) #(dump-py-list 'chord_modifiers all-chord-modifiers) %% PITCHES #(define all-pitch-language-names (map car language-pitch-names)) #(dump-py-list 'pitch_language_names all-pitch-language-names) #(define all-pitch-names (append ; We highlight rests just like pitches. '(r R) (map car (append-map cdr language-pitch-names)) ; Drum note names. (map car drumPitchNames))) #(dump-py-list 'pitches all-pitch-names) %% MUSIC FUNCTIONS AND SHORTCUTS % View these as music functions. #(define extra-music-functions '(set unset override revert tweak once undo temporary repeat alternative tempo change)) #(let* ((module (current-module)) (module-alist (ly:module->alist module)) (all-music-functions (filter (lambda (entry) (ly:music-function? (cdr entry))) module-alist)) (all-predefined-music-objects (filter (lambda (entry) (ly:music? (cdr entry))) module-alist))) (receive (articulations non-articulations) (partition (lambda (entry) (ly:event? (cdr entry))) all-predefined-music-objects) (receive (dynamics non-dynamic-articulations) (partition (lambda (entry) (any (lambda (type) (music-is-of-type? (cdr entry) type)) '(dynamic-event crescendo-event decrescendo-event))) articulations) (dump-py-list 'music_functions (append extra-music-functions (map car all-music-functions))) (dump-py-list 'dynamics (map car dynamics)) (dump-py-list 'articulations (map car non-dynamic-articulations)) (dump-py-list 'music_commands (map car non-articulations))))) %% MARKUP COMMANDS #(let* ((markup-name-regexp (make-regexp "(.*)-markup(-list)?")) (modules (cons (current-module) (map resolve-module '((lily) (lily accreg))))) (alist (apply append (map ly:module->alist modules))) (markup-commands (filter (lambda (entry) (or (markup-function? (cdr entry)) (markup-list-function? (cdr entry)))) alist)) (markup-command-names (map (lambda (entry) (let* ((string-name (symbol->string (car entry))) (match (regexp-exec markup-name-regexp string-name))) (string->symbol (match:substring match 1)))) markup-commands)) (markup-words (append '(markup markuplist) markup-command-names))) (dump-py-list 'markup_commands markup-words)) %% GROBS #(let ((grob-names (map car all-grob-descriptions))) (dump-py-list 'grobs grob-names)) %% CONTEXTS #(let* ((layout-module (ly:output-def-scope $defaultlayout)) (layout-alist (ly:module->alist layout-module)) (all-context-defs (filter (lambda (entry) (ly:context-def? (cdr entry))) layout-alist)) (context-def-names (map car all-context-defs)) ;; Timing is added dynamically (context-def-names (cons 'Timing context-def-names))) (dump-py-list 'contexts context-def-names)) %% TRANSLATORS #(let* ((all-translators (ly:get-all-translators)) (translator-names (map ly:translator-name all-translators))) (dump-py-list 'translators translator-names)) %% SCHEME FUNCTIONS #(let* ((module (resolve-module '(lily))) (module-alist (ly:module->alist module)) (all-functions (filter (lambda (entry) (or (procedure? (cdr entry)) (macro? (cdr entry)))) module-alist)) (all-function-names (map car all-functions))) (dump-py-list 'scheme_functions all-function-names)) %% PROPERTIES #(dump-py-list 'context_properties all-translation-properties) #(dump-py-list 'grob_properties all-backend-properties) %% PAPER VARIABLES % Reference: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/page-layout #(define all-paper-variables '(paper-height top-margin bottom-margin ragged-bottom ragged-last-bottom markup-system-spacing score-markup-spacing score-system-spacing system-system-spacing markup-markup-spacing last-bottom-spacing top-system-spacing top-markup-spacing paper-width line-width left-margin right-margin check-consistency ragged-right ragged-last two-sided inner-margin outer-margin binding-offset horizontal-shift indent short-indent max-systems-per-page min-systems-per-page systems-per-page system-count page-breaking page-breaking-system-system-spacing page-count blank-page-penalty blank-last-page-penalty auto-first-page-number first-page-number print-first-page-number page-number-type page-spacing-weight print-all-headers system-separator-markup footnote-separator-markup ;; Let's view these four as \paper variables. basic-distance minimum-distance padding stretchability ;; These were forgotten in the documentation. evenHeaderMarkup oddHeaderMarkup evenFooterMarkup oddFooterMarkup bookTitleMarkup scoreTitleMarkup )) #(dump-py-list 'paper_variables all-paper-variables) %% HEADER VARIABLES % Reference: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/creating-titles-headers-and-footers.html#default-layout-of-bookpart-and-score-titles #(define all-header-variables '(dedication title subtitle subsubtitle instrument poet composer meter arranger tagline copyright piece opus ; The following are used in LSR snippets and regression tests. lsrtags doctitle texidoc)) #(dump-py-list 'header_variables all-header-variables) #(close-port port)