regression=# select foo; ERROR: column "foo" does not exist CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "test1" while casting return value to function's return type LINE 1: select foo; ^ regression=# \q peter@localhost testdb=> \a \t \x Output format is aligned. Tuples only is off. Expanded display is on. regression=# select '\x'; WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal LINE 1: select '\x'; ^ HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'. ?column? ---------- x (1 row) regression=# select E'\x'; piro=> \set foo 30; piro=> select * from test where foo <= :foo; foo | bar -----+----- 10 | 20 | (2 rows) testdb=> \set foo 'my_table' testdb=> SELECT * FROM :"foo"; testdb=> \set content `cat my_file.txt` testdb=> INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (:'content'); regression=# select ( regression(# 1); ?column? ---------- 1 (1 row) piro=> select ( piro(> ' piro'> ' || $$ piro$> $$) piro-> from " piro"> foo"; ERROR: relation " foo" does not exist LINE 5: from " ^ testdb=> CREATE TABLE my_table ( first integer not null default 0, second text) ; -- end of command CREATE TABLE -- Table output =# SELECT '0x10'::mpz AS "hex", '10'::mpz AS "dec", -# '010'::mpz AS oct, '0b10'::mpz AS bin; hex | dec | oct | bin -----+-----+-----+----- 16 | 10 | 8 | 2 (1 row) -- One field output regression=# select schemaname from pg_tables limit 3; schemaname ------------ pg_catalog pg_catalog pg_catalog (3 rows) -- TODO: prompt in multiline comments still not handled correctly test=> select 1 /* multiline test*> and 2 /* and 3 */ test*> end comment */, 2; ?column? | ?column? ----------+---------- 1 | 2 =# select 10.0, 1e-6, 1E+6; ?column? | ?column? | ?column? ----------+----------+---------- 10.0 | 0.000001 | 1000000 (1 row) regression=# begin; BEGIN regression=# create table asdf (foo serial primary key); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "asdf_foo_seq" for serial column "" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "asdf_pkey" for table "asdf" CREATE TABLE regression=# insert into asdf values (10) returning foo; foo ----- 10 (1 row) INSERT 0 1 regression=# ROLLBACK ; ROLLBACK => EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tenk1 -> WHERE unique1 < 100; -- Don't take -> in the plan as a prompt QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 (cost=2.37..232.35 rows=106 width=244) Recheck Cond: (unique1 < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_unique1 (cost=0.00..2.37 rows=106 width=0) Index Cond: (unique1 < 100) -- don't swallow the end of a malformed line test=> select 1, 'this line must be emitted'