path: root/AUTHORS
diff options
authorTim Hatch <>2015-10-31 17:29:44 -0700
committerTim Hatch <>2015-10-31 17:29:44 -0700
commitf3294afcecf908a7db34ff3dac14caf7cdcbd874 (patch)
tree024541bae80fdf11b3f3fc12c9b226094caf043d /AUTHORS
parent07806868236f553d98e7428f9dad55b93d4d3e31 (diff)
parent74215644905af4f8a59751869876df3bf5e8f984 (diff)
Merged in ProgVal/pygments-main/c-function-keywords (pull request #487)
Diffstat (limited to 'AUTHORS')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 4ce9dde7..d8d58e8a 100644
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Sam Aaron -- Ioke lexer
* Ali Afshar -- image formatter
-* Thomas Aglassinger -- Rexx lexer
+* Thomas Aglassinger -- Easytrieve, JCL and Rexx lexers
+* Muthiah Annamalai -- Ezhil lexer
* Kumar Appaiah -- Debian control lexer
* Andreas Amann -- AppleScript lexer
* Timothy Armstrong -- Dart lexer fixes
* Jeffrey Arnold -- R/S, Rd, BUGS, Jags, and Stan lexers
* Jeremy Ashkenas -- CoffeeScript lexer
+* José Joaquín Atria -- Praat lexer
* Stefan Matthias Aust -- Smalltalk lexer
* Lucas Bajolet -- Nit lexer
* Ben Bangert -- Mako lexers
@@ -21,25 +23,35 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Tim Baumann -- (Literate) Agda lexer
* Paul Baumgart, 280 North, Inc. -- Objective-J lexer
* Michael Bayer -- Myghty lexers
+* Thomas Beale -- Archetype lexers
* John Benediktsson -- Factor lexer
+* Trevor Bergeron -- mIRC formatter
+* Vincent Bernat -- LessCSS lexer
* Christopher Bertels -- Fancy lexer
+* Sébastien Bigaret -- QVT Operational lexer
* Jarrett Billingsley -- MiniD lexer
* Adam Blinkinsop -- Haskell, Redcode lexers
* Frits van Bommel -- assembler lexers
* Pierre Bourdon -- bugfixes
+* chebee7i -- Python traceback lexer improvements
* Hiram Chirino -- Scaml and Jade lexers
* Ian Cooper -- VGL lexer
* David Corbett -- Inform, Jasmin, and TADS 3 lexers
* Leaf Corcoran -- MoonScript lexer
* Christopher Creutzig -- MuPAD lexer
-* Daniël W. Crompton - Pike lexer
+* Daniël W. Crompton -- Pike lexer
* Pete Curry -- bugfixes
* Bryan Davis -- EBNF lexer
+* Bruno Deferrari -- Shen lexer
+* Giedrius Dubinskas -- HTML formatter improvements
* Owen Durni -- Haxe lexer
* Alexander Dutton, Oxford University Computing Services -- SPARQL lexer
+* James Edwards -- Terraform lexer
* Nick Efford -- Python 3 lexer
* Sven Efftinge -- Xtend lexer
* Artem Egorkine -- terminal256 formatter
+* Matthew Fernandez -- CAmkES lexer
+* Michael Ficarra -- CPSA lexer
* James H. Fisher -- PostScript lexer
* William S. Fulton -- SWIG lexer
* Carlos Galdino -- Elixir and Elixir Console lexers
@@ -54,28 +66,33 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Krzysiek Goj -- Scala lexer
* Matt Good -- Genshi, Cheetah lexers
* Michał Górny -- vim modeline support
+* Alex Gosse -- TrafficScript lexer
* Patrick Gotthardt -- PHP namespaces support
* Olivier Guibe -- Asymptote lexer
* Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso -- Octave lexer
+* Florian Hahn -- Boogie lexer
* Martin Harriman -- SNOBOL lexer
* Matthew Harrison -- SVG formatter
* Steven Hazel -- Tcl lexer
+* Dan Michael Heggø -- Turtle lexer
* Aslak Hellesøy -- Gherkin lexer
* Greg Hendershott -- Racket lexer
+* Justin Hendrick -- ParaSail lexer
* David Hess, Fish Software, Inc. -- Objective-J lexer
* Varun Hiremath -- Debian control lexer
* Rob Hoelz -- Perl 6 lexer
* Doug Hogan -- Mscgen lexer
* Ben Hollis -- Mason lexer
* Max Horn -- GAP lexer
-* Dustin Howett -- Logos lexer
* Alastair Houghton -- Lexer inheritance facility
* Tim Howard -- BlitzMax lexer
+* Dustin Howett -- Logos lexer
* Ivan Inozemtsev -- Fantom lexer
+* Hiroaki Itoh -- Shell console rewrite
* Brian R. Jackson -- Tea lexer
* Christian Jann -- ShellSession lexer
* Dennis Kaarsemaker -- sources.list lexer
-* Dmitri Kabak - Inferno Limbo lexer
+* Dmitri Kabak -- Inferno Limbo lexer
* Igor Kalnitsky -- vhdl lexer
* Alexander Kit -- MaskJS lexer
* Pekka Klärck -- Robot Framework lexer
@@ -92,11 +109,13 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Gerd Kurzbach -- Modelica lexer
* Jon Larimer, Google Inc. -- Smali lexer
* Olov Lassus -- Dart lexer
+* Matt Layman -- TAP lexer
* Sylvestre Ledru -- Scilab lexer
* Mark Lee -- Vala lexer
* Valentin Lorentz -- C++ lexer improvements
* Ben Mabey -- Gherkin lexer
* Angus MacArthur -- QML lexer
+* Louis Mandel -- X10 lexer
* Louis Marchand -- Eiffel lexer
* Simone Margaritelli -- Hybris lexer
* Kirk McDonald -- D lexer
@@ -114,6 +133,7 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Jon Morton -- Rust lexer
* Paulo Moura -- Logtalk lexer
* Mher Movsisyan -- DTD lexer
+* Dejan Muhamedagic -- Crmsh lexer
* Ana Nelson -- Ragel, ANTLR, R console lexers
* Nam T. Nguyen -- Monokai style
* Jesper Noehr -- HTML formatter "anchorlinenos"
@@ -122,12 +142,13 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Edward O'Callaghan -- Cryptol lexer
* David Oliva -- Rebol lexer
* Pat Pannuto -- nesC lexer
-* Jon Parise -- Protocol buffers lexer
-* Ronny Pfannschmidt -- BBCode lexer
+* Jon Parise -- Protocol buffers and Thrift lexers
* Benjamin Peterson -- Test suite refactoring
+* Ronny Pfannschmidt -- BBCode lexer
* Dominik Picheta -- Nimrod lexer
* Andrew Pinkham -- RTF Formatter Refactoring
* Clément Prévost -- UrbiScript lexer
+* Elias Rabel -- Fortran fixed form lexer
* raichoo -- Idris lexer
* Kashif Rasul -- CUDA lexer
* Justin Reidy -- MXML lexer
@@ -137,7 +158,7 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Andre Roberge -- Tango style
* Konrad Rudolph -- LaTeX formatter enhancements
* Mario Ruggier -- Evoque lexers
-* Miikka Salminen -- Lovelace style, lexer enhancements
+* Miikka Salminen -- Lovelace style, Hexdump lexer, lexer enhancements
* Stou Sandalski -- NumPy, FORTRAN, tcsh and XSLT lexers
* Matteo Sasso -- Common Lisp lexer
* Joe Schafer -- Ada lexer
@@ -152,6 +173,8 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Jerome St-Louis -- eC lexer
* James Strachan -- Kotlin lexer
* Tom Stuart -- Treetop lexer
+* Colin Sullivan -- SuperCollider lexer
+* Edoardo Tenani -- Arduino lexer
* Tiberius Teng -- default style overhaul
* Jeremy Thurgood -- Erlang, Squid config lexers
* Brian Tiffin -- OpenCOBOL lexer
@@ -162,16 +185,18 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Daniele Varrazzo -- PostgreSQL lexers
* Abe Voelker -- OpenEdge ABL lexer
* Pepijn de Vos -- HTML formatter CTags support
-* Whitney Young -- ObjectiveC lexer
* Matthias Vallentin -- Bro lexer
* Linh Vu Hong -- RSL lexer
* Nathan Weizenbaum -- Haml and Sass lexers
+* Nathan Whetsell -- CSound lexers
* Dietmar Winkler -- Modelica lexer
* Nils Winter -- Smalltalk lexer
* Davy Wybiral -- Clojure lexer
+* Whitney Young -- ObjectiveC lexer
* Diego Zamboni -- CFengine3 lexer
* Enrique Zamudio -- Ceylon lexer
* Alex Zimin -- Nemerle lexer
* Rob Zimmerman -- Kal lexer
+* Vincent Zurczak -- Roboconf lexer
Many thanks for all contributions!