path: root/tests/examplefiles/example.icon
diff options
authorMatth?us G. Chajdas <>2019-04-01 16:35:56 +0200
committerMatth?us G. Chajdas <>2019-04-01 16:35:56 +0200
commit366a92c61b78e59526e4ec3ca42d276fd90010c5 (patch)
tree1971103b22fd7e322c42f3e96020d5ec64bd0f9c /tests/examplefiles/example.icon
parent9585006f1d3d777e1a264a6b761070f52946af68 (diff)
parent2b6127732b2c638303e4f6e06fef4b3dcad05aea (diff)
Merged in bwtiffin/pygments-unicon (pull request #731)
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/example.icon')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.icon b/tests/examplefiles/example.icon
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29bc548b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.icon
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# File: kaleid.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce kaleidoscope
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Lots of options, most easily set by with the interface after
+# startup. The only one that isn't set that way is -wn where 'n' is
+# the size of the kaleidoscope window (default is 600 square).
+# Terminology (and options):
+# Window_size (-wN): How big of a display window to use.
+# At the current time, this can only be set via a
+# command line argument.
+# Density (-dN): How many circles per octant to keep on display
+# at any one time. There is NO LIMIT to the density.
+# Duration (-lN): How long to keep drawing circles (measured in
+# in circles) once the density is reached. There is NO LIMIT
+# to the duration.
+# MaxRadius (-MN): Maximum radius of any circle.
+# MinRadius (-mN): Preferred minimum radius. Circles with centers
+# near the edge have their radii forced down to fit entirely
+# on the display
+# MaxOffset (-XN): Maximum offset from center of display (may wrap).
+# MinOffset (-xN): Minimum offset
+# Skew (-sN): Shift probability of placing a circle at a 'typical'
+# offset.
+# Fill (-F): Turns off filling the circles.
+# Clear (-C): After the duration, reduces density back to 0 before
+# quitting.
+# Random Seed: (-rN): Sets the random number seed.
+# Thanks to Jon Lipp for help on using vidgets, and to Mary Camaron
+# for her Interface Builder.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vidgets, vslider, vtext, vbuttons, vradio, wopen, xcompat
+link vidgets
+link vslider
+link vtext
+link vbuttons
+link vradio
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global Clear, fill, duration, density, maxoff, minoff
+global maxradius, minradius, r_seed, skew, win_size, mid_win
+global root, check1, mainwin, use_dialog
+global draw_circle
+global du_v, de_v, rs_v, sk_v
+procedure main (args)
+ draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ init_globs()
+ process_args(args)
+ if \use_dialog then { # have vidgets, so use them for args.
+ mainwin := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope", "width=404", "height=313",
+ "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad mainwin")
+ root := ui (mainwin)
+ GetEvents (root, quit)
+ }
+ else { # just rely on command line arguments
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ }
+procedure init_globs()
+ duration := 500 # set default characteristics
+ density := 30
+ win_size := 600
+ minoff := 1
+ maxradius := 150
+ minradius := 1
+ skew := 1
+ fill := "On"
+ draw_circle := FillCircle
+ Clear := "Off"
+ r_seed := map("HhMmYy", "Hh:Mm:Yy", &clock)
+ # See if the Vidget library is available or not
+ if \VSet then use_dialog := "yes"
+ else use_dialog := &null
+procedure process_args(args)
+ local arg
+ # really only needed if you don't use the dialog box
+ every arg := !args do case arg[1+:2] of {
+ "-w" : win_size := integer(arg[3:0]) # window size
+ "-d" : density := integer(arg[3:0]) # density of circles
+ "-l" : duration := integer(arg[3:0]) # duration
+ "-M" : maxradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum radius
+ "-m" : minradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum radius
+ "-X" : maxoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum offset
+ "-x" : minoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum offset
+ "-s" : skew := numeric(arg[3:0]) # set skewedness
+ "-F" : fill := &null # turn off fill
+ "-C" : Clear := "yes" # turn on clear mode
+ "-r" : r_seed := integer(arg[3:0]) # random seed
+ "-h" : stop("usage: kal [-wn] [-dn] [-ln] [-Mn] [-mn] [-Xn] [-xn] _
+ [-sn] [-F] [-C] [-rn]")
+ }
+ # adjust parameters that depend on the window size...
+ mid_win := win_size/2
+ maxoff := win_size-1
+# Lorraine Callahan's kaleidoscope program, translated into icon.
+# (some of the things she did were too sophisticated for me
+# to spend time to figure out, so the output is square instead of
+# round), and I use 'xor' to draw instead of writing to separate
+# bit planes.
+global putcircle, clrcircle
+procedure kaleidoscope(r)
+ local colors
+ # What colors to use? This can be changed to whatever!
+ colors := ["red","green","blue","cyan","magenta","yellow"]
+ &window := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope: 'q' quits", "width="||win_size,
+ "height="||win_size, "bg=black")
+ WAttrib("drawop=xor")
+ # Create two *indentical* sequences of circles, one to use when
+ # when drawing, one for erasing. (Since 'xor' is used to
+ # place them, these both just draw the circles!)
+ putcircle := create { # draws sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ clrcircle := create { # erases sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ every 1 to density do @putcircle # fill screen to density
+ every 1 to duration do { # maintain steady state
+ @putcircle
+ @clrcircle
+ if *Pending(&window) > 0 then break
+ }
+ every (Clear == "On") & 1 to density do @clrcircle
+ close(&window)
+procedure outcircle() # select a circle at random,
+local radius, xoff, yoff # draw it in kaleidoscopic form
+ # get a random center point and radius
+ xoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ yoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ radius := ?0 ^ skew
+ # force radius to 'fit'
+ radius := ((maxradius-minradius) * radius + minradius) %
+ (mid_win - ((xoff < yoff)|xoff))
+ # put into all 8 octants
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ return
+# Vidget-based user interface -- developed originally using Mary
+# Camaron's XIB program. Don't expect this to be very readable -
+# you should have to play with it!
+procedure ui (win)
+ local cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4
+ local
+ radio_button2,
+ radio_button1,
+ text_input6,
+ text_input5,
+ slider4,
+ slider3,
+ text_input4,
+ text_input3,
+ slider2,
+ slider1
+ /win := WOpen("label=ui", "width=404", "height=313", "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad win")
+ root := Vroot_frame (win)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, win_size/2), 168, 98)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "1"), 108, 97)
+ VInsert (root, sk_v := Vtext(win,"Skew:\\=1",get_skew,,6), 280, 39)
+ VInsert (root, du_v := Vtext(win, "Duration:\\="||duration, get_duration,,9),
+ 237, 15)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Clear at end?"), 232, 145)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Fill?"), 105, 142)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Quit?"), 267, 259)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Display it?"), 26, 260)
+ VInsert (root, Vcheckbox(win, do_quit, "check2",20), 305, 255, 20, 20)
+ VInsert (root, check1:=Vcheckbox(win, do_display, "check1",20),
+ 106, 258, 20, 20)
+ radio_button2 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_clear, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button2,Clear)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button2, 253, 165)
+ radio_button1 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_fill, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button1,fill)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button1, 99, 165)
+ cv1 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv1, get_max_offset)
+ text_input6 := Vtext (win, "Max Offset:\\="||(win_size-1), cv1, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv1, text_input6)
+ slider4 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv1, "slider4", 70, 12, 0,
+ win_size-1, win_size-1, )
+ VAddClient(cv1, slider4)
+ VInsert (root, text_input6, 196, 103)
+ VInsert (root, slider4, 306, 106)
+ cv2 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv2, get_min_offset)
+ text_input5 := Vtext (win, "Min Offset\\=1", cv2, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv2, text_input5)
+ slider3 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv2, "slider3", 70, 12, 1, win_size-1, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv2, slider3)
+ VInsert (root, text_input5, 201, 80)
+ VInsert (root, slider3, 307, 82)
+ cv3 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv3, get_max_radius)
+ text_input4 := Vtext (win, "Max Radius\\="||(win_size/4), cv3, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv3, text_input4)
+ slider2 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv3, "slider2", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2,
+ win_size/4, )
+ VAddClient(cv3, slider2)
+ VInsert (root, text_input4, 10, 104)
+ VInsert (root, slider2, 110, 108)
+ cv4 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv4, get_min_radius)
+ text_input3 := Vtext (win, "Min Radius\\=1", cv4, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv4, text_input3)
+ slider1 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv4, "slider1", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv4, slider1)
+ VInsert (root, text_input3, 10, 81)
+ VInsert (root, slider1, 110, 84)
+ VInsert (root, rs_v := Vtext(win,"Random Seed:\\="||r_seed, get_random,, 11),
+ 30, 41)
+ VInsert (root, de_v := Vtext(win,"Density:\\="||density, get_density,,8),
+ 71, 16)
+ VResize (root)
+ return root
+procedure get_skew (wit, value)
+ skew := value
+procedure get_duration (wit, value)
+ duration := value
+procedure do_quit (wit, value)
+ stop()
+procedure do_display (wit, value)
+ r_seed := numeric(
+ duration := integer(
+ density := integer(
+ skew := integer(
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ wit.callback.value := &null
+ VDraw(check1)
+procedure get_clear (wit, value)
+ Clear := value
+procedure get_fill (wit, value)
+ fill := value
+ if fill == "Off" then draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ else draw_circle := FillCircle
+procedure get_max_offset (wit, value)
+ maxoff := value
+procedure get_min_offset (wit, value)
+ minoff := value
+procedure get_max_radius (wit, value)
+ maxradius := value
+procedure get_min_radius (wit, value)
+ minradius := value
+procedure get_random (wit, value)
+ r_seed := integer(value)
+procedure get_density (wit, value)
+ density := integer(value)
+procedure quit(e)
+ if e === "q" then stop ("Exiting Kaleidoscope")