path: root/tests/examplefiles/language.hy
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authorBob Tolbert <>2013-09-08 15:58:19 -0600
committerBob Tolbert <>2013-09-08 15:58:19 -0600
commit846195f0fb24e724a611d601494fa5056936b5bc (patch)
tree65df35ce1d501c24d46d46f19e424ad3ee25f428 /tests/examplefiles/language.hy
parent1ea0fa53d253eae501f0a48611dd01493240b34d (diff)
Added lexer for new Hy language, a variant of Lisp running
on Python. See: Note that this shares a file extension with the Hybris language but the analyse_text() function does a good job of making the distinction. This did however require one change to the tests to actually pass the code of the test file to get_lexer_for_filename() so that the tests would differentiate Hy from Hybris. And while this is a Lisp and shares some syntax with Clojure, it has been added to the file to share the lists of keywords and builtins with the PythonLexer.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/language.hy')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/language.hy b/tests/examplefiles/language.hy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9768c39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/language.hy
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+;;;; This contains some of the core Hy functions used
+;;;; to make functional programming slightly easier.
+(defn _numeric-check [x]
+ (if (not (numeric? x))
+ (raise (TypeError (.format "{0!r} is not a number" x)))))
+(defn cycle [coll]
+ "Yield an infinite repetition of the items in coll"
+ (setv seen [])
+ (for [x coll]
+ (yield x)
+ (.append seen x))
+ (while seen
+ (for [x seen]
+ (yield x))))
+(defn dec [n]
+ "Decrement n by 1"
+ (_numeric-check n)
+ (- n 1))
+(defn distinct [coll]
+ "Return a generator from the original collection with duplicates
+ removed"
+ (let [[seen []] [citer (iter coll)]]
+ (for [val citer]
+ (if (not_in val seen)
+ (do
+ (yield val)
+ (.append seen val))))))
+(defn drop [count coll]
+ "Drop `count` elements from `coll` and yield back the rest"
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)]]
+ (try (for [i (range count)]
+ (next citer))
+ (catch [StopIteration]))
+ citer))
+(defn even? [n]
+ "Return true if n is an even number"
+ (_numeric-check n)
+ (= (% n 2) 0))
+(defn filter [pred coll]
+ "Return all elements from `coll` that pass `pred`"
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)]]
+ (for [val citer]
+ (if (pred val)
+ (yield val)))))
+(defn inc [n]
+ "Increment n by 1"
+ (_numeric-check n)
+ (+ n 1))
+(defn instance? [klass x]
+ (isinstance x klass))
+(defn iterable? [x]
+ "Return true if x is iterable"
+ (try (do (iter x) true)
+ (catch [Exception] false)))
+(defn iterate [f x]
+ (setv val x)
+ (while true
+ (yield val)
+ (setv val (f val))))
+(defn iterator? [x]
+ "Return true if x is an iterator"
+ (try (= x (iter x))
+ (catch [TypeError] false)))
+(defn neg? [n]
+ "Return true if n is < 0"
+ (_numeric-check n)
+ (< n 0))
+(defn none? [x]
+ "Return true if x is None"
+ (is x None))
+(defn numeric? [x]
+ (import numbers)
+ (instance? numbers.Number x))
+(defn nth [coll index]
+ "Return nth item in collection or sequence, counting from 0"
+ (if (not (neg? index))
+ (if (iterable? coll)
+ (try (first (list (take 1 (drop index coll))))
+ (catch [IndexError] None))
+ (try (get coll index)
+ (catch [IndexError] None)))
+ None))
+(defn odd? [n]
+ "Return true if n is an odd number"
+ (_numeric-check n)
+ (= (% n 2) 1))
+(defn pos? [n]
+ "Return true if n is > 0"
+ (_numeric_check n)
+ (> n 0))
+(defn remove [pred coll]
+ "Return coll with elements removed that pass `pred`"
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)]]
+ (for [val citer]
+ (if (not (pred val))
+ (yield val)))))
+(defn repeat [x &optional n]
+ "Yield x forever or optionally n times"
+ (if (none? n)
+ (setv dispatch (fn [] (while true (yield x))))
+ (setv dispatch (fn [] (for [_ (range n)] (yield x)))))
+ (dispatch))
+(defn repeatedly [func]
+ "Yield result of running func repeatedly"
+ (while true
+ (yield (func))))
+(defn take [count coll]
+ "Take `count` elements from `coll`, or the whole set if the total
+ number of entries in `coll` is less than `count`."
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)]]
+ (for [_ (range count)]
+ (yield (next citer)))))
+(defn take-nth [n coll]
+ "Return every nth member of coll
+ raises ValueError for (not (pos? n))"
+ (if (pos? n)
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)] [skip (dec n)]]
+ (for [val citer]
+ (yield val)
+ (for [_ (range skip)]
+ (next citer))))
+ (raise (ValueError "n must be positive"))))
+(defn take-while [pred coll]
+ "Take all elements while `pred` is true"
+ (let [[citer (iter coll)]]
+ (for [val citer]
+ (if (pred val)
+ (yield val)
+ (break)))))
+(defn zero? [n]
+ "Return true if n is 0"
+ (_numeric_check n)
+ (= n 0))
+(def *exports* ["cycle" "dec" "distinct" "drop" "even?" "filter" "inc"
+ "instance?" "iterable?" "iterate" "iterator?" "neg?"
+ "none?" "nth" "numeric?" "odd?" "pos?" "remove" "repeat"
+ "repeatedly" "take" "take_nth" "take_while" "zero?"])