path: root/tests/examplefiles
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authorAnteru <>2018-11-26 20:14:49 +0000
committerAnteru <>2018-11-26 20:14:49 +0000
commitda957c6a2ae6f77f92e060e926627e762d6d6de9 (patch)
tree12f9487a5970864c35041cfb4a82fbf07cf671b0 /tests/examplefiles
parentf0c362e06640ebf20207edac5b34b953a0e68a37 (diff)
parent42f986a2427d9c572a33b8b4acef60245ab88536 (diff)
Merged in nwhetsell/pygments-main (pull request #684)
Update for Csound 6.09.0
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles')
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.csd b/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
index 9122309b..6512d99e 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
@@ -1,260 +1,18 @@
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
-// This is a Csound orchestra file for testing a Pygments <>
-// lexer. Csound single-line comments can be preceded by a pair of forward
-// slashes...
-; ...or a semicolon.
-/* Block comments begin with /* and end with */
-// Orchestras begin with a header of audio parameters.
-nchnls = 1
-nchnls_i = 1
-sr = 44100
0dbfs = 1
-ksmps = 10
-// The control rate kr = sr / ksmps can be omitted when the number of audio
-// samples in a control period (ksmps) is set, but kr may appear in older
-// orchestras.
-kr = 4410
-// Orchestras contain instruments. These begin with the keyword instr followed
-// by a comma-separated list of numbers or names of the instrument. Instruments
-// end at the endin keyword and cannot be nested.
-instr 1, N_a_M_e_, +Name
- // Instruments contain statements. Here is a typical statement:
- aSignal oscil 0dbfs, 440, 1
- // Statements are terminated with a newline (possibly preceded by a comment).
- // To write a statement on several lines, precede the newline with a
- // backslash.
- prints \
- "hello, world\n";comment
- // Csound 6 introduced function syntax for opcodes with one or zero outputs.
- // The oscil statement above is the same as
- aSignal = oscil(0dbfs, 440, 1)
- // Instruments can contain control structures.
- kNote = p3
- if (kNote == 0) then
- kFrequency = 220
- elseif kNote == 1 then // Parentheses around binary expressions are optional.
- kFrequency = 440
- endif
- // Csound 6 introduced looping structures.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
- iIndex = 0
- until iIndex >= 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- enduntil
- // Both kinds of loops can be terminated by either od or enduntil.
- // Single-line strings are enclosed in double-quotes.
- prints "string\\\r\n\t\""
- // Multi-line strings are enclosed in pairs of curly braces.
- prints {{
- hello,
- world
- }}
- // Instruments often end with a statement containing an output opcode.
- outc aSignal
-// Orchestras can also contain user-defined opcodes (UDOs). Here is an
-// oscillator with one audio-rate output and two control-rate inputs:
-opcode anOscillator, a, kk
- kAmplitude, kFrequency xin
- aSignal vco2 kAmplitude, kFrequency
- xout aSignal
-instr TestOscillator
- outc(anOscillator(0dbfs, 110))
-// Python can be executed in Csound
-// <>. So can Lua
-// <>.
-pyruni {{
-import random
-pool = [(1 + i / 10.0) ** 1.2 for i in range(100)]
-def get_number_from_pool(n, p):
- if random.random() < p:
- i = int(random.random() * len(pool))
- pool[i] = n
- return random.choice(pool)
-// The Csound preprocessor supports conditional compilation and including files.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#undef DEBUG
-#include "filename.orc"
-// The preprocessor also supports object- and function-like macros. This is an
-// object-like macro that defines a number:
-#define A_HZ #440#
-// This is a function-like macro:
-// Bodies of macros are enclosed in # and can contain newlines. The arguments of
-// function-like macros are separated by single-quotes. Uses of macros are
-// prefixed with a dollar sign.
-instr TestMacro
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO(1'$A_HZ'1)
- // Not unlike PHP, macros expand in double-quoted strings.
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Here are other things to note about Csound.
-// There are two bitwise NOT operators, ~ and ¬ (U+00AC). The latter is common
-// on keyboards in the United Kingdom
-// <>.
-instr TestBitwiseNOT
- print ~42
- print ¬42
-// Csound uses # for bitwise XOR, which the Csound manual calls bitwise
-// non-equivalence <>.
-instr TestBitwiseXOR
- print 0 # 0
- print 0 # 1
- print 1 # 0
- print 1 # 1
-// Loops and if-then statements are relatively recent additions to Csound. There
-// are many flow-control opcodes that involve goto and labels.
-instr TestGoto
- // This...
- if p3 > 0 goto if_label
- goto else_label
- prints "if branch\n"
- goto endif_label
- prints "else branch\n"
- // the same as this.
- if p3 > 0 then
- prints "if branch\n"
- else
- prints "else branch\n"
- endif
- // This...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- if iIndex < 10 goto loop_label
- // the same as this...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- loop_lt iIndex, 1, 10, loop_lt_label
- // ...and this.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 10 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
-// The prints and printks opcodes
-// <>, arguably
-// the primary methods of logging output, treat certain sequences of characters
-// different from printf in C.
-instr TestPrints
- // ^ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B), not a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT character
- // (U+005E). ^^ prints a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT.
- prints "^^\n"
- // ~ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B) followed by a [, not a TILDE
- // character (U+007E). ~~ prints a TILDE.
- prints "~~\n"
- // \A, \B, \N, \R, and \T correspond to the escaped lowercase characters (that
- // is, BELL (U+0007), BACKSPACE (U+0008), new line (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN
- // (U+000D), and tab (U+0009)).
- prints "\T\R\N"
- // %n, %r, and %t are the same as \n, \r, and \t, as are %N, %R, and %T.
- prints "%t%r%n"
- // %! prints a semicolon. This is a hold-over from old versions of Csound that
- // allowed comments to begin in strings.
- prints "; %!\n"
-// The arguments of function-like macros can be separated by # instead of '.
-// These two lines define the same macro.
-// Uses of macros can optionally be suffixed with a period.
-instr TestMacroPeriodSuffix
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO.(1'$A_HZ'1)
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ.Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Csound has @ and @@ operator-like macros that, when followed by a literal
-// non-negative integer, expand to the next power of 2 and the next power of 2
-// plus 1:
-// @x = 2^(ceil(log2(x + 1))), x >= 0
-// @@0 = 2
-// @@x = 2^(ceil(log2(x))) + 1, x > 0
-// These macros are in
-// <> (and
-// <>)
-// and are described at <>.
-instr TestAt
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 0, @0, @@0
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 1, @1, @@1
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 2, @2, @@2
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 3, @3, @@3
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 4, @4, @@4
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 5, @5, @@5
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 6, @6, @@6
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 7, @7, @@7
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 8, @8, @@8
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 9, @9, @@9
-// Including newlines in macros can lead to confusing code, but it tests the
-// lexer.
-instr MacroAbuse
- if 1 == 1 then
- prints "on\n"
-#define FOO#
-#endif // This ends the if statement. It is not a preprocessor directive.
+prints "hello, world\n"
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+i 1 0 0
+<!DOCTYPE html>
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.orc b/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
index 36725342..d113303e 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
@@ -1,257 +1,81 @@
-// This is a Csound orchestra file for testing a Pygments <>
-// lexer. Csound single-line comments can be preceded by a pair of forward
-// slashes...
-; ...or a semicolon.
-/* Block comments begin with /* and end with */
-// Orchestras begin with a header of audio parameters.
-nchnls = 1
-nchnls_i = 1
-sr = 44100
-0dbfs = 1
-ksmps = 10
-// The control rate kr = sr / ksmps can be omitted when the number of audio
-// samples in a control period (ksmps) is set, but kr may appear in older
-// orchestras.
-kr = 4410
-// Orchestras contain instruments. These begin with the keyword instr followed
-// by a comma-separated list of numbers or names of the instrument. Instruments
-// end at the endin keyword and cannot be nested.
-instr 1, N_a_M_e_, +Name
- // Instruments contain statements. Here is a typical statement:
- aSignal oscil 0dbfs, 440, 1
- // Statements are terminated with a newline (possibly preceded by a comment).
- // To write a statement on several lines, precede the newline with a
- // backslash.
- prints \
- "hello, world\n";comment
- // Csound 6 introduced function syntax for opcodes with one or zero outputs.
- // The oscil statement above is the same as
- aSignal = oscil(0dbfs, 440, 1)
- // Instruments can contain control structures.
- kNote = p3
- if (kNote == 0) then
- kFrequency = 220
- elseif kNote == 1 then // Parentheses around binary expressions are optional.
- kFrequency = 440
- endif
- // Csound 6 introduced looping structures.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
- iIndex = 0
- until iIndex >= 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- enduntil
- // Both kinds of loops can be terminated by either od or enduntil.
- // Single-line strings are enclosed in double-quotes.
- prints "string\\\r\n\t\""
- // Multi-line strings are enclosed in pairs of curly braces.
- prints {{
- hello,
- world
- }}
- // Instruments often end with a statement containing an output opcode.
- outc aSignal
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
+ iDuration = p3
+ outc:a(aSignal)
-// Orchestras can also contain user-defined opcodes (UDOs). Here is an
-// oscillator with one audio-rate output and two control-rate inputs:
-opcode anOscillator, a, kk
- kAmplitude, kFrequency xin
- aSignal vco2 kAmplitude, kFrequency
- xout aSignal
+ aUDO
-instr TestOscillator
- outc(anOscillator(0dbfs, 110))
-// Python can be executed in Csound
-// <>. So can Lua
-// <>.
-pyruni {{
-import random
+123 0123456789
+0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF
+1e2 3e+4 5e-6 7E8 9E+0 1E-2 3. 4.56 .789
-pool = [(1 + i / 10.0) ** 1.2 for i in range(100)]
-def get_number_from_pool(n, p):
- if random.random() < p:
- i = int(random.random() * len(pool))
- pool[i] = n
- return random.choice(pool)
-// The Csound preprocessor supports conditional compilation and including files.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#undef DEBUG
-#include "filename.orc"
-// The preprocessor also supports object- and function-like macros. This is an
-// object-like macro that defines a number:
-#define A_HZ #440#
-// This is a function-like macro:
-// Bodies of macros are enclosed in # and can contain newlines. The arguments of
-// function-like macros are separated by single-quotes. Uses of macros are
-// prefixed with a dollar sign.
-instr TestMacro
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO(1'$A_HZ'1)
- // Not unlike PHP, macros expand in double-quoted strings.
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Here are other things to note about Csound.
++ - ~ ¬ ! * / ^ % << >> < > <= >= == != & # | && || ? : += -= *= /=
-// There are two bitwise NOT operators, ~ and ¬ (U+00AC). The latter is common
-// on keyboards in the United Kingdom
-// <>.
-instr TestBitwiseNOT
- print ~42
- print ¬42
-// Csound uses # for bitwise XOR, which the Csound manual calls bitwise
-// non-equivalence <>.
-instr TestBitwiseXOR
- print 0 # 0
- print 0 # 1
- print 1 # 0
- print 1 # 1
+0dbfs A4 kr ksmps nchnls nchnls_i sr
-// Loops and if-then statements are relatively recent additions to Csound. There
-// are many flow-control opcodes that involve goto and labels.
-instr TestGoto
- // This...
- if p3 > 0 goto if_label
- goto else_label
- prints "if branch\n"
- goto endif_label
- prints "else branch\n"
+do else elseif endif enduntil fi if ithen kthen od then until while
+return rireturn
- // the same as this.
- if p3 > 0 then
- prints "if branch\n"
- else
- prints "else branch\n"
- endif
+ label2:
- // This...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- if iIndex < 10 goto loop_label
+goto aLabel
+reinit aLabel
+cggoto 1==0, aLabel
+timout 0, 0, aLabel
+loop_ge 0, 0, 0, aLabel
- // the same as this...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- loop_lt iIndex, 1, 10, loop_lt_label
- // ...and this.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 10 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
+prints "%! %% %n%N %r%R %t%T \\a\\A \\b\\B \\n\\N \\r\\R \\t\\T"
+prints Soutput
-// The prints and printks opcodes
-// <>, arguably
-// the primary methods of logging output, treat certain sequences of characters
-// different from printf in C.
-instr TestPrints
- // ^ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B), not a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT character
- // (U+005E). ^^ prints a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT.
- prints "^^\n"
- // ~ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B) followed by a [, not a TILDE
- // character (U+007E). ~~ prints a TILDE.
- prints "~~\n"
- // \A, \B, \N, \R, and \T correspond to the escaped lowercase characters (that
- // is, BELL (U+0007), BACKSPACE (U+0008), new line (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN
- // (U+000D), and tab (U+0009)).
- prints "\T\R\N"
- // %n, %r, and %t are the same as \n, \r, and \t, as are %N, %R, and %T.
- prints "%t%r%n"
- // %! prints a semicolon. This is a hold-over from old versions of Csound that
- // allowed comments to begin in strings.
- prints "; %!\n"
-// The arguments of function-like macros can be separated by # instead of '.
-// These two lines define the same macro.
-// Uses of macros can optionally be suffixed with a period.
-instr TestMacroPeriodSuffix
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO.(1'$A_HZ'1)
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ.Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Csound has @ and @@ operator-like macros that, when followed by a literal
-// non-negative integer, expand to the next power of 2 and the next power of 2
-// plus 1:
-// @x = 2^(ceil(log2(x + 1))), x >= 0
-// @@0 = 2
-// @@x = 2^(ceil(log2(x))) + 1, x > 0
-// These macros are in
-// <> (and
-// <>)
-// and are described at <>.
-instr TestAt
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 0, @0, @@0
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 1, @1, @@1
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 2, @2, @@2
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 3, @3, @@3
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 4, @4, @@4
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 5, @5, @@5
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 6, @6, @@6
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 7, @7, @@7
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 8, @8, @@8
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 9, @9, @@9
+readscore {{
+i 1 0 0
+pyrun {{
+# Python
+lua_exec {{
+-- Lua
-// Including newlines in macros can lead to confusing code, but it tests the
-// lexer.
-instr MacroAbuse
- if 1 == 1 then
- prints "on\n"
-#define FOO#
-#endif // This ends the if statement. It is not a preprocessor directive.
-scoreline_i {{
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+#ifdef MACRO
+#ifndef MACRO
+#undef MACRO
+# define MACRO#macro_body#
+#define MACRO(ARG1#ARG2) #macro_body#
+@@ 1
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.sco b/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
index a0b39251..d997c1b3 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
+a b C d e f i q s t v x y
+np0 nP1 Np2 NP3
+n label
+123 0123456789
+0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF
+1e2 3e+4 5e-6 7E8 9E+0 1E-2 3. 4.56 .789
+{ 1 I
+ { 2 J
+ { 3 K
+ $I $J $K
+ }
+ }
+#include "score.sco"