path: root/tests/
diff options
authorMauricio Caceres Bravo <>2019-02-12 10:27:34 -0500
committerMauricio Caceres Bravo <>2019-02-12 10:27:34 -0500
commit62ff49874c8a405fc24a83cb6611e8a5cf818bd5 (patch)
tree8b33912d57eb8bedcc75f30f146608ea59f43e8a /tests/
parentdf656b31ecabd8a1b649f79de050854a2974e395 (diff)
parent77e24d5ab193f6c3fa8492f5410a2e841f9ebfad (diff)
Merged default branch to hopefully solve merge conflicts
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ad92db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ BibTeX Test
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from pygments.lexers import BibTeXLexer, BSTLexer
+from pygments.token import Token
+class BibTeXTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = BibTeXLexer()
+ def testPreamble(self):
+ data = u'@PREAMBLE{"% some LaTeX code here"}'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Name.Class, u'@PREAMBLE'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'% some LaTeX code here'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(data)), tokens)
+ def testString(self):
+ data = u'@STRING(SCI = "Science")'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Name.Class, u'@STRING'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Token.Name.Attribute, u'SCI'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'Science'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(data)), tokens)
+ def testEntry(self):
+ data = u"""
+ This is a comment.
+ @ARTICLE{ruckenstein-diffusion,
+ author = "Liu, Hongquin" # and # "Ruckenstein, Eli",
+ year = 1997,
+ month = JAN,
+ pages = "888-895"
+ }
+ """
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Comment, u'This is a comment.'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n\n'),
+ (Token.Name.Class, u'@ARTICLE'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.Name.Label, u'ruckenstein-diffusion'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u','),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Name.Attribute, u'author'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'Liu, Hongquin'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'and'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'Ruckenstein, Eli'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u','),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Name.Attribute, u'year'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Number, u'1997'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u','),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Name.Attribute, u'month'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'JAN'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u','),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Name.Attribute, u'pages'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'888-895'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(textwrap.dedent(data))), tokens)
+ def testComment(self):
+ data = '@COMMENT{test}'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Comment, u'@COMMENT'),
+ (Token.Comment, u'{test}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(data)), tokens)
+ def testMissingBody(self):
+ data = '@ARTICLE xxx'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Name.Class, u'@ARTICLE'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Error, u'x'),
+ (Token.Error, u'x'),
+ (Token.Error, u'x'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(data)), tokens)
+ def testMismatchedBrace(self):
+ data = '@PREAMBLE(""}'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Name.Class, u'@PREAMBLE'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.String, u'"'),
+ (Token.Error, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(data)), tokens)
+class BSTTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = BSTLexer()
+ def testBasicBST(self):
+ data = """
+ % BibTeX standard bibliography style `plain'
+ INTEGERS { output.state before.all }
+ FUNCTION {sort.format.title}
+ { 't :=
+ "A " #2
+ "An " #3
+ "The " #4 t chop.word
+ chop.word
+ chop.word
+ sortify
+ #1 global.max$ substring$
+ }
+ ITERATE {call.type$}
+ """
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Comment.SingleLine, "% BibTeX standard bibliography style `plain'"),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n\n'),
+ (Token.Keyword, u'INTEGERS'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'output.state'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'before.all'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n\n'),
+ (Token.Keyword, u'FUNCTION'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'sort.format.title'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Function, u"'t"),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u':='),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Literal.String, u'"A "'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'#2'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Literal.String, u'"An "'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'#3'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Literal.String, u'"The "'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'#4'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u't'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'chop.word'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n '),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'chop.word'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'chop.word'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Name.Variable, u'sortify'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'#1'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Builtin, u'global.max$'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name.Builtin, u'substring$'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n\n'),
+ (Token.Keyword, u'ITERATE'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Token.Name.Builtin, u'call.type$'),
+ (Token.Punctuation, u'}'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.lexer.get_tokens(textwrap.dedent(data))), tokens)