path: root/tests
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authorCharles Ferguson <>2019-03-14 22:24:08 +0000
committerCharles Ferguson <>2019-03-14 22:24:08 +0000
commit665f287849402bdf05ef636e77989104e6cf8e9e (patch)
tree66a8d265e0110a5718e3b97b52691b046052f4b2 /tests
parent9585006f1d3d777e1a264a6b761070f52946af68 (diff)
Create a Lexer class for BBC Basic files.
The Lexer class for BBC Basic handles both the numbered lines, and unnumbered lines, of the detokenised (text) format of BBC BASIC. The tokeniser copes, in a naive manner, with the orignal versions, and BASIC V. It does not handle other extensions at this time, nor does it handle inline assembler. This should be sufficient for most cases where code needs to be presented in a colourful manner.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdb8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+20REM The simplest IRC client you can write. Maybe.
+30REM (C) Justin Fletcher, 1998
+60REM Change these if you wish
+120REM Start connecting to a host
+130SYS "ESocket_ConnectToHost",host$,port TO handle
+150 SYS "ESocket_CheckState",handle TO state
+160 IF state<-1 THENSYS "ESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "ESocket_DecodeState",state TO a$:ERROR 1,"Failed ("+a$+")"
+170UNTIL state=4
+190REM We are now connected
+220REM Log on to the server
+230SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"USER "+nick$+" x x :"+nick$
+240SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NICK "+nick$
+250SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"JOIN "+ourchan$
+260REM Install a monitor so that we don't waste time
+270SYS "ESocket_Monitor",0,handle TO monitor
+280SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+300REM If we crash, we should tidy up after ourselves
+310ON ERROR SYS "XESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "XESocket_Forget",monitor:ERROR EXT ERR,REPORT$+" at line "+STR$ERL
+330REM Memory buffer for our data
+350DIM buf% bufsize%
+370input$="":REM The input line
+390 REM In a taskwindow we should yield until there is data
+400 SYS "OS_UpCall",6,polladdr%
+410 IF !polladdr%<>0 THEN
+420 REM Reset the monitor for the time being
+430 SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+450 REM Read lines from the connection until this buffer is empty
+460 SYS "ESocket_ReadLine",handle,buf%,bufsize%,%100 TO ,str,len
+470 IF str<>0 AND $str<>"" THEN
+480 line$=$str
+490 IF LEFT$(line$,4)="PING" THEN
+500 REM Ping's must be replied to immediately
+510 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PONG "+MID$(line$,6)
+520 ELSE
+530 REM Extract source info
+540 from$=MID$(LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1),2)
+550 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+560 uid$=LEFT$(from$,INSTR(from$+"!","!")-1)
+570 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+580 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+590 REM remove the input line
+600 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+610 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+630 REM Extract the destination
+640 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+650 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+2):REM Skip :
+660 IF LEFT$(line$,1)=CHR$1 THEN
+670 REM CTCP, so respond to it
+680 line$=MID$(line$,2,LEN(line$)-2)
+690 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+700 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+710 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+720 WHEN "PING"
+730 REM Ping lag timing
+740 line$="PONG "+line$
+750 PRINTuid$;" pinged us"
+770 REM Version checking
+780 line$="VERSION EIRC 1.00 (c) Justin Fletcher"
+790 PRINTuid$;" wanted our version"
+810 PRINT"* ";uid$;" ";line$
+820 line$=""
+840 REM everything else is an error
+850 line$="ERRMSG "+com$+" not understood"
+860 PRINT"CTCP '";com$;"' from ";uid$;" (";line$;")"
+880 IF line$<>"" THEN
+890 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NOTICE "+uid$+" :"+CHR$1+line$+CHR$1
+900 ENDIF
+910 ELSE
+920 REM Somebody said something...
+930 PRINT"<";uid$;"> ";FNsafe(line$)
+940 ENDIF
+950 WHEN "JOIN"
+960 REM We (or someone else) has joined the channel
+970 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")):REM Skip :
+980 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+990 PRINTuid$;" has joined ";chan$
+1000 WHEN "PART"
+1010 REM Someone else has left the channel
+1020 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+1030 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+1040 PRINTuid$;" has left ";chan$
+1050 WHEN "QUIT"
+1060 REM Someone else has quit IRC
+1070 PRINTuid$;" quit IRC"
+1090 REM Some unknown command
+1100 PRINTuid$;":";com$;":";FNsafe(line$)
+1120 REM Re-display our input line
+1130 PRINTinput$;
+1140 ENDIF
+1150 ENDIF
+1160 UNTIL str=0
+1170 ENDIF
+1180 b$=INKEY$(0)
+1190 IF b$<>"" THEN
+1200 CASE b$ OF
+1210 WHEN CHR$13
+1220 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PRIVMSG "+ourchan$+" :"+input$
+1230 REM Remove the line
+1240 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+1250 REM We said it...
+1260 PRINT"<"+nick$+"> ";input$
+1270 input$=""
+1280 WHEN CHR$127,CHR$8
+1290 REM Backspace
+1300 IF input$<>"" THENVDU127
+1310 input$=LEFT$(input$)
+1330 REM Ad to current input
+1340 input$+=b$
+1350 PRINTb$;
+1370 ENDIF
+1380 REM Has the socket closed
+1390 SYS "ESocket_Closed",handle,%0 TO closed
+1400UNTIL closed
+1410SYS "ESocket_Forget",handle
+1420SYS "ESocket_Forget",monitor
+1450DEFFNupper(a$):LOCAL c$,b$,I
+1470c$=MID$(a$,I,1):IF c$>="a"ANDc$<="z"THENc$=CHR$(ASC(c$)-32)
+1500REM Remove control codes
+1520LOCAL I
+1540 IF MID$(line$,I,1)<" " THENMID$(line$,I,1)="*"