path: root/tests
diff options
authorAnteru <>2019-05-21 16:32:04 +0000
committerAnteru <>2019-05-21 16:32:04 +0000
commit9c84bc6450663888e243268621dcf71eab18ed11 (patch)
tree15231faf42954c633413b5c06369da6b05949ed7 /tests
parentc0db1e260ea7e399a1f34bc9966914298e1b6b17 (diff)
parent8202e648945351366bd0c465d72953fae40f4783 (diff)
Merged in lucatorella/pygments-main (pull request #813)
Add support for @import keyword in Objective-C
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
11 files changed, 577 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/apache2.conf b/tests/examplefiles/apache2.conf
index d0e838e0..5db66b10 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/apache2.conf
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/apache2.conf
@@ -391,3 +391,8 @@ BrowserMatch "^WebDAVFS/1.[012]" redirect-carefully
# Include the virtual host configurations:
Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/[^.#]*
+# From PR#766
+<IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
+</IfVersion> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdb8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+20REM The simplest IRC client you can write. Maybe.
+30REM (C) Justin Fletcher, 1998
+60REM Change these if you wish
+120REM Start connecting to a host
+130SYS "ESocket_ConnectToHost",host$,port TO handle
+150 SYS "ESocket_CheckState",handle TO state
+160 IF state<-1 THENSYS "ESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "ESocket_DecodeState",state TO a$:ERROR 1,"Failed ("+a$+")"
+170UNTIL state=4
+190REM We are now connected
+220REM Log on to the server
+230SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"USER "+nick$+" x x :"+nick$
+240SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NICK "+nick$
+250SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"JOIN "+ourchan$
+260REM Install a monitor so that we don't waste time
+270SYS "ESocket_Monitor",0,handle TO monitor
+280SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+300REM If we crash, we should tidy up after ourselves
+310ON ERROR SYS "XESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "XESocket_Forget",monitor:ERROR EXT ERR,REPORT$+" at line "+STR$ERL
+330REM Memory buffer for our data
+350DIM buf% bufsize%
+370input$="":REM The input line
+390 REM In a taskwindow we should yield until there is data
+400 SYS "OS_UpCall",6,polladdr%
+410 IF !polladdr%<>0 THEN
+420 REM Reset the monitor for the time being
+430 SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+450 REM Read lines from the connection until this buffer is empty
+460 SYS "ESocket_ReadLine",handle,buf%,bufsize%,%100 TO ,str,len
+470 IF str<>0 AND $str<>"" THEN
+480 line$=$str
+490 IF LEFT$(line$,4)="PING" THEN
+500 REM Ping's must be replied to immediately
+510 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PONG "+MID$(line$,6)
+520 ELSE
+530 REM Extract source info
+540 from$=MID$(LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1),2)
+550 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+560 uid$=LEFT$(from$,INSTR(from$+"!","!")-1)
+570 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+580 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+590 REM remove the input line
+600 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+610 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+630 REM Extract the destination
+640 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+650 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+2):REM Skip :
+660 IF LEFT$(line$,1)=CHR$1 THEN
+670 REM CTCP, so respond to it
+680 line$=MID$(line$,2,LEN(line$)-2)
+690 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+700 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+710 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+720 WHEN "PING"
+730 REM Ping lag timing
+740 line$="PONG "+line$
+750 PRINTuid$;" pinged us"
+770 REM Version checking
+780 line$="VERSION EIRC 1.00 (c) Justin Fletcher"
+790 PRINTuid$;" wanted our version"
+810 PRINT"* ";uid$;" ";line$
+820 line$=""
+840 REM everything else is an error
+850 line$="ERRMSG "+com$+" not understood"
+860 PRINT"CTCP '";com$;"' from ";uid$;" (";line$;")"
+880 IF line$<>"" THEN
+890 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NOTICE "+uid$+" :"+CHR$1+line$+CHR$1
+900 ENDIF
+910 ELSE
+920 REM Somebody said something...
+930 PRINT"<";uid$;"> ";FNsafe(line$)
+940 ENDIF
+950 WHEN "JOIN"
+960 REM We (or someone else) has joined the channel
+970 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")):REM Skip :
+980 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+990 PRINTuid$;" has joined ";chan$
+1000 WHEN "PART"
+1010 REM Someone else has left the channel
+1020 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+1030 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+1040 PRINTuid$;" has left ";chan$
+1050 WHEN "QUIT"
+1060 REM Someone else has quit IRC
+1070 PRINTuid$;" quit IRC"
+1090 REM Some unknown command
+1100 PRINTuid$;":";com$;":";FNsafe(line$)
+1120 REM Re-display our input line
+1130 PRINTinput$;
+1140 ENDIF
+1150 ENDIF
+1160 UNTIL str=0
+1170 ENDIF
+1180 b$=INKEY$(0)
+1190 IF b$<>"" THEN
+1200 CASE b$ OF
+1210 WHEN CHR$13
+1220 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PRIVMSG "+ourchan$+" :"+input$
+1230 REM Remove the line
+1240 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+1250 REM We said it...
+1260 PRINT"<"+nick$+"> ";input$
+1270 input$=""
+1280 WHEN CHR$127,CHR$8
+1290 REM Backspace
+1300 IF input$<>"" THENVDU127
+1310 input$=LEFT$(input$)
+1330 REM Ad to current input
+1340 input$+=b$
+1350 PRINTb$;
+1370 ENDIF
+1380 REM Has the socket closed
+1390 SYS "ESocket_Closed",handle,%0 TO closed
+1400UNTIL closed
+1410SYS "ESocket_Forget",handle
+1420SYS "ESocket_Forget",monitor
+1450DEFFNupper(a$):LOCAL c$,b$,I
+1470c$=MID$(a$,I,1):IF c$>="a"ANDc$<="z"THENc$=CHR$(ASC(c$)-32)
+1500REM Remove control codes
+1520LOCAL I
+1540 IF MID$(line$,I,1)<" " THENMID$(line$,I,1)="*"
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.boa b/tests/examplefiles/example.boa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a18f1626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.boa
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Computes Number of Public Methods (NPM) for each project, per-type
+# Output is: NPM[ProjectID][TypeName] = NPM value
+p: Project = input;
+NPM: output sum[string][string] of int;
+visit(p, visitor {
+ # only look at the latest snapshot
+ before n: CodeRepository -> {
+ snapshot := getsnapshot(n);
+ foreach (i: int; def(snapshot[i]))
+ visit(snapshot[i]);
+ stop;
+ }
+ before node: Declaration ->
+ if (node.kind == TypeKind.CLASS)
+ foreach (i: int; has_modifier_public(node.methods[i]))
+ NPM[][] << 1;
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.pony b/tests/examplefiles/example.pony
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..654f2376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.pony
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use "somepkg"
+ /* Nested */
+class trn Foo[A: Stringable ref] is Stringable
+ let _x = "\""
+ fun val dofoo() =>
+ """
+ DocString
+ """
+ (U64(2), "foo")._2
+actor Main
+ new create(env: Env) =>
+ env.out.print("Hello world")
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.toml b/tests/examplefiles/example.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c60c79f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# This is a TOML document comment
+title = "TOML example file" # This is an inline comment
+# Examples taken from
+key = "value"
+bare_key = "value"
+bare-key = "value"
+1234 = "value"
+"" = "value"
+"character encoding" = "value"
+"ʎǝʞ" = "value"
+'key2' = "value"
+'quoted "value"' = "value"
+name = "Orange"
+physical.color = "orange"
+physical.shape = "round"
+site."" = true
+a.b.c = 1
+a.d = 2
+str = "I'm a string. \"You can quote me\". Name\tJos\u00E9\nLocation\tSF."
+str1 = """
+Roses are red
+Violets are blue"""
+str2 = "Roses are red\nViolets are blue"
+str3 = "Roses are red\r\nViolets are blue"
+ [strings.equivalents]
+ str1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
+ str2 = """
+The quick brown \
+ fox jumps over \
+ the lazy dog."""
+ str3 = """\
+ The quick brown \
+ fox jumps over \
+ the lazy dog.\
+ """
+ [strings.literal]
+ winpath = 'C:\Users\nodejs\templates'
+ winpath2 = '\\ServerX\admin$\system32\'
+ quoted = 'Tom "Dubs" Preston-Werner'
+ regex = '<\i\c*\s*>'
+ [strings.multiline]
+ regex2 = '''I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples'''
+ lines = '''
+The first newline is
+trimmed in raw strings.
+ All other whitespace
+ is preserved.
+int1 = +99
+int2 = 42
+int3 = 0
+int4 = -17
+int5 = 1_000
+int6 = 5_349_221
+int7 = 1_2_3_4_5 # discouraged format
+# hexadecimal with prefix `0x`
+hex1 = 0xDEADBEEF
+hex2 = 0xdeadbeef
+hex3 = 0xdead_beef
+# octal with prefix `0o`
+oct1 = 0o01234567
+oct2 = 0o755 # useful for Unix file permissions
+# binary with prefix `0b`
+bin1 = 0b11010110
+# fractional
+flt1 = +1.0
+flt2 = 3.1415
+flt3 = -0.01
+# exponent
+flt4 = 5e+22
+flt5 = 1e6
+flt6 = -2E-2
+# both
+flt7 = 6.626e-34
+# with underscores, for readability
+flt8 = 224_617.445_991_228
+# infinity
+sf1 = inf # positive infinity
+sf2 = +inf # positive infinity
+sf3 = -inf # negative infinity
+# not a number
+sf4 = nan # actual sNaN/qNaN encoding is implementation specific
+sf5 = +nan # same as `nan`
+sf6 = -nan # valid, actual encoding is implementation specific
+# plus/minus zero
+sf0_1 = +0.0
+sf0_2 = -0.0
+bool1 = true
+bool2 = false
+odt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z
+odt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00
+odt3 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00
+odt4 = 1979-05-27 07:32:00Z
+ldt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00
+ldt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999
+ld1 = 1979-05-27
+lt1 = 07:32:00
+lt2 = 00:32:00.999999
+arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+arr2 = [ "red", "yellow", "green" ]
+arr3 = [ [ 1, 2 ], [3, 4, 5] ]
+arr4 = [ "all", 'strings', """are the same""", '''type''']
+arr5 = [ [ 1, 2 ], ["a", "b", "c"] ]
+arr6 = [ 1, 2.0 ] # INVALID
+arr7 = [
+ 1, 2, 3
+arr8 = [
+ 1,
+ 2, # this is ok
+["inline tables"]
+name = { first = "Tom", last = "Preston-Werner" }
+point = { x = 1, y = 2 }
+animal = { = "pug" }
+["arrays of tables"]
+points = [ { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 },
+ { x = 7, y = 8, z = 9 },
+ { x = 2, y = 4, z = 8 } ]
+ [products]
+ [[products]]
+ name = "Hammer"
+ sku = 738594937
+ [[products]]
+ [[products]]
+ name = "Nail"
+ sku = 284758393
+ color = "gray"
+ [fruits]
+ [[fruit]]
+ name = "apple"
+ [fruit.physical]
+ color = "red"
+ shape = "round"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "red delicious"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "granny smith"
+ [[fruit]]
+ name = "banana"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "plantain"
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/freefem.edp b/tests/examplefiles/freefem.edp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4313338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/freefem.edp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Example of problem solving in parallel
+// Usage:
+// ff-mpirun -np 12 LaplacianParallel.edp (here 12 is the number of threads (command nproc to know that)
+// Need FreeFem++ with PETSc
+// Parallel stuff
+load "PETSc"
+macro partitioner()metis//
+macro dimension()2//
+include "./macro_ddm.idp"
+macro def(i)[i]//
+macro init(i)[i]//
+//macro meshN()mesh// //these macro are defined in macro_ddm.idp
+//macro intN()int2d//
+// Parameters
+int nn = 500;
+real L = 1.;
+real H = 1.;
+func f = 1.;
+func Pk = P1;
+// Mesh
+border b1(t=0, L){x=t; y=0; label=1;}
+border b2(t=0, H){x=L; y=t; label=2;}
+border b3(t=L, 0){x=t; y=H; label=3;}
+border b4(t=H, 0){x=0; y=t; label=4;}
+meshN Th = buildmesh(b1(1) + b2(1) + b3(1) + b4(1)); //build a really coarse mesh (just to build the fespace later)
+//meshN Th = square(1, 1, [L*x, H*y]);
+int[int] Wall = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+// Fespace
+fespace Uh(Th, Pk);
+// Mesh partition
+int[int] ArrayIntersection;
+int[int][int] RestrictionIntersection(0);
+real[int] D;
+meshN ThBorder;
+meshN ThGlobal = buildmesh(b1(nn*L) + b2(nn*H) + b3(nn*L) + b4(nn*H)); //build the mesh to partition
+//meshN ThGlobal = square(nn*L, nn*H, [L*x, H*y]);
+int InterfaceLabel = 10;
+int Split = 1;
+int Overlap = 1;
+build(Th, ThBorder, ThGlobal, InterfaceLabel, Split, Overlap, D, ArrayIntersection, RestrictionIntersection, Uh, Pk, mpiCommWorld, false); //see macro_ddm.idp for detailed parameters
+// Macro
+macro grad(u) [dx(u), dy(u)] //
+// Problem
+varf vLaplacian (u, uh) //Problem in varf formulation mandatory
+ = intN(Th)(
+ grad(u)' * grad(uh)
+ )
+ - intN(Th)(
+ f * uh
+ )
+ + on(Wall, u=0)
+ ;
+matrix<real> Laplacian = vLaplacian(Uh, Uh); //build the sequential matrix
+real[int] LaplacianBoundary = vLaplacian(0, Uh);// and right hand side
+//// In sequential, you normally do that:
+//// Solve
+//Uh def(u)=init(0);
+//u[] = Laplacian^-1 * LaplacianBoundary;
+//// Plot
+// In parallel:
+// Matrix construction
+dmatrix PLaplacian(Laplacian, ArrayIntersection, RestrictionIntersection, D, bs=1); //build the parallel matrix
+set(PLaplacian, sparams="-pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps"); //preconditioner LU and MUMPS solver (see PETSc doc for detailed parameters)
+// Solve
+Uh def(u)=init(0); //define the unknown (must be defined after mesh partitioning)
+u[] = PLaplacian^-1 * LaplacianBoundary;
+// Export results to vtk (there is not plot in parallel)
+ fespace PV(Th, P1);
+ PV uu=u;
+ int[int] Order = [1];
+ export("Result", Th, uu, Order, mpiCommWorld);
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/teraterm.ttl b/tests/examplefiles/teraterm.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6a3648a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/teraterm.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+messagebox "text \\not escaped \nescaped n" "other\n\rthing"
+messagebox "goto label /* a string */ ; same string"
+b= 'abc'#$41'def'
+c =#65 /* multiline comment * / * / *//*
+comment */ d = 10 ; inline comment /* still inline */
+e = d + 20 - (($a * 2) / 4) << 3 % (2 >> 1) + result
+strcompare c "thing"
+if result = 1 then
+ goto label_
+elseif result > -1 then
+ goto 10
+elseif d > (1+2*3)/7 then
+ messagebox "thing"
+ messagebox "done"
+if abc messagebox "thing1" "title"
+; Invalid syntax
+bad = "no closing double quote
+bad = 'no closing single quote
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eaed248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Basic ColdfusionHtmlLexer Test
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+import os
+from pygments.token import Token
+from pygments.lexers import NasmLexer
+class NasmLexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = NasmLexer()
+ def testCPUID(self):
+ # CPU is a valid directive, and we don't want to parse this as
+ # cpu id, but as a single token. See bug #1517
+ fragment = 'cpuid'
+ expected = [
+ (Token.Name.Function, u'cpuid'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(expected, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d919a950..778f3d03 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import unittest
from pygments.token import Text
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer
-from pygments.lexer import bygroups
from pygments.lexer import default
@@ -21,6 +20,8 @@ class TestLexer(RegexLexer):
'root': [
('a', Text.Root, 'rag'),
('e', Text.Root),
+ ('#', Text.Root, '#pop'),
+ ('@', Text.Root, ('#pop', '#pop')),
default(('beer', 'beer'))
'beer': [
@@ -37,18 +38,29 @@ class TupleTransTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
lx = TestLexer()
toks = list(lx.get_tokens_unprocessed('abcde'))
- self.assertEqual(toks,
- [(0, Text.Root, 'a'), (1, Text.Rag, 'b'), (2, Text.Rag, 'c'),
+ self.assertEqual(toks, [
+ (0, Text.Root, 'a'), (1, Text.Rag, 'b'), (2, Text.Rag, 'c'),
(3, Text.Beer, 'd'), (4, Text.Root, 'e')])
def test_multiline(self):
lx = TestLexer()
toks = list(lx.get_tokens_unprocessed('a\ne'))
- self.assertEqual(toks,
- [(0, Text.Root, 'a'), (1, Text, u'\n'),
- (2, Text.Root, 'e')])
+ self.assertEqual(toks, [
+ (0, Text.Root, 'a'), (1, Text, u'\n'), (2, Text.Root, 'e')])
def test_default(self):
lx = TestLexer()
toks = list(lx.get_tokens_unprocessed('d'))
self.assertEqual(toks, [(0, Text.Beer, 'd')])
+class PopEmptyTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_regular(self):
+ lx = TestLexer()
+ toks = list(lx.get_tokens_unprocessed('#e'))
+ self.assertEqual(toks, [(0, Text.Root, '#'), (1, Text.Root, 'e')])
+ def test_tuple(self):
+ lx = TestLexer()
+ toks = list(lx.get_tokens_unprocessed('@e'))
+ self.assertEqual(toks, [(0, Text.Root, '@'), (1, Text.Root, 'e')])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e283793e..1121240a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import unittest
from pygments.token import Token
-from pygments.lexers import BashLexer, BashSessionLexer
+from pygments.lexers import BashLexer, BashSessionLexer, MSDOSSessionLexer
class BashTest(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -140,3 +140,20 @@ class BashSessionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+class MSDOSSessionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = MSDOSSessionLexer()
+ def testGtOnlyPrompt(self):
+ fragment = u'> py\nhi\n'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Text, u''),
+ (Token.Generic.Prompt, u'>'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Text, u'py'),
+ (Token.Text, u''),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ (Token.Generic.Output, u'hi\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1f44807d..acc15167 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ async def function(a,b,c, *d, **kwarg:Bool)->Bool:
def test_256esc_seq(self):
- test that a few escape sequences are actualy used when using ansi<> color codes
+ test that a few escape sequences are actually used when using ansi<> color codes
def termtest(x):
return highlight(x, Python3Lexer(),
- self.assertTrue('32;41' in termtest('0x123'))
- self.assertTrue('32;42' in termtest('123'))
- self.assertTrue('30;01' in termtest('#comment'))
- self.assertTrue('34;41' in termtest('"String"'))
+ self.assertTrue('32;101' in termtest('0x123'))
+ self.assertTrue('92;42' in termtest('123'))
+ self.assertTrue('90' in termtest('#comment'))
+ self.assertTrue('94;41' in termtest('"String"'))