path: root/tests
diff options
authorAnteru <>2019-04-30 15:47:45 +0000
committerAnteru <>2019-04-30 15:47:45 +0000
commit83e159f05ec8dae7d6e52140b23b363d4c3b18f2 (patch)
tree1fa06af4657f37b48cc798a662a0986fb004ba52 /tests
parent836d98cc163ea0dcb1b60ef1e536fdacb351d78a (diff)
parenta0fc52727aaed41c8e09c87996de842117872afb (diff)
Merged in Praetonus/pygments-main/pony (pull request #627)
Add lexer for the Pony language
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
71 files changed, 2977 insertions, 572 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/99_bottles_of_beer.chpl b/tests/examplefiles/99_bottles_of_beer.chpl
index cdc1e650..ff50b294 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/99_bottles_of_beer.chpl
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/99_bottles_of_beer.chpl
@@ -177,3 +177,30 @@ private module M3 {
private var x: int;
+prototype module X {
+ proc f() throws {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ proc g() {
+ try {
+ f();
+ try! f();
+ } catch e {
+ writeln("Caught ", e);
+ }
+ }
+ proc int.add() { }
+ g();
+ override proc test() throws {
+ var a = new borrowed IntPair();
+ var b = new owned IntPair();
+ var c = new shared IntPair();
+ throw new unmanaged Error();
+ }
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e5cd5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module CkCallback {
+ readonly CProxy_ckcallback_group _ckcallbackgroup;
+ message CkCcsRequestMsg {
+ char data[];
+ };
+ message CkDataMsg {
+ char data[];
+ };
+ mainchare ckcallback_main {
+ entry ckcallback_main(CkArgMsg *m);
+ };
+ group [migratable] ckcallback_group : IrrGroup {
+ entry ckcallback_group();
+ entry void registerCcsCallback(char name[strlen(name)+1],
+ CkCallback cb);
+ entry void call(CkCallback c,CkMarshalledMessage msg);
+ entry void call(CkCallback c, int length, char data[length]);
+ };
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/StdGeneric.icl b/tests/examplefiles/StdGeneric.icl
index 2e6c3931..891b510a 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/StdGeneric.icl
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/StdGeneric.icl
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
implementation module StdGeneric
+ * NOTE: this is a collection of different tricky parts of Clean modules (even
+ * though the file is simply called StdGeneric.icl). The code is taken from:
+ *
+ * - StdGeneric (StdEnv)
+ * - Graphics.Scalable.Image (Platform)
+ */
import StdInt, StdMisc, StdClass, StdFunc
generic bimap a b :: Bimap .a .b
@@ -89,4 +97,38 @@ where
= [ ConsLeft : doit i (n/2) ]
| otherwise
= [ ConsRight : doit (i - (n/2)) (n - (n/2)) ]
- \ No newline at end of file
+:: NoAttr m = NoAttr
+:: DashAttr m = { dash :: ![Int] }
+:: FillAttr m = { fill :: !SVGColor }
+:: LineEndMarker m = { endmarker :: !Image m }
+:: LineMidMarker m = { midmarker :: !Image m }
+:: LineStartMarker m = { startmarker :: !Image m }
+:: MaskAttr m = { mask :: !Image m }
+:: OpacityAttr m = { opacity :: !Real }
+:: StrokeAttr m = { stroke :: !SVGColor }
+:: StrokeWidthAttr m = { strokewidth :: !Span }
+:: XRadiusAttr m = { xradius :: !Span }
+:: YRadiusAttr m = { yradius :: !Span }
+instance tuneImage NoAttr where tuneImage image _ = image
+instance tuneImage DashAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgDashAttr attr.DashAttr.dash)) image
+instance tuneImage FillAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgFillAttr attr.FillAttr.fill)) image
+instance tuneImage LineEndMarker where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (LineMarkerAttr` {LineMarkerAttr | markerImg = attr.LineEndMarker.endmarker, markerPos = LineMarkerEnd}) image
+instance tuneImage LineMidMarker where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (LineMarkerAttr` {LineMarkerAttr | markerImg = attr.LineMidMarker.midmarker, markerPos = LineMarkerMid}) image
+instance tuneImage LineStartMarker where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (LineMarkerAttr` {LineMarkerAttr | markerImg = attr.LineStartMarker.startmarker, markerPos = LineMarkerStart}) image
+instance tuneImage MaskAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (MaskAttr` attr.MaskAttr.mask) image
+instance tuneImage OpacityAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgFillOpacityAttr attr.OpacityAttr.opacity)) image
+instance tuneImage StrokeAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgStrokeAttr attr.StrokeAttr.stroke)) image
+instance tuneImage StrokeWidthAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgStrokeWidthAttr attr.StrokeWidthAttr.strokewidth)) image
+instance tuneImage XRadiusAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgXRadiusAttr attr.XRadiusAttr.xradius)) image
+instance tuneImage YRadiusAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (BasicImageAttr` (BasicImgYRadiusAttr attr.YRadiusAttr.yradius)) image
+instance tuneImage DraggableAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerDraggableAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnClickAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnClickAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnMouseDownAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnMouseDownAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnMouseMoveAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnMouseMoveAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnMouseOutAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnMouseOutAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnMouseOverAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnMouseOverAttr attr)) image
+instance tuneImage OnMouseUpAttr where tuneImage image attr = Attr` (HandlerAttr` (ImgEventhandlerOnMouseUpAttr attr)) image
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/demo.hbs b/tests/examplefiles/demo.hbs
index 1b9ed5a7..ae80cc1b 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/demo.hbs
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/demo.hbs
@@ -10,3 +10,25 @@
<button {{action expand}}>Show More...</button>
+{{> myPartial}}
+{{> myPartial var="value" }}
+{{> myPartial var=../value}}
+{{> (myPartial)}}
+{{> (myPartial) var="value"}}
+{{> (lookup . "myPartial")}}
+{{> ( lookup . "myPartial" ) var="value" }}
+{{> (lookup ../foo "myPartial") var="value" }}
+{{> @partial-block}}
+{{#*inline "myPartial"}}
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/docker.docker b/tests/examplefiles/docker.docker
index d65385b6..1ae3c3a1 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/docker.docker
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/docker.docker
@@ -1,5 +1,34 @@
-maintainer First O'Last
+FROM alpine:3.5
+# comment
run echo \
123 $bar
-# comment
+RUN apk --update add rsync dumb-init
+# Test env with both syntax
+ "BAR"
+COPY foo "bar"
+COPY foo \
+ "bar"
+ --interval=5m --timeout=3s \
+ CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1
+# ONBUILD keyword, then with linebreak
+ONBUILD ADD . /app/src
+ RUN echo 123 $bar
+# Potential JSON array parsing, mixed with linebreaks
+ /foo
+ ["/bar"]
+VOLUME ["/bar"]
+VOLUME /foo
+CMD ["foo", "bar"]
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdb8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+20REM The simplest IRC client you can write. Maybe.
+30REM (C) Justin Fletcher, 1998
+60REM Change these if you wish
+120REM Start connecting to a host
+130SYS "ESocket_ConnectToHost",host$,port TO handle
+150 SYS "ESocket_CheckState",handle TO state
+160 IF state<-1 THENSYS "ESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "ESocket_DecodeState",state TO a$:ERROR 1,"Failed ("+a$+")"
+170UNTIL state=4
+190REM We are now connected
+220REM Log on to the server
+230SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"USER "+nick$+" x x :"+nick$
+240SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NICK "+nick$
+250SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"JOIN "+ourchan$
+260REM Install a monitor so that we don't waste time
+270SYS "ESocket_Monitor",0,handle TO monitor
+280SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+300REM If we crash, we should tidy up after ourselves
+310ON ERROR SYS "XESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "XESocket_Forget",monitor:ERROR EXT ERR,REPORT$+" at line "+STR$ERL
+330REM Memory buffer for our data
+350DIM buf% bufsize%
+370input$="":REM The input line
+390 REM In a taskwindow we should yield until there is data
+400 SYS "OS_UpCall",6,polladdr%
+410 IF !polladdr%<>0 THEN
+420 REM Reset the monitor for the time being
+430 SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+450 REM Read lines from the connection until this buffer is empty
+460 SYS "ESocket_ReadLine",handle,buf%,bufsize%,%100 TO ,str,len
+470 IF str<>0 AND $str<>"" THEN
+480 line$=$str
+490 IF LEFT$(line$,4)="PING" THEN
+500 REM Ping's must be replied to immediately
+510 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PONG "+MID$(line$,6)
+520 ELSE
+530 REM Extract source info
+540 from$=MID$(LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1),2)
+550 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+560 uid$=LEFT$(from$,INSTR(from$+"!","!")-1)
+570 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+580 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+590 REM remove the input line
+600 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+610 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+630 REM Extract the destination
+640 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+650 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+2):REM Skip :
+660 IF LEFT$(line$,1)=CHR$1 THEN
+670 REM CTCP, so respond to it
+680 line$=MID$(line$,2,LEN(line$)-2)
+690 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+700 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+710 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+720 WHEN "PING"
+730 REM Ping lag timing
+740 line$="PONG "+line$
+750 PRINTuid$;" pinged us"
+770 REM Version checking
+780 line$="VERSION EIRC 1.00 (c) Justin Fletcher"
+790 PRINTuid$;" wanted our version"
+810 PRINT"* ";uid$;" ";line$
+820 line$=""
+840 REM everything else is an error
+850 line$="ERRMSG "+com$+" not understood"
+860 PRINT"CTCP '";com$;"' from ";uid$;" (";line$;")"
+880 IF line$<>"" THEN
+890 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NOTICE "+uid$+" :"+CHR$1+line$+CHR$1
+900 ENDIF
+910 ELSE
+920 REM Somebody said something...
+930 PRINT"<";uid$;"> ";FNsafe(line$)
+940 ENDIF
+950 WHEN "JOIN"
+960 REM We (or someone else) has joined the channel
+970 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")):REM Skip :
+980 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+990 PRINTuid$;" has joined ";chan$
+1000 WHEN "PART"
+1010 REM Someone else has left the channel
+1020 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+1030 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+1040 PRINTuid$;" has left ";chan$
+1050 WHEN "QUIT"
+1060 REM Someone else has quit IRC
+1070 PRINTuid$;" quit IRC"
+1090 REM Some unknown command
+1100 PRINTuid$;":";com$;":";FNsafe(line$)
+1120 REM Re-display our input line
+1130 PRINTinput$;
+1140 ENDIF
+1150 ENDIF
+1160 UNTIL str=0
+1170 ENDIF
+1180 b$=INKEY$(0)
+1190 IF b$<>"" THEN
+1200 CASE b$ OF
+1210 WHEN CHR$13
+1220 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PRIVMSG "+ourchan$+" :"+input$
+1230 REM Remove the line
+1240 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+1250 REM We said it...
+1260 PRINT"<"+nick$+"> ";input$
+1270 input$=""
+1280 WHEN CHR$127,CHR$8
+1290 REM Backspace
+1300 IF input$<>"" THENVDU127
+1310 input$=LEFT$(input$)
+1330 REM Ad to current input
+1340 input$+=b$
+1350 PRINTb$;
+1370 ENDIF
+1380 REM Has the socket closed
+1390 SYS "ESocket_Closed",handle,%0 TO closed
+1400UNTIL closed
+1410SYS "ESocket_Forget",handle
+1420SYS "ESocket_Forget",monitor
+1450DEFFNupper(a$):LOCAL c$,b$,I
+1470c$=MID$(a$,I,1):IF c$>="a"ANDc$<="z"THENc$=CHR$(ASC(c$)-32)
+1500REM Remove control codes
+1520LOCAL I
+1540 IF MID$(line$,I,1)<" " THENMID$(line$,I,1)="*"
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.flo b/tests/examplefiles/example.flo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d4ab5e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.flo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#example mission box1.flo
+house box1
+ framer vehiclesim be active first vehicle_run
+ frame vehicle_run
+ do simulator motion uuv
+ framer mission be active first northleg
+ frame northleg
+ set elapsed with 20.0
+ set heading with 0.0
+ set depth with 5.0
+ set speed with 2.5
+ go next if elapsed >= goal
+ frame eastleg
+ set heading with 90.0
+ go next if elapsed >= goal
+ frame southleg
+ set heading with 180.0
+ go next if elapsed >= goal
+ frame westleg
+ set heading with 270.0
+ go next if elapsed >= goal
+ frame mission_stop
+ bid stop vehiclesim
+ bid stop autopilot
+ bid stop me
+ framer autopilot be active first autopilot_run
+ frame autopilot_run
+ do controller pid speed
+ do controller pid heading
+ do controller pid depth
+ do controller pid pitch \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.hlsl b/tests/examplefiles/example.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21d0a672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// A few random snippets of HLSL shader code I gathered...
+[numthreads(256, 1, 1)]
+void cs_main(uint3 threadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ // Seed the PRNG using the thread ID
+ rng_state = threadId.x;
+ // Generate a few numbers...
+ uint r0 = rand_xorshift();
+ uint r1 = rand_xorshift();
+ // Do some stuff with them...
+ // Generate a random float in [0, 1)...
+ float f0 = float(rand_xorshift()) * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);
+ // ...etc.
+// Constant buffer of parameters
+cbuffer IntegratorParams : register(b0)
+ float2 specPow; // Spec powers in XY directions (equal for isotropic BRDFs)
+ float3 L; // Unit vector toward light
+ int2 cThread; // Total threads launched in XY dimensions
+ int2 xyOutput; // Where in the output buffer to store the result
+static const float pi = 3.141592654;
+float AshikhminShirleyNDF(float3 H)
+ float normFactor = sqrt((specPow.x + 2.0f) * (specPow.y + 2.0)) * (0.5f / pi);
+ float NdotH = H.z;
+ float2 Hxy = normalize(H.xy);
+ return normFactor * pow(NdotH, dot(specPow, Hxy * Hxy));
+float BeckmannNDF(float3 H)
+ float glossFactor = specPow.x * 0.5f + 1.0f; // This is 1/m^2 in the usual Beckmann formula
+ float normFactor = glossFactor * (1.0f / pi);
+ float NdotHSq = H.z * H.z;
+ return normFactor / (NdotHSq * NdotHSq) * exp(glossFactor * (1.0f - 1.0f / NdotHSq));
+// Output buffer for compute shader (actually float, but must be declared as uint
+// for atomic operations to work)
+globallycoherent RWTexture2D<uint> o_data : register(u0);
+// Sum up the outputs of all threads and store to the output location
+static const uint threadGroupSize2D = 16;
+static const uint threadGroupSize1D = threadGroupSize2D * threadGroupSize2D;
+groupshared float g_partialSums[threadGroupSize1D];
+void SumAcrossThreadsAndStore(float value, uint iThreadInGroup)
+ // First reduce within the threadgroup: partial sums of 2, 4, 8... elements
+ // are calculated by 1/2, 1/4, 1/8... of the threads, always keeping the
+ // active threads at the front of the group to minimize divergence.
+ // NOTE: there are faster ways of doing this...but this is simple to code
+ // and good enough.
+ g_partialSums[iThreadInGroup] = value;
+ GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync();
+ [unroll] for (uint i = threadGroupSize1D / 2; i > 0; i /= 2)
+ {
+ if (iThreadInGroup < i)
+ {
+ g_partialSums[iThreadInGroup] += g_partialSums[iThreadInGroup + i];
+ }
+ GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync();
+ }
+ // Then reduce across threadgroups: one thread from each group adds the group
+ // total to the final output location, using a software transactional memory
+ // style since D3D11 doesn't support atomic add on floats.
+ // (Assumes the output value has been cleared to zero beforehand.)
+ if (iThreadInGroup == 0)
+ {
+ float threadGroupSum = g_partialSums[0];
+ uint outputValueRead = o_data[xyOutput];
+ while (true)
+ {
+ uint newOutputValue = asuint(asfloat(outputValueRead) + threadGroupSum);
+ uint previousOutputValue;
+ InterlockedCompareExchange(
+ o_data[xyOutput], outputValueRead, newOutputValue, previousOutputValue);
+ if (previousOutputValue == outputValueRead)
+ break;
+ outputValueRead = previousOutputValue;
+ }
+ }
+void main(
+ in Vertex i_vtx,
+ out Vertex o_vtx,
+ out float3 o_vecCamera : CAMERA,
+ out float4 o_uvzwShadow : UVZW_SHADOW,
+ out float4 o_posClip : SV_Position)
+ o_vtx = i_vtx;
+ o_vecCamera = g_posCamera - i_vtx.m_pos;
+ o_uvzwShadow = mul(float4(i_vtx.m_pos, 1.0), g_matWorldToUvzwShadow);
+ o_posClip = mul(float4(i_vtx.m_pos, 1.0), g_matWorldToClip);
+#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)
+struct Vertex
+ float3 m_pos : POSITION;
+ float3 m_normal : NORMAL;
+ float2 m_uv : UV;
+cbuffer CBFrame : CB_FRAME // matches struct CBFrame in test.cpp
+ float4x4 g_matWorldToClip;
+ float4x4 g_matWorldToUvzwShadow;
+ float3x3 g_matWorldToUvzShadowNormal;
+ float3 g_posCamera;
+ float3 g_vecDirectionalLight;
+ float3 g_rgbDirectionalLight;
+ float2 g_dimsShadowMap;
+ float g_normalOffsetShadow;
+ float g_shadowSharpening;
+ float g_exposure; // Exposure multiplier
+Texture2D<float3> g_texDiffuse : register(t0);
+SamplerState g_ss : register(s0);
+void main(
+ in Vertex i_vtx,
+ in float3 i_vecCamera : CAMERA,
+ in float4 i_uvzwShadow : UVZW_SHADOW,
+ out float3 o_rgb : SV_Target)
+ float3 normal = normalize(i_vtx.m_normal);
+ // Sample shadow map
+ float shadow = EvaluateShadow(i_uvzwShadow, normal);
+ // Evaluate diffuse lighting
+ float3 diffuseColor = g_texDiffuse.Sample(g_ss, i_vtx.m_uv);
+ float3 diffuseLight = g_rgbDirectionalLight * (shadow * saturate(dot(normal, g_vecDirectionalLight)));
+ diffuseLight += SimpleAmbient(normal);
+ o_rgb = diffuseColor * diffuseLight;
+void ds(
+ in float edgeFactors[4] : SV_TessFactor,
+ in float insideFactors[2] : SV_InsideTessFactor,
+ in OutputPatch<VData, 4> inp,
+ in float2 uv : SV_DomainLocation,
+ out float4 o_pos : SV_Position)
+ o_pos = lerp(lerp(inp[0].pos, inp[1].pos, uv.x), lerp(inp[2].pos, inp[3].pos, uv.x), uv.y);
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.hs b/tests/examplefiles/example.hs
index f5e2b555..764cab77 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/example.hs
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.hs
@@ -29,3 +29,13 @@ data ĈrazyThings =
-- some char literals:
charl = ['"', 'a', '\ESC', '\'', ' ']
+-- closed type families
+type family Fam (a :: Type) = r :: Type where
+ Fam Int = True
+ Fam a = False
+-- type literals
+type IntChar = '[Int, Char]
+type Falsy = 'False
+type Falsy = '(10, 20, 30)
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.icn b/tests/examplefiles/example.icn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8fcf335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# $Id: button.icn,v 1.7 2006-07-09 23:43:07 rparlett Exp $
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Author: Robert Parlett (
+package gui
+link graphics
+$include "guih.icn"
+# This is the parent class of the button classes, including
+# checkboxes.
+# A {Button} produces a BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT when the button is
+# depressed, and code BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT when it is released,
+# as well as an ACTION_EVENT.
+# By default, when a button holds the keyboard focus a dashed
+# line appears just within the button. Then, when return is
+# pressed an ACTION_EVENT is generated. The method
+# {Dialog.set_initial_focus()} can be used to have the button
+# have the focus when the dialog is first displayed.
+# Buttons also repeatedly produce a BUTTON_HELD_EVENT whilst they
+# are held down, rather like a repeating keyboard press. The
+# delay between the initial repeat event and subsequent repeat
+# events is set in the parent dialog (see above).
+class Button : Toggle : Component(
+ is_down, #
+ is_held, #
+ is_checked_flag, #
+ label,
+ img_up, #
+ img_down, #
+ img_w, #
+ img_h, #
+ parent_check_box_group, #
+ parent_button_group, #
+ repeat_delay,
+ no_keyboard_flag, #
+ toggles_flag
+ )
+ method set_parent_button_group(x)
+ return self.parent_button_group := x
+ end
+ #
+ # Invoking this method disables the keyboard control over the
+ # button described above. No dashed line will ever appear in
+ # the button display and return will have no effect on the
+ # button even if it has the focus.
+ #
+ method set_no_keyboard()
+ self.no_keyboard_flag := 1
+ self.accepts_focus_flag := &null
+ end
+ #
+ # Clear the no keyboard behaviour (the default)
+ #
+ method clear_no_keyboard()
+ self.no_keyboard_flag := &null
+ self.accepts_focus_flag := 1
+ end
+ method tick()
+ if dispatcher.curr_time_of_day() > self.repeat_delay then
+ end
+ method go_down()
+ self.is_down := 1
+ set_ticker(self.parent_dialog.repeat_rate)
+ end
+ method go_up()
+ self.is_down := &null
+ stop_ticker()
+ end
+ method handle_press(e)
+ local b
+ if self.in_region() then {
+ go_down()
+ self.repeat_delay := dispatcher.curr_time_of_day() + self.parent_dialog.repeat_delay
+ self.is_held := 1
+ every b := !(\self.parent_button_group).buttons do {
+ if b.is_unhidden() then {
+ b.is_held := 1
+ b.repeat_delay := self.repeat_delay
+ }
+ }
+ self.invalidate()
+ }
+ end
+ method handle_drag(e)
+ if \self.is_held then {
+ #
+ # Button held down; toggle on/off as it goes over the button
+ #
+ if self.in_region() then {
+ if /self.is_down then {
+ go_down()
+ invalidate()
+ }
+ } else {
+ if \self.is_down then {
+ go_up()
+ invalidate()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ method handle_release(e)
+ if \self.is_held then {
+ self.is_held := &null
+ if \self.is_down then {
+ go_up()
+ on_action(e)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ method on_action(e)
+ if \self.toggles_flag then {
+ if \self.parent_check_box_group then
+ self.parent_check_box_group.set_which_one(self)
+ else
+ self.toggle_is_checked()
+ }
+ self.invalidate()
+ fire(ACTION_EVENT, e)
+ end
+ method handle_accel(e)
+ self.Component.handle_accel(e)
+ on_action(e)
+ end
+ method handle_default(e)
+ if \self.has_focus then {
+ if /self.no_keyboard_flag & e == ("\r" | "\l" | " ") then {
+ on_action(e)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ method handle_event(e)
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then {
+ handle_press(e)
+ } else if e === (&ldrag | &rdrag | &mdrag) then {
+ handle_drag(e)
+ } else if e === (&lrelease | &rrelease | &mrelease) then {
+ handle_release(e)
+ } else
+ handle_default(e)
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the up/down images (if any) to the strings provided,
+ # which should be in Icon image format.
+ # The two images must have the same dimensions.
+ # @param x The up image
+ # @param y The down image
+ #
+ method set_imgs(x, y)
+ self.img_up := x
+ self.img_w := img_width(x) = img_width(y) | fatal("Image widths differ")
+ self.img_h := img_height(x) = img_height(y) | fatal("Image heights differ")
+ self.img_down := y
+ return
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the image (if any) to the given string, which should be in Icon image
+ # format.
+ # @param x The image
+ #
+ method set_img(x)
+ self.img_up := self.img_down := x
+ self.img_w := img_width(x)
+ self.img_h := img_height(x)
+ return x
+ end
+ #
+ # Toggle the checked status of the button. This method, and
+ # the following two methods, may be
+ # inappropriate for non-toggle styles of button.
+ #
+ method toggle_is_checked()
+ self.Toggle.toggle_is_checked()
+ self.invalidate()
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the status to checked.
+ #
+ method set_is_checked()
+ self.Toggle.set_is_checked()
+ self.invalidate()
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the status to unchecked.
+ #
+ method clear_is_checked()
+ self.Toggle.clear_is_checked()
+ self.invalidate()
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the button so that when it is pressed, it toggles
+ # between two states, as indicated by the is_checked
+ # flag.
+ #
+ # Instances of Checkbox have this flag on by default, but
+ # TextButton and IconButton do not. When the flag is on,
+ # the latter classes indicate their checked status by
+ # showing the button as being "down".
+ #
+ method set_toggles()
+ self.toggles_flag := 1
+ self.invalidate()
+ end
+ #
+ # Clear the toggles flag.
+ #
+ method clear_toggles()
+ self.toggles_flag := &null
+ self.invalidate()
+ end
+ #
+ # Set the label of the button, if any.
+ # @param x The label
+ #
+ method set_label(x)
+ self.label := x
+ self.invalidate()
+ return x
+ end
+ method set_one(attr, val)
+ case attr of {
+ "label" : set_label(string_val(attr, val))
+ "is_checked" :
+ if test_flag(attr, val) then
+ set_is_checked()
+ else
+ clear_is_checked()
+ "toggles" :
+ if test_flag(attr, val) then
+ set_toggles()
+ else
+ clear_toggles()
+ "no_keyboard" :
+ if test_flag(attr, val) then
+ set_no_keyboard()
+ else
+ clear_no_keyboard()
+ default: self.Component.set_one(attr, val)
+ }
+ end
+ initially()
+ self.Component.initially()
+ self.accepts_focus_flag := 1
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.icon b/tests/examplefiles/example.icon
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29bc548b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.icon
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# File: kaleid.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce kaleidoscope
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Lots of options, most easily set by with the interface after
+# startup. The only one that isn't set that way is -wn where 'n' is
+# the size of the kaleidoscope window (default is 600 square).
+# Terminology (and options):
+# Window_size (-wN): How big of a display window to use.
+# At the current time, this can only be set via a
+# command line argument.
+# Density (-dN): How many circles per octant to keep on display
+# at any one time. There is NO LIMIT to the density.
+# Duration (-lN): How long to keep drawing circles (measured in
+# in circles) once the density is reached. There is NO LIMIT
+# to the duration.
+# MaxRadius (-MN): Maximum radius of any circle.
+# MinRadius (-mN): Preferred minimum radius. Circles with centers
+# near the edge have their radii forced down to fit entirely
+# on the display
+# MaxOffset (-XN): Maximum offset from center of display (may wrap).
+# MinOffset (-xN): Minimum offset
+# Skew (-sN): Shift probability of placing a circle at a 'typical'
+# offset.
+# Fill (-F): Turns off filling the circles.
+# Clear (-C): After the duration, reduces density back to 0 before
+# quitting.
+# Random Seed: (-rN): Sets the random number seed.
+# Thanks to Jon Lipp for help on using vidgets, and to Mary Camaron
+# for her Interface Builder.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vidgets, vslider, vtext, vbuttons, vradio, wopen, xcompat
+link vidgets
+link vslider
+link vtext
+link vbuttons
+link vradio
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global Clear, fill, duration, density, maxoff, minoff
+global maxradius, minradius, r_seed, skew, win_size, mid_win
+global root, check1, mainwin, use_dialog
+global draw_circle
+global du_v, de_v, rs_v, sk_v
+procedure main (args)
+ draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ init_globs()
+ process_args(args)
+ if \use_dialog then { # have vidgets, so use them for args.
+ mainwin := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope", "width=404", "height=313",
+ "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad mainwin")
+ root := ui (mainwin)
+ GetEvents (root, quit)
+ }
+ else { # just rely on command line arguments
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ }
+procedure init_globs()
+ duration := 500 # set default characteristics
+ density := 30
+ win_size := 600
+ minoff := 1
+ maxradius := 150
+ minradius := 1
+ skew := 1
+ fill := "On"
+ draw_circle := FillCircle
+ Clear := "Off"
+ r_seed := map("HhMmYy", "Hh:Mm:Yy", &clock)
+ # See if the Vidget library is available or not
+ if \VSet then use_dialog := "yes"
+ else use_dialog := &null
+procedure process_args(args)
+ local arg
+ # really only needed if you don't use the dialog box
+ every arg := !args do case arg[1+:2] of {
+ "-w" : win_size := integer(arg[3:0]) # window size
+ "-d" : density := integer(arg[3:0]) # density of circles
+ "-l" : duration := integer(arg[3:0]) # duration
+ "-M" : maxradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum radius
+ "-m" : minradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum radius
+ "-X" : maxoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum offset
+ "-x" : minoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum offset
+ "-s" : skew := numeric(arg[3:0]) # set skewedness
+ "-F" : fill := &null # turn off fill
+ "-C" : Clear := "yes" # turn on clear mode
+ "-r" : r_seed := integer(arg[3:0]) # random seed
+ "-h" : stop("usage: kal [-wn] [-dn] [-ln] [-Mn] [-mn] [-Xn] [-xn] _
+ [-sn] [-F] [-C] [-rn]")
+ }
+ # adjust parameters that depend on the window size...
+ mid_win := win_size/2
+ maxoff := win_size-1
+# Lorraine Callahan's kaleidoscope program, translated into icon.
+# (some of the things she did were too sophisticated for me
+# to spend time to figure out, so the output is square instead of
+# round), and I use 'xor' to draw instead of writing to separate
+# bit planes.
+global putcircle, clrcircle
+procedure kaleidoscope(r)
+ local colors
+ # What colors to use? This can be changed to whatever!
+ colors := ["red","green","blue","cyan","magenta","yellow"]
+ &window := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope: 'q' quits", "width="||win_size,
+ "height="||win_size, "bg=black")
+ WAttrib("drawop=xor")
+ # Create two *indentical* sequences of circles, one to use when
+ # when drawing, one for erasing. (Since 'xor' is used to
+ # place them, these both just draw the circles!)
+ putcircle := create { # draws sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ clrcircle := create { # erases sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ every 1 to density do @putcircle # fill screen to density
+ every 1 to duration do { # maintain steady state
+ @putcircle
+ @clrcircle
+ if *Pending(&window) > 0 then break
+ }
+ every (Clear == "On") & 1 to density do @clrcircle
+ close(&window)
+procedure outcircle() # select a circle at random,
+local radius, xoff, yoff # draw it in kaleidoscopic form
+ # get a random center point and radius
+ xoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ yoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ radius := ?0 ^ skew
+ # force radius to 'fit'
+ radius := ((maxradius-minradius) * radius + minradius) %
+ (mid_win - ((xoff < yoff)|xoff))
+ # put into all 8 octants
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ return
+# Vidget-based user interface -- developed originally using Mary
+# Camaron's XIB program. Don't expect this to be very readable -
+# you should have to play with it!
+procedure ui (win)
+ local cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4
+ local
+ radio_button2,
+ radio_button1,
+ text_input6,
+ text_input5,
+ slider4,
+ slider3,
+ text_input4,
+ text_input3,
+ slider2,
+ slider1
+ /win := WOpen("label=ui", "width=404", "height=313", "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad win")
+ root := Vroot_frame (win)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, win_size/2), 168, 98)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "1"), 108, 97)
+ VInsert (root, sk_v := Vtext(win,"Skew:\\=1",get_skew,,6), 280, 39)
+ VInsert (root, du_v := Vtext(win, "Duration:\\="||duration, get_duration,,9),
+ 237, 15)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Clear at end?"), 232, 145)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Fill?"), 105, 142)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Quit?"), 267, 259)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Display it?"), 26, 260)
+ VInsert (root, Vcheckbox(win, do_quit, "check2",20), 305, 255, 20, 20)
+ VInsert (root, check1:=Vcheckbox(win, do_display, "check1",20),
+ 106, 258, 20, 20)
+ radio_button2 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_clear, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button2,Clear)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button2, 253, 165)
+ radio_button1 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_fill, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button1,fill)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button1, 99, 165)
+ cv1 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv1, get_max_offset)
+ text_input6 := Vtext (win, "Max Offset:\\="||(win_size-1), cv1, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv1, text_input6)
+ slider4 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv1, "slider4", 70, 12, 0,
+ win_size-1, win_size-1, )
+ VAddClient(cv1, slider4)
+ VInsert (root, text_input6, 196, 103)
+ VInsert (root, slider4, 306, 106)
+ cv2 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv2, get_min_offset)
+ text_input5 := Vtext (win, "Min Offset\\=1", cv2, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv2, text_input5)
+ slider3 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv2, "slider3", 70, 12, 1, win_size-1, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv2, slider3)
+ VInsert (root, text_input5, 201, 80)
+ VInsert (root, slider3, 307, 82)
+ cv3 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv3, get_max_radius)
+ text_input4 := Vtext (win, "Max Radius\\="||(win_size/4), cv3, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv3, text_input4)
+ slider2 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv3, "slider2", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2,
+ win_size/4, )
+ VAddClient(cv3, slider2)
+ VInsert (root, text_input4, 10, 104)
+ VInsert (root, slider2, 110, 108)
+ cv4 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv4, get_min_radius)
+ text_input3 := Vtext (win, "Min Radius\\=1", cv4, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv4, text_input3)
+ slider1 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv4, "slider1", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv4, slider1)
+ VInsert (root, text_input3, 10, 81)
+ VInsert (root, slider1, 110, 84)
+ VInsert (root, rs_v := Vtext(win,"Random Seed:\\="||r_seed, get_random,, 11),
+ 30, 41)
+ VInsert (root, de_v := Vtext(win,"Density:\\="||density, get_density,,8),
+ 71, 16)
+ VResize (root)
+ return root
+procedure get_skew (wit, value)
+ skew := value
+procedure get_duration (wit, value)
+ duration := value
+procedure do_quit (wit, value)
+ stop()
+procedure do_display (wit, value)
+ r_seed := numeric(
+ duration := integer(
+ density := integer(
+ skew := integer(
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ wit.callback.value := &null
+ VDraw(check1)
+procedure get_clear (wit, value)
+ Clear := value
+procedure get_fill (wit, value)
+ fill := value
+ if fill == "Off" then draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ else draw_circle := FillCircle
+procedure get_max_offset (wit, value)
+ maxoff := value
+procedure get_min_offset (wit, value)
+ minoff := value
+procedure get_max_radius (wit, value)
+ maxradius := value
+procedure get_min_radius (wit, value)
+ minradius := value
+procedure get_random (wit, value)
+ r_seed := integer(value)
+procedure get_density (wit, value)
+ density := integer(value)
+procedure quit(e)
+ if e === "q" then stop ("Exiting Kaleidoscope")
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
index 2befb107..e2bbacf1 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ this sentence @tweets a person about a #topic.
![Image of Yaktocat](
+[reference link][id]
* this is just unformated
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.sgf b/tests/examplefiles/example.sgf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..024a461e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.sgf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]FG[257:Figure 1]PM[1]
+PB[Takemiya Masaki]BR[9 dan]PW[Cho Chikun]
+WR[9 dan]RE[W+Resign]KM[5.5]TM[28800]DT[1996-10-18,19]
+EV[21st Meijin]RO[2 (final)]SO[Go World #78]US[Arno Hollosi]
+;B[ei];W[eg];B[kk]LB[qq:a][dj:b][ck:c][qp:d]N[Figure 1]
+;W[me]FG[257:Figure 2];B[kf];W[ke];B[lf];W[jf];B[jg]
+(;W[nr];B[qp]LB[kd:a][kh:b]N[Figure 2]
+;W[pk]FG[257:Figure 3];B[pm];W[oj];B[ok];W[qr];B[os];W[ol];B[nk];W[qj]
+;W[jo];B[km]N[Figure 3])
+(;W[ql]VW[ja:ss]FG[257:Dia. 6]MN[1];B[rm];W[ph];B[oh];W[pg];B[og];W[pf]
+N[Diagram 6]))
+(;W[no]VW[jj:ss]FG[257:Dia. 5]MN[1];B[pn]N[Diagram 5]))
+(;B[pr]FG[257:Dia. 4]MN[1];W[kq];B[lp];W[lr];B[jq];W[jr];B[kp];W[kr];B[ir]
+;W[hr]LB[is:a][js:b][or:c]N[Diagram 4]))
+(;W[if]FG[257:Dia. 3]MN[1];B[mf];W[ig];B[jh]LB[ki:a]N[Diagram 3]))
+(;W[oc]VW[aa:sk]FG[257:Dia. 2]MN[1];B[md];W[mc];B[ld]N[Diagram 2]))
+(;B[qe]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 1]MN[1];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob]
+;W[qb]LB[rg:a]N[Diagram 1]))
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fb430de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#SBATCH --partition=part
+#SBATCH --job-name=job
+#SBATCH --mem=1G
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
+srun /usr/bin/sleep \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.stan b/tests/examplefiles/example.stan
index 69c9ac70..03b7b1b5 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/example.stan
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.stan
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ functions {
data {
// valid name
int abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_abc;
- // all types should be highlighed
+ // all types should be highlighted
int a3;
real foo[2];
vector[3] bar;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ transformed data {
thud <- -12309865;
// ./ and .* should be recognized as operators
grault2 <- grault .* garply ./ garply;
- // ' and \ should be regognized as operators
+ // ' and \ should be recognized as operators
qux2 <- qux' \ bar;
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
index d3f02779..4cbef52c 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ variable "aws_amis" {
+resource "aws_internet_gateway" "base_igw" {
+ vpc_id = "${}"
+ tags {
+ Name = "igw-${var.something}-${var.something}"
+ }
@@ -39,6 +47,16 @@ provider "aws" {
+resource "aws_route53_record" "test" {
+ zone_id = "zone"
+ name = "name"
+ type = "A"
+ alias {
+ name = "alias name"
+ }
# Single line comment
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "ami-408c7f28"
@@ -160,3 +178,31 @@ resource "aws_instance" "web" {
+resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "bar" {
+ name = "terraform-asg-example"
+ launch_configuration = "${}"
+ min_size = 1
+ max_size = 2
+ lifecycle {
+ create_before_destroy = true
+ }
+resource "aws_db_instance" "timeout_example" {
+ allocated_storage = 10
+ engine = "mysql"
+ engine_version = "5.6.17"
+ instance_class = "db.t1.micro"
+ name = "mydb"
+ timeouts {
+ create = "60m"
+ delete = "2h"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.toml b/tests/examplefiles/example.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c60c79f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# This is a TOML document comment
+title = "TOML example file" # This is an inline comment
+# Examples taken from
+key = "value"
+bare_key = "value"
+bare-key = "value"
+1234 = "value"
+"" = "value"
+"character encoding" = "value"
+"ʎǝʞ" = "value"
+'key2' = "value"
+'quoted "value"' = "value"
+name = "Orange"
+physical.color = "orange"
+physical.shape = "round"
+site."" = true
+a.b.c = 1
+a.d = 2
+str = "I'm a string. \"You can quote me\". Name\tJos\u00E9\nLocation\tSF."
+str1 = """
+Roses are red
+Violets are blue"""
+str2 = "Roses are red\nViolets are blue"
+str3 = "Roses are red\r\nViolets are blue"
+ [strings.equivalents]
+ str1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
+ str2 = """
+The quick brown \
+ fox jumps over \
+ the lazy dog."""
+ str3 = """\
+ The quick brown \
+ fox jumps over \
+ the lazy dog.\
+ """
+ [strings.literal]
+ winpath = 'C:\Users\nodejs\templates'
+ winpath2 = '\\ServerX\admin$\system32\'
+ quoted = 'Tom "Dubs" Preston-Werner'
+ regex = '<\i\c*\s*>'
+ [strings.multiline]
+ regex2 = '''I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples'''
+ lines = '''
+The first newline is
+trimmed in raw strings.
+ All other whitespace
+ is preserved.
+int1 = +99
+int2 = 42
+int3 = 0
+int4 = -17
+int5 = 1_000
+int6 = 5_349_221
+int7 = 1_2_3_4_5 # discouraged format
+# hexadecimal with prefix `0x`
+hex1 = 0xDEADBEEF
+hex2 = 0xdeadbeef
+hex3 = 0xdead_beef
+# octal with prefix `0o`
+oct1 = 0o01234567
+oct2 = 0o755 # useful for Unix file permissions
+# binary with prefix `0b`
+bin1 = 0b11010110
+# fractional
+flt1 = +1.0
+flt2 = 3.1415
+flt3 = -0.01
+# exponent
+flt4 = 5e+22
+flt5 = 1e6
+flt6 = -2E-2
+# both
+flt7 = 6.626e-34
+# with underscores, for readability
+flt8 = 224_617.445_991_228
+# infinity
+sf1 = inf # positive infinity
+sf2 = +inf # positive infinity
+sf3 = -inf # negative infinity
+# not a number
+sf4 = nan # actual sNaN/qNaN encoding is implementation specific
+sf5 = +nan # same as `nan`
+sf6 = -nan # valid, actual encoding is implementation specific
+# plus/minus zero
+sf0_1 = +0.0
+sf0_2 = -0.0
+bool1 = true
+bool2 = false
+odt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z
+odt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00
+odt3 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00
+odt4 = 1979-05-27 07:32:00Z
+ldt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00
+ldt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999
+ld1 = 1979-05-27
+lt1 = 07:32:00
+lt2 = 00:32:00.999999
+arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+arr2 = [ "red", "yellow", "green" ]
+arr3 = [ [ 1, 2 ], [3, 4, 5] ]
+arr4 = [ "all", 'strings', """are the same""", '''type''']
+arr5 = [ [ 1, 2 ], ["a", "b", "c"] ]
+arr6 = [ 1, 2.0 ] # INVALID
+arr7 = [
+ 1, 2, 3
+arr8 = [
+ 1,
+ 2, # this is ok
+["inline tables"]
+name = { first = "Tom", last = "Preston-Werner" }
+point = { x = 1, y = 2 }
+animal = { = "pug" }
+["arrays of tables"]
+points = [ { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 },
+ { x = 7, y = 8, z = 9 },
+ { x = 2, y = 4, z = 8 } ]
+ [products]
+ [[products]]
+ name = "Hammer"
+ sku = 738594937
+ [[products]]
+ [[products]]
+ name = "Nail"
+ sku = 284758393
+ color = "gray"
+ [fruits]
+ [[fruit]]
+ name = "apple"
+ [fruit.physical]
+ color = "red"
+ shape = "round"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "red delicious"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "granny smith"
+ [[fruit]]
+ name = "banana"
+ [[fruit.variety]]
+ name = "plantain"
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.u b/tests/examplefiles/example.u
index 42c85902..8c6686eb 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/example.u
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.u
@@ -545,4 +545,3 @@ var y = 0;
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.u1 b/tests/examplefiles/example.u1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92c45365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.u1
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+version U12.1.00
+uid version.u1-1494453463-0
+impl local
+global 1
+ 0,000005,version,0
+proc version
+ local 0,000000,tab
+ local 1,000000,find
+ local 2,000000,many
+ con 0,010000,8,126,145,162,163,151,157,156,040
+ con 1,002000,1,8
+ con 2,020000,11,060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067,070,071,056
+ con 3,002000,1,1
+ declend
+ filen version.icn
+ line 23
+ colm 11
+ synt any
+ mark L1
+ line 25
+ colm 4
+ synt any
+ keywd version
+ line 25
+ colm 13
+ synt any
+ bscan
+ mark L2
+ mark L3
+ var 0
+ pnull
+ var 1
+ str 0
+ line 26
+ colm 15
+ synt any
+ invoke 1
+ int 1
+ line 26
+ colm 28
+ synt any
+ plus
+ line 26
+ colm 10
+ synt any
+ invoke 1
+ line 26
+ colm 33
+ synt any
+ esusp
+ goto L4
+lab L3
+ line 26
+ colm 35
+ synt any
+ pfail
+lab L4
+ unmark
+lab L2
+ var 0
+ var 2
+ cset 2
+ line 27
+ colm 15
+ synt any
+ invoke 1
+ line 27
+ colm 10
+ synt any
+ invoke 1
+ line 27
+ colm 32
+ synt any
+ bscan
+ mark L5
+ var 0
+ pnull
+ int 3
+ line 27
+ colm 45
+ synt any
+ neg
+ line 27
+ colm 44
+ synt any
+ invoke 1
+ line 27
+ colm 34
+ synt any
+ pret
+lab L5
+ synt any
+ pfail
+ line 27
+ colm 32
+ synt any
+ escan
+ line 25
+ colm 13
+ synt any
+ escan
+ unmark
+lab L1
+ pnull
+ line 30
+ colm 1
+ synt any
+ pfail
+ end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.vbs b/tests/examplefiles/example.vbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d962b73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.vbs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+rem VBScript examples
+' Various constants of different types
+const someText = "some " & """text"""
+const someInt = 123
+const someHex = &h3110c0d3
+const someFloat = 123.45e-67
+const someDate = #1/2/2016#
+const someTime = #12:34:56 AM#
+const someBool = vbTrue ' -1
+' Do some math.
+radius = 1.e2
+area = radius ^ 2 * 3.1315
+a = 17 : b = 23
+c = sqr(a ^2 + b ^ 2)
+' Write 10 files.
+For i = 1 to 10
+ createFile( i )
+Public Sub createFile(a)
+ Dim fso, TargetFile
+ TargetPath = "C:\some_" & a & ".tmp"
+ Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+ Set TargetFile = fso.CreateTextFile(TargetPath)
+ TargetFile.WriteLine("Hello " & vbCrLf & "world!")
+ TargetFile.Close
+End Sub
+' Define a class with a property.
+Class Customer
+ Private m_CustomerName
+ Private Sub Class_Initialize
+ m_CustomerName = ""
+ End Sub
+ ' CustomerName property.
+ Public Property Get CustomerName
+ CustomerName = m_CustomerName
+ End Property
+ Public Property Let CustomerName(custname)
+ m_CustomerName = custname
+ End Property
+End Class
+' Special constructs
+Option Explicit
+On Error Resume Next
+On Error Goto 0
+' Comment without terminating CR/LF. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl b/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd0fc648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;; A pretty-printer that outputs tables in Fennel syntax.
+;; Loosely based on inspect.lua:
+(local quote (fn [str] (.. '"' (: str :gsub '"' '\\"') '"')))
+(local short-control-char-escapes
+ {"\a" "\\a" "\b" "\\b" "\f" "\\f" "\n" "\\n"
+ "\r" "\\r" "\t" "\\t" "\v" "\\v"})
+(local long-control-char-esapes
+ (let [long {}]
+ (for [i 0 31]
+ (let [ch (string.char i)]
+ (when (not (. short-control-char-escapes ch))
+ (tset short-control-char-escapes ch (.. "\\" i))
+ (tset long ch (: "\\%03d" :format i)))))
+ long))
+(fn escape [str]
+ (let [str (: str :gsub "\\" "\\\\")
+ str (: str :gsub "(%c)%f[0-9]" long-control-char-esapes)]
+ (: str :gsub "%c" short-control-char-escapes)))
+(fn sequence-key? [k len]
+ (and (= (type k) "number")
+ (<= 1 k)
+ (<= k len)
+ (= (math.floor k) k)))
+(local type-order {:number 1 :boolean 2 :string 3 :table 4
+ :function 5 :userdata 6 :thread 7})
+(fn sort-keys [a b]
+ (let [ta (type a) tb (type b)]
+ (if (and (= ta tb) (~= ta "boolean")
+ (or (= ta "string") (= ta "number")))
+ (< a b)
+ (let [dta (. type-order a)
+ dtb (. type-order b)]
+ (if (and dta dtb)
+ (< dta dtb)
+ dta true
+ dtb false
+ :else (< ta tb))))))
+(fn get-sequence-length [t]
+ (var len 1)
+ (each [i (ipairs t)] (set len i))
+ len)
+(fn get-nonsequential-keys [t]
+ (let [keys {}
+ sequence-length (get-sequence-length t)]
+ (each [k (pairs t)]
+ (when (not (sequence-key? k sequence-length))
+ (table.insert keys k)))
+ (table.sort keys sort-keys)
+ (values keys sequence-length)))
+(fn count-table-appearances [t appearances]
+ (if (= (type t) "table")
+ (when (not (. appearances t))
+ (tset appearances t 1)
+ (each [k v (pairs t)]
+ (count-table-appearances k appearances)
+ (count-table-appearances v appearances)))
+ (when (and t (= t t)) ; no nans please
+ (tset appearances t (+ (or (. appearances t) 0) 1))))
+ appearances)
+(var put-value nil) ; mutual recursion going on; defined below
+(fn puts [self ...]
+ (each [_ v (ipairs [...])]
+ (table.insert self.buffer v)))
+(fn tabify [self] (puts self "\n" (: self.indent :rep self.level)))
+(fn already-visited? [self v] (~= (. self.ids v) nil))
+(fn get-id [self v]
+ (var id (. self.ids v))
+ (when (not id)
+ (let [tv (type v)]
+ (set id (+ (or (. self.max-ids tv) 0) 1))
+ (tset self.max-ids tv id)
+ (tset self.ids v id)))
+ (tostring id))
+(fn put-sequential-table [self t length]
+ (puts self "[")
+ (set self.level (+ self.level 1))
+ (for [i 1 length]
+ (puts self " ")
+ (put-value self (. t i)))
+ (set self.level (- self.level 1))
+ (puts self " ]"))
+(fn put-key [self k]
+ (if (and (= (type k) "string")
+ (: k :find "^[-%w?\\^_`!#$%&*+./@~:|<=>]+$"))
+ (puts self ":" k)
+ (put-value self k)))
+(fn put-kv-table [self t]
+ (puts self "{")
+ (set self.level (+ self.level 1))
+ (each [k v (pairs t)]
+ (tabify self)
+ (put-key self k)
+ (puts self " ")
+ (put-value self v))
+ (set self.level (- self.level 1))
+ (tabify self)
+ (puts self "}"))
+(fn put-table [self t]
+ (if (already-visited? self t)
+ (puts self "#<table " (get-id self t) ">")
+ (>= self.level self.depth)
+ (puts self "{...}")
+ :else
+ (let [(non-seq-keys length) (get-nonsequential-keys t)
+ id (get-id self t)]
+ (if (> (. self.appearances t) 1)
+ (puts self "#<" id ">")
+ (and (= (# non-seq-keys) 0) (= (# t) 0))
+ (puts self "{}")
+ (= (# non-seq-keys) 0)
+ (put-sequential-table self t length)
+ :else
+ (put-kv-table self t)))))
+(set put-value (fn [self v]
+ (let [tv (type v)]
+ (if (= tv "string")
+ (puts self (quote (escape v)))
+ (or (= tv "number") (= tv "boolean") (= tv "nil"))
+ (puts self (tostring v))
+ (= tv "table")
+ (put-table self v)
+ :else
+ (puts self "#<" (tostring v) ">")))))
+(fn fennelview [root options]
+ (let [options (or options {})
+ inspector {:appearances (count-table-appearances root {})
+ :depth (or options.depth 128)
+ :level 0 :buffer {} :ids {} :max-ids {}
+ :indent (or options.indent " ")}]
+ (put-value inspector root)
+ (table.concat inspector.buffer)))
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.csd b/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
index 9122309b..6512d99e 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.csd
@@ -1,260 +1,18 @@
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
-// This is a Csound orchestra file for testing a Pygments <>
-// lexer. Csound single-line comments can be preceded by a pair of forward
-// slashes...
-; ...or a semicolon.
-/* Block comments begin with /* and end with */
-// Orchestras begin with a header of audio parameters.
-nchnls = 1
-nchnls_i = 1
-sr = 44100
0dbfs = 1
-ksmps = 10
-// The control rate kr = sr / ksmps can be omitted when the number of audio
-// samples in a control period (ksmps) is set, but kr may appear in older
-// orchestras.
-kr = 4410
-// Orchestras contain instruments. These begin with the keyword instr followed
-// by a comma-separated list of numbers or names of the instrument. Instruments
-// end at the endin keyword and cannot be nested.
-instr 1, N_a_M_e_, +Name
- // Instruments contain statements. Here is a typical statement:
- aSignal oscil 0dbfs, 440, 1
- // Statements are terminated with a newline (possibly preceded by a comment).
- // To write a statement on several lines, precede the newline with a
- // backslash.
- prints \
- "hello, world\n";comment
- // Csound 6 introduced function syntax for opcodes with one or zero outputs.
- // The oscil statement above is the same as
- aSignal = oscil(0dbfs, 440, 1)
- // Instruments can contain control structures.
- kNote = p3
- if (kNote == 0) then
- kFrequency = 220
- elseif kNote == 1 then // Parentheses around binary expressions are optional.
- kFrequency = 440
- endif
- // Csound 6 introduced looping structures.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
- iIndex = 0
- until iIndex >= 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- enduntil
- // Both kinds of loops can be terminated by either od or enduntil.
- // Single-line strings are enclosed in double-quotes.
- prints "string\\\r\n\t\""
- // Multi-line strings are enclosed in pairs of curly braces.
- prints {{
- hello,
- world
- }}
- // Instruments often end with a statement containing an output opcode.
- outc aSignal
-// Orchestras can also contain user-defined opcodes (UDOs). Here is an
-// oscillator with one audio-rate output and two control-rate inputs:
-opcode anOscillator, a, kk
- kAmplitude, kFrequency xin
- aSignal vco2 kAmplitude, kFrequency
- xout aSignal
-instr TestOscillator
- outc(anOscillator(0dbfs, 110))
-// Python can be executed in Csound
-// <>. So can Lua
-// <>.
-pyruni {{
-import random
-pool = [(1 + i / 10.0) ** 1.2 for i in range(100)]
-def get_number_from_pool(n, p):
- if random.random() < p:
- i = int(random.random() * len(pool))
- pool[i] = n
- return random.choice(pool)
-// The Csound preprocessor supports conditional compilation and including files.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#undef DEBUG
-#include "filename.orc"
-// The preprocessor also supports object- and function-like macros. This is an
-// object-like macro that defines a number:
-#define A_HZ #440#
-// This is a function-like macro:
-// Bodies of macros are enclosed in # and can contain newlines. The arguments of
-// function-like macros are separated by single-quotes. Uses of macros are
-// prefixed with a dollar sign.
-instr TestMacro
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO(1'$A_HZ'1)
- // Not unlike PHP, macros expand in double-quoted strings.
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Here are other things to note about Csound.
-// There are two bitwise NOT operators, ~ and ¬ (U+00AC). The latter is common
-// on keyboards in the United Kingdom
-// <>.
-instr TestBitwiseNOT
- print ~42
- print ¬42
-// Csound uses # for bitwise XOR, which the Csound manual calls bitwise
-// non-equivalence <>.
-instr TestBitwiseXOR
- print 0 # 0
- print 0 # 1
- print 1 # 0
- print 1 # 1
-// Loops and if-then statements are relatively recent additions to Csound. There
-// are many flow-control opcodes that involve goto and labels.
-instr TestGoto
- // This...
- if p3 > 0 goto if_label
- goto else_label
- prints "if branch\n"
- goto endif_label
- prints "else branch\n"
- // the same as this.
- if p3 > 0 then
- prints "if branch\n"
- else
- prints "else branch\n"
- endif
- // This...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- if iIndex < 10 goto loop_label
- // the same as this...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- loop_lt iIndex, 1, 10, loop_lt_label
- // ...and this.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 10 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
-// The prints and printks opcodes
-// <>, arguably
-// the primary methods of logging output, treat certain sequences of characters
-// different from printf in C.
-instr TestPrints
- // ^ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B), not a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT character
- // (U+005E). ^^ prints a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT.
- prints "^^\n"
- // ~ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B) followed by a [, not a TILDE
- // character (U+007E). ~~ prints a TILDE.
- prints "~~\n"
- // \A, \B, \N, \R, and \T correspond to the escaped lowercase characters (that
- // is, BELL (U+0007), BACKSPACE (U+0008), new line (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN
- // (U+000D), and tab (U+0009)).
- prints "\T\R\N"
- // %n, %r, and %t are the same as \n, \r, and \t, as are %N, %R, and %T.
- prints "%t%r%n"
- // %! prints a semicolon. This is a hold-over from old versions of Csound that
- // allowed comments to begin in strings.
- prints "; %!\n"
-// The arguments of function-like macros can be separated by # instead of '.
-// These two lines define the same macro.
-// Uses of macros can optionally be suffixed with a period.
-instr TestMacroPeriodSuffix
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO.(1'$A_HZ'1)
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ.Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Csound has @ and @@ operator-like macros that, when followed by a literal
-// non-negative integer, expand to the next power of 2 and the next power of 2
-// plus 1:
-// @x = 2^(ceil(log2(x + 1))), x >= 0
-// @@0 = 2
-// @@x = 2^(ceil(log2(x))) + 1, x > 0
-// These macros are in
-// <> (and
-// <>)
-// and are described at <>.
-instr TestAt
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 0, @0, @@0
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 1, @1, @@1
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 2, @2, @@2
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 3, @3, @@3
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 4, @4, @@4
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 5, @5, @@5
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 6, @6, @@6
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 7, @7, @@7
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 8, @8, @@8
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 9, @9, @@9
-// Including newlines in macros can lead to confusing code, but it tests the
-// lexer.
-instr MacroAbuse
- if 1 == 1 then
- prints "on\n"
-#define FOO#
-#endif // This ends the if statement. It is not a preprocessor directive.
+prints "hello, world\n"
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+i 1 0 0
+<!DOCTYPE html>
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.orc b/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
index 36725342..d113303e 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.orc
@@ -1,257 +1,81 @@
-// This is a Csound orchestra file for testing a Pygments <>
-// lexer. Csound single-line comments can be preceded by a pair of forward
-// slashes...
-; ...or a semicolon.
-/* Block comments begin with /* and end with */
-// Orchestras begin with a header of audio parameters.
-nchnls = 1
-nchnls_i = 1
-sr = 44100
-0dbfs = 1
-ksmps = 10
-// The control rate kr = sr / ksmps can be omitted when the number of audio
-// samples in a control period (ksmps) is set, but kr may appear in older
-// orchestras.
-kr = 4410
-// Orchestras contain instruments. These begin with the keyword instr followed
-// by a comma-separated list of numbers or names of the instrument. Instruments
-// end at the endin keyword and cannot be nested.
-instr 1, N_a_M_e_, +Name
- // Instruments contain statements. Here is a typical statement:
- aSignal oscil 0dbfs, 440, 1
- // Statements are terminated with a newline (possibly preceded by a comment).
- // To write a statement on several lines, precede the newline with a
- // backslash.
- prints \
- "hello, world\n";comment
- // Csound 6 introduced function syntax for opcodes with one or zero outputs.
- // The oscil statement above is the same as
- aSignal = oscil(0dbfs, 440, 1)
- // Instruments can contain control structures.
- kNote = p3
- if (kNote == 0) then
- kFrequency = 220
- elseif kNote == 1 then // Parentheses around binary expressions are optional.
- kFrequency = 440
- endif
- // Csound 6 introduced looping structures.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
- iIndex = 0
- until iIndex >= 5 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- enduntil
- // Both kinds of loops can be terminated by either od or enduntil.
- // Single-line strings are enclosed in double-quotes.
- prints "string\\\r\n\t\""
- // Multi-line strings are enclosed in pairs of curly braces.
- prints {{
- hello,
- world
- }}
- // Instruments often end with a statement containing an output opcode.
- outc aSignal
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
+ iDuration = p3
+ outc:a(aSignal)
-// Orchestras can also contain user-defined opcodes (UDOs). Here is an
-// oscillator with one audio-rate output and two control-rate inputs:
-opcode anOscillator, a, kk
- kAmplitude, kFrequency xin
- aSignal vco2 kAmplitude, kFrequency
- xout aSignal
+ aUDO
-instr TestOscillator
- outc(anOscillator(0dbfs, 110))
-// Python can be executed in Csound
-// <>. So can Lua
-// <>.
-pyruni {{
-import random
+123 0123456789
+0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF
+1e2 3e+4 5e-6 7E8 9E+0 1E-2 3. 4.56 .789
-pool = [(1 + i / 10.0) ** 1.2 for i in range(100)]
-def get_number_from_pool(n, p):
- if random.random() < p:
- i = int(random.random() * len(pool))
- pool[i] = n
- return random.choice(pool)
-// The Csound preprocessor supports conditional compilation and including files.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#undef DEBUG
-#include "filename.orc"
-// The preprocessor also supports object- and function-like macros. This is an
-// object-like macro that defines a number:
-#define A_HZ #440#
-// This is a function-like macro:
-// Bodies of macros are enclosed in # and can contain newlines. The arguments of
-// function-like macros are separated by single-quotes. Uses of macros are
-// prefixed with a dollar sign.
-instr TestMacro
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO(1'$A_HZ'1)
- // Not unlike PHP, macros expand in double-quoted strings.
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Here are other things to note about Csound.
++ - ~ ¬ ! * / ^ % << >> < > <= >= == != & # | && || ? : += -= *= /=
-// There are two bitwise NOT operators, ~ and ¬ (U+00AC). The latter is common
-// on keyboards in the United Kingdom
-// <>.
-instr TestBitwiseNOT
- print ~42
- print ¬42
-// Csound uses # for bitwise XOR, which the Csound manual calls bitwise
-// non-equivalence <>.
-instr TestBitwiseXOR
- print 0 # 0
- print 0 # 1
- print 1 # 0
- print 1 # 1
+0dbfs A4 kr ksmps nchnls nchnls_i sr
-// Loops and if-then statements are relatively recent additions to Csound. There
-// are many flow-control opcodes that involve goto and labels.
-instr TestGoto
- // This...
- if p3 > 0 goto if_label
- goto else_label
- prints "if branch\n"
- goto endif_label
- prints "else branch\n"
+do else elseif endif enduntil fi if ithen kthen od then until while
+return rireturn
- // the same as this.
- if p3 > 0 then
- prints "if branch\n"
- else
- prints "else branch\n"
- endif
+ label2:
- // This...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- if iIndex < 10 goto loop_label
+goto aLabel
+reinit aLabel
+cggoto 1==0, aLabel
+timout 0, 0, aLabel
+loop_ge 0, 0, 0, aLabel
- // the same as this...
- iIndex = 0
- print iIndex
- loop_lt iIndex, 1, 10, loop_lt_label
- // ...and this.
- iIndex = 0
- while iIndex < 10 do
- print iIndex
- iIndex += 1
- od
+prints "%! %% %n%N %r%R %t%T \\a\\A \\b\\B \\n\\N \\r\\R \\t\\T"
+prints Soutput
-// The prints and printks opcodes
-// <>, arguably
-// the primary methods of logging output, treat certain sequences of characters
-// different from printf in C.
-instr TestPrints
- // ^ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B), not a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT character
- // (U+005E). ^^ prints a CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT.
- prints "^^\n"
- // ~ prints an ESCAPE character (U+001B) followed by a [, not a TILDE
- // character (U+007E). ~~ prints a TILDE.
- prints "~~\n"
- // \A, \B, \N, \R, and \T correspond to the escaped lowercase characters (that
- // is, BELL (U+0007), BACKSPACE (U+0008), new line (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN
- // (U+000D), and tab (U+0009)).
- prints "\T\R\N"
- // %n, %r, and %t are the same as \n, \r, and \t, as are %N, %R, and %T.
- prints "%t%r%n"
- // %! prints a semicolon. This is a hold-over from old versions of Csound that
- // allowed comments to begin in strings.
- prints "; %!\n"
-// The arguments of function-like macros can be separated by # instead of '.
-// These two lines define the same macro.
-// Uses of macros can optionally be suffixed with a period.
-instr TestMacroPeriodSuffix
- aSignal $OSCIL_MACRO.(1'$A_HZ'1)
- prints "The frequency of the oscillator is $A_HZ.Hz.\n"
- out aSignal
-// Csound has @ and @@ operator-like macros that, when followed by a literal
-// non-negative integer, expand to the next power of 2 and the next power of 2
-// plus 1:
-// @x = 2^(ceil(log2(x + 1))), x >= 0
-// @@0 = 2
-// @@x = 2^(ceil(log2(x))) + 1, x > 0
-// These macros are in
-// <> (and
-// <>)
-// and are described at <>.
-instr TestAt
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 0, @0, @@0
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 1, @1, @@1
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 2, @2, @@2
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 3, @3, @@3
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 4, @4, @@4
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 5, @5, @@5
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 6, @6, @@6
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 7, @7, @@7
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 8, @8, @@8
- prints "%d %2d %2d\n", 9, @9, @@9
+readscore {{
+i 1 0 0
+pyrun {{
+# Python
+lua_exec {{
+-- Lua
-// Including newlines in macros can lead to confusing code, but it tests the
-// lexer.
-instr MacroAbuse
- if 1 == 1 then
- prints "on\n"
-#define FOO#
-#endif // This ends the if statement. It is not a preprocessor directive.
-scoreline_i {{
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+#ifdef MACRO
+#ifndef MACRO
+#undef MACRO
+# define MACRO#macro_body#
+#define MACRO(ARG1#ARG2) #macro_body#
+@@ 1
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.sco b/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
index a0b39251..d997c1b3 100644
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.sco
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
-f 1 0 16384 10 1
-i "N_a_M_e_" 0 2
-i "TestOscillator" 2 2
-i "TestBitwiseNOT" 0 1
-i "TestBitwiseXOR" 0 1
-i "TestGoto" 0 1
-i "TestMacroPeriodSuffix" 4 1
-i "TestAt" 0 1
-i "MacroAbuse" 0 1
+ * comment
+ */
+; comment
+// comment
+a b C d e f i q s t v x y
+np0 nP1 Np2 NP3
+n label
+123 0123456789
+0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF
+1e2 3e+4 5e-6 7E8 9E+0 1E-2 3. 4.56 .789
+{ 1 I
+ { 2 J
+ { 3 K
+ $I $J $K
+ }
+ }
+#include "score.sco"
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/xorg.conf b/tests/examplefiles/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1f7164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Section "Files"
+ ModulePath "/usr/lib64/opengl/nvidia/extensions"
+ ModulePath "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules"
+Section "ServerLayout"
+ Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
+ Screen "Screen"
+Section "ServerFlags"
+ Option "AutoAddDevices" "false"
+Section "Screen"
+ Identifier "Screen"
+ Device "Card0"
+ DefaultDepth 24
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Depth 24
+ EndSubSection
+ Option "UseEDIDDpi" "False"
+ Option "DPI" "96 x 96"
+Section "Device"
+ Identifier "Card0"
+ Driver "nvidia"
+ VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation" # inline comment
+ #Option "RenderAccel" "true"
+ #Option "NvAgp" "3"
+ #Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
+ #Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"
+ #Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
+ #Option "DRI" "true"
+ #Option "UseEvents" "false"
+ #Option "TripleBuffer" "1"
+ #Option "DamageEvents" "1"
+ ##Option "BackingStore" "1"
+ #Option "PixmapCacheSize" "70000"
+ #Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "true"
+Section "Extensions"
+# Option "Composite" "Disabled"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8167b911..2e962f2f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
python [testfile ...]
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -16,11 +16,19 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
+import warnings
# only find tests in this directory
if os.path.dirname(__file__):
+# make FutureWarnings (coming from Regex syntax most likely) and
+# DeprecationWarnings due to non-raw strings an error
+warnings.filterwarnings("error", module=r"pygments\..*",
+ category=FutureWarning)
+warnings.filterwarnings("error", module=r".*pygments.*",
+ category=DeprecationWarning)
import nose
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 11f5c7f0..05e95e6a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments string assert utility
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/support/ b/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40a96afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
diff --git a/tests/support/ b/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..169cd4af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+class HtmlFormatterWrapper(HtmlFormatter):
+ name = 'HtmlWrapper'
diff --git a/tests/support/ b/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..565ee674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pygments.lexers.python (as CustomLexer) for
+from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
+class CustomLexer(PythonLexer):
+ name = 'PythonLexerWrapper'
+class LexerWrapper(CustomLexer):
+ name = 'PythonLexerWrapperWrapper'
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03d10cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Pygments Basic lexers tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from pygments.lexers.basic import VBScriptLexer
+from pygments.token import Error, Name, Number, Punctuation, String, Whitespace
+class VBScriptLexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = VBScriptLexer()
+ def _assert_are_tokens_of_type(self, examples, expected_token_type):
+ for test_number, example in enumerate(examples.split(), 1):
+ token_count = 0
+ for token_type, token_value in self.lexer.get_tokens(example):
+ if token_type != Whitespace:
+ token_count += 1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ token_type, expected_token_type,
+ 'token_type #%d for %s is be %s but must be %s' %
+ (test_number, token_value, token_type, expected_token_type))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ token_count, 1,
+ '%s must yield exactly 1 token instead of %d' %
+ (example, token_count))
+ def _assert_tokens_match(self, text, expected_tokens_without_trailing_newline):
+ actual_tokens = tuple(self.lexer.get_tokens(text))
+ if (len(actual_tokens) >= 1) and (actual_tokens[-1] == (Whitespace, '\n')):
+ actual_tokens = tuple(actual_tokens[:-1])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_tokens_without_trailing_newline, actual_tokens,
+ 'text must yield expected tokens: %s' % text)
+ def test_can_lex_float(self):
+ self._assert_are_tokens_of_type(
+ '1. 1.e1 .1 1.2 1.2e3 1.2e+3 1.2e-3 1e2', Number.Float)
+ self._assert_tokens_match(
+ '1e2.1e2',
+ ((Number.Float, '1e2'), (Number.Float, '.1e2'))
+ )
+ def test_can_reject_almost_float(self):
+ self._assert_tokens_match(
+ '.e1',
+ ((Punctuation, '.'), (Name, 'e1')))
+ def test_can_lex_integer(self):
+ self._assert_are_tokens_of_type(
+ '1 23 456', Number.Integer)
+ def test_can_lex_names(self):
+ self._assert_are_tokens_of_type(
+ u'thingy thingy123 _thingy _123', Name)
+ def test_can_recover_after_unterminated_string(self):
+ self._assert_tokens_match(
+ '"x\nx',
+ ((String.Double, '"'), (String.Double, 'x'), (Error, '\n'), (Name, 'x'))
+ )
+ def test_can_recover_from_invalid_character(self):
+ self._assert_tokens_match(
+ 'a;bc\nd',
+ ((Name, 'a'), (Error, ';bc\n'), (Name, 'd'))
+ )
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 022e6c55..ac3b4a51 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments basic API tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ def test_formatter_public_api():
inst = formatter(opt1="val1")
- except (ImportError, FontNotFound):
- raise support.SkipTest
+ except (ImportError, FontNotFound) as e:
+ raise support.SkipTest(e)
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ def test_formatter_unicode_handling():
def verify(formatter):
inst = formatter(encoding=None)
- except (ImportError, FontNotFound):
+ except (ImportError, FontNotFound) as e:
# some dependency or font not installed
- raise support.SkipTest
+ raise support.SkipTest(e)
if != 'Raw tokens':
out = format(tokens, inst)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d007766d..5ad92db4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
BibTeX Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2585489a..0ff1b167 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic ColdfusionHtmlLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index fd7f58fc..5095b797 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic CLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 5883fb5c..a55e30ec 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Command line test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -28,6 +28,13 @@ def func(args):
+def _decode_output(text):
+ try:
+ return text.decode('utf-8')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError: # implicit encode on Python 2 with data loss
+ return text
def run_cmdline(*args, **kwds):
saved_stdin = sys.stdin
saved_stdout = sys.stdout
@@ -53,9 +60,9 @@ def run_cmdline(*args, **kwds):
sys.stderr = saved_stderr
- out, err = stdout_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8'), \
- stderr_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
- return (ret, out, err)
+ out, err = stdout_buffer.getvalue(), \
+ stderr_buffer.getvalue()
+ return (ret, _decode_output(out), _decode_output(err))
class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -110,6 +117,32 @@ class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_load_from_file(self):
+ lexer_file = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'support', '')
+ formatter_file = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'support', '')
+ # By default, use CustomLexer
+ o = self.check_success('-l', lexer_file, '-f', 'html',
+ '-x', stdin=TESTCODE)
+ o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o)
+ # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last </div>
+ self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip())
+ # If user specifies a name, use it
+ o = self.check_success('-f', 'html', '-x', '-l',
+ lexer_file + ':LexerWrapper', stdin=TESTCODE)
+ o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o)
+ # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last </div>
+ self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip())
+ # Should also work for formatters
+ o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-f',
+ formatter_file + ':HtmlFormatterWrapper',
+ '-x', stdin=TESTCODE)
+ o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o)
+ # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last </div>
+ self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip())
def test_stream_opt(self):
o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-s', '-fterminal', stdin=TESTCODE)
o = re.sub(r'\x1b\[.*?m', '', o)
@@ -211,6 +244,20 @@ class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
e = self.check_failure('-lfooo', TESTFILE)
self.assertTrue('Error: no lexer for alias' in e)
+ # cannot load .py file without load_from_file flag
+ e = self.check_failure('-l', '', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: no lexer for alias' in e)
+ # lexer file is missing/unreadable
+ e = self.check_failure('-l', '',
+ '-x', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: cannot read' in e)
+ # lexer file is malformed
+ e = self.check_failure('-l', 'support/',
+ '-x', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: no valid CustomLexer class found' in e)
# formatter not found
e = self.check_failure('-lpython', '-ffoo', TESTFILE)
self.assertTrue('Error: no formatter found for name' in e)
@@ -219,6 +266,20 @@ class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
e = self.check_failure('', TESTFILE)
self.assertTrue('Error: no formatter found for file name' in e)
+ # cannot load .py file without load_from_file flag
+ e = self.check_failure('-f', '', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: no formatter found for name' in e)
+ # formatter file is missing/unreadable
+ e = self.check_failure('-f', '',
+ '-x', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: cannot read' in e)
+ # formatter file is malformed
+ e = self.check_failure('-f', 'support/',
+ '-x', TESTFILE)
+ self.assertTrue('Error: no valid CustomFormatter class found' in e)
# output file not writable
e = self.check_failure('-o', os.path.join('nonexistent', 'dir', 'out.html'),
'-lpython', TESTFILE)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d493bd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Csound lexer tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from textwrap import dedent
+from pygments.token import Comment, Error, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, Punctuation, \
+ String, Text
+from pygments.lexers import CsoundOrchestraLexer
+class CsoundOrchestraTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = CsoundOrchestraLexer()
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ def testComments(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ /*
+ * comment
+ */
+ ; comment
+ // comment
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/*\n * comment\n */'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'; comment'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'// comment'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testInstrumentBlocks(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ instr/**/1,/**/N_a_M_e_,/**/+Name/**///
+ iDuration = p3
+ outc:a(aSignal)
+ endin
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'instr'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'1'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'N_a_M_e_'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Punctuation, u'+'),
+ (Name.Function, u'Name'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'//'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'i'),
+ (Name, u'Duration'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Operator, u'='),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Variable.Instance, u'p3'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Builtin, u'outc'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'a'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'a'),
+ (Name, u'Signal'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'endin'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testUserDefinedOpcodes(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ opcode/**/aUDO,/**/i[],/**/aik//
+ aUDO
+ endop
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'opcode'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'aUDO'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'i[]'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'aik'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'//'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Function, u'aUDO'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'endop'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testNumbers(self):
+ fragment = '123 0123456789'
+ tokens = [
+ (Number.Integer, u'123'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0123456789'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = '0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Type, u'0x'),
+ (Number.Hex, u'abcdef0123456789'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'0X'),
+ (Number.Hex, u'ABCDEF'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragments = ['1e2', '3e+4', '5e-6', '7E8', '9E+0', '1E-2', '3.', '4.56', '.789']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Number.Float, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testQuotedStrings(self):
+ fragment = '"characters$MACRO."'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String, u'characters'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'$MACRO.'),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testBracedStrings(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ {{
+ characters$MACRO.
+ }}
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String, u'\ncharacters$MACRO.\n'),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testEscapeSequences(self):
+ for character in ['\\', 'a', 'b', 'n', 'r', 't', '"', '012', '345', '67']:
+ escapedCharacter = '\\' + character
+ fragment = '"' + escapedCharacter + '"'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = '{{' + escapedCharacter + '}}'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testOperators(self):
+ fragments = ['+', '-', '~', u'¬', '!', '*', '/', '^', '%', '<<', '>>', '<', '>',
+ '<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '&', '#', '|', '&&', '||', '?', ':', '+=',
+ '-=', '*=', '/=']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Operator, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testGlobalValueIdentifiers(self):
+ for fragment in ['0dbfs', 'A4', 'kr', 'ksmps', 'nchnls', 'nchnls_i', 'sr']:
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Variable.Global, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testKeywords(self):
+ fragments = ['do', 'else', 'elseif', 'endif', 'enduntil', 'fi', 'if', 'ithen',
+ 'kthen', 'od', 'then', 'until', 'while']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for fragment in ['return', 'rireturn']:
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testLabels(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ aLabel:
+ label2:
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'label2'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testPrintksAndPrintsEscapeSequences(self):
+ escapedCharacters = ['%!', '%%', '%n', '%N', '%r', '%R', '%t', '%T', '\\\\a',
+ '\\\\A', '\\\\b', '\\\\B', '\\\\n', '\\\\N', '\\\\r',
+ '\\\\R', '\\\\t', '\\\\T']
+ for opcode in ['printks', 'prints']:
+ for escapedCharacter in escapedCharacters:
+ fragment = opcode + ' "' + escapedCharacter + '"'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Builtin, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testGotoStatements(self):
+ for keyword in ['goto', 'igoto', 'kgoto']:
+ fragment = keyword + ' aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, keyword),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['reinit', 'rigoto', 'tigoto']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['cggoto', 'cigoto', 'cingoto', 'ckgoto', 'cngoto', 'cnkgoto']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' 1==0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'1'),
+ (Operator, u'=='),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = 'timout 0, 0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, 'timout'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['loop_ge', 'loop_gt', 'loop_le', 'loop_lt']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' 0, 0, 0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testIncludeDirectives(self):
+ for character in ['"', '|']:
+ fragment = '#include/**/' + character + 'file.udo' + character
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#include'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (String, character + u'file.udo' + character),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testObjectLikeMacroDefinitions(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ # \tdefine MACRO#macro_body#
+ #define/**/
+ MACRO/**/
+ #\\#macro
+ body\\##
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'# \tdefine'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro_body'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro\nbody'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testFunctionLikeMacroDefinitions(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ #define MACRO(ARG1#ARG2) #macro_body#
+ #define/**/
+ MACRO(ARG1'ARG2' ARG3)/**/
+ #\\#macro
+ body\\##
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG1'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG2'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro_body'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG1'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG2'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG3'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro\nbody'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testMacroPreprocessorDirectives(self):
+ for directive in ['#ifdef', '#ifndef', '#undef']:
+ fragment = directive + ' MACRO'
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, directive),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testOtherPreprocessorDirectives(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ #else
+ #end
+ #endif
+ ###
+ @ \t12345
+ @@ \t67890
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#else'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#end'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#endif'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'###'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'@ \t12345'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'@@ \t67890'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testFunctionLikeMacros(self):
+ fragment = "$MACRO.(((x#y\\)))' \"(#'x)\\)x\\))\"# {{x\\))x)\\)(#'}});"
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'$MACRO.'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'x#y\\)'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u')'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u' '),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Error, u'('),
+ (Error, u'#'),
+ (Error, u"'"),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u' '),
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u'('),
+ (Error, u'#'),
+ (Error, u"'"),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Comment.Single, u';'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testName(self):
+ fragment = 'kG:V'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Type, 'k'),
+ (Name, 'G'),
+ (Punctuation, ':'),
+ (Name, 'V'),
+ (Text, '\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f43abf9b..2fae1125 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments tests with example files
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def test_example_files():
def check_lexer(lx, fn):
if == 'java' and fn in BAD_FILES_FOR_JYTHON:
- raise support.SkipTest
+ raise support.SkipTest('%s is a known bad file on Jython' % fn)
absfn = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles', fn)
with open(absfn, 'rb') as fp:
text =
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 596d9fbc..670a5be9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments HTML formatter tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class HtmlFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
fmt = HtmlFormatter(**optdict)
fmt.format(tokensource, outfile)
html = outfile.getvalue()
- self.assertTrue("<pre>\s+1\s+2\s+3", html))
+ self.assertTrue("<pre>\s+1\s+2\s+3", html))
def test_linenos_with_startnum(self):
optdict = dict(linenos=True, linenostart=5)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class HtmlFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
fmt = HtmlFormatter(**optdict)
fmt.format(tokensource, outfile)
html = outfile.getvalue()
- self.assertTrue("<pre>\s+5\s+6\s+7", html))
+ self.assertTrue("<pre>\s+5\s+6\s+7", html))
def test_lineanchors(self):
optdict = dict(lineanchors="foo")
@@ -132,9 +132,8 @@ class HtmlFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp('.html')
- tfile = os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b')
- fmt.format(tokensource, tfile)
- tfile.close()
+ with os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b') as tfile:
+ fmt.format(tokensource, tfile)
catname = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'dtds', 'HTML4.soc')
import subprocess
@@ -173,9 +172,8 @@ class HtmlFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
cssstyles=u'div:before { content: \'bäz\' }',
handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp('.html')
- tfile = os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b')
- fmt.format(tokensource, tfile)
- tfile.close()
+ with os.fdopen(handle, 'w+b') as tfile:
+ fmt.format(tokensource, tfile)
def test_ctags(self):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 34033a08..5da57dd9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Tests for inheritance in RegexLexer
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 16a8fd30..3b34f0bc 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments IRC formatter tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f4096647..6e5e8992 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic JavaLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 59890659..21dff7c4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Javascript tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 08c420d3..ed46f27e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Julia Tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c733ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Basic JavaLexer Test
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from pygments.token import Text, Name, Operator, Keyword, Number, Punctuation, String
+from pygments.lexers import KotlinLexer
+class KotlinTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = KotlinLexer()
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ def testCanCopeWithBackTickNamesInFunctions(self):
+ fragment = u'fun `wo bble`'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, u'fun'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Function, u'`wo bble`'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testCanCopeWithCommasAndDashesInBackTickNames(self):
+ fragment = u'fun `wo,-bble`'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, u'fun'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Function, u'`wo,-bble`'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testCanCopeWithDestructuring(self):
+ fragment = u'val (a, b) = '
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, u'val'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Name.Property, u'a'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Property, u'b'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testCanCopeGenericsInDestructuring(self):
+ fragment = u'val (a: List<Something>, b: Set<Wobble>) ='
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, u'val'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Name.Property, u'a'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Property, u'List'),
+ (Punctuation, u'<'),
+ (Name, u'Something'),
+ (Punctuation, u'>'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Property, u'b'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Property, u'Set'),
+ (Punctuation, u'<'),
+ (Name, u'Wobble'),
+ (Punctuation, u'>'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'='),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testCanCopeWithGenerics(self):
+ fragment = u'inline fun <reified T : ContractState> VaultService.queryBy(): Vault.Page<T> {'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, u'inline fun'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'<'),
+ (Keyword, u'reified'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name, u'T'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name, u'ContractState'),
+ (Punctuation, u'>'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Class, u'VaultService'),
+ (Punctuation, u'.'),
+ (Name.Function, u'queryBy'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name, u'Vault'),
+ (Punctuation, u'.'),
+ (Name, u'Page'),
+ (Punctuation, u'<'),
+ (Name, u'T'),
+ (Punctuation, u'>'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'{'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testShouldCopeWithMultilineComments(self):
+ fragment = u'"""\nthis\nis\na\ncomment"""'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'"""\nthis\nis\na\ncomment"""'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 05a6c3ac..ebed7964 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments LaTeX formatter tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class LatexFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
ret = po.wait()
output =
- except OSError:
+ except OSError as e:
# latex not available
- raise support.SkipTest
+ raise support.SkipTest(e)
if ret:
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 90d05ef8..3716fb72 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Tests for other lexers
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import glob
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16d1f28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Pygments regex lexer tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from pygments.lexers.markup import MarkdownLexer
+class SameTextTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ lexer = MarkdownLexer()
+ def assert_same_text(self, text):
+ """Show that lexed markdown does not remove any content. """
+ tokens = list(self.lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(text))
+ output = ''.join(t[2] for t in tokens)
+ self.assertEqual(text, output)
+ def test_code_fence(self):
+ self.assert_same_text(r'```\nfoo\n```\n')
+ def test_code_fence_gsm(self):
+ self.assert_same_text(r'```markdown\nfoo\n```\n')
+ def test_code_fence_gsm_with_no_lexer(self):
+ self.assert_same_text(r'```invalid-lexer\nfoo\n```\n')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efe038df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Tests for the vim modeline feature
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from pygments import modeline
+def test_lexer_classes():
+ def verify(buf):
+ assert modeline.get_filetype_from_buffer(buf) == 'python'
+ for buf in [
+ 'vi: ft=python' + '\n' * 8,
+ 'vi: ft=python' + '\n' * 8,
+ '\n\n\n\nvi=8: syntax=python' + '\n' * 8,
+ '\n' * 8 + 'ex: filetype=python',
+ '\n' * 8 + 'vim: some,other,syn=python\n\n\n\n'
+ ]:
+ yield verify, buf
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 90bd680f..aee7db66 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic CLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 26b2d0a7..102f0a9f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
Pygments regex lexer tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import time
import unittest
-from pygments.token import String
+from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, String, Text
from pygments.lexers.perl import PerlLexer
@@ -135,3 +135,23 @@ class RunawayRegexTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_substitution_with_parenthesis(self):
self.assert_single_token(r's(aaa)', String.Regex)
self.assert_fast_tokenization('s(' + '\\'*999)
+ ### Namespaces/modules
+ def test_package_statement(self):
+ self.assert_tokens(['package', ' ', 'Foo'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ self.assert_tokens(['package', ' ', 'Foo::Bar'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ def test_use_statement(self):
+ self.assert_tokens(['use', ' ', 'Foo'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ self.assert_tokens(['use', ' ', 'Foo::Bar'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ def test_no_statement(self):
+ self.assert_tokens(['no', ' ', 'Foo'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ self.assert_tokens(['no', ' ', 'Foo::Bar'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ def test_require_statement(self):
+ self.assert_tokens(['require', ' ', 'Foo'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ self.assert_tokens(['require', ' ', 'Foo::Bar'], [Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace])
+ self.assert_tokens(['require', ' ', '"Foo/"'], [Keyword, Text, String])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 050ca70d..b4117381 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
PHP Tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 471d5e2c..1ca97d1e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Praat lexer tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 333f3d7a..562778ba 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Properties Tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f5784cb1..6445022c 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Python Tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -111,3 +111,23 @@ class Python3Test(unittest.TestCase):
(Token.Text, u'\n'),
self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def test_pep_515(self):
+ """
+ Tests that the lexer can parse numeric literals with underscores
+ """
+ fragments = (
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'1_000_000'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Float, u'1_000.000_001'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Float, u'1_000e1_000j'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Hex, u'0xCAFE_F00D'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Bin, u'0b_0011_1111_0100_1110'),
+ (Token.Literal.Number.Oct, u'0o_777_123'),
+ )
+ for token, fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (token, fragment),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8b790cee..0ea221a1 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Tests for QBasic
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70148e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ R Tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from pygments.lexers import SLexer
+from pygments.token import Token, Name, Punctuation
+class RTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = SLexer()
+ def testCall(self):
+ fragment = u'f(1, a)\n'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Function, u'f'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'1'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Name, u'a'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testName1(self):
+ fragment = u'._a_2.c'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name, u'._a_2.c'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testName2(self):
+ # Invalid names are valid if backticks are used
+ fragment = u'`.1 blah`'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name, u'`.1 blah`'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testName3(self):
+ # Internal backticks can be escaped
+ fragment = u'`.1 \\` blah`'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name, u'`.1 \\` blah`'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testCustomOperator(self):
+ fragment = u'7 % and % 8'
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'7'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Operator, u'% and %'),
+ (Token.Text, u' '),
+ (Token.Literal.Number, u'8'),
+ (Token.Text, u'\n'),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index eb25be61..d919a950 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments regex lexer tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 6322c735..5cfb62a3 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Tests for pygments.regexopt
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 25784743..44da5768 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments RTF formatter tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class RtfFormatterTest(StringTests, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEndsWith(result, expected+self.foot, msg)
def test_escape_characters(self):
- t = u'\ {{'
+ t = u'\\ {{'
result = self.format_rtf(t)
expected = (r'\\ \{\{')
if not result.endswith(self.foot):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ab210bad..b7d4110a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic RubyLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 6faac9fd..e283793e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic Shell Tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 450e4e6b..e1e079d9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic SmartyLexer Test
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c5f5c758..6be34006 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@
import unittest
-from pygments.lexers.sql import TransactSqlLexer
+from pygments.lexers.sql import name_between_bracket_re, \
+ name_between_backtick_re, tsql_go_re, tsql_declare_re, \
+ tsql_variable_re, MySqlLexer, SqlLexer, TransactSqlLexer
from pygments.token import Comment, Name, Number, Punctuation, Whitespace
@@ -72,3 +75,44 @@ class TransactSqlLexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
(Comment.Multiline, '*/'),
(Comment.Multiline, '*/'),
+class SqlAnalyzeTextTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_can_match_analyze_text_res(self):
+ self.assertEqual(['`a`', '`bc`'],
+ name_between_backtick_re.findall('select `a`, `bc` from some'))
+ self.assertEqual(['[a]', '[bc]'],
+ name_between_bracket_re.findall('select [a], [bc] from some'))
+ self.assertTrue('--\nDeClaRe @some int;'))
+ self.assertTrue('select 1\ngo\n--'))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ 'create procedure dbo.usp_x @a int, @b int'))
+ def test_can_analyze_text(self):
+ mysql_lexer = MySqlLexer()
+ sql_lexer = SqlLexer()
+ tsql_lexer = TransactSqlLexer()
+ code_to_expected_lexer_map = {
+ 'select `a`, `bc` from some': mysql_lexer,
+ 'select a, bc from some': sql_lexer,
+ 'select [a], [bc] from some': tsql_lexer,
+ '-- `a`, `bc`\nselect [a], [bc] from some': tsql_lexer,
+ '-- `a`, `bc`\nselect [a], [bc] from some; go': tsql_lexer,
+ }
+ sql_lexers = set(code_to_expected_lexer_map.values())
+ for code, expected_lexer in code_to_expected_lexer_map.items():
+ ratings_and_lexers = list((lexer.analyse_text(code), for lexer in sql_lexers)
+ best_rating, best_lexer_name = sorted(ratings_and_lexers, reverse=True)[0]
+ expected_rating = expected_lexer.analyse_text(code)
+ message = (
+ 'lexer must be %s (rating %.2f) instead of '
+ '%s (rating %.2f) for analyse_text() on code:\n%s') % (
+ expected_rating,
+ best_lexer_name,
+ best_rating,
+ code
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+, best_lexer_name, message
+ )
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ba7b37fa..5e9e5617 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments string assert utility tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index cb5c6c44..1f44807d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments terminal formatter tests
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ class TerminalFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase):
class MyStyle(Style):
styles = {
- Token.Comment: '#ansidarkgray',
- Token.String: '#ansiblue bg:#ansidarkred',
- Token.Number: '#ansigreen bg:#ansidarkgreen',
- Token.Number.Hex: '#ansidarkgreen bg:#ansired',
+ Token.Comment: 'ansibrightblack',
+ Token.String: 'ansibrightblue bg:ansired',
+ Token.Number: 'ansibrightgreen bg:ansigreen',
+ Token.Number.Hex: 'ansigreen bg:ansibrightred',
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ async def function(a,b,c, *d, **kwarg:Bool)->Bool:
def test_256esc_seq(self):
- test that a few escape sequences are actualy used when using #ansi<> color codes
+ test that a few escape sequences are actualy used when using ansi<> color codes
def termtest(x):
return highlight(x, Python3Lexer(),
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d355ab68..453dd61f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Basic Tests for textfmts
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 0c6b02bf..94522373 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Test suite for the token module
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a414347c..c56b68c7 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Test suite for the unistring module
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 16d865e6..7517ce7d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Pygments tests for using()
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 720b384a..cdb58b3f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Test suite for the util module
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.