diff options
3 files changed, 227 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index b48ee1d1..6ed0852d 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'FancyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.ruby', 'Fancy', ('fancy', 'fy'), ('*.fy', '*.fancypack'), ('text/x-fancysrc',)),
'FantomLexer': ('pygments.lexers.fantom', 'Fantom', ('fan',), ('*.fan',), ('application/x-fantom',)),
'FelixLexer': ('pygments.lexers.felix', 'Felix', ('felix', 'flx'), ('*.flx', '*.flxh'), ('text/x-felix',)),
+ 'FennelLexer': ('pygments.lexers.lisp', 'Fennel', (), ('*.fnl',), ()),
'FishShellLexer': ('', 'Fish', ('fish', 'fishshell'), ('*.fish', '*.load'), ('application/x-fish',)),
'FlatlineLexer': ('pygments.lexers.dsls', 'Flatline', ('flatline',), (), ('text/x-flatline',)),
'ForthLexer': ('pygments.lexers.forth', 'Forth', ('forth',), ('*.frt', '*.fs'), ('application/x-forth',)),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index e258c347..345dabfb 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from pygments.lexers.python import PythonLexer
__all__ = ['SchemeLexer', 'CommonLispLexer', 'HyLexer', 'RacketLexer',
'NewLispLexer', 'EmacsLispLexer', 'ShenLexer', 'CPSALexer',
- 'XtlangLexer']
+ 'XtlangLexer', 'FennelLexer']
class SchemeLexer(RegexLexer):
@@ -2619,3 +2619,72 @@ class XtlangLexer(RegexLexer):
+class FennelLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """A lexer for the Fennel programming language <>
+ Fennel compiles to Lua, so all the Lua builtins are recognized as well
+ as the special forms that are particular to the Fennel compiler.
+ """
+ name = 'Fennel'
+ aliases = ['fennel', 'fnl']
+ filenames = ['*.fnl']
+ # these two lists are taken from fennel-mode.el:
+ #
+ # this list is current as of Fennel version 0.1.0.
+ special_forms = (
+ u'require-macros', u'eval-compiler',
+ u'do', u'values', u'if', u'when', u'each', u'for', u'fn', u'lambda',
+ u'λ', u'set', u'global', u'var', u'local', u'let', u'tset', u'doto',
+ u'set-forcibly!', u'defn', u'partial', u'while', u'or', u'and', u'true',
+ u'false', u'nil', u'.', u'+', u'..', u'^', u'-', u'*', u'%', u'/', u'>',
+ u'<', u'>=', u'<=', u'=', u'~=', u'#', u'...', u':', u'->', u'->>',
+ )
+ # Might be nicer to use the list from but it's unclear how?
+ builtins = (
+ u'_G', u'_VERSION', u'arg', u'assert', u'bit32', u'collectgarbage',
+ u'coroutine', u'debug', u'dofile', u'error', u'getfenv',
+ u'getmetatable', u'io', u'ipairs', u'load', u'loadfile', u'loadstring',
+ u'math', u'next', u'os', u'package', u'pairs', u'pcall', u'print',
+ u'rawequal', u'rawget', u'rawlen', u'rawset', u'require', u'select',
+ u'setfenv', u'setmetatable', u'string', u'table', u'tonumber',
+ u'tostring', u'type', u'unpack', u'xpcall'
+ )
+ # based on the scheme definition, but disallowing leading digits and commas
+ valid_name = r'[a-zA-Z_!$%&*+/:<=>?@^~|-][\w!$%&*+/:<=>?@^~|\.-]*'
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ # the only comment form is a semicolon; goes to the end of the line
+ (r';.*$', Comment.Single),
+ (r'[,\s]+', Text),
+ (r'-?\d+\.\d+', Number.Float),
+ (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
+ (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String),
+ # these are technically strings, but it's worth visually
+ # distinguishing them because their intent is different
+ # from regular strings.
+ (r':' + valid_name, String.Symbol),
+ # special forms are keywords
+ (words(special_forms, suffix=' '), Keyword),
+ # lua standard library are builtins
+ (words(builtins, suffix=' '), Name.Builtin),
+ # special-case the vararg symbol
+ (r'\.\.\.', Name.Variable),
+ # regular identifiers
+ (valid_name, Name.Variable),
+ # all your normal paired delimiters for your programming enjoyment
+ (r'(\(|\))', Punctuation),
+ (r'(\[|\])', Punctuation),
+ (r'(\{|\})', Punctuation),
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl b/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd0fc648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/fennelview.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;; A pretty-printer that outputs tables in Fennel syntax.
+;; Loosely based on inspect.lua:
+(local quote (fn [str] (.. '"' (: str :gsub '"' '\\"') '"')))
+(local short-control-char-escapes
+ {"\a" "\\a" "\b" "\\b" "\f" "\\f" "\n" "\\n"
+ "\r" "\\r" "\t" "\\t" "\v" "\\v"})
+(local long-control-char-esapes
+ (let [long {}]
+ (for [i 0 31]
+ (let [ch (string.char i)]
+ (when (not (. short-control-char-escapes ch))
+ (tset short-control-char-escapes ch (.. "\\" i))
+ (tset long ch (: "\\%03d" :format i)))))
+ long))
+(fn escape [str]
+ (let [str (: str :gsub "\\" "\\\\")
+ str (: str :gsub "(%c)%f[0-9]" long-control-char-esapes)]
+ (: str :gsub "%c" short-control-char-escapes)))
+(fn sequence-key? [k len]
+ (and (= (type k) "number")
+ (<= 1 k)
+ (<= k len)
+ (= (math.floor k) k)))
+(local type-order {:number 1 :boolean 2 :string 3 :table 4
+ :function 5 :userdata 6 :thread 7})
+(fn sort-keys [a b]
+ (let [ta (type a) tb (type b)]
+ (if (and (= ta tb) (~= ta "boolean")
+ (or (= ta "string") (= ta "number")))
+ (< a b)
+ (let [dta (. type-order a)
+ dtb (. type-order b)]
+ (if (and dta dtb)
+ (< dta dtb)
+ dta true
+ dtb false
+ :else (< ta tb))))))
+(fn get-sequence-length [t]
+ (var len 1)
+ (each [i (ipairs t)] (set len i))
+ len)
+(fn get-nonsequential-keys [t]
+ (let [keys {}
+ sequence-length (get-sequence-length t)]
+ (each [k (pairs t)]
+ (when (not (sequence-key? k sequence-length))
+ (table.insert keys k)))
+ (table.sort keys sort-keys)
+ (values keys sequence-length)))
+(fn count-table-appearances [t appearances]
+ (if (= (type t) "table")
+ (when (not (. appearances t))
+ (tset appearances t 1)
+ (each [k v (pairs t)]
+ (count-table-appearances k appearances)
+ (count-table-appearances v appearances)))
+ (when (and t (= t t)) ; no nans please
+ (tset appearances t (+ (or (. appearances t) 0) 1))))
+ appearances)
+(var put-value nil) ; mutual recursion going on; defined below
+(fn puts [self ...]
+ (each [_ v (ipairs [...])]
+ (table.insert self.buffer v)))
+(fn tabify [self] (puts self "\n" (: self.indent :rep self.level)))
+(fn already-visited? [self v] (~= (. self.ids v) nil))
+(fn get-id [self v]
+ (var id (. self.ids v))
+ (when (not id)
+ (let [tv (type v)]
+ (set id (+ (or (. self.max-ids tv) 0) 1))
+ (tset self.max-ids tv id)
+ (tset self.ids v id)))
+ (tostring id))
+(fn put-sequential-table [self t length]
+ (puts self "[")
+ (set self.level (+ self.level 1))
+ (for [i 1 length]
+ (puts self " ")
+ (put-value self (. t i)))
+ (set self.level (- self.level 1))
+ (puts self " ]"))
+(fn put-key [self k]
+ (if (and (= (type k) "string")
+ (: k :find "^[-%w?\\^_`!#$%&*+./@~:|<=>]+$"))
+ (puts self ":" k)
+ (put-value self k)))
+(fn put-kv-table [self t]
+ (puts self "{")
+ (set self.level (+ self.level 1))
+ (each [k v (pairs t)]
+ (tabify self)
+ (put-key self k)
+ (puts self " ")
+ (put-value self v))
+ (set self.level (- self.level 1))
+ (tabify self)
+ (puts self "}"))
+(fn put-table [self t]
+ (if (already-visited? self t)
+ (puts self "#<table " (get-id self t) ">")
+ (>= self.level self.depth)
+ (puts self "{...}")
+ :else
+ (let [(non-seq-keys length) (get-nonsequential-keys t)
+ id (get-id self t)]
+ (if (> (. self.appearances t) 1)
+ (puts self "#<" id ">")
+ (and (= (# non-seq-keys) 0) (= (# t) 0))
+ (puts self "{}")
+ (= (# non-seq-keys) 0)
+ (put-sequential-table self t length)
+ :else
+ (put-kv-table self t)))))
+(set put-value (fn [self v]
+ (let [tv (type v)]
+ (if (= tv "string")
+ (puts self (quote (escape v)))
+ (or (= tv "number") (= tv "boolean") (= tv "nil"))
+ (puts self (tostring v))
+ (= tv "table")
+ (put-table self v)
+ :else
+ (puts self "#<" (tostring v) ">")))))
+(fn fennelview [root options]
+ (let [options (or options {})
+ inspector {:appearances (count-table-appearances root {})
+ :depth (or options.depth 128)
+ :level 0 :buffer {} :ids {} :max-ids {}
+ :indent (or options.indent " ")}]
+ (put-value inspector root)
+ (table.concat inspector.buffer)))