diff options
3 files changed, 254 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index e8838008..3fbb1df8 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'AutoItLexer': ('pygments.lexers.automation', 'AutoIt', ('autoit',), ('*.au3',), ('text/x-autoit',)),
'AutohotkeyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.automation', 'autohotkey', ('ahk', 'autohotkey'), ('*.ahk', '*.ahkl'), ('text/x-autohotkey',)),
'AwkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.textedit', 'Awk', ('awk', 'gawk', 'mawk', 'nawk'), ('*.awk',), ('application/x-awk',)),
+ 'BBCBasicLexer': ('pygments.lexers.basic', 'BBC Basic', ('bbcbasic',), ('*.bbc',), ()),
'BBCodeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.markup', 'BBCode', ('bbcode',), (), ('text/x-bbcode',)),
'BCLexer': ('pygments.lexers.algebra', 'BC', ('bc',), ('*.bc',), ()),
'BSTLexer': ('pygments.lexers.bibtex', 'BST', ('bst', 'bst-pybtex'), ('*.bst',), ()),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index b0409386..4d957c2b 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ from pygments.lexers import _vbscript_builtins
__all__ = ['BlitzBasicLexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer', 'MonkeyLexer', 'CbmBasicV2Lexer',
- 'QBasicLexer', 'VBScriptLexer']
+ 'QBasicLexer', 'VBScriptLexer', 'BBCBasicLexer']
class BlitzMaxLexer(RegexLexer):
@@ -561,4 +562,98 @@ class VBScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
(r'\n', Error, '#pop'), # Unterminated string
- } \ No newline at end of file
+ }
+class BBCBasicLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ BBC Basic was supplied on the BBC Micro, and later Acorn RISC OS.
+ It is also used by BBC Basic For Windows.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4????
+ """
+ base_keywords = ['OTHERWISE', 'AND', 'DIV', 'EOR', 'MOD', 'OR', 'ERROR',
+ 'LINE', 'OFF', 'STEP', 'SPC', 'TAB', 'ELSE', 'THEN',
+ 'ACS', 'ADVAL', 'ASC', 'ASN', 'ATN', 'BGET', 'COS', 'COUNT',
+ 'DEG', 'ERL', 'ERR', 'EVAL', 'EXP', 'EXT', 'FALSE', 'FN',
+ 'GET', 'INKEY', 'INSTR', 'INT', 'LEN', 'LN', 'LOG', 'NOT',
+ 'OPENUP', 'OPENOUT', 'PI', 'POINT', 'POS', 'RAD', 'RND',
+ 'SGN', 'SIN', 'SQR', 'TAN', 'TO', 'TRUE', 'USR', 'VAL',
+ 'VPOS', 'CHR$', 'GET$', 'INKEY$', 'LEFT$', 'MID$',
+ 'RIGHT$', 'STR$', 'STRING$', 'EOF', 'PTR', 'PAGE', 'TIME',
+ 'CLOSE', 'CLG', 'CLS', 'DATA', 'DEF', 'DIM', 'DRAW', 'END',
+ 'INPUT', 'LET', 'LOCAL', 'MODE', 'MOVE', 'NEXT', 'ON',
+ 'VDU', 'PLOT', 'PRINT', 'PROC', 'READ', 'REM', 'REPEAT',
+ basic5_keywords = ['WHEN', 'OF', 'ENDCASE', 'ENDIF', 'ENDWHILE', 'CASE',
+ 'DELETE', 'EDIT', 'HELP', 'LIST', 'LOAD', 'LVAR', 'NEW',
+ name = 'BBC Basic'
+ aliases = ['bbcbasic']
+ filenames = ['*.bbc']
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r"[0-9]+", Name.Label),
+ (r"(\*)([^\n]*)",
+ bygroups(Keyword.Pseudo, Comment.Special)),
+ (r"", Whitespace, 'code'),
+ ],
+ 'code': [
+ (r"(REM)([^\n]*)",
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Comment.Single)),
+ (r'\n', Whitespace, 'root'),
+ (r'\s+', Whitespace),
+ (r':', Comment.Preproc),
+ # Some special cases to make functions come out nicer
+ (r'(DEF)(\s*)(FN|PROC)([A-Za-z_@][A-Za-z0-9_@]*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Keyword.Declaration, Name.Function)),
+ (r'(FN|PROC)([A-Za-z_@][A-Za-z0-9_@]*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Name.Function)),
+ (r'(GOTO|GOSUB|THEN|RESTORE)(\s*)(\d+)',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Name.Label)),
+ (r'(TRUE|FALSE)', Keyword.Constant),
+ (words(base_keywords), Keyword),
+ (words(basic5_keywords), Keyword),
+ ('"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ ('%[01]{1,32}', Number.Bin),
+ ('&[0-9a-f]{1,8}', Number.Hex),
+ (r'[+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(E[+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'[+-]?\.[0-9]+(E[+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'[+-]?[0-9]+E[+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float),
+ (r'[+-]?\d+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'([A-Za-z_@][A-Za-z0-9_@]*[%$]?)', Name.Variable),
+ (r'([+\-]=|[$!|?+\-*/%^=><();]|>=|<=|<>|<<|>>|>>>|,)', Operator),
+ ],
+ 'string': [
+ (r'[^"\n]+', String.Double),
+ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
+ (r'\n', Error, 'root'), # Unterminated string
+ ],
+ }
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ if text.startswith('10REM >') or text.startswith('REM >'):
+ return 0.9
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdb8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+20REM The simplest IRC client you can write. Maybe.
+30REM (C) Justin Fletcher, 1998
+60REM Change these if you wish
+120REM Start connecting to a host
+130SYS "ESocket_ConnectToHost",host$,port TO handle
+150 SYS "ESocket_CheckState",handle TO state
+160 IF state<-1 THENSYS "ESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "ESocket_DecodeState",state TO a$:ERROR 1,"Failed ("+a$+")"
+170UNTIL state=4
+190REM We are now connected
+220REM Log on to the server
+230SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"USER "+nick$+" x x :"+nick$
+240SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NICK "+nick$
+250SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"JOIN "+ourchan$
+260REM Install a monitor so that we don't waste time
+270SYS "ESocket_Monitor",0,handle TO monitor
+280SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+300REM If we crash, we should tidy up after ourselves
+310ON ERROR SYS "XESocket_Forget",handle:SYS "XESocket_Forget",monitor:ERROR EXT ERR,REPORT$+" at line "+STR$ERL
+330REM Memory buffer for our data
+350DIM buf% bufsize%
+370input$="":REM The input line
+390 REM In a taskwindow we should yield until there is data
+400 SYS "OS_UpCall",6,polladdr%
+410 IF !polladdr%<>0 THEN
+420 REM Reset the monitor for the time being
+430 SYS "ESocket_ResetMonitor",monitor,0 TO polladdr%
+450 REM Read lines from the connection until this buffer is empty
+460 SYS "ESocket_ReadLine",handle,buf%,bufsize%,%100 TO ,str,len
+470 IF str<>0 AND $str<>"" THEN
+480 line$=$str
+490 IF LEFT$(line$,4)="PING" THEN
+500 REM Ping's must be replied to immediately
+510 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PONG "+MID$(line$,6)
+520 ELSE
+530 REM Extract source info
+540 from$=MID$(LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1),2)
+550 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+560 uid$=LEFT$(from$,INSTR(from$+"!","!")-1)
+570 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+580 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+590 REM remove the input line
+600 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+610 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+630 REM Extract the destination
+640 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+650 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+2):REM Skip :
+660 IF LEFT$(line$,1)=CHR$1 THEN
+670 REM CTCP, so respond to it
+680 line$=MID$(line$,2,LEN(line$)-2)
+690 com$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+700 line$=MID$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")+1)
+710 CASE FNupper(com$) OF
+720 WHEN "PING"
+730 REM Ping lag timing
+740 line$="PONG "+line$
+750 PRINTuid$;" pinged us"
+770 REM Version checking
+780 line$="VERSION EIRC 1.00 (c) Justin Fletcher"
+790 PRINTuid$;" wanted our version"
+810 PRINT"* ";uid$;" ";line$
+820 line$=""
+840 REM everything else is an error
+850 line$="ERRMSG "+com$+" not understood"
+860 PRINT"CTCP '";com$;"' from ";uid$;" (";line$;")"
+880 IF line$<>"" THEN
+890 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"NOTICE "+uid$+" :"+CHR$1+line$+CHR$1
+900 ENDIF
+910 ELSE
+920 REM Somebody said something...
+930 PRINT"<";uid$;"> ";FNsafe(line$)
+940 ENDIF
+950 WHEN "JOIN"
+960 REM We (or someone else) has joined the channel
+970 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")):REM Skip :
+980 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+990 PRINTuid$;" has joined ";chan$
+1000 WHEN "PART"
+1010 REM Someone else has left the channel
+1020 chan$=LEFT$(line$,INSTR(line$+" "," ")-1)
+1030 IF LEFT$(chan$,1)=":" THENchan$=MID$(chan$,2)
+1040 PRINTuid$;" has left ";chan$
+1050 WHEN "QUIT"
+1060 REM Someone else has quit IRC
+1070 PRINTuid$;" quit IRC"
+1090 REM Some unknown command
+1100 PRINTuid$;":";com$;":";FNsafe(line$)
+1120 REM Re-display our input line
+1130 PRINTinput$;
+1140 ENDIF
+1150 ENDIF
+1160 UNTIL str=0
+1170 ENDIF
+1180 b$=INKEY$(0)
+1190 IF b$<>"" THEN
+1200 CASE b$ OF
+1210 WHEN CHR$13
+1220 SYS "ESocket_SendLine",handle,"PRIVMSG "+ourchan$+" :"+input$
+1230 REM Remove the line
+1240 IF input$<>"" THENFORI=1TOLEN(input$):VDU127:NEXT
+1250 REM We said it...
+1260 PRINT"<"+nick$+"> ";input$
+1270 input$=""
+1280 WHEN CHR$127,CHR$8
+1290 REM Backspace
+1300 IF input$<>"" THENVDU127
+1310 input$=LEFT$(input$)
+1330 REM Ad to current input
+1340 input$+=b$
+1350 PRINTb$;
+1370 ENDIF
+1380 REM Has the socket closed
+1390 SYS "ESocket_Closed",handle,%0 TO closed
+1400UNTIL closed
+1410SYS "ESocket_Forget",handle
+1420SYS "ESocket_Forget",monitor
+1450DEFFNupper(a$):LOCAL c$,b$,I
+1470c$=MID$(a$,I,1):IF c$>="a"ANDc$<="z"THENc$=CHR$(ASC(c$)-32)
+1500REM Remove control codes
+1520LOCAL I
+1540 IF MID$(line$,I,1)<" " THENMID$(line$,I,1)="*"