diff options
5 files changed, 1182 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index c5ed18b7..8c822742 100644
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Other contributors, listed alphabetically, are:
* Alexander Smishlajev -- Visual FoxPro lexer
* Steve Spigarelli -- XQuery lexer
* Jerome St-Louis -- eC lexer
-* Camil Staps -- Clean lexer
+* Camil Staps -- Clean and NuSMV lexers
* James Strachan -- Kotlin lexer
* Tom Stuart -- Treetop lexer
* Colin Sullivan -- SuperCollider lexer
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 5337dc55..82418adb 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'NimrodLexer': ('pygments.lexers.nimrod', 'Nimrod', ('nimrod', 'nim'), ('*.nim', '*.nimrod'), ('text/x-nimrod',)),
'NitLexer': ('pygments.lexers.nit', 'Nit', ('nit',), ('*.nit',), ()),
'NixLexer': ('pygments.lexers.nix', 'Nix', ('nixos', 'nix'), ('*.nix',), ('text/x-nix',)),
+ 'NuSMVLexer': ('pygments.lexers.nusmv', 'NuSMV', ('nusmv',), ('*.smv',), ()),
'NumPyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.python', 'NumPy', ('numpy',), (), ()),
'ObjdumpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'objdump', ('objdump',), ('*.objdump',), ('text/x-objdump',)),
'ObjectiveCLexer': ('pygments.lexers.objective', 'Objective-C', ('objective-c', 'objectivec', 'obj-c', 'objc'), ('*.m', '*.h'), ('text/x-objective-c',)),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a500c311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers.nusmv
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for the NuSMV language.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer
+from pygments.token import Comment, Generic, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, \
+ Punctuation, Text
+__all__ = ['NuSMVLexer']
+class NuSMVLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ Lexer for the NuSMV language.
+ """
+ name = 'NuSMV'
+ aliases = ['nusmv']
+ filenames = ['*.smv']
+ mimetypes = []
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'--.*\n', Comment),
+ r'|PREDICATES)\b'), Keyword.Declaration),
+ (r'\bprocess\b', Keyword),
+ (r'\b(array|of|boolean|integer|real|word)\b', Keyword.Type),
+ (r'\b(case|esac)\b', Keyword),
+ ((r'\b(word1|bool|signed|unsigned|extend|resize|sizeof|uwconst'
+ r'|swconst|init|self|count|abs|max|min)\b'), Name.Builtin),
+ r'|ABG|next|mod|union|in|xor|xnor)\b'), Operator.Word),
+ (r'\b(TRUE|FALSE)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'\-?\d+\b', Number.Integer),
+ (r'0[su][bBoOdDhH]\d*_[\da-fA-F]+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'\w[\w\d\$#-]*', Name.Variable),
+ (r'\s+', Text.Whitespace),
+ (r':=', Operator),
+ (r'[&\|\+\-\*/<>!=]', Operator),
+ (r'[\(\)\[\]\{\};\?:\.,]', Punctuation),
+ (r'.', Generic.Error),
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index afd0fda5..9c195466 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ from pygments.lexers.urbi import UrbiscriptLexer
from pygments.lexers.smalltalk import SmalltalkLexer, NewspeakLexer
from pygments.lexers.installers import NSISLexer, RPMSpecLexer
from pygments.lexers.textedit import AwkLexer
+from pygments.lexers.nusmv import NuSMVLexer
__all__ = []
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/guidance.smv b/tests/examplefiles/guidance.smv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..671d1e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/guidance.smv
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+-- Shuttle Digital Autopilot
+-- by Sergey Berezin (
+MODULE cont_3eo_mode_select(start,smode5,vel,q_bar,apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref,
+ h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2,alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2,
+ delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp,v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0,
+ high_rate_sep,meco_confirmed)
+VAR cont_3EO_start: boolean;
+ RTLS_abort_declared: boolean;
+ region_selected : boolean;
+ m_mode: {mm102, mm103, mm601};
+ r: {reg-1, reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg102};
+ step : {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, exit, undef};
+ init(cont_3EO_start) := FALSE;
+ init(m_mode) := {mm102, mm103};
+ init(region_selected) := FALSE;
+ init(RTLS_abort_declared) := FALSE;
+ init(r) := reg-1;
+ init(step) := undef;
+ next(step) :=
+ case
+ step = 1 & m_mode = mm102 : exit;
+ step = 1 : 2;
+ step = 2 & smode5 : 5;
+ step = 2 & vel = GRT_vi_3eo_max: exit;
+ step = 2 : 3;
+ step = 3 & vel = LEQ_vi_3eo_min : 6;
+ step = 3 : 4;
+ step = 4 & apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref: exit;
+ step = 4 : 6;
+ step = 5 : 6;
+ step = 6 & r = reg0 : exit;
+ step = 6 : 7;
+ step = 7 : 8;
+ step = 8 & q_bar = GRT_qbar_reg3 & !high_rate_sep : 10;
+ step = 8 : 9;
+ step = 9 : 10;
+ step = 10: exit;
+ next(start): 1;
+ step = exit : undef;
+ TRUE: step;
+ esac;
+ next(cont_3EO_start) :=
+ case
+ step = 1 & m_mode = mm102 : TRUE;
+ step = 10 & meco_confirmed : TRUE;
+ TRUE : cont_3EO_start;
+ esac;
+ next(r) :=
+ case
+ step = 1 & m_mode = mm102 : reg102;
+ step = 2 & !smode5 & vel = GRT_vi_3eo_max: reg0;
+ step = 4 & apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref: reg0;
+ step = 5 & v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0 & delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp : reg0;
+ step = 8 & q_bar = GRT_qbar_reg3 & !high_rate_sep : reg3;
+ step = 9: case
+ (h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2 & alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2 &
+ q_bar = GRT_qbar_reg1) | high_rate_sep : reg2;
+ TRUE : reg1;
+ esac;
+ next(step) = 1 : reg-1;
+ TRUE: r;
+ esac;
+ next(RTLS_abort_declared) :=
+ case
+ step = 10 & meco_confirmed & m_mode = mm103 : TRUE;
+ TRUE: RTLS_abort_declared;
+ esac;
+ next(m_mode) :=
+ case
+ step = 10 & meco_confirmed & m_mode = mm103 : mm601;
+ TRUE: m_mode;
+ esac;
+ next(region_selected) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ next(step) = exit : TRUE;
+ TRUE : region_selected;
+ esac;
+MODULE cont_3eo_guide(start,cont_3EO_start, mode_select_completed, et_sep_cmd,
+ h_dot_LT_0, q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep, m_mode, r0,
+ cont_minus_z_compl, t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102,
+ ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max, ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max,
+ excess_OMS_propellant, q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump,
+ entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0, rcs_all_jet_inhibit,
+ alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump, t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last,
+ pre_sep, cond_18, q_orb_LT_0, ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err,
+ cond_20b, cond_21, ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max, cond_24, cond_26,
+ cond_27, cond_29, mm602_OK)
+ step: {1,a1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,
+ b20, c20, d20, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,exit, undef};
+ call_RTLS_abort_task : boolean;
+ first3: boolean; -- indicates if it is the first pass
+ first8: boolean;
+ first27: boolean;
+ s_unconv : boolean;
+ mode_2_indicator : boolean;
+ et_sep_man_initiate : boolean;
+ emerg_sep : boolean;
+ cont_3eo_pr_delay : {minus_z_reg1, minus_z_reg2,
+ minus_z_reg3, minus_z_reg4, minus_z_reg102, 0, 5};
+ etsep_y_drift : {undef, minus_z_reg1, minus_z_reg2,
+ minus_z_reg3, minus_z_reg4, minus_z_reg102, 0};
+ fwd_rcs_dump_enable : boolean;
+ fcs_accept_icnct : boolean;
+ oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd : boolean;
+ orbiter_dump_ena : boolean;
+ frz_3eo : boolean;
+ high_rate_sep: boolean;
+ entry_gains : boolean;
+ cont_sep_cplt : boolean;
+ pch_cmd_reg4 : boolean;
+ alpha_ok : boolean;
+ r : {reg-1, reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg102};
+ early_sep : boolean;
+----- Additional Variables -----------------
+ rtls_lo_f_d_delay : {undef, 0};
+ wcb2 : {undef, reg1_0, reg2_neg4, wcb2_3eo, reg4_0,
+ reg102_undef, post_sep_0};
+ q_gcb_i : {undef, quat_reg1, quat_reg2, quat_reg3, quat_reg4,
+ quat_reg102_undef, quat_entry_M50_to_cmdbody};
+ oms_nz_lim : {undef, oms_nz_lim_3eo, oms_nz_lim_iload, oms_nz_lim_std};
+ contingency_nz_lim : {undef, contingency_nz_lim_3eo,
+ contingency_nz_lim_iload, contingency_nz_lim_std};
+ init(entry_gains) := FALSE;
+ init(frz_3eo) := FALSE;
+ init(cont_3eo_pr_delay) := 5;
+ init(etsep_y_drift) := undef;
+ init(r) := reg-1;
+ init(step) := undef;
+ init(call_RTLS_abort_task) := FALSE;
+ init(first3) := TRUE;
+ init(first8) := TRUE;
+ init(first27) := TRUE;
+ init(cont_sep_cplt) := FALSE;
+ init(et_sep_man_initiate) := FALSE;
+ init(alpha_ok) := FALSE;
+ init(pch_cmd_reg4) := FALSE;
+-- Assumed initializations:
+ init(rtls_lo_f_d_delay) := undef;
+ init(wcb2) := undef;
+ init(q_gcb_i) := undef;
+ init(oms_nz_lim) := undef;
+ init(contingency_nz_lim) := undef;
+ init(oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd) := FALSE;
+ init(orbiter_dump_ena) := FALSE;
+-- init(early_sep) := FALSE;
+ next(step) := nextstep;
+ next(r) :=
+ case
+ step = a1 & (cont_3EO_start | mode_select_completed) : r0;
+ step = 21 & cond_21 : reg4;
+ step = 23 & ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max & !high_rate_sep : reg1;
+ TRUE : r;
+ esac;
+ next(first3) :=
+ case
+ step = 3 & cont_3EO_start : FALSE;
+ TRUE : first3;
+ esac;
+ next(first8) :=
+ case
+ step = 8 & excess_OMS_propellant & cont_3EO_start : FALSE;
+ TRUE : first8;
+ esac;
+ next(first27) :=
+ case
+ step = 27 : FALSE;
+ TRUE: first27;
+ esac;
+ next(s_unconv) :=
+ case
+ step = 3 : FALSE;
+ TRUE : s_unconv;
+ esac;
+ next(call_RTLS_abort_task) :=
+ case
+ step = 3 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : call_RTLS_abort_task;
+ esac;
+ next(mode_2_indicator) :=
+ case
+ step = 4 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : mode_2_indicator;
+ esac;
+ next(et_sep_man_initiate) :=
+ case
+ step = 5 & h_dot_LT_0 & q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep & m_mode != mm102 : TRUE;
+ step = 14 & pre_sep : TRUE;
+ step = 19 & q_orb_LT_0 : TRUE;
+ step = d20 : TRUE;
+ step = 26 & cond_26 : TRUE;
+ step = 29 & cond_29 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : et_sep_man_initiate;
+ esac;
+ next(emerg_sep) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 5 & h_dot_LT_0 & q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep & m_mode != mm102: TRUE;
+ TRUE : emerg_sep;
+ esac;
+ next(cont_3eo_pr_delay) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : 5;
+ step = 5 & h_dot_LT_0 & q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep & m_mode != mm102 :
+ minus_z_reg3;
+ step = 7 & !cont_minus_z_compl & r = reg102 &
+ t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102 &
+ (ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max | ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max) : 0;
+ step = 14 & pre_sep : minus_z_reg102;
+ step = 19 & q_orb_LT_0 : minus_z_reg4;
+ step = d20 : minus_z_reg3;
+ step = 26 & cond_26 : minus_z_reg2;
+ step = 27 & first27 : minus_z_reg1;
+ TRUE : cont_3eo_pr_delay;
+ esac;
+ next(etsep_y_drift) :=
+ case
+ step = 5 & h_dot_LT_0 & q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep & m_mode != mm102 :
+ minus_z_reg3;
+ step = 7 & !cont_minus_z_compl & r = reg102 &
+ t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102 &
+ (ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max | ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max) : 0;
+ step = 14 & pre_sep : minus_z_reg102;
+ step = 19 & q_orb_LT_0 : minus_z_reg4;
+ step = d20 : minus_z_reg3;
+ step = 26 & cond_26 : minus_z_reg2;
+ step = 27 & first27 : minus_z_reg1;
+ TRUE : etsep_y_drift;
+ esac;
+ next(fwd_rcs_dump_enable) :=
+ case
+ step = 8 & excess_OMS_propellant & first8 : FALSE;
+ TRUE : fwd_rcs_dump_enable;
+ esac;
+ next(fcs_accept_icnct) :=
+ case
+ step = 9 & q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump & r != reg102 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : fcs_accept_icnct;
+ esac;
+ next(oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd) :=
+ case
+-- next(step) = 1 & oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd : {0,1};
+ next(step) = 1 & oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd : FALSE; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 9 & q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump & r != reg102 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd;
+ esac;
+ next(orbiter_dump_ena) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : FALSE; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 9 & q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump & r != reg102 : TRUE;
+ step = 13 & alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump & t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last : TRUE;
+ TRUE : orbiter_dump_ena;
+ esac;
+ next(frz_3eo) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 10 & entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 & !rcs_all_jet_inhibit : FALSE;
+ step = 28 & !et_sep_man_initiate : TRUE;
+ TRUE : frz_3eo;
+ esac;
+ next(high_rate_sep) :=
+ case
+ step = 10 & entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 & !rcs_all_jet_inhibit : FALSE;
+ step = 25 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : high_rate_sep;
+ esac;
+ next(entry_gains) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 10 & entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 & !rcs_all_jet_inhibit : TRUE;
+ TRUE : entry_gains;
+ esac;
+ next(cont_sep_cplt) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 12 & mm602_OK : TRUE;
+ TRUE : cont_sep_cplt;
+ esac;
+ next(pch_cmd_reg4) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 18 & !pch_cmd_reg4 & cond_18 : TRUE;
+ TRUE : pch_cmd_reg4;
+ esac;
+ next(alpha_ok) :=
+ case
+ next(step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ step = 20 & ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err : TRUE;
+ TRUE : alpha_ok;
+ esac;
+ next(early_sep) :=
+ case
+ step = 27 & first27 :
+ case
+ cond_27 : TRUE;
+ esac;
+ TRUE : early_sep;
+ esac;
+----- Additional Variables -----------------
+ next(rtls_lo_f_d_delay) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : undef; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 8 & first8 & excess_OMS_propellant : 0;
+ TRUE : rtls_lo_f_d_delay;
+ esac;
+ next(wcb2) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : undef; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 10 & entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 : post_sep_0;
+ step = 12 : case
+ r = reg4 : reg4_0;
+ TRUE : wcb2_3eo;
+ esac;
+ step = 14 & pre_sep : reg102_undef;
+ step = 15 : case
+ r = reg4 : reg4_0;
+ TRUE : wcb2_3eo;
+ esac;
+ step = 25 : reg2_neg4;
+ TRUE : wcb2;
+ esac;
+ next(q_gcb_i) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : undef; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 11 : quat_entry_M50_to_cmdbody;
+ step = 14 & pre_sep : quat_reg102_undef;
+ step = 16 : case
+ r = reg4 : quat_reg4;
+ TRUE : quat_reg3;
+ esac;
+ step = 22 : quat_reg2;
+-- Without this step the value "quat_reg2" would remain in "reg1":
+-- step = 23 & ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max & !high_rate_sep : undef;
+ TRUE : q_gcb_i;
+ esac;
+ next(oms_nz_lim) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : undef; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 9 & q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump & r != reg102 : oms_nz_lim_3eo;
+ step = 12 & mm602_OK : oms_nz_lim_std;
+ TRUE : oms_nz_lim;
+ esac;
+ next(contingency_nz_lim) :=
+ case
+ next(start) = TRUE : undef; -- Assumed initialization
+ step = 9 & q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump & r != reg102 :
+ contingency_nz_lim_3eo;
+ step = 12 & mm602_OK : contingency_nz_lim_std;
+ TRUE : contingency_nz_lim;
+ esac;
+ finished := step = exit;
+ idle := step = undef;
+ start_cont_3eo_mode_select :=
+ case
+ step = 1 & !cont_3EO_start : TRUE;
+ esac;
+ nextstep :=
+ case
+ step = 1 : a1;
+ step = a1 : case
+ (cont_3EO_start | mode_select_completed) : 2;
+ TRUE : step;
+ esac;
+ step = 2 : case
+ !cont_3EO_start : exit;
+ first3 : 3;
+ TRUE: 4;
+ esac;
+ step = 3 : 4;
+ step = 4 : case
+ et_sep_cmd : 7;
+ TRUE : 5;
+ esac;
+ step = 5 : case
+ h_dot_LT_0 & q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep &
+ m_mode != mm102 : exit;
+ TRUE : 6;
+ esac;
+ step = 6 :
+ case
+ r = reg102 : 13;
+ r in {reg3, reg4} : 15;
+ r = reg2 : 22;
+ r = reg1 : 27;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 7 : case
+ cont_minus_z_compl : 8;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 8 : case
+ excess_OMS_propellant & first8 : 9;
+ TRUE : 10;
+ esac;
+ step = 9 : exit;
+ step = 10 : case
+ !entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 | rcs_all_jet_inhibit : exit;
+ TRUE : 11;
+ esac;
+ step = 11 : 12;
+ step = 12 : exit;
+ step = 13 : 14;
+ step = 14 : exit;
+ step = 15 : 16;
+ step = 16 : 17;
+ step = 17 : case
+ r = reg4 : 18;
+ TRUE : 20;
+ esac;
+ step = 18 : case
+ pch_cmd_reg4 | cond_18 : 19;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 19 : exit;
+ step = 20 : case
+ ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err : b20;
+ TRUE : c20;
+ esac;
+ step = b20 : case
+ cond_20b : d20;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = c20 : case
+ alpha_ok : d20;
+ TRUE : 21;
+ esac;
+ step = d20 : exit;
+ TRUE : nextstep21;
+ esac;
+ nextstep21 :=
+ case
+ step = 21 : case
+ cond_21 : 15;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 22 : 23;
+ step = 23 : case
+ ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max & !high_rate_sep : 27;
+ TRUE : 24;
+ esac;
+ step = 24 : case
+ cond_24 | high_rate_sep : 25;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 25 : 26;
+ step = 26 : exit;
+ step = 27 : 28;
+ step = 28 : case
+ !et_sep_man_initiate : 29;
+ TRUE : exit;
+ esac;
+ step = 29 : exit;
+ start : 1;
+ step = exit : undef;
+ TRUE : step;
+ esac;
+ post_sep_mode := step in {7,8,9,10,11,12};
+MODULE main
+ smode5: boolean;
+ vel : {GRT_vi_3eo_max, GRT_vi_3eo_min, LEQ_vi_3eo_min};
+ q_bar: {GRT_qbar_reg3, GRT_qbar_reg1, LEQ_qbar_reg1};
+ q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep : boolean;
+ q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump : boolean;
+ apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref : boolean;
+ h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2 : boolean;
+ h_dot_LT_0 : boolean;
+ alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2 : boolean;
+ delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp : boolean;
+ v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0: boolean;
+ meco_confirmed: boolean;
+ et_sep_cmd : boolean;
+ cont_minus_z_compl : boolean;
+ t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102 : boolean;
+ ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max : boolean;
+ ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max : boolean;
+ excess_OMS_propellant : boolean;
+ entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 : boolean;
+ rcs_all_jet_inhibit : boolean;
+ alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump : boolean;
+ t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last : boolean;
+ pre_sep : boolean;
+ cond_18 : boolean;
+ q_orb_LT_0 : boolean;
+ ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err : boolean;
+ cond_20b : boolean;
+ cond_21 : boolean;
+ ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max : boolean;
+ cond_24 : boolean;
+ cond_26 : boolean;
+ cond_27 : boolean;
+ cond_29 : boolean;
+ mm602_OK : boolean;
+ start_guide : boolean;
+ mated_coast_mnvr : boolean;
+ cs: cont_3eo_mode_select(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select,
+ smode5,vel,q_bar,apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref,
+ h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2,alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2,
+ delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp,v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0,
+ cg.high_rate_sep,meco_confirmed);
+ cg: cont_3eo_guide(start_guide,
+ cs.cont_3EO_start, cs.region_selected, et_sep_cmd,
+ h_dot_LT_0, q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep, cs.m_mode, cs.r,
+ cont_minus_z_compl, t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102,
+ ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max, ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max,
+ excess_OMS_propellant, q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump,
+ entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0, rcs_all_jet_inhibit,
+ alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump, t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last,
+ pre_sep, cond_18, q_orb_LT_0, ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err,
+ cond_20b, cond_21, ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max, cond_24, cond_26,
+ cond_27, cond_29, mm602_OK);
+ init(start_guide) := FALSE;
+ init(mated_coast_mnvr) := FALSE;
+ next(entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0) :=
+ case
+ !entry_mnvr_couter_LE_0 : {FALSE, TRUE};
+ esac;
+ next(start_guide) :=
+ case
+ start_guide : FALSE;
+ !cg.idle : FALSE;
+ esac;
+ next(smode5) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : smode5;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : smode5;
+ esac;
+ next(vel) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : vel;
+ cg.idle : {GRT_vi_3eo_max, GRT_vi_3eo_min, LEQ_vi_3eo_min};
+ TRUE : vel;
+ esac;
+ next(q_bar) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : q_bar;
+ cg.idle : {GRT_qbar_reg3, GRT_qbar_reg1, LEQ_qbar_reg1};
+ TRUE : q_bar;
+ esac;
+ next(q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : q_bar_a_GRT_qbar_max_sep;
+ esac;
+ next(apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref;
+ esac;
+ next(h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : h_dot_LT_hdot_reg2;
+ esac;
+ next(h_dot_LT_0) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : h_dot_LT_0;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : h_dot_LT_0;
+ esac;
+ next(alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : alpha_n_GRT_alpha_reg2;
+ esac;
+ next(delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp;
+ esac;
+ next(v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0;
+ esac;
+ next(meco_confirmed) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : meco_confirmed;
+ meco_confirmed : TRUE;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : meco_confirmed;
+ esac;
+ next(et_sep_cmd) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : et_sep_cmd;
+ et_sep_cmd : TRUE;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : et_sep_cmd;
+ esac;
+ next(cont_minus_z_compl) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cont_minus_z_compl;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cont_minus_z_compl;
+ esac;
+ next(t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : t_nav-t_et_sep_GRT_dt_min_z_102;
+ esac;
+ next(ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : ABS_q_orb_GRT_q_minus_z_max;
+ esac;
+ next(ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : ABS_r_orb_GRT_r_minus_z_max;
+ esac;
+ next(excess_OMS_propellant) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : excess_OMS_propellant;
+ cg.idle & excess_OMS_propellant : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : excess_OMS_propellant;
+ esac;
+ next(q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : q_bar_a_LT_qbar_oms_dump;
+ esac;
+ next(rcs_all_jet_inhibit) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : rcs_all_jet_inhibit;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : rcs_all_jet_inhibit;
+ esac;
+ next(alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : alt_GRT_alt_min_102_dump;
+ esac;
+ next(t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : t_nav-t_gmtlo_LT_t_dmp_last;
+ esac;
+ next(pre_sep) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : pre_sep;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : pre_sep;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_18) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_18;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_18;
+ esac;
+ next(q_orb_LT_0) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : q_orb_LT_0;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : q_orb_LT_0;
+ esac;
+ next(ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_20b) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_20b;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_20b;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_21) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_21;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_21;
+ esac;
+ next(ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : ABS_beta_n_GRT_beta_max;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_24) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_24;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_24;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_26) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_26;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_26;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_27) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_27;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_27;
+ esac;
+ next(cond_29) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : cond_29;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : cond_29;
+ esac;
+ next(mm602_OK) :=
+ case
+ fixed_values : mm602_OK;
+ cg.idle : { FALSE, TRUE };
+ TRUE : mm602_OK;
+ esac;
+ next(mated_coast_mnvr) :=
+ case
+ next(cg.step) = 1 : FALSE;
+ cg.step = 6 & cg.r in {reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg102} : TRUE;
+ TRUE : mated_coast_mnvr;
+ esac;
+ fixed_values := FALSE;
+ output_ok :=
+ case
+ cg.q_gcb_i = undef | cg.wcb2 = undef |
+ cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = 5 |
+ cg.etsep_y_drift = undef :
+ case
+ !mated_coast_mnvr: 1;
+ TRUE : undef;
+ esac;
+ !mated_coast_mnvr: toint(cg.q_gcb_i = quat_entry_M50_to_cmdbody &
+ cg.wcb2 = post_sep_0);
+-- reg1 never happens?
+-- cg.r = reg1 : (cg.q_gcb_i = quat_reg1 & cg.wcb2 = reg1_0 &
+-- cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = minus_z_reg1 &
+-- cg.etsep_y_drift = minus_z_reg1) | cg.emerg_sep;
+ cg.r = reg2 : toint((cg.q_gcb_i = quat_reg2 & cg.wcb2 = reg2_neg4 &
+ cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = minus_z_reg2 &
+ cg.etsep_y_drift = minus_z_reg2) | cg.emerg_sep);
+ cg.r = reg3 : toint((cg.q_gcb_i = quat_reg3 & cg.wcb2 = wcb2_3eo &
+ cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = minus_z_reg3 &
+ cg.etsep_y_drift = minus_z_reg3) | cg.emerg_sep);
+ cg.r = reg4 : toint((cg.q_gcb_i = quat_reg4 & cg.wcb2 = reg4_0 &
+ cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = minus_z_reg4 &
+ cg.etsep_y_drift = minus_z_reg4) | cg.emerg_sep);
+ cg.r = reg102 : toint((cg.q_gcb_i = quat_reg102_undef &
+ cg.wcb2 = reg102_undef &
+ cg.cont_3eo_pr_delay = minus_z_reg102 &
+ cg.etsep_y_drift = minus_z_reg102) | cg.emerg_sep);
+ TRUE : 0;
+ esac;
+-------- Specifications ---------------------------------------------
+-- Contingency Guide terminates
+SPEC AG(!cg.idle -> AF(cg.finished))
+-- Contingency guide can be executed infinitely often
+SPEC AG( (cg.idle | cg.finished) ->
+ EF(!(cg.idle | cg.finished) & EF(cg.finished)))
+-- Contingency mode select task works fine
+SPEC AG(cs.cont_3EO_start & cs.region_selected ->
+ ((cs.m_mode = mm102 | meco_confirmed) &
+ cs.r != reg-1 & cs.r != reg0))
+-- Bad (initial) value never happens again once region is computed
+-- unless we restart the task
+--SPEC AG(cs.r != reg-1 -> !E[!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select U
+-- cs.r = reg-1 & !cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select])
+-- Comment out each of the regions and see if this is still true
+-- (Check, if ALL of the regions can happen)
+--SPEC AG(cs.r in {reg-1
+-- ,reg0
+-- ,reg1
+-- ,reg2
+-- ,reg3
+-- ,reg102
+-- })
+-- Comment out each of the regions and see if this is still true
+-- (Check, if ALL of the regions can happen)
+--SPEC AG(cg.r in {reg-1
+-- ,reg0
+-- ,reg1
+-- ,reg2
+-- ,reg3
+-- ,reg4
+-- ,reg102
+-- })
+-- Mode_select starts at the next step after its "start" bit is set:
+--SPEC AG(!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select ->
+-- AX(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.step in {exit, undef} ->
+-- AX(cs.step = 1 & !cs.region_selected)))
+-- During major mode 103, the inertial velocity is monitored.
+-- Below an I-loaded velocity, a MECO would constitute a contingency
+-- abort. (Must NOT be in SMODE=5 (??))
+SPEC AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.m_mode = mm103 &
+ vel = LEQ_vi_3eo_min & meco_confirmed & !smode5 ->
+ A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.cont_3EO_start])
+-- Above a certain inertial velocity (in mode 103), the 3E/O field
+-- is blanked, indicating that a MECO at this point would not require
+-- an OPS 6 contingency abort.
+SPEC AG(cs.region_selected ->
+ (cs.m_mode = mm103 & vel = GRT_vi_3eo_max -> !cs.cont_3EO_start))
+-- Between the two velocities, an apogee altitude - velocity curve is
+-- constructed based on the current inertial velocity. If the apogee
+-- altitude is above this curve, a contingency abort capability is
+-- still required and a 3E/O region index will be calculated.
+-- Otherwise, the 3E/O field is blanked out and no further contingency
+-- abort calculations will be performed. (Must NOT be in SMODE=5 (??))
+SPEC AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.m_mode = mm103 &
+ vel = GRT_vi_3eo_min & meco_confirmed & !smode5 ->
+ A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected &
+ apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref = !cs.cont_3EO_start])
+-- For an RTLS trajectory (SMODE=5), a check is made on the downrange
+-- velocity to see if the vehicle is heading away from the landing site.
+-- If this is the case, a 3E/O region index is calculated. If the vehicle
+-- is heading back to the landing site, and the current range to the MECO
+-- R-V line is greater than an I-loaded value, a 3E/O region index is
+-- calculated. Otherwise, an intact abort is possible and the 3E/O field
+-- is blanked.
+SPEC AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & smode5 & meco_confirmed &
+ (!v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0 | !delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp) ->
+ A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.cont_3EO_start])
+-- If this task is called prior to SRB separation [mm102], the 3E/O region
+-- index is set to 102 and the 3E/O contingency flag is set.
+SPEC AG(cs.m_mode = mm102 & cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select ->
+ AX (A [ !cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected &
+ cs.r = reg102 & cs.cont_3EO_start]))
+-- After SRB separation, on every pass that the 3E/O region index is
+-- calculated, a check is made to see if MECO confirmed has occured. If
+-- so, a check is made to see if the major mode is 103. If so, an RTLS is
+-- automatically invoked to transition to major mode 601.
+SPEC AG(!cs.region_selected & cs.m_mode = mm103 & meco_confirmed ->
+ A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.r != reg0 ->
+ cs.m_mode = mm601 & cs.RTLS_abort_declared])
+-- Once the 3E/O contingency flag has been set, this task is no longer
+-- executed.
+SPEC AG(cs.cont_3EO_start -> AG(!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select))
+-- If MECO confirmed occurs in MM103 and an OPS 6 contingency abort
+-- procedure is still required, contingency 3E/O guidance sets the
+-- CONT_3EO_START flag ON. Contingency 3E/O guidance then switches
+-- from its display support function into an actual auto guidance
+-- steering process. [...] Contingency 3E/O guidance sets the RTLS abort
+-- declared flag and the MSC performs the transition from from major mode
+-- 103 to 601.
+SPEC AG(!cg.idle & !cg.finished & !cs.region_selected & cs.m_mode = mm103 ->
+ A[ !cg.finished U cg.finished & cs.region_selected &
+ (cs.cont_3EO_start -> cs.m_mode = mm601 & cs.RTLS_abort_declared) ])
+-- If MECO confirmed occurs in a major mode 601 and a contingency abort
+-- procedure is still required, contingency 3E/O guidance sets the
+-- CONT_3EO_START flag ON. [...] Contingency 3E/O guidance then commands
+-- 3E/O auto maneuvers in major mode 601. [What are these maneuvers??]
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm601 & !et_sep_cmd &
+ meco_confirmed & cs.cont_3EO_start ->
+ cg.q_gcb_i in {quat_reg1, quat_reg2, quat_reg3, quat_reg4, undef}
+ | cg.emerg_sep)
+-- If MECO confirmed occurs in a first stage (MM102) [...], contingency
+-- 3E/O guidance will command a fast ET separation during SRB tailoff in
+-- major mode 102. CONT 3E/O GUID will then command maneuver post-sep in
+-- MM601 (???). [ I'm not sure what indicates fast ET sep.: emerg_sep or
+-- early_sep, or what? ]
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm102 & meco_confirmed & pre_sep ->
+ cg.emerg_sep | et_sep_cmd
+ | cg.et_sep_man_initiate
+ | cg.early_sep
+ )
+-- Invariants from Murphi code --------------
+--SPEC AG(cg.finished -> (output_ok != 0 | (output_ok = undef &
+-- (cg.emerg_sep | !cg.cont_sep_cplt))))
+--SPEC AG(!cg.finished & !cg.idle -> !mated_coast_mnvr | !et_sep_cmd)
+-- Stronger version !!!
+SPEC AG(cg.finished -> output_ok != 0)
+-- Contingency Guidance shall command an ET separation
+-- [under certain conditions :-].
+SPEC AG(cs.cont_3EO_start & cg.finished &
+ (cg.r = reg1 -> cond_29) &
+ (cg.r = reg2 -> cond_24 & cond_26) &
+ (cg.r = reg3 -> cg.alpha_ok &
+ (ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err -> cond_20b)) &
+ (cg.r = reg4 -> cond_18 & q_orb_LT_0) &
+ (cg.r = reg102 -> pre_sep) ->
+ et_sep_cmd | cg.et_sep_man_initiate
+ | cg.early_sep
+ | cg.emerg_sep
+ )
+-- Contingency Guidance shall command at most one interconnected OMS dump.
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd ->
+ AG(!cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd -> AG(!cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd)))
+-- Contingency Guidance shall command a transition to glide RTLS
+-- (flight mode 602)
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm601 ->
+ --cg.cont_sep_cplt | cg.emerg_sep |
+ cg.call_RTLS_abort_task)
+-- Paper, p. 28, unstated assumption 2: at step 6 the region is
+-- among 102, 1-4.
+SPEC AG(cg.step = 6 -> cg.r in {reg102, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4})
+-- The transition to mode 602 shall not occur until the entry maneuver
+-- has been calculated
+SPEC !E[cg.q_gcb_i = undef U cg.cont_sep_cplt & cg.q_gcb_i = undef]
+-- The entry maneuver calculations shall not commence until the OMS/RCS
+-- interconnect, if any, is complete (??? What does it exactly mean???)
+-- !!!
+--SPEC AG(cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd ->
+-- !E[cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd U
+-- cg.q_gcb_i != undef & cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd])
+SPEC AG(cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd ->
+ !E[rcs_all_jet_inhibit U
+ cg.q_gcb_i != undef & rcs_all_jet_inhibit])
+-- The OMS dump shall not be considered until the -Z translation is complete.
+SPEC !E[!cont_minus_z_compl & cg.r != reg102 U cg.orbiter_dump_ena]
+-- Completion of -Z translation shall not be checked until ET separation
+-- has been commanded
+SPEC !E[!et_sep_cmd U cg.step = 7]
+-- ET separation shall be commanded if and only if an abort maneuver
+-- region is assigned [and again there are *certain conditions*].
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.cont_3EO_start &
+ (cg.r = reg1 -> cond_29) &
+ (cg.r = reg2 -> cond_24 & cond_26) &
+ (cg.r = reg3 -> cg.alpha_ok &
+ (ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err -> cond_20b)) &
+ (cg.r = reg4 -> cond_18 & q_orb_LT_0) &
+ (cg.r = reg102 -> pre_sep) ->
+ (cg.et_sep_man_initiate | et_sep_cmd
+ <-> cg.r in {reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg102}))
+-- The assigned region can not change arbitrarily.
+-- Regions 1 and 2 may interchange, but will not switch to any other region:
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.cont_3EO_start & cg.r in {reg1,reg2} ->
+ AG(cg.finished -> cg.r in {reg1,reg2}))
+-- Regions 3 and 4 may interchange, but will not switch to any other region:
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cs.cont_3EO_start & cg.r in {reg3,reg4} ->
+ AG(cg.finished -> cg.r in {reg3,reg4}))
+-- Region 102 never changes:
+SPEC AG(cg.finished & cg.r = reg102 -> AG(cg.finished -> cg.r = reg102))