path: root/pygments/lexers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 2541 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 576f44ed..c467548c 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -3,2550 +3,22 @@
- Lexers for agile languages.
+ Just export lexer classes previously contained in this module.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2014 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, ExtendedRegexLexer, \
- LexerContext, include, combined, do_insertions, bygroups, using, this, default
-from pygments.token import Error, Text, Other, \
- Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, Number, Generic, Punctuation
-from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt, shebang_matches, iteritems
-from pygments import unistring as uni
-__all__ = ['PythonLexer', 'PythonConsoleLexer', 'PythonTracebackLexer',
- 'Python3Lexer', 'Python3TracebackLexer', 'RubyLexer',
- 'RubyConsoleLexer', 'PerlLexer', 'LuaLexer', 'MoonScriptLexer',
- 'CrocLexer', 'MiniDLexer', 'IoLexer', 'TclLexer', 'FactorLexer',
- 'FancyLexer', 'DgLexer', 'Perl6Lexer', 'HyLexer',
- 'ChaiscriptLexer']
-# b/w compatibility
-from pygments.lexers.functional import SchemeLexer
+from pygments.lexers.lisp import SchemeLexer
from pygments.lexers.jvm import IokeLexer, ClojureLexer
-line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
-class PythonLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Python <>`_ source code.
- """
- name = 'Python'
- aliases = ['python', 'py', 'sage']
- filenames = ['*.py', '*.pyw', '*.sc', 'SConstruct', 'SConscript', '*.tac', '*.sage']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-python', 'application/x-python']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}"""(?:.|\n)*?""")', bygroups(Text, String.Doc)),
- (r"^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}'''(?:.|\n)*?''')", bygroups(Text, String.Doc)),
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- (r'#.*$', Comment),
- (r'[]{}:(),;[]', Punctuation),
- (r'\\\n', Text),
- (r'\\', Text),
- (r'(in|is|and|or|not)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'!=|==|<<|>>|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.]', Operator),
- include('keywords'),
- (r'(def)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'funcname'),
- (r'(class)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'),
- (r'(from)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text),
- 'fromimport'),
- (r'(import)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text),
- 'import'),
- include('builtins'),
- include('backtick'),
- ('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])"""', String, 'tdqs'),
- ("(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])'''", String, 'tsqs'),
- ('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])"', String, 'dqs'),
- ("(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])'", String, 'sqs'),
- ('[uU]?"""', String, combined('stringescape', 'tdqs')),
- ("[uU]?'''", String, combined('stringescape', 'tsqs')),
- ('[uU]?"', String, combined('stringescape', 'dqs')),
- ("[uU]?'", String, combined('stringescape', 'sqs')),
- include('name'),
- include('numbers'),
- ],
- 'keywords': [
- (r'(assert|break|continue|del|elif|else|except|exec|'
- r'finally|for|global|if|lambda|pass|print|raise|'
- r'return|try|while|yield(\s+from)?|as|with)\b', Keyword),
- ],
- 'builtins': [
- (r'(?<!\.)(__import__|abs|all|any|apply|basestring|bin|bool|buffer|'
- r'bytearray|bytes|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|'
- r'complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|exit|'
- r'file|filter|float|frozenset|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|hex|id|'
- r'input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|'
- r'long|map|max|min|next|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|'
- r'raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|reversed|round|set|setattr|slice|'
- r'sorted|staticmethod|str|sum|super|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|'
- r'vars|xrange|zip)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'(?<!\.)(self|None|Ellipsis|NotImplemented|False|True'
- r')\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'(?<!\.)(ArithmeticError|AssertionError|AttributeError|'
- r'BaseException|DeprecationWarning|EOFError|EnvironmentError|'
- r'Exception|FloatingPointError|FutureWarning|GeneratorExit|IOError|'
- r'ImportError|ImportWarning|IndentationError|IndexError|KeyError|'
- r'KeyboardInterrupt|LookupError|MemoryError|NameError|'
- r'NotImplemented|NotImplementedError|OSError|OverflowError|'
- r'OverflowWarning|PendingDeprecationWarning|ReferenceError|'
- r'RuntimeError|RuntimeWarning|StandardError|StopIteration|'
- r'SyntaxError|SyntaxWarning|SystemError|SystemExit|TabError|'
- r'TypeError|UnboundLocalError|UnicodeDecodeError|'
- r'UnicodeEncodeError|UnicodeError|UnicodeTranslateError|'
- r'UnicodeWarning|UserWarning|ValueError|VMSError|Warning|'
- r'WindowsError|ZeroDivisionError)\b', Name.Exception),
- ],
- 'numbers': [
- (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?j?', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+j?', Number.Float),
- (r'0[0-7]+j?', Number.Oct),
- (r'0[bB][01]+', Number.Bin),
- (r'0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'\d+L', Number.Integer.Long),
- (r'\d+j?', Number.Integer)
- ],
- 'backtick': [
- ('`.*?`', String.Backtick),
- ],
- 'name': [
- (r'@[\w.]+', Name.Decorator),
- ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
- ],
- 'funcname': [
- ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Function, '#pop')
- ],
- 'classname': [
- ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Class, '#pop')
- ],
- 'import': [
- (r'(?:[ \t]|\\\n)+', Text),
- (r'as\b', Keyword.Namespace),
- (r',', Operator),
- (r'[a-zA-Z_][\w.]*', Name.Namespace),
- default('#pop') # all else: go back
- ],
- 'fromimport': [
- (r'(?:[ \t]|\\\n)+', Text),
- (r'import\b', Keyword.Namespace, '#pop'),
- # if None occurs here, it's "raise x from None", since None can
- # never be a module name
- (r'None\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo, '#pop'),
- # sadly, in "raise x from y" y will be highlighted as namespace too
- (r'[a-zA-Z_.][\w.]*', Name.Namespace),
- # anything else here also means "raise x from y" and is therefore
- # not an error
- default('#pop'),
- ],
- 'stringescape': [
- (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|N{.*?}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|'
- r'U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape)
- ],
- 'strings': [
- (r'%(\(\w+\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?'
- '[hlL]?[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]', String.Interpol),
- (r'[^\\\'"%\n]+', String),
- # quotes, percents and backslashes must be parsed one at a time
- (r'[\'"\\]', String),
- # unhandled string formatting sign
- (r'%', String)
- # newlines are an error (use "nl" state)
- ],
- 'nl': [
- (r'\n', String)
- ],
- 'dqs': [
- (r'"', String, '#pop'),
- (r'\\\\|\\"|\\\n', String.Escape), # included here for raw strings
- include('strings')
- ],
- 'sqs': [
- (r"'", String, '#pop'),
- (r"\\\\|\\'|\\\n", String.Escape), # included here for raw strings
- include('strings')
- ],
- 'tdqs': [
- (r'"""', String, '#pop'),
- include('strings'),
- include('nl')
- ],
- 'tsqs': [
- (r"'''", String, '#pop'),
- include('strings'),
- include('nl')
- ],
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- return shebang_matches(text, r'pythonw?(2(\.\d)?)?') or \
- 'import ' in text[:1000]
-class Python3Lexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Python <>`_ source code (version 3.0).
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
- """
- name = 'Python 3'
- aliases = ['python3', 'py3']
- filenames = [] # Nothing until Python 3 gets widespread
- mimetypes = ['text/x-python3', 'application/x-python3']
- flags = re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE
- uni_name = "[%s][%s]*" % (uni.xid_start, uni.xid_continue)
- tokens = PythonLexer.tokens.copy()
- tokens['keywords'] = [
- (r'(assert|break|continue|del|elif|else|except|'
- r'finally|for|global|if|lambda|pass|raise|nonlocal|'
- r'return|try|while|yield(\s+from)?|as|with|True|False|None)\b',
- Keyword),
- ]
- tokens['builtins'] = [
- (r'(?<!\.)(__import__|abs|all|any|bin|bool|bytearray|bytes|'
- r'chr|classmethod|cmp|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|'
- r'divmod|enumerate|eval|filter|float|format|frozenset|getattr|'
- r'globals|hasattr|hash|hex|id|input|int|isinstance|issubclass|'
- r'iter|len|list|locals|map|max|memoryview|min|next|object|oct|'
- r'open|ord|pow|print|property|range|repr|reversed|round|'
- r'set|setattr|slice|sorted|staticmethod|str|sum|super|tuple|type|'
- r'vars|zip)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'(?<!\.)(self|Ellipsis|NotImplemented)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'(?<!\.)(ArithmeticError|AssertionError|AttributeError|'
- r'BaseException|BufferError|BytesWarning|DeprecationWarning|'
- r'EOFError|EnvironmentError|Exception|FloatingPointError|'
- r'FutureWarning|GeneratorExit|IOError|ImportError|'
- r'ImportWarning|IndentationError|IndexError|KeyError|'
- r'KeyboardInterrupt|LookupError|MemoryError|NameError|'
- r'NotImplementedError|OSError|OverflowError|'
- r'PendingDeprecationWarning|ReferenceError|'
- r'RuntimeError|RuntimeWarning|StopIteration|'
- r'SyntaxError|SyntaxWarning|SystemError|SystemExit|TabError|'
- r'TypeError|UnboundLocalError|UnicodeDecodeError|'
- r'UnicodeEncodeError|UnicodeError|UnicodeTranslateError|'
- r'UnicodeWarning|UserWarning|ValueError|VMSError|Warning|'
- r'WindowsError|ZeroDivisionError|'
- # new builtin exceptions from PEP 3151
- r'BlockingIOError|ChildProcessError|ConnectionError|'
- r'BrokenPipeError|ConnectionAbortedError|ConnectionRefusedError|'
- r'ConnectionResetError|FileExistsError|FileNotFoundError|'
- r'InterruptedError|IsADirectoryError|NotADirectoryError|'
- r'PermissionError|ProcessLookupError|TimeoutError)\b',
- Name.Exception),
- ]
- tokens['numbers'] = [
- (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'0[oO][0-7]+', Number.Oct),
- (r'0[bB][01]+', Number.Bin),
- (r'0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer)
- ]
- tokens['backtick'] = []
- tokens['name'] = [
- (r'@\w+', Name.Decorator),
- (uni_name, Name),
- ]
- tokens['funcname'] = [
- (uni_name, Name.Function, '#pop')
- ]
- tokens['classname'] = [
- (uni_name, Name.Class, '#pop')
- ]
- tokens['import'] = [
- (r'(\s+)(as)(\s+)', bygroups(Text, Keyword, Text)),
- (r'\.', Name.Namespace),
- (uni_name, Name.Namespace),
- (r'(\s*)(,)(\s*)', bygroups(Text, Operator, Text)),
- default('#pop') # all else: go back
- ]
- tokens['fromimport'] = [
- (r'(\s+)(import)\b', bygroups(Text, Keyword), '#pop'),
- (r'\.', Name.Namespace),
- (uni_name, Name.Namespace),
- default('#pop'),
- ]
- # don't highlight "%s" substitutions
- tokens['strings'] = [
- (r'[^\\\'"%\n]+', String),
- # quotes, percents and backslashes must be parsed one at a time
- (r'[\'"\\]', String),
- # unhandled string formatting sign
- (r'%', String)
- # newlines are an error (use "nl" state)
- ]
- def analyse_text(text):
- return shebang_matches(text, r'pythonw?3(\.\d)?')
-class PythonConsoleLexer(Lexer):
- """
- For Python console output or doctests, such as:
- .. sourcecode:: pycon
- >>> a = 'foo'
- >>> print a
- foo
- >>> 1 / 0
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
- ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
- Additional options:
- `python3`
- Use Python 3 lexer for code. Default is ``False``.
- .. versionadded:: 1.0
- """
- name = 'Python console session'
- aliases = ['pycon']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-python-doctest']
- def __init__(self, **options):
- self.python3 = get_bool_opt(options, 'python3', False)
- Lexer.__init__(self, **options)
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- if self.python3:
- pylexer = Python3Lexer(**self.options)
- tblexer = Python3TracebackLexer(**self.options)
- else:
- pylexer = PythonLexer(**self.options)
- tblexer = PythonTracebackLexer(**self.options)
- curcode = ''
- insertions = []
- curtb = ''
- tbindex = 0
- tb = 0
- for match in line_re.finditer(text):
- line =
- if line.startswith(u'>>> ') or line.startswith(u'... '):
- tb = 0
- insertions.append((len(curcode),
- [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:4])]))
- curcode += line[4:]
- elif line.rstrip() == u'...' and not tb:
- # only a new >>> prompt can end an exception block
- # otherwise an ellipsis in place of the traceback frames
- # will be mishandled
- insertions.append((len(curcode),
- [(0, Generic.Prompt, u'...')]))
- curcode += line[3:]
- else:
- if curcode:
- for item in do_insertions(insertions,
- pylexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
- yield item
- curcode = ''
- insertions = []
- if (line.startswith(u'Traceback (most recent call last):') or
- re.match(u' File "[^"]+", line \\d+\\n$', line)):
- tb = 1
- curtb = line
- tbindex = match.start()
- elif line == 'KeyboardInterrupt\n':
- yield match.start(), Name.Class, line
- elif tb:
- curtb += line
- if not (line.startswith(' ') or line.strip() == u'...'):
- tb = 0
- for i, t, v in tblexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curtb):
- yield tbindex+i, t, v
- else:
- yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
- if curcode:
- for item in do_insertions(insertions,
- pylexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
- yield item
-class PythonTracebackLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Python tracebacks.
- .. versionadded:: 0.7
- """
- name = 'Python Traceback'
- aliases = ['pytb']
- filenames = ['*.pytb']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-python-traceback']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'^Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n',
- Generic.Traceback, 'intb'),
- # SyntaxError starts with this.
- (r'^(?= File "[^"]+", line \d+)', Generic.Traceback, 'intb'),
- (r'^.*\n', Other),
- ],
- 'intb': [
- (r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(, in )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text, Name, Text)),
- (r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text)),
- (r'^( )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, using(PythonLexer), Text)),
- (r'^([ \t]*)(\.\.\.)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Comment, Text)), # for doctests...
- (r'^([^:]+)(: )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Generic.Error, Text, Name, Text), '#pop'),
- (r'^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(:?\n)',
- bygroups(Generic.Error, Text), '#pop')
- ],
- }
-class Python3TracebackLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Python 3.0 tracebacks, with support for chained exceptions.
- .. versionadded:: 1.0
- """
- name = 'Python 3.0 Traceback'
- aliases = ['py3tb']
- filenames = ['*.py3tb']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-python3-traceback']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'^Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n', Generic.Traceback, 'intb'),
- (r'^During handling of the above exception, another '
- r'exception occurred:\n\n', Generic.Traceback),
- (r'^The above exception was the direct cause of the '
- r'following exception:\n\n', Generic.Traceback),
- (r'^(?= File "[^"]+", line \d+)', Generic.Traceback, 'intb'),
- ],
- 'intb': [
- (r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(, in )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text, Name, Text)),
- (r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text)),
- (r'^( )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, using(Python3Lexer), Text)),
- (r'^([ \t]*)(\.\.\.)(\n)',
- bygroups(Text, Comment, Text)), # for doctests...
- (r'^([^:]+)(: )(.+)(\n)',
- bygroups(Generic.Error, Text, Name, Text), '#pop'),
- (r'^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(:?\n)',
- bygroups(Generic.Error, Text), '#pop')
- ],
- }
-class RubyLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
- """
- For `Ruby <>`_ source code.
- """
- name = 'Ruby'
- aliases = ['rb', 'ruby', 'duby']
- filenames = ['*.rb', '*.rbw', 'Rakefile', '*.rake', '*.gemspec',
- '*.rbx', '*.duby']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-ruby', 'application/x-ruby']
- flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
- def heredoc_callback(self, match, ctx):
- # okay, this is the hardest part of parsing Ruby...
- # match: 1 = <<-?, 2 = quote? 3 = name 4 = quote? 5 = rest of line
- start = match.start(1)
- yield start, Operator, # <<-?
- yield match.start(2), String.Heredoc, # quote ", ', `
- yield match.start(3), Name.Constant, # heredoc name
- yield match.start(4), String.Heredoc, # quote again
- heredocstack = ctx.__dict__.setdefault('heredocstack', [])
- outermost = not bool(heredocstack)
- heredocstack.append(( == '<<-',
- ctx.pos = match.start(5)
- ctx.end = match.end(5)
- # this may find other heredocs
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=ctx):
- yield i, t, v
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- if outermost:
- # this is the outer heredoc again, now we can process them all
- for tolerant, hdname in heredocstack:
- lines = []
- for match in line_re.finditer(ctx.text, ctx.pos):
- if tolerant:
- check =
- else:
- check =
- if check == hdname:
- for amatch in lines:
- yield amatch.start(), String.Heredoc,
- yield match.start(), Name.Constant,
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- break
- else:
- lines.append(match)
- else:
- # end of heredoc not found -- error!
- for amatch in lines:
- yield amatch.start(), Error,
- ctx.end = len(ctx.text)
- del heredocstack[:]
- def gen_rubystrings_rules():
- def intp_regex_callback(self, match, ctx):
- yield match.start(1), String.Regex, # begin
- nctx = LexerContext(, 0, ['interpolated-regex'])
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=nctx):
- yield match.start(3)+i, t, v
- yield match.start(4), String.Regex, # end[mixounse]*
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- def intp_string_callback(self, match, ctx):
- yield match.start(1), String.Other,
- nctx = LexerContext(, 0, ['interpolated-string'])
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=nctx):
- yield match.start(3)+i, t, v
- yield match.start(4), String.Other, # end
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- states = {}
- states['strings'] = [
- # easy ones
- (r'\:@{0,2}([a-zA-Z_]\w*[\!\?]?|\*\*?|[-+]@?|'
- r'[/%&|^`~]|\[\]=?|<<|>>|<=?>|>=?|===?)', String.Symbol),
- (r":'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Symbol),
- (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
- (r':"', String.Symbol, 'simple-sym'),
- (r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(:)(?!:)',
- bygroups(String.Symbol, Punctuation)), # Since Ruby 1.9
- (r'"', String.Double, 'simple-string'),
- (r'(?<!\.)`', String.Backtick, 'simple-backtick'),
- ]
- # double-quoted string and symbol
- for name, ttype, end in ('string', String.Double, '"'), \
- ('sym', String.Symbol, '"'), \
- ('backtick', String.Backtick, '`'):
- states['simple-'+name] = [
- include('string-intp-escaped'),
- (r'[^\\%s#]+' % end, ttype),
- (r'[\\#]', ttype),
- (end, ttype, '#pop'),
- ]
- # braced quoted strings
- for lbrace, rbrace, name in ('\\{', '\\}', 'cb'), \
- ('\\[', '\\]', 'sb'), \
- ('\\(', '\\)', 'pa'), \
- ('<', '>', 'ab'):
- states[name+'-intp-string'] = [
- (r'\\[\\' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Other),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + lbrace, String.Other, '#push'),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + rbrace, String.Other, '#pop'),
- include('string-intp-escaped'),
- (r'[\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']+', String.Other),
- ]
- states['strings'].append((r'%[QWx]?' + lbrace, String.Other,
- name+'-intp-string'))
- states[name+'-string'] = [
- (r'\\[\\' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Other),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + lbrace, String.Other, '#push'),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + rbrace, String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']+', String.Other),
- ]
- states['strings'].append((r'%[qsw]' + lbrace, String.Other,
- name+'-string'))
- states[name+'-regex'] = [
- (r'\\[\\' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Regex),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + lbrace, String.Regex, '#push'),
- (r'(?<!\\)' + rbrace + '[mixounse]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\#' + lbrace + rbrace + ']+', String.Regex),
- ]
- states['strings'].append((r'%r' + lbrace, String.Regex,
- name+'-regex'))
- # these must come after %<brace>!
- states['strings'] += [
- # %r regex
- (r'(%r([^a-zA-Z0-9]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2[mixounse]*)',
- intp_regex_callback),
- # regular fancy strings with qsw
- (r'%[qsw]([^a-zA-Z0-9])((?:\\\1|(?!\1).)*)\1', String.Other),
- (r'(%[QWx]([^a-zA-Z0-9]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2)',
- intp_string_callback),
- # special forms of fancy strings after operators or
- # in method calls with braces
- (r'(?<=[-+/*%=<>&!^|~,(])(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)',
- bygroups(Text, String.Other, None)),
- # and because of fixed width lookbehinds the whole thing a
- # second time for line startings...
- (r'^(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)',
- bygroups(Text, String.Other, None)),
- # all regular fancy strings without qsw
- (r'(%([^a-zA-Z0-9\s]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2)',
- intp_string_callback),
- ]
- return states
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'#.*?$', Comment.Single),
- (r'=begin\s.*?\n=end.*?$', Comment.Multiline),
- # keywords
- (r'(BEGIN|END|alias|begin|break|case|defined\?|'
- r'do|else|elsif|end|ensure|for|if|in|next|redo|'
- r'rescue|raise|retry|return|super|then|undef|unless|until|when|'
- r'while|yield)\b', Keyword),
- # start of function, class and module names
- (r'(module)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*'
- r'(?:::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace)),
- (r'(def)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'funcname'),
- (r'def(?=[*%&^`~+-/\[<>=])', Keyword, 'funcname'),
- (r'(class)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'),
- # special methods
- (r'(initialize|new|loop|include|extend|raise|attr_reader|'
- r'attr_writer|attr_accessor|attr|catch|throw|private|'
- r'module_function|public|protected|true|false|nil)\b',
- Keyword.Pseudo),
- (r'(not|and|or)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'(autoload|block_given|const_defined|eql|equal|frozen|include|'
- r'instance_of|is_a|iterator|kind_of|method_defined|nil|'
- r'private_method_defined|protected_method_defined|'
- r'public_method_defined|respond_to|tainted)\?', Name.Builtin),
- (r'(chomp|chop|exit|gsub|sub)!', Name.Builtin),
- (r'(?<!\.)(Array|Float|Integer|String|__id__|__send__|abort|'
- r'ancestors|at_exit|autoload|binding|callcc|caller|'
- r'catch|chomp|chop|class_eval|class_variables|'
- r'clone|const_defined\?|const_get|const_missing|const_set|'
- r'constants|display|dup|eval|exec|exit|extend|fail|fork|'
- r'format|freeze|getc|gets|global_variables|gsub|'
- r'hash|id|included_modules|inspect|instance_eval|'
- r'instance_method|instance_methods|'
- r'instance_variable_get|instance_variable_set|instance_variables|'
- r'lambda|load|local_variables|loop|'
- r'method|method_missing|methods|module_eval|name|'
- r'object_id|open|p|print|printf|private_class_method|'
- r'private_instance_methods|'
- r'private_methods|proc|protected_instance_methods|'
- r'protected_methods|public_class_method|'
- r'public_instance_methods|public_methods|'
- r'putc|puts|raise|rand|readline|readlines|require|'
- r'scan|select|self|send|set_trace_func|singleton_methods|sleep|'
- r'split|sprintf|srand|sub|syscall|system|taint|'
- r'test|throw|to_a|to_s|trace_var|trap|untaint|untrace_var|'
- r'warn)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'__(FILE|LINE)__\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- # normal heredocs
- (r'(?<!\w)(<<-?)(["`\']?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\2)(.*?\n)',
- heredoc_callback),
- # empty string heredocs
- (r'(<<-?)("|\')()(\2)(.*?\n)', heredoc_callback),
- (r'__END__', Comment.Preproc, 'end-part'),
- # multiline regex (after keywords or assignments)
- (r'(?:^|(?<=[=<>~!:])|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)when\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)or\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)and\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)index\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)scan\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)sub\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)sub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)gsub\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)gsub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;|\.)match\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)if\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)elsif\s)|'
- r'(?<=^when\s)|'
- r'(?<=^index\s)|'
- r'(?<=^scan\s)|'
- r'(?<=^sub\s)|'
- r'(?<=^gsub\s)|'
- r'(?<=^sub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=^gsub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=^match\s)|'
- r'(?<=^if\s)|'
- r'(?<=^elsif\s)'
- r')(\s*)(/)', bygroups(Text, String.Regex), 'multiline-regex'),
- # multiline regex (in method calls or subscripts)
- (r'(?<=\(|,|\[)/', String.Regex, 'multiline-regex'),
- # multiline regex (this time the funny no whitespace rule)
- (r'(\s+)(/)(?![\s=])', bygroups(Text, String.Regex),
- 'multiline-regex'),
- # lex numbers and ignore following regular expressions which
- # are division operators in fact (grrrr. i hate that. any
- # better ideas?)
- # since pygments 0.7 we also eat a "?" operator after numbers
- # so that the char operator does not work. Chars are not allowed
- # there so that you can use the ternary operator.
- # stupid example:
- # x>=0?n[x]:""
- (r'(0_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Oct, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Hex, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Bin, Text, Operator)),
- (r'([\d]+(?:_\d+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Integer, Text, Operator)),
- # Names
- (r'@@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Class),
- (r'@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Instance),
- (r'\$\w+', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'\$[!@&`\'+~=/\\,;.<>_*$?:"]', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'\$-[0adFiIlpvw]', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'::', Operator),
- include('strings'),
- # chars
- (r'\?(\\[MC]-)*' # modifiers
- r'(\\([\\abefnrstv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})|\S)'
- r'(?!\w)',
- String.Char),
- (r'[A-Z]\w+', Name.Constant),
- # this is needed because ruby attributes can look
- # like keywords (class) or like this: ` ?!?
- (r'(\.|::)([a-zA-Z_]\w*[\!\?]?|[*%&^`~+-/\[<>=])',
- bygroups(Operator, Name)),
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*[\!\?]?', Name),
- (r'(\[|\]|\*\*|<<?|>>?|>=|<=|<=>|=~|={3}|'
- r'!~|&&?|\|\||\.{1,3})', Operator),
- (r'[-+/*%=<>&!^|~]=?', Operator),
- (r'[(){};,/?:\\]', Punctuation),
- (r'\s+', Text)
- ],
- 'funcname': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, 'defexpr'),
- (r'(?:([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\.))?'
- r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*[\!\?]?|\*\*?|[-+]@?|'
- r'[/%&|^`~]|\[\]=?|<<|>>|<=?>|>=?|===?)',
- bygroups(Name.Class, Operator, Name.Function), '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'classname': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, 'defexpr'),
- (r'<<', Operator, '#pop'),
- (r'[A-Z_]\w*', Name.Class, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'defexpr': [
- (r'(\))(\.|::)?', bygroups(Punctuation, Operator), '#pop'),
- (r'\(', Operator, '#push'),
- include('root')
- ],
- 'in-intp': [
- ('}', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- include('root'),
- ],
- 'string-intp': [
- (r'#{', String.Interpol, 'in-intp'),
- (r'#@@?[a-zA-Z_]\w*', String.Interpol),
- (r'#\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*', String.Interpol)
- ],
- 'string-intp-escaped': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'\\([\\abefnrstv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})',
- String.Escape)
- ],
- 'interpolated-regex': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\#]+', String.Regex),
- ],
- 'interpolated-string': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#]+', String.Other),
- ],
- 'multiline-regex': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'\\\\', String.Regex),
- (r'\\/', String.Regex),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\/#]+', String.Regex),
- (r'/[mixounse]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'end-part': [
- (r'.+', Comment.Preproc, '#pop')
- ]
- }
- tokens.update(gen_rubystrings_rules())
- def analyse_text(text):
- return shebang_matches(text, r'ruby(1\.\d)?')
-class RubyConsoleLexer(Lexer):
- """
- For Ruby interactive console (**irb**) output like:
- .. sourcecode:: rbcon
- irb(main):001:0> a = 1
- => 1
- irb(main):002:0> puts a
- 1
- => nil
- """
- name = 'Ruby irb session'
- aliases = ['rbcon', 'irb']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-ruby-shellsession']
- _prompt_re = re.compile('irb\([a-zA-Z_]\w*\):\d{3}:\d+[>*"\'] '
- '|>> |\?> ')
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- rblexer = RubyLexer(**self.options)
- curcode = ''
- insertions = []
- for match in line_re.finditer(text):
- line =
- m = self._prompt_re.match(line)
- if m is not None:
- end = m.end()
- insertions.append((len(curcode),
- [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:end])]))
- curcode += line[end:]
- else:
- if curcode:
- for item in do_insertions(insertions,
- rblexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
- yield item
- curcode = ''
- insertions = []
- yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
- if curcode:
- for item in do_insertions(insertions,
- rblexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
- yield item
-class PerlLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Perl <>`_ source code.
- """
- name = 'Perl'
- aliases = ['perl', 'pl']
- filenames = ['*.pl', '*.pm', '*.t']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-perl', 'application/x-perl']
- flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
- # TODO: give this to a perl guy who knows how to parse perl...
- tokens = {
- 'balanced-regex': [
- (r'/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'!(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\!])*![egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'{(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\}])*}[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'<(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\>])*>[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\[(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\]])*\][egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\((\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\)])*\)[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\@])*@[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\%])*%[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\$(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\$])*\$[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'\#.*?$', Comment.Single),
- (r'^=[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s+.*?\n=cut', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'(case|continue|do|else|elsif|for|foreach|if|last|my|'
- r'next|our|redo|reset|then|unless|until|while|use|'
- r'print|new|BEGIN|CHECK|INIT|END|return)\b', Keyword),
- (r'(format)(\s+)(\w+)(\s*)(=)(\s*\n)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name, Text, Punctuation, Text), 'format'),
- (r'(eq|lt|gt|le|ge|ne|not|and|or|cmp)\b', Operator.Word),
- # common delimiters
- (r's/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[egimosx]*',
- String.Regex),
- (r's!(\\\\|\\!|[^!])*!(\\\\|\\!|[^!])*![egimosx]*', String.Regex),
- (r's\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\[egimosx]*', String.Regex),
- (r's@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\@])*@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\@])*@[egimosx]*',
- String.Regex),
- (r's%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\%])*%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\%])*%[egimosx]*',
- String.Regex),
- # balanced delimiters
- (r's{(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\}])*}\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's<(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\>])*>\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's\[(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\]])*\]\s*', String.Regex,
- 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's\((\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\)])*\)\s*', String.Regex,
- 'balanced-regex'),
- (r'm?/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/\n])*/[gcimosx]*', String.Regex),
- (r'm(?=[/!\\{<\[\(@%\$])', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r'((?<==~)|(?<=\())\s*/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[gcimosx]*',
- String.Regex),
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'(abs|accept|alarm|atan2|bind|binmode|bless|caller|chdir|'
- r'chmod|chomp|chop|chown|chr|chroot|close|closedir|connect|'
- r'continue|cos|crypt|dbmclose|dbmopen|defined|delete|die|'
- r'dump|each|endgrent|endhostent|endnetent|endprotoent|'
- r'endpwent|endservent|eof|eval|exec|exists|exit|exp|fcntl|'
- r'fileno|flock|fork|format|formline|getc|getgrent|getgrgid|'
- r'getgrnam|gethostbyaddr|gethostbyname|gethostent|getlogin|'
- r'getnetbyaddr|getnetbyname|getnetent|getpeername|getpgrp|'
- r'getppid|getpriority|getprotobyname|getprotobynumber|'
- r'getprotoent|getpwent|getpwnam|getpwuid|getservbyname|'
- r'getservbyport|getservent|getsockname|getsockopt|glob|gmtime|'
- r'goto|grep|hex|import|index|int|ioctl|join|keys|kill|last|'
- r'lc|lcfirst|length|link|listen|local|localtime|log|lstat|'
- r'map|mkdir|msgctl|msgget|msgrcv|msgsnd|my|next|no|oct|open|'
- r'opendir|ord|our|pack|package|pipe|pop|pos|printf|'
- r'prototype|push|quotemeta|rand|read|readdir|'
- r'readline|readlink|readpipe|recv|redo|ref|rename|require|'
- r'reverse|rewinddir|rindex|rmdir|scalar|seek|seekdir|'
- r'select|semctl|semget|semop|send|setgrent|sethostent|setnetent|'
- r'setpgrp|setpriority|setprotoent|setpwent|setservent|'
- r'setsockopt|shift|shmctl|shmget|shmread|shmwrite|shutdown|'
- r'sin|sleep|socket|socketpair|sort|splice|split|sprintf|sqrt|'
- r'srand|stat|study|substr|symlink|syscall|sysopen|sysread|'
- r'sysseek|system|syswrite|tell|telldir|tie|tied|time|times|tr|'
- r'truncate|uc|ucfirst|umask|undef|unlink|unpack|unshift|untie|'
- r'utime|values|vec|wait|waitpid|wantarray|warn|write'
- r')\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'((__(DATA|DIE|WARN)__)|(STD(IN|OUT|ERR)))\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'<<([\'"]?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\1;?\n.*?\n\2\n', String),
- (r'__END__', Comment.Preproc, 'end-part'),
- (r'\$\^[ADEFHILMOPSTWX]', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r"\$[\\\"\[\]'&`+*.,;=%~?@$!<>(^|/-](?!\w)", Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'[$@%#]+', Name.Variable, 'varname'),
- (r'0_?[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)*', Number.Oct),
- (r'0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*', Number.Hex),
- (r'0b[01]+(_[01]+)*', Number.Bin),
- (r'(?i)(\d*(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*|\d+(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*)(e[+-]?\d+)?',
- Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)\d+(_\d*)*e[+-]?\d+(_\d*)*', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+(_\d+)*', Number.Integer),
- (r"'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String),
- (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String),
- (r'`(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^`\\])*`', String.Backtick),
- (r'<([^\s>]+)>', String.Regex),
- (r'(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\{', String.Other, 'cb-string'),
- (r'(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\(', String.Other, 'rb-string'),
- (r'(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\[', String.Other, 'sb-string'),
- (r'(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\<', String.Other, 'lt-string'),
- (r'(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)([^a-zA-Z0-9])(.|\n)*?\2', String.Other),
- (r'package\s+', Keyword, 'modulename'),
- (r'sub\s+', Keyword, 'funcname'),
- (r'(\[\]|\*\*|::|<<|>>|>=|<=>|<=|={3}|!=|=~|'
- r'!~|&&?|\|\||\.{1,3})', Operator),
- (r'[-+/*%=<>&^|!\\~]=?', Operator),
- (r'[\(\)\[\]:;,<>/\?\{\}]', Punctuation), # yes, there's no shortage
- # of punctuation in Perl!
- (r'(?=\w)', Name, 'name'),
- ],
- 'format': [
- (r'\.\n', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- (r'[^\n]*\n', String.Interpol),
- ],
- 'varname': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, '#pop'), # hash syntax?
- (r'\)|,', Punctuation, '#pop'), # argument specifier
- (r'\w+::', Name.Namespace),
- (r'[\w:]+', Name.Variable, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'name': [
- (r'\w+::', Name.Namespace),
- (r'[\w:]+', Name, '#pop'),
- (r'[A-Z_]+(?=\W)', Name.Constant, '#pop'),
- (r'(?=\W)', Text, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'modulename': [
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Namespace, '#pop')
- ],
- 'funcname': [
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*[\!\?]?', Name.Function),
- (r'\s+', Text),
- # argument declaration
- (r'(\([$@%]*\))(\s*)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text)),
- (r'.*?{', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'cb-string': [
- (r'\\[\{\}\\]', String.Other),
- (r'\\', String.Other),
- (r'\{', String.Other, 'cb-string'),
- (r'\}', String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[^\{\}\\]+', String.Other)
- ],
- 'rb-string': [
- (r'\\[\(\)\\]', String.Other),
- (r'\\', String.Other),
- (r'\(', String.Other, 'rb-string'),
- (r'\)', String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[^\(\)]+', String.Other)
- ],
- 'sb-string': [
- (r'\\[\[\]\\]', String.Other),
- (r'\\', String.Other),
- (r'\[', String.Other, 'sb-string'),
- (r'\]', String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[^\[\]]+', String.Other)
- ],
- 'lt-string': [
- (r'\\[\<\>\\]', String.Other),
- (r'\\', String.Other),
- (r'\<', String.Other, 'lt-string'),
- (r'\>', String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[^\<\>]+', String.Other)
- ],
- 'end-part': [
- (r'.+', Comment.Preproc, '#pop')
- ]
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- if shebang_matches(text, r'perl'):
- return True
- if'(?:my|our)\s+[$@%(]', text):
- return 0.9
-class LuaLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Lua <>`_ source code.
- Additional options accepted:
- `func_name_highlighting`
- If given and ``True``, highlight builtin function names
- (default: ``True``).
- `disabled_modules`
- If given, must be a list of module names whose function names
- should not be highlighted. By default all modules are highlighted.
- To get a list of allowed modules have a look into the
- `_luabuiltins` module:
- .. sourcecode:: pycon
- >>> from pygments.lexers._luabuiltins import MODULES
- >>> MODULES.keys()
- ['string', 'coroutine', 'modules', 'io', 'basic', ...]
- """
- name = 'Lua'
- aliases = ['lua']
- filenames = ['*.lua', '*.wlua']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-lua', 'application/x-lua']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- # lua allows a file to start with a shebang
- (r'#!(.*?)$', Comment.Preproc),
- default('base'),
- ],
- 'base': [
- (r'(?s)--\[(=*)\[.*?\]\1\]', Comment.Multiline),
- ('--.*$', Comment.Single),
- (r'(?i)(\d*\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)(e[+-]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)\d+e[+-]?\d+', Number.Float),
- ('(?i)0x[0-9a-f]*', Number.Hex),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'[^\S\n]', Text),
- # multiline strings
- (r'(?s)\[(=*)\[.*?\]\1\]', String),
- (r'(==|~=|<=|>=|\.\.\.|\.\.|[=+\-*/%^<>#])', Operator),
- (r'[\[\]\{\}\(\)\.,:;]', Punctuation),
- (r'(and|or|not)\b', Operator.Word),
- ('(break|do|else|elseif|end|for|if|in|repeat|return|then|until|'
- r'while)\b', Keyword),
- (r'(local)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
- (r'(true|false|nil)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- (r'(function)\b', Keyword, 'funcname'),
- (r'[A-Za-z_]\w*(\.[A-Za-z_]\w*)?', Name),
- ("'", String.Single, combined('stringescape', 'sqs')),
- ('"', String.Double, combined('stringescape', 'dqs'))
- ],
- 'funcname': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- ('(?:([A-Za-z_]\w*)(\.))?([A-Za-z_]\w*)',
- bygroups(Name.Class, Punctuation, Name.Function), '#pop'),
- # inline function
- ('\(', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- ],
- # if I understand correctly, every character is valid in a lua string,
- # so this state is only for later corrections
- 'string': [
- ('.', String)
- ],
- 'stringescape': [
- (r'''\\([abfnrtv\\"']|\d{1,3})''', String.Escape)
- ],
- 'sqs': [
- ("'", String, '#pop'),
- include('string')
- ],
- 'dqs': [
- ('"', String, '#pop'),
- include('string')
- ]
- }
- def __init__(self, **options):
- self.func_name_highlighting = get_bool_opt(
- options, 'func_name_highlighting', True)
- self.disabled_modules = get_list_opt(options, 'disabled_modules', [])
- self._functions = set()
- if self.func_name_highlighting:
- from pygments.lexers._luabuiltins import MODULES
- for mod, func in iteritems(MODULES):
- if mod not in self.disabled_modules:
- self._functions.update(func)
- RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- for index, token, value in \
- RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- if token is Name:
- if value in self._functions:
- yield index, Name.Builtin, value
- continue
- elif '.' in value:
- a, b = value.split('.')
- yield index, Name, a
- yield index + len(a), Punctuation, u'.'
- yield index + len(a) + 1, Name, b
- continue
- yield index, token, value
-class MoonScriptLexer(LuaLexer):
- """
- For `MoonScript <>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 1.5
- """
- name = "MoonScript"
- aliases = ["moon", "moonscript"]
- filenames = ["*.moon"]
- mimetypes = ['text/x-moonscript', 'application/x-moonscript']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'#!(.*?)$', Comment.Preproc),
- default('base'),
- ],
- 'base': [
- ('--.*$', Comment.Single),
- (r'(?i)(\d*\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)(e[+-]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)\d+e[+-]?\d+', Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)0x[0-9a-f]*', Number.Hex),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- (r'(?s)\[(=*)\[.*?\]\1\]', String),
- (r'(->|=>)', Name.Function),
- (r':[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable),
- (r'(==|!=|~=|<=|>=|\.\.\.|\.\.|[=+\-*/%^<>#!.\\:])', Operator),
- (r'[;,]', Punctuation),
- (r'[\[\]\{\}\(\)]', Keyword.Type),
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*:', Name.Variable),
- (r"(class|extends|if|then|super|do|with|import|export|"
- r"while|elseif|return|for|in|from|when|using|else|"
- r"and|or|not|switch|break)\b", Keyword),
- (r'(true|false|nil)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- (r'(and|or|not)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'(self)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'@@?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?', Name.Variable.Class),
- (r'[A-Z]\w*', Name.Class), # proper name
- (r'[A-Za-z_]\w*(\.[A-Za-z_]\w*)?', Name),
- ("'", String.Single, combined('stringescape', 'sqs')),
- ('"', String.Double, combined('stringescape', 'dqs'))
- ],
- 'stringescape': [
- (r'''\\([abfnrtv\\"']|\d{1,3})''', String.Escape)
- ],
- 'sqs': [
- ("'", String.Single, '#pop'),
- (".", String)
- ],
- 'dqs': [
- ('"', String.Double, '#pop'),
- (".", String)
- ]
- }
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- # set . as Operator instead of Punctuation
- for index, token, value in \
- LuaLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- if token == Punctuation and value == ".":
- token = Operator
- yield index, token, value
-class CrocLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Croc <>`_ source.
- """
- name = 'Croc'
- filenames = ['*.croc']
- aliases = ['croc']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-crocsrc']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'\s+', Text),
- # Comments
- (r'//(.*?)\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'nestedcomment'),
- # Keywords
- (r'(as|assert|break|case|catch|class|continue|default'
- r'|do|else|finally|for|foreach|function|global|namespace'
- r'|if|import|in|is|local|module|return|scope|super|switch'
- r'|this|throw|try|vararg|while|with|yield)\b', Keyword),
- (r'(false|true|null)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- # FloatLiteral
- (r'([0-9][0-9_]*)(?=[.eE])(\.[0-9][0-9_]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+)?',
- Number.Float),
- # IntegerLiteral
- # -- Binary
- (r'0[bB][01][01_]*', Number.Bin),
- # -- Hexadecimal
- (r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*', Number.Hex),
- # -- Decimal
- (r'([0-9][0-9_]*)(?![.eE])', Number.Integer),
- # CharacterLiteral
- (r"""'(\\['"\\nrt]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\[0-9]{1,3}"""
- r"""|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|.)'""",
- String.Char
- ),
- # StringLiteral
- # -- WysiwygString
- (r'@"(""|[^"])*"', String),
- (r'@`(``|[^`])*`', String),
- (r"@'(''|[^'])*'", String),
- # -- DoubleQuotedString
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- # Tokens
- (
- r'(~=|\^=|%=|\*=|==|!=|>>>=|>>>|>>=|>>|>=|<=>|\?=|-\>'
- r'|<<=|<<|<=|\+\+|\+=|--|-=|\|\||\|=|&&|&=|\.\.|/=)'
- r'|[-/.&$@|\+<>!()\[\]{}?,;:=*%^~#\\]', Punctuation
- ),
- # Identifier
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
- ],
- 'nestedcomment': [
- (r'[^*/]+', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
- (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
- (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline),
- ],
- }
-class MiniDLexer(CrocLexer):
- """
- For MiniD source. MiniD is now known as Croc.
- """
- name = 'MiniD'
- filenames = ['*.md']
- aliases = ['minid']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-minidsrc']
-class IoLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Io <>`_ (a small, prototype-based
- programming language) source.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
- """
- name = 'Io'
- filenames = ['*.io']
- aliases = ['io']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-iosrc']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'\s+', Text),
- # Comments
- (r'//(.*?)\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'#(.*?)\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'/\+', Comment.Multiline, 'nestedcomment'),
- # DoubleQuotedString
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- # Operators
- (r'::=|:=|=|\(|\)|;|,|\*|-|\+|>|<|@|!|/|\||\^|\.|%|&|\[|\]|\{|\}',
- Operator),
- # keywords
- (r'(clone|do|doFile|doString|method|for|if|else|elseif|then)\b',
- Keyword),
- # constants
- (r'(nil|false|true)\b', Name.Constant),
- # names
- (r'(Object|list|List|Map|args|Sequence|Coroutine|File)\b',
- Name.Builtin),
- ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
- # numbers
- (r'(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer)
- ],
- 'nestedcomment': [
- (r'[^+/]+', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'/\+', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
- (r'\+/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
- (r'[+/]', Comment.Multiline),
- ]
- }
-class TclLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Tcl source code.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
- """
- keyword_cmds_re = (
- r'\b(after|apply|array|break|catch|continue|elseif|else|error|'
- r'eval|expr|for|foreach|global|if|namespace|proc|rename|return|'
- r'set|switch|then|trace|unset|update|uplevel|upvar|variable|'
- r'vwait|while)\b'
- )
- builtin_cmds_re = (
- r'\b(append|bgerror|binary|cd|chan|clock|close|concat|dde|dict|'
- r'encoding|eof|exec|exit|fblocked|fconfigure|fcopy|file|'
- r'fileevent|flush|format|gets|glob|history|http|incr|info|interp|'
- r'join|lappend|lassign|lindex|linsert|list|llength|load|loadTk|'
- r'lrange|lrepeat|lreplace|lreverse|lsearch|lset|lsort|mathfunc|'
- r'mathop|memory|msgcat|open|package|pid|pkg::create|pkg_mkIndex|'
- r'platform|platform::shell|puts|pwd|re_syntax|read|refchan|'
- r'regexp|registry|regsub|scan|seek|socket|source|split|string|'
- r'subst|tell|time|tm|unknown|unload)\b'
- )
- name = 'Tcl'
- aliases = ['tcl']
- filenames = ['*.tcl']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-tcl', 'text/x-script.tcl', 'application/x-tcl']
- def _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re, context=""):
- return [
- (keyword_cmds_re, Keyword, 'params' + context),
- (builtin_cmds_re, Name.Builtin, 'params' + context),
- (r'([\w\.\-]+)', Name.Variable, 'params' + context),
- (r'#', Comment, 'comment'),
- ]
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- include('command'),
- include('basic'),
- include('data'),
- (r'}', Keyword), # HACK: somehow we miscounted our braces
- ],
- 'command': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re),
- 'command-in-brace': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re,
- builtin_cmds_re,
- "-in-brace"),
- 'command-in-bracket': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re,
- builtin_cmds_re,
- "-in-bracket"),
- 'command-in-paren': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re,
- builtin_cmds_re,
- "-in-paren"),
- 'basic': [
- (r'\(', Keyword, 'paren'),
- (r'\[', Keyword, 'bracket'),
- (r'\{', Keyword, 'brace'),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'string'),
- (r'(eq|ne|in|ni)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'!=|==|<<|>>|<=|>=|&&|\|\||\*\*|[-+~!*/%<>&^|?:]', Operator),
- ],
- 'data': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'0x[a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct),
- (r'\d+\.\d+', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r'\$([\w\.\-\:]+)', Name.Variable),
- (r'([\w\.\-\:]+)', Text),
- ],
- 'params': [
- (r';', Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
- (r'(else|elseif|then)\b', Keyword),
- include('basic'),
- include('data'),
- ],
- 'params-in-brace': [
- (r'}', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')),
- include('params')
- ],
- 'params-in-paren': [
- (r'\)', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')),
- include('params')
- ],
- 'params-in-bracket': [
- (r'\]', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')),
- include('params')
- ],
- 'string': [
- (r'\[', String.Double, 'string-square'),
- (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])', String.Double),
- (r'"', String.Double, '#pop')
- ],
- 'string-square': [
- (r'\[', String.Double, 'string-square'),
- (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|\\\n|[^\]\\])', String.Double),
- (r'\]', String.Double, '#pop')
- ],
- 'brace': [
- (r'}', Keyword, '#pop'),
- include('command-in-brace'),
- include('basic'),
- include('data'),
- ],
- 'paren': [
- (r'\)', Keyword, '#pop'),
- include('command-in-paren'),
- include('basic'),
- include('data'),
- ],
- 'bracket': [
- (r'\]', Keyword, '#pop'),
- include('command-in-bracket'),
- include('basic'),
- include('data'),
- ],
- 'comment': [
- (r'.*[^\\]\n', Comment, '#pop'),
- (r'.*\\\n', Comment),
- ],
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- return shebang_matches(text, r'(tcl)')
-class FactorLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Lexer for the `Factor <>`_ language.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4
- """
- name = 'Factor'
- aliases = ['factor']
- filenames = ['*.factor']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-factor']
- flags = re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE
- builtin_kernel = (
- r'(?:-rot|2bi|2bi@|2bi\*|2curry|2dip|2drop|2dup|2keep|2nip|'
- r'2over|2tri|2tri@|2tri\*|3bi|3curry|3dip|3drop|3dup|3keep|'
- r'3tri|4dip|4drop|4dup|4keep|<wrapper>|=|>boolean|\(clone\)|'
- r'\?|\?execute|\?if|and|assert|assert=|assert\?|bi|bi-curry|'
- r'bi-curry@|bi-curry\*|bi@|bi\*|boa|boolean|boolean\?|both\?|'
- r'build|call|callstack|callstack>array|callstack\?|clear|clone|'
- r'compose|compose\?|curry|curry\?|datastack|die|dip|do|drop|'
- r'dup|dupd|either\?|eq\?|equal\?|execute|hashcode|hashcode\*|'
- r'identity-hashcode|identity-tuple|identity-tuple\?|if|if\*|'
- r'keep|loop|most|new|nip|not|null|object|or|over|pick|prepose|'
- r'retainstack|rot|same\?|swap|swapd|throw|tri|tri-curry|'
- r'tri-curry@|tri-curry\*|tri@|tri\*|tuple|tuple\?|unless|'
- r'unless\*|until|when|when\*|while|with|wrapper|wrapper\?|xor)\s'
- )
- builtin_assocs = (
- r'(?:2cache|<enum>|>alist|\?at|\?of|assoc|assoc-all\?|'
- r'assoc-any\?|assoc-clone-like|assoc-combine|assoc-diff|'
- r'assoc-diff!|assoc-differ|assoc-each|assoc-empty\?|'
- r'assoc-filter|assoc-filter!|assoc-filter-as|assoc-find|'
- r'assoc-hashcode|assoc-intersect|assoc-like|assoc-map|'
- r'assoc-map-as|assoc-partition|assoc-refine|assoc-size|'
- r'assoc-stack|assoc-subset\?|assoc-union|assoc-union!|'
- r'assoc=|assoc>map|assoc\?|at|at+|at\*|cache|change-at|'
- r'clear-assoc|delete-at|delete-at\*|enum|enum\?|extract-keys|'
- r'inc-at|key\?|keys|map>assoc|maybe-set-at|new-assoc|of|'
- r'push-at|rename-at|set-at|sift-keys|sift-values|substitute|'
- r'unzip|value-at|value-at\*|value\?|values|zip)\s'
- )
- builtin_combinators = (
- r'(?:2cleave|2cleave>quot|3cleave|3cleave>quot|4cleave|'
- r'4cleave>quot|alist>quot|call-effect|case|case-find|'
- r'case>quot|cleave|cleave>quot|cond|cond>quot|deep-spread>quot|'
- r'execute-effect|linear-case-quot|no-case|no-case\?|no-cond|'
- r'no-cond\?|recursive-hashcode|shallow-spread>quot|spread|'
- r'to-fixed-point|wrong-values|wrong-values\?)\s'
- )
- builtin_math = (
- r'(?:-|/|/f|/i|/mod|2/|2\^|<|<=|<fp-nan>|>|>=|>bignum|'
- r'>fixnum|>float|>integer|\(all-integers\?\)|'
- r'\(each-integer\)|\(find-integer\)|\*|\+|\?1\+|'
- r'abs|align|all-integers\?|bignum|bignum\?|bit\?|bitand|'
- r'bitnot|bitor|bits>double|bits>float|bitxor|complex|'
- r'complex\?|denominator|double>bits|each-integer|even\?|'
- r'find-integer|find-last-integer|fixnum|fixnum\?|float|'
- r'float>bits|float\?|fp-bitwise=|fp-infinity\?|fp-nan-payload|'
- r'fp-nan\?|fp-qnan\?|fp-sign|fp-snan\?|fp-special\?|'
- r'if-zero|imaginary-part|integer|integer>fixnum|'
- r'integer>fixnum-strict|integer\?|log2|log2-expects-positive|'
- r'log2-expects-positive\?|mod|neg|neg\?|next-float|'
- r'next-power-of-2|number|number=|number\?|numerator|odd\?|'
- r'out-of-fixnum-range|out-of-fixnum-range\?|power-of-2\?|'
- r'prev-float|ratio|ratio\?|rational|rational\?|real|'
- r'real-part|real\?|recip|rem|sgn|shift|sq|times|u<|u<=|u>|'
- r'u>=|unless-zero|unordered\?|when-zero|zero\?)\s'
- )
- builtin_sequences = (
- r'(?:1sequence|2all\?|2each|2map|2map-as|2map-reduce|2reduce|'
- r'2selector|2sequence|3append|3append-as|3each|3map|3map-as|'
- r'3sequence|4sequence|<repetition>|<reversed>|<slice>|\?first|'
- r'\?last|\?nth|\?second|\?set-nth|accumulate|accumulate!|'
- r'accumulate-as|all\?|any\?|append|append!|append-as|'
- r'assert-sequence|assert-sequence=|assert-sequence\?|'
- r'binary-reduce|bounds-check|bounds-check\?|bounds-error|'
- r'bounds-error\?|but-last|but-last-slice|cartesian-each|'
- r'cartesian-map|cartesian-product|change-nth|check-slice|'
- r'check-slice-error|clone-like|collapse-slice|collector|'
- r'collector-for|concat|concat-as|copy|count|cut|cut-slice|'
- r'cut\*|delete-all|delete-slice|drop-prefix|each|each-from|'
- r'each-index|empty\?|exchange|filter|filter!|filter-as|find|'
- r'find-from|find-index|find-index-from|find-last|find-last-from|'
- r'first|first2|first3|first4|flip|follow|fourth|glue|halves|'
- r'harvest|head|head-slice|head-slice\*|head\*|head\?|'
- r'if-empty|immutable|immutable-sequence|immutable-sequence\?|'
- r'immutable\?|index|index-from|indices|infimum|infimum-by|'
- r'insert-nth|interleave|iota|iota-tuple|iota-tuple\?|join|'
- r'join-as|last|last-index|last-index-from|length|lengthen|'
- r'like|longer|longer\?|longest|map|map!|map-as|map-find|'
- r'map-find-last|map-index|map-integers|map-reduce|map-sum|'
- r'max-length|member-eq\?|member\?|midpoint@|min-length|'
- r'mismatch|move|new-like|new-resizable|new-sequence|'
- r'non-negative-integer-expected|non-negative-integer-expected\?|'
- r'nth|nths|pad-head|pad-tail|padding|partition|pop|pop\*|'
- r'prefix|prepend|prepend-as|produce|produce-as|product|push|'
- r'push-all|push-either|push-if|reduce|reduce-index|remove|'
- r'remove!|remove-eq|remove-eq!|remove-nth|remove-nth!|repetition|'
- r'repetition\?|replace-slice|replicate|replicate-as|rest|'
- r'rest-slice|reverse|reverse!|reversed|reversed\?|second|'
- r'selector|selector-for|sequence|sequence-hashcode|sequence=|'
- r'sequence\?|set-first|set-fourth|set-last|set-length|set-nth|'
- r'set-second|set-third|short|shorten|shorter|shorter\?|'
- r'shortest|sift|slice|slice-error|slice-error\?|slice\?|'
- r'snip|snip-slice|start|start\*|subseq|subseq\?|suffix|'
- r'suffix!|sum|sum-lengths|supremum|supremum-by|surround|tail|'
- r'tail-slice|tail-slice\*|tail\*|tail\?|third|trim|'
- r'trim-head|trim-head-slice|trim-slice|trim-tail|trim-tail-slice|'
- r'unclip|unclip-last|unclip-last-slice|unclip-slice|unless-empty|'
- r'virtual-exemplar|virtual-sequence|virtual-sequence\?|virtual@|'
- r'when-empty)\s'
- )
- builtin_namespaces = (
- r'(?:\+@|change|change-global|counter|dec|get|get-global|'
- r'global|inc|init-namespaces|initialize|is-global|make-assoc|'
- r'namespace|namestack|off|on|set|set-global|set-namestack|'
- r'toggle|with-global|with-scope|with-variable|with-variables)\s'
- )
- builtin_arrays = (
- r'(?:1array|2array|3array|4array|<array>|>array|array|array\?|'
- r'pair|pair\?|resize-array)\s'
- )
- builtin_io = (
- r'(?:\(each-stream-block-slice\)|\(each-stream-block\)|'
- r'\(stream-contents-by-block\)|\(stream-contents-by-element\)|'
- r'\(stream-contents-by-length-or-block\)|'
- r'\(stream-contents-by-length\)|\+byte\+|\+character\+|'
- r'bad-seek-type|bad-seek-type\?|bl|contents|each-block|'
- r'each-block-size|each-block-slice|each-line|each-morsel|'
- r'each-stream-block|each-stream-block-slice|each-stream-line|'
- r'error-stream|flush|input-stream|input-stream\?|'
- r'invalid-read-buffer|invalid-read-buffer\?|lines|nl|'
- r'output-stream|output-stream\?|print|read|read-into|'
- r'read-partial|read-partial-into|read-until|read1|readln|'
- r'seek-absolute|seek-absolute\?|seek-end|seek-end\?|'
- r'seek-input|seek-output|seek-relative|seek-relative\?|'
- r'stream-bl|stream-contents|stream-contents\*|stream-copy|'
- r'stream-copy\*|stream-element-type|stream-flush|'
- r'stream-length|stream-lines|stream-nl|stream-print|'
- r'stream-read|stream-read-into|stream-read-partial|'
- r'stream-read-partial-into|stream-read-partial-unsafe|'
- r'stream-read-unsafe|stream-read-until|stream-read1|'
- r'stream-readln|stream-seek|stream-seekable\?|stream-tell|'
- r'stream-write|stream-write1|tell-input|tell-output|'
- r'with-error-stream|with-error-stream\*|with-error>output|'
- r'with-input-output\+error-streams|'
- r'with-input-output\+error-streams\*|with-input-stream|'
- r'with-input-stream\*|with-output-stream|with-output-stream\*|'
- r'with-output>error|with-output\+error-stream|'
- r'with-output\+error-stream\*|with-streams|with-streams\*|'
- r'write|write1)\s'
- )
- builtin_strings = (
- r'(?:1string|<string>|>string|resize-string|string|string\?)\s'
- )
- builtin_vectors = (
- r'(?:1vector|<vector>|>vector|\?push|vector|vector\?)\s'
- )
- builtin_continuations = (
- r'(?:<condition>|<continuation>|<restart>|attempt-all|'
- r'attempt-all-error|attempt-all-error\?|callback-error-hook|'
- r'callcc0|callcc1|cleanup|compute-restarts|condition|'
- r'condition\?|continuation|continuation\?|continue|'
- r'continue-restart|continue-with|current-continuation|'
- r'error|error-continuation|error-in-thread|error-thread|'
- r'ifcc|ignore-errors|in-callback\?|original-error|recover|'
- r'restart|restart\?|restarts|rethrow|rethrow-restarts|'
- r'return|return-continuation|thread-error-hook|throw-continue|'
- r'throw-restarts|with-datastack|with-return)\s'
- )
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- # factor allows a file to start with a shebang
- (r'#!.*$', Comment.Preproc),
- default('base'),
- ],
- 'base': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- # defining words
- (r'((?:MACRO|MEMO|TYPED)?:[:]?)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(M:[:]?)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(C:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(GENERIC:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(HOOK:|GENERIC#)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'\(\s', Name.Function, 'stackeffect'),
- (r';\s', Keyword),
- # imports and namespaces
- (r'(USING:)(\s+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text), 'vocabs'),
- (r'(USE:|UNUSE:|IN:|QUALIFIED:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Namespace)),
- (r'(QUALIFIED-WITH:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Namespace, Text, Name.Namespace)),
- (r'(FROM:|EXCLUDE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+=>\s)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Namespace, Text), 'words'),
- (r'(RENAME:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+=>\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Namespace, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(ALIAS:|TYPEDEF:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(DEFER:|FORGET:|POSTPONE:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Function)),
- # tuples and classes
- (r'(TUPLE:|ERROR:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+<\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Class), 'slots'),
- (r'(TUPLE:|ERROR:|BUILTIN:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class), 'slots'),
- (r'(MIXIN:|UNION:|INTERSECTION:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(PREDICATE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+<\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(C:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(INSTANCE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(SLOT:)(\s+)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'(SINGLETON:)(\s+)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'SINGLETONS:', Keyword, 'classes'),
- # other syntax
- (r'(CONSTANT:|SYMBOL:|MAIN:|HELP:)(\s+)(\S+)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function)),
- (r'SYMBOLS:\s', Keyword, 'words'),
- (r'SYNTAX:\s', Keyword),
- (r'ALIEN:\s', Keyword),
- (r'(STRUCT:)(\s+)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Class)),
- (r'(FUNCTION:)(\s+\S+\s+)(\S+)(\s+\(\s+[^\)]+\)\s)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Function, Text)),
- (r'(FUNCTION-ALIAS:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+\S+\s+)(\S+)(\s+\(\s+[^\)]+\)\s)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Name.Function, Text, Name.Function, Text)),
- # vocab.private
- (r'(?:<PRIVATE|PRIVATE>)\s', Keyword.Namespace),
- # strings
- (r'"""\s+(?:.|\n)*?\s+"""', String),
- (r'"(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- (r'\S+"\s+(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- (r'CHAR:\s+(?:\\[\\abfnrstv]|[^\\]\S*)\s', String.Char),
- # comments
- (r'!\s+.*$', Comment),
- (r'#!\s+.*$', Comment),
- (r'/\*\s+(?:.|\n)*?\s\*/\s', Comment),
- # boolean constants
- (r'[tf]\s', Name.Constant),
- # symbols and literals
- (r'[\\$]\s+\S+', Name.Constant),
- (r'M\\\s+\S+\s+\S+', Name.Constant),
- # numbers
- (r'[+-]?(?:[\d,]*\d)?\.(?:\d([\d,]*\d)?)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\s', Number),
- (r'[+-]?\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\s', Number),
- (r'0x[a-fA-F\d](?:[a-fA-F\d,]*[a-fA-F\d])?(?:p\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\s', Number),
- (r'NAN:\s+[a-fA-F\d](?:[a-fA-F\d,]*[a-fA-F\d])?(?:p\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\s', Number),
- (r'0b[01]+\s', Number.Bin),
- (r'0o[0-7]+\s', Number.Oct),
- (r'(?:\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\+\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?/\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?\s', Number),
- (r'(?:\-\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\-\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?/\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?\s', Number),
- # keywords
- (r'(?:deprecated|final|foldable|flushable|inline|recursive)\s',
- Keyword),
- # builtins
- (builtin_kernel, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_assocs, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_combinators, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_math, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_sequences, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_namespaces, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_arrays, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_io, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_strings, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_vectors, Name.Builtin),
- (builtin_continuations, Name.Builtin),
- # everything else is text
- (r'\S+', Text),
- ],
- 'stackeffect': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\(\s+', Name.Function, 'stackeffect'),
- (r'\)\s', Name.Function, '#pop'),
- (r'--\s', Name.Function),
- (r'\S+', Name.Variable),
- ],
- 'slots': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r';\s', Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'({\s+)(\S+)(\s+[^}]+\s+}\s)',
- bygroups(Text, Name.Variable, Text)),
- (r'\S+', Name.Variable),
- ],
- 'vocabs': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r';\s', Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'\S+', Name.Namespace),
- ],
- 'classes': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r';\s', Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'\S+', Name.Class),
- ],
- 'words': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r';\s', Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'\S+', Name.Function),
- ],
- }
-class FancyLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Pygments Lexer For `Fancy <>`_.
- Fancy is a self-hosted, pure object-oriented, dynamic,
- class-based, concurrent general-purpose programming language
- running on Rubinius, the Ruby VM.
- .. versionadded:: 1.5
- """
- name = 'Fancy'
- filenames = ['*.fy', '*.fancypack']
- aliases = ['fancy', 'fy']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-fancysrc']
- tokens = {
- # copied from PerlLexer:
- 'balanced-regex': [
- (r'/(\\\\|\\/|[^/])*/[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'!(\\\\|\\!|[^!])*![egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'{(\\\\|\\}|[^}])*}[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'<(\\\\|\\>|[^>])*>[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\[(\\\\|\\\]|[^\]])*\][egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\((\\\\|\\\)|[^\)])*\)[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'@(\\\\|\\\@|[^\@])*@[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'%(\\\\|\\\%|[^\%])*%[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'\$(\\\\|\\\$|[^\$])*\$[egimosx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- # balanced delimiters (copied from PerlLexer):
- (r's{(\\\\|\\}|[^}])*}\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's<(\\\\|\\>|[^>])*>\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's\[(\\\\|\\\]|[^\]])*\]\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r's\((\\\\|\\\)|[^\)])*\)\s*', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- (r'm?/(\\\\|\\/|[^/\n])*/[gcimosx]*', String.Regex),
- (r'm(?=[/!\\{<\[\(@%\$])', String.Regex, 'balanced-regex'),
- # Comments
- (r'#(.*?)\n', Comment.Single),
- # Symbols
- (r'\'([^\'\s\[\]\(\)\{\}]+|\[\])', String.Symbol),
- # Multi-line DoubleQuotedString
- (r'"""(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"""', String),
- # DoubleQuotedString
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- # keywords
- (r'(def|class|try|catch|finally|retry|return|return_local|match|'
- r'case|->|=>)\b', Keyword),
- # constants
- (r'(self|super|nil|false|true)\b', Name.Constant),
- (r'[(){};,/?\|:\\]', Punctuation),
- # names
- (r'(Object|Array|Hash|Directory|File|Class|String|Number|'
- r'Enumerable|FancyEnumerable|Block|TrueClass|NilClass|'
- r'FalseClass|Tuple|Symbol|Stack|Set|FancySpec|Method|Package|'
- r'Range)\b', Name.Builtin),
- # functions
- (r'[a-zA-Z](\w|[-+?!=*/^><%])*:', Name.Function),
- # operators, must be below functions
- (r'[-+*/~,<>=&!?%^\[\]\.$]+', Operator),
- ('[A-Z]\w*', Name.Constant),
- ('@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Instance),
- ('@@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Class),
- ('@@?', Operator),
- ('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
- # numbers - / checks are necessary to avoid mismarking regexes,
- # see comment in RubyLexer
- (r'(0[oO]?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Oct, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Hex, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0[bB][01]+(?:_[01]+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Bin, Text, Operator)),
- (r'([\d]+(?:_\d+)*)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Integer, Text, Operator)),
- (r'\d+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)|\d+\.\d+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer)
- ]
- }
-class DgLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Lexer for `dg <>`_,
- a functional and object-oriented programming language
- running on the CPython 3 VM.
- .. versionadded:: 1.6
- """
- name = 'dg'
- aliases = ['dg']
- filenames = ['*.dg']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-dg']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'#.*?$', Comment.Single),
- (r'(?i)0b[01]+', Number.Bin),
- (r'(?i)0o[0-7]+', Number.Oct),
- (r'(?i)0x[0-9a-f]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'(?i)[+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?j?', Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)[+-]?[0-9]+e[+-]?\d+j?', Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)[+-]?[0-9]+j?', Number.Integer),
- (r"(?i)(br|r?b?)'''", String, combined('stringescape', 'tsqs', 'string')),
- (r'(?i)(br|r?b?)"""', String, combined('stringescape', 'tdqs', 'string')),
- (r"(?i)(br|r?b?)'", String, combined('stringescape', 'sqs', 'string')),
- (r'(?i)(br|r?b?)"', String, combined('stringescape', 'dqs', 'string')),
- (r"`\w+'*`", Operator),
- (r'\b(and|in|is|or|where)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'[!$%&*+\-./:<-@\\^|~;,]+', Operator),
- (r"(?<!\.)(bool|bytearray|bytes|classmethod|complex|dict'?|"
- r"float|frozenset|int|list'?|memoryview|object|property|range|"
- r"set'?|slice|staticmethod|str|super|tuple'?|type)"
- r"(?!['\w])", Name.Builtin),
- (r'(?<!\.)(__import__|abs|all|any|bin|bind|chr|cmp|compile|complex|'
- r'delattr|dir|divmod|drop|dropwhile|enumerate|eval|exhaust|'
- r'filter|flip|foldl1?|format|fst|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|'
- r'head|hex|id|init|input|isinstance|issubclass|iter|iterate|last|'
- r'len|locals|map|max|min|next|oct|open|ord|pow|print|repr|'
- r'reversed|round|setattr|scanl1?|snd|sorted|sum|tail|take|'
- r"takewhile|vars|zip)(?!['\w])", Name.Builtin),
- (r"(?<!\.)(self|Ellipsis|NotImplemented|None|True|False)(?!['\w])",
- Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r"(?<!\.)[A-Z]\w*(Error|Exception|Warning)'*(?!['\w])",
- Name.Exception),
- (r"(?<!\.)(Exception|GeneratorExit|KeyboardInterrupt|StopIteration|"
- r"SystemExit)(?!['\w])", Name.Exception),
- (r"(?<![\.\w])(except|finally|for|if|import|not|otherwise|raise|"
- r"subclass|while|with|yield)(?!['\w])", Keyword.Reserved),
- (r"[A-Z_]+'*(?!['\w])", Name),
- (r"[A-Z]\w+'*(?!['\w])", Keyword.Type),
- (r"\w+'*", Name),
- (r'[()]', Punctuation),
- (r'.', Error),
- ],
- 'stringescape': [
- (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|N{.*?}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|'
- r'U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape)
- ],
- 'string': [
- (r'%(\(\w+\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?'
- '[hlL]?[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]', String.Interpol),
- (r'[^\\\'"%\n]+', String),
- # quotes, percents and backslashes must be parsed one at a time
- (r'[\'"\\]', String),
- # unhandled string formatting sign
- (r'%', String),
- (r'\n', String)
- ],
- 'dqs': [
- (r'"', String, '#pop')
- ],
- 'sqs': [
- (r"'", String, '#pop')
- ],
- 'tdqs': [
- (r'"""', String, '#pop')
- ],
- 'tsqs': [
- (r"'''", String, '#pop')
- ],
- }
-class Perl6Lexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
- """
- For `Perl 6 <>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Perl6'
- aliases = ['perl6', 'pl6']
- filenames = ['*.pl', '*.pm', '*.nqp', '*.p6', '*.6pl', '*.p6l', '*.pl6',
- '*.6pm', '*.p6m', '*.pm6', '*.t']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-perl6', 'application/x-perl6']
- flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
- 'KEEP', 'LAST', 'LEAVE', 'NEXT', 'POST', 'PRE', 'START', 'TEMP',
- 'UNDO', 'as', 'assoc', 'async', 'augment', 'binary', 'break', 'but',
- 'cached', 'category', 'class', 'constant', 'contend', 'continue',
- 'copy', 'deep', 'default', 'defequiv', 'defer', 'die', 'do', 'else',
- 'elsif', 'enum', 'equiv', 'exit', 'export', 'fail', 'fatal', 'for',
- 'gather', 'given', 'goto', 'grammar', 'handles', 'has', 'if', 'inline',
- 'irs', 'is', 'last', 'leave', 'let', 'lift', 'loop', 'looser', 'macro',
- 'make', 'maybe', 'method', 'module', 'multi', 'my', 'next', 'of',
- 'ofs', 'only', 'oo', 'ors', 'our', 'package', 'parsed', 'prec',
- 'proto', 'readonly', 'redo', 'ref', 'regex', 'reparsed', 'repeat',
- 'require', 'required', 'return', 'returns', 'role', 'rule', 'rw',
- 'self', 'slang', 'state', 'sub', 'submethod', 'subset', 'supersede',
- 'take', 'temp', 'tighter', 'token', 'trusts', 'try', 'unary',
- 'unless', 'until', 'use', 'warn', 'when', 'where', 'while', 'will',
- )
- 'WHO', 'abs', 'acos', 'acosec', 'acosech', 'acosh', 'acotan', 'acotanh',
- 'all', 'any', 'approx', 'arity', 'asec', 'asech', 'asin', 'asinh'
- 'assuming', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'attr', 'bless', 'body', 'by'
- 'bytes', 'caller', 'callsame', 'callwith', 'can', 'capitalize', 'cat',
- 'ceiling', 'chars', 'chmod', 'chomp', 'chop', 'chr', 'chroot',
- 'circumfix', 'cis', 'classify', 'clone', 'close', 'cmp_ok', 'codes',
- 'comb', 'connect', 'contains', 'context', 'cos', 'cosec', 'cosech',
- 'cosh', 'cotan', 'cotanh', 'count', 'defined', 'delete', 'diag',
- 'dies_ok', 'does', 'e', 'each', 'eager', 'elems', 'end', 'eof', 'eval',
- 'eval_dies_ok', 'eval_elsewhere', 'eval_lives_ok', 'evalfile', 'exists',
- 'exp', 'first', 'flip', 'floor', 'flunk', 'flush', 'fmt', 'force_todo',
- 'fork', 'from', 'getc', 'gethost', 'getlogin', 'getpeername', 'getpw',
- 'gmtime', 'graphs', 'grep', 'hints', 'hyper', 'im', 'index', 'infix',
- 'invert', 'is_approx', 'is_deeply', 'isa', 'isa_ok', 'isnt', 'iterator',
- 'join', 'key', 'keys', 'kill', 'kv', 'lastcall', 'lazy', 'lc', 'lcfirst',
- 'like', 'lines', 'link', 'lives_ok', 'localtime', 'log', 'log10', 'map',
- 'max', 'min', 'minmax', 'name', 'new', 'nextsame', 'nextwith', 'nfc',
- 'nfd', 'nfkc', 'nfkd', 'nok_error', 'nonce', 'none', 'normalize', 'not',
- 'nothing', 'ok', 'once', 'one', 'open', 'opendir', 'operator', 'ord',
- 'p5chomp', 'p5chop', 'pack', 'pair', 'pairs', 'pass', 'perl', 'pi',
- 'pick', 'plan', 'plan_ok', 'polar', 'pop', 'pos', 'postcircumfix',
- 'postfix', 'pred', 'prefix', 'print', 'printf', 'push', 'quasi',
- 'quotemeta', 'rand', 're', 'read', 'readdir', 'readline', 'reduce',
- 'reverse', 'rewind', 'rewinddir', 'rindex', 'roots', 'round',
- 'roundrobin', 'run', 'runinstead', 'sameaccent', 'samecase', 'say',
- 'sec', 'sech', 'sech', 'seek', 'shape', 'shift', 'sign', 'signature',
- 'sin', 'sinh', 'skip', 'skip_rest', 'sleep', 'slurp', 'sort', 'splice',
- 'split', 'sprintf', 'sqrt', 'srand', 'strand', 'subst', 'substr', 'succ',
- 'sum', 'symlink', 'tan', 'tanh', 'throws_ok', 'time', 'times', 'to',
- 'todo', 'trim', 'trim_end', 'trim_start', 'true', 'truncate', 'uc',
- 'ucfirst', 'undef', 'undefine', 'uniq', 'unlike', 'unlink', 'unpack',
- 'unpolar', 'unshift', 'unwrap', 'use_ok', 'value', 'values', 'vec',
- 'version_lt', 'void', 'wait', 'want', 'wrap', 'write', 'zip',
- )
- 'Abstraction', 'Any', 'AnyChar', 'Array', 'Associative', 'Bag', 'Bit',
- 'Blob', 'Block', 'Bool', 'Buf', 'Byte', 'Callable', 'Capture', 'Char', 'Class',
- 'Code', 'Codepoint', 'Comparator', 'Complex', 'Decreasing', 'Exception',
- 'Failure', 'False', 'Grammar', 'Grapheme', 'Hash', 'IO', 'Increasing',
- 'Int', 'Junction', 'KeyBag', 'KeyExtractor', 'KeyHash', 'KeySet',
- 'KitchenSink', 'List', 'Macro', 'Mapping', 'Match', 'Matcher', 'Method',
- 'Module', 'Num', 'Object', 'Ordered', 'Ordering', 'OrderingPair',
- 'Package', 'Pair', 'Positional', 'Proxy', 'Range', 'Rat', 'Regex',
- 'Role', 'Routine', 'Scalar', 'Seq', 'Set', 'Signature', 'Str', 'StrLen',
- 'StrPos', 'Sub', 'Submethod', 'True', 'UInt', 'Undef', 'Version', 'Void',
- 'Whatever', 'bit', 'bool', 'buf', 'buf1', 'buf16', 'buf2', 'buf32',
- 'buf4', 'buf64', 'buf8', 'complex', 'int', 'int1', 'int16', 'int2',
- 'int32', 'int4', 'int64', 'int8', 'num', 'rat', 'rat1', 'rat16', 'rat2',
- 'rat32', 'rat4', 'rat64', 'rat8', 'uint', 'uint1', 'uint16', 'uint2',
- 'uint32', 'uint4', 'uint64', 'uint8', 'utf16', 'utf32', 'utf8',
- )
- 'X', 'Z', 'after', 'also', 'and', 'andthen', 'before', 'cmp', 'div',
- 'eq', 'eqv', 'extra', 'ff', 'fff', 'ge', 'gt', 'le', 'leg', 'lt', 'm',
- 'mm', 'mod', 'ne', 'or', 'orelse', 'rx', 's', 'tr', 'x', 'xor', 'xx',
- '++', '--', '**', '!', '+', '-', '~', '?', '|', '||', '+^', '~^', '?^',
- '^', '*', '/', '%', '%%', '+&', '+<', '+>', '~&', '~<', '~>', '?&',
- 'gcd', 'lcm', '+', '-', '+|', '+^', '~|', '~^', '?|', '?^',
- '~', '&', '^', 'but', 'does', '<=>', '..', '..^', '^..', '^..^',
- '!=', '==', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '~~', '===', '!eqv',
- '&&', '||', '^^', '//', 'min', 'max', '??', '!!', 'ff', 'fff', 'so',
- 'not', '<==', '==>', '<<==', '==>>',
- )
- # Perl 6 has a *lot* of possible bracketing characters
- # this list was lifted from STD.pm6 (
- u'\u0028' : u'\u0029', u'\u003c' : u'\u003e', u'\u005b' : u'\u005d',
- u'\u007b' : u'\u007d', u'\u00ab' : u'\u00bb', u'\u0f3a' : u'\u0f3b',
- u'\u0f3c' : u'\u0f3d', u'\u169b' : u'\u169c', u'\u2018' : u'\u2019',
- u'\u201a' : u'\u2019', u'\u201b' : u'\u2019', u'\u201c' : u'\u201d',
- u'\u201e' : u'\u201d', u'\u201f' : u'\u201d', u'\u2039' : u'\u203a',
- u'\u2045' : u'\u2046', u'\u207d' : u'\u207e', u'\u208d' : u'\u208e',
- u'\u2208' : u'\u220b', u'\u2209' : u'\u220c', u'\u220a' : u'\u220d',
- u'\u2215' : u'\u29f5', u'\u223c' : u'\u223d', u'\u2243' : u'\u22cd',
- u'\u2252' : u'\u2253', u'\u2254' : u'\u2255', u'\u2264' : u'\u2265',
- u'\u2266' : u'\u2267', u'\u2268' : u'\u2269', u'\u226a' : u'\u226b',
- u'\u226e' : u'\u226f', u'\u2270' : u'\u2271', u'\u2272' : u'\u2273',
- u'\u2274' : u'\u2275', u'\u2276' : u'\u2277', u'\u2278' : u'\u2279',
- u'\u227a' : u'\u227b', u'\u227c' : u'\u227d', u'\u227e' : u'\u227f',
- u'\u2280' : u'\u2281', u'\u2282' : u'\u2283', u'\u2284' : u'\u2285',
- u'\u2286' : u'\u2287', u'\u2288' : u'\u2289', u'\u228a' : u'\u228b',
- u'\u228f' : u'\u2290', u'\u2291' : u'\u2292', u'\u2298' : u'\u29b8',
- u'\u22a2' : u'\u22a3', u'\u22a6' : u'\u2ade', u'\u22a8' : u'\u2ae4',
- u'\u22a9' : u'\u2ae3', u'\u22ab' : u'\u2ae5', u'\u22b0' : u'\u22b1',
- u'\u22b2' : u'\u22b3', u'\u22b4' : u'\u22b5', u'\u22b6' : u'\u22b7',
- u'\u22c9' : u'\u22ca', u'\u22cb' : u'\u22cc', u'\u22d0' : u'\u22d1',
- u'\u22d6' : u'\u22d7', u'\u22d8' : u'\u22d9', u'\u22da' : u'\u22db',
- u'\u22dc' : u'\u22dd', u'\u22de' : u'\u22df', u'\u22e0' : u'\u22e1',
- u'\u22e2' : u'\u22e3', u'\u22e4' : u'\u22e5', u'\u22e6' : u'\u22e7',
- u'\u22e8' : u'\u22e9', u'\u22ea' : u'\u22eb', u'\u22ec' : u'\u22ed',
- u'\u22f0' : u'\u22f1', u'\u22f2' : u'\u22fa', u'\u22f3' : u'\u22fb',
- u'\u22f4' : u'\u22fc', u'\u22f6' : u'\u22fd', u'\u22f7' : u'\u22fe',
- u'\u2308' : u'\u2309', u'\u230a' : u'\u230b', u'\u2329' : u'\u232a',
- u'\u23b4' : u'\u23b5', u'\u2768' : u'\u2769', u'\u276a' : u'\u276b',
- u'\u276c' : u'\u276d', u'\u276e' : u'\u276f', u'\u2770' : u'\u2771',
- u'\u2772' : u'\u2773', u'\u2774' : u'\u2775', u'\u27c3' : u'\u27c4',
- u'\u27c5' : u'\u27c6', u'\u27d5' : u'\u27d6', u'\u27dd' : u'\u27de',
- u'\u27e2' : u'\u27e3', u'\u27e4' : u'\u27e5', u'\u27e6' : u'\u27e7',
- u'\u27e8' : u'\u27e9', u'\u27ea' : u'\u27eb', u'\u2983' : u'\u2984',
- u'\u2985' : u'\u2986', u'\u2987' : u'\u2988', u'\u2989' : u'\u298a',
- u'\u298b' : u'\u298c', u'\u298d' : u'\u298e', u'\u298f' : u'\u2990',
- u'\u2991' : u'\u2992', u'\u2993' : u'\u2994', u'\u2995' : u'\u2996',
- u'\u2997' : u'\u2998', u'\u29c0' : u'\u29c1', u'\u29c4' : u'\u29c5',
- u'\u29cf' : u'\u29d0', u'\u29d1' : u'\u29d2', u'\u29d4' : u'\u29d5',
- u'\u29d8' : u'\u29d9', u'\u29da' : u'\u29db', u'\u29f8' : u'\u29f9',
- u'\u29fc' : u'\u29fd', u'\u2a2b' : u'\u2a2c', u'\u2a2d' : u'\u2a2e',
- u'\u2a34' : u'\u2a35', u'\u2a3c' : u'\u2a3d', u'\u2a64' : u'\u2a65',
- u'\u2a79' : u'\u2a7a', u'\u2a7d' : u'\u2a7e', u'\u2a7f' : u'\u2a80',
- u'\u2a81' : u'\u2a82', u'\u2a83' : u'\u2a84', u'\u2a8b' : u'\u2a8c',
- u'\u2a91' : u'\u2a92', u'\u2a93' : u'\u2a94', u'\u2a95' : u'\u2a96',
- u'\u2a97' : u'\u2a98', u'\u2a99' : u'\u2a9a', u'\u2a9b' : u'\u2a9c',
- u'\u2aa1' : u'\u2aa2', u'\u2aa6' : u'\u2aa7', u'\u2aa8' : u'\u2aa9',
- u'\u2aaa' : u'\u2aab', u'\u2aac' : u'\u2aad', u'\u2aaf' : u'\u2ab0',
- u'\u2ab3' : u'\u2ab4', u'\u2abb' : u'\u2abc', u'\u2abd' : u'\u2abe',
- u'\u2abf' : u'\u2ac0', u'\u2ac1' : u'\u2ac2', u'\u2ac3' : u'\u2ac4',
- u'\u2ac5' : u'\u2ac6', u'\u2acd' : u'\u2ace', u'\u2acf' : u'\u2ad0',
- u'\u2ad1' : u'\u2ad2', u'\u2ad3' : u'\u2ad4', u'\u2ad5' : u'\u2ad6',
- u'\u2aec' : u'\u2aed', u'\u2af7' : u'\u2af8', u'\u2af9' : u'\u2afa',
- u'\u2e02' : u'\u2e03', u'\u2e04' : u'\u2e05', u'\u2e09' : u'\u2e0a',
- u'\u2e0c' : u'\u2e0d', u'\u2e1c' : u'\u2e1d', u'\u2e20' : u'\u2e21',
- u'\u3008' : u'\u3009', u'\u300a' : u'\u300b', u'\u300c' : u'\u300d',
- u'\u300e' : u'\u300f', u'\u3010' : u'\u3011', u'\u3014' : u'\u3015',
- u'\u3016' : u'\u3017', u'\u3018' : u'\u3019', u'\u301a' : u'\u301b',
- u'\u301d' : u'\u301e', u'\ufd3e' : u'\ufd3f', u'\ufe17' : u'\ufe18',
- u'\ufe35' : u'\ufe36', u'\ufe37' : u'\ufe38', u'\ufe39' : u'\ufe3a',
- u'\ufe3b' : u'\ufe3c', u'\ufe3d' : u'\ufe3e', u'\ufe3f' : u'\ufe40',
- u'\ufe41' : u'\ufe42', u'\ufe43' : u'\ufe44', u'\ufe47' : u'\ufe48',
- u'\ufe59' : u'\ufe5a', u'\ufe5b' : u'\ufe5c', u'\ufe5d' : u'\ufe5e',
- u'\uff08' : u'\uff09', u'\uff1c' : u'\uff1e', u'\uff3b' : u'\uff3d',
- u'\uff5b' : u'\uff5d', u'\uff5f' : u'\uff60', u'\uff62' : u'\uff63',
- }
- def _build_word_match(words, boundary_regex_fragment = None, prefix = '', suffix = ''):
- if boundary_regex_fragment is None:
- return r'\b(' + prefix + r'|'.join([ re.escape(x) for x in words]) + \
- suffix + r')\b'
- else:
- return r'(?<!' + boundary_regex_fragment + r')' + prefix + r'(' + \
- r'|'.join([ re.escape(x) for x in words]) + r')' + suffix + r'(?!' + \
- boundary_regex_fragment + r')'
- def brackets_callback(token_class):
- def callback(lexer, match, context):
- groups = match.groupdict()
- opening_chars = groups['delimiter']
- n_chars = len(opening_chars)
- adverbs = groups.get('adverbs')
- closer = Perl6Lexer.PERL6_BRACKETS.get(opening_chars[0])
- text = context.text
- if closer is None: # it's not a mirrored character, which means we
- # just need to look for the next occurrence
- end_pos = text.find(opening_chars, match.start('delimiter') + n_chars)
- else: # we need to look for the corresponding closing character,
- # keep nesting in mind
- closing_chars = closer * n_chars
- nesting_level = 1
- search_pos = match.start('delimiter')
- while nesting_level > 0:
- next_open_pos = text.find(opening_chars, search_pos + n_chars)
- next_close_pos = text.find(closing_chars, search_pos + n_chars)
- if next_close_pos == -1:
- next_close_pos = len(text)
- nesting_level = 0
- elif next_open_pos != -1 and next_open_pos < next_close_pos:
- nesting_level += 1
- search_pos = next_open_pos
- else: # next_close_pos < next_open_pos
- nesting_level -= 1
- search_pos = next_close_pos
- end_pos = next_close_pos
- if end_pos < 0: # if we didn't find a closer, just highlight the
- # rest of the text in this class
- end_pos = len(text)
- if adverbs is not None and':to\b', adverbs):
- heredoc_terminator = text[match.start('delimiter') + n_chars : end_pos]
- end_heredoc ='^\s*' + re.escape(heredoc_terminator) + r'\s*$', text[ end_pos : ], re.MULTILINE)
- if end_heredoc:
- end_pos += end_heredoc.end()
- else:
- end_pos = len(text)
- yield match.start(), token_class, text[match.start() : end_pos + n_chars]
- context.pos = end_pos + n_chars
- return callback
- def opening_brace_callback(lexer, match, context):
- stack = context.stack
- yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
- context.pos = match.end()
- # if we encounter an opening brace and we're one level
- # below a token state, it means we need to increment
- # the nesting level for braces so we know later when
- # we should return to the token rules.
- if len(stack) > 2 and stack[-2] == 'token':
- context.perl6_token_nesting_level += 1
- def closing_brace_callback(lexer, match, context):
- stack = context.stack
- yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
- context.pos = match.end()
- # if we encounter a free closing brace and we're one level
- # below a token state, it means we need to check the nesting
- # level to see if we need to return to the token state.
- if len(stack) > 2 and stack[-2] == 'token':
- context.perl6_token_nesting_level -= 1
- if context.perl6_token_nesting_level == 0:
- stack.pop()
- def embedded_perl6_callback(lexer, match, context):
- context.perl6_token_nesting_level = 1
- yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
- context.pos = match.end()
- context.stack.append('root')
- # If you're modifying these rules, be careful if you need to process '{' or '}'
- # characters. We have special logic for processing these characters (due to the fact
- # that you can nest Perl 6 code in regex blocks), so if you need to process one of
- # them, make sure you also process the corresponding one!
- tokens = {
- 'common' : [
- (r'#[`|=](?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[' + ''.join(PERL6_BRACKETS) + r'])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(Comment.Multiline)),
- (r'#[^\n]*$', Comment.Singleline),
- (r'^(\s*)=begin\s+(\w+)\b.*?^\1=end\s+\2', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'^(\s*)=for.*?\n\s*?\n', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'^=.*?\n\s*?\n', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'(regex|token|rule)(\s*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '+:sym)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Name), 'token-sym-brackets'),
- (r'(regex|token|rule)(?!' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + ')(\s*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '+)?', bygroups(Keyword, Name), 'pre-token'),
- # deal with a special case in the Perl 6 grammar (role q { ... })
- (r'(role)(\s+)(q)(\s*)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name, Text)),
- (_build_word_match(PERL6_KEYWORDS, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE), Keyword),
- (_build_word_match(PERL6_BUILTIN_CLASSES, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE, suffix = '(?::[UD])?'), Name.Builtin),
- (_build_word_match(PERL6_BUILTINS, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE), Name.Builtin),
- # copied from PerlLexer
- (r'[$@%&][.^:?=!~]?' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + u'+(?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*',
- Name.Variable),
- (r'\$[!/](?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'::\?\w+', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'[$@%&]\*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + u'+(?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*',
- Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'\$(?:<.*?>)+', Name.Variable),
- (r'(?:q|qq|Q)[a-zA-Z]?\s*(?P<adverbs>:[\w\s:]+)?\s*(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[^0-9a-zA-Z:\s])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(String)),
- # copied from PerlLexer
- (r'0_?[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)*', Number.Oct),
- (r'0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*', Number.Hex),
- (r'0b[01]+(_[01]+)*', Number.Bin),
- (r'(?i)(\d*(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*|\d+(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*)(e[+-]?\d+)?',
- Number.Float),
- (r'(?i)\d+(_\d*)*e[+-]?\d+(_\d*)*', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+(_\d+)*', Number.Integer),
- (r'(?<=~~)\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/', String.Regex),
- (r'(?<=[=(,])\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/', String.Regex),
- (r'm\w+(?=\()', Name),
- (r'(?:m|ms|rx)\s*(?P<adverbs>:[\w\s:]+)?\s*(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[^0-9a-zA-Z_:\s])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(String.Regex)),
- (r'(?:s|ss|tr)\s*(?::[\w\s:]+)?\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/',
- String.Regex),
- (r'<[^\s=].*?\S>', String),
- (_build_word_match(PERL6_OPERATORS), Operator),
- (r'[0-9a-zA-Z_]' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '*', Name),
- (r"'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String),
- (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String),
- ],
- 'root' : [
- include('common'),
- (r'\{', opening_brace_callback),
- (r'\}', closing_brace_callback),
- (r'.+?', Text),
- ],
- 'pre-token' : [
- include('common'),
- (r'\{', Text, ('#pop', 'token')),
- (r'.+?', Text),
- ],
- 'token-sym-brackets' : [
- (r'(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[' + ''.join(PERL6_BRACKETS) + '])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(Name), ('#pop', 'pre-token')),
- default(('#pop', 'pre-token')),
- ],
- 'token': [
- (r'}', Text, '#pop'),
- (r'(?<=:)(?:my|our|state|constant|temp|let).*?;', using(this)),
- # make sure that quotes in character classes aren't treated as strings
- (r'<(?:[-!?+.]\s*)?\[.*?\]>', String.Regex),
- # make sure that '#' characters in quotes aren't treated as comments
- (r"(?<!\\)'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String.Regex),
- (r'(?<!\\)"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String.Regex),
- (r'#.*?$', Comment.Singleline),
- (r'\{', embedded_perl6_callback),
- ('.+?', String.Regex),
- ],
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- def strip_pod(lines):
- in_pod = False
- stripped_lines = []
- for line in lines:
- if re.match(r'^=(?:end|cut)', line):
- in_pod = False
- elif re.match(r'^=\w+', line):
- in_pod = True
- elif not in_pod:
- stripped_lines.append(line)
- return stripped_lines
- # XXX handle block comments
- lines = text.splitlines()
- lines = strip_pod(lines)
- text = '\n'.join(lines)
- if shebang_matches(text, r'perl6|rakudo|niecza|pugs'):
- return True
- saw_perl_decl = False
- rating = False
- # check for my/our/has declarations
- if"(?:my|our|has)\s+(?:" + Perl6Lexer.PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + \
- "+\s+)?[$@%&(]", text):
- rating = 0.8
- saw_perl_decl = True
- for line in lines:
- line = re.sub('#.*', '', line)
- if re.match('^\s*$', line):
- continue
- # match v6; use v6; use v6.0; use v6.0.0;
- if re.match('^\s*(?:use\s+)?v6(?:\.\d(?:\.\d)?)?;', line):
- return True
- # match class, module, role, enum, grammar declarations
- class_decl = re.match('^\s*(?:(?P<scope>my|our)\s+)?(?:module|class|role|enum|grammar)', line)
- if class_decl:
- if saw_perl_decl or'scope') is not None:
- return True
- rating = 0.05
- continue
- break
- return rating
- def __init__(self, **options):
- super(Perl6Lexer, self).__init__(**options)
- self.encoding = options.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
-class HyLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Lexer for `Hy <>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Hy'
- aliases = ['hylang']
- filenames = ['*.hy']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-hy', 'application/x-hy']
- special_forms = [
- 'cond', 'for', '->', '->>', 'car',
- 'cdr', 'first', 'rest', 'let', 'when', 'unless',
- 'import', 'do', 'progn', 'get', 'slice', 'assoc', 'with-decorator',
- ',', 'list_comp', 'kwapply', '~', 'is', 'in', 'is-not', 'not-in',
- 'quasiquote', 'unquote', 'unquote-splice', 'quote', '|', '<<=', '>>=',
- 'foreach', 'while',
- 'eval-and-compile', 'eval-when-compile'
- ]
- declarations = [
- 'def' 'defn', 'defun', 'defmacro', 'defclass', 'lambda', 'fn', 'setv'
- ]
- hy_builtins = []
- hy_core = [
- 'cycle', 'dec', 'distinct', 'drop', 'even?', 'filter', 'inc',
- 'instance?', 'iterable?', 'iterate', 'iterator?', 'neg?',
- 'none?', 'nth', 'numeric?', 'odd?', 'pos?', 'remove', 'repeat',
- 'repeatedly', 'take', 'take_nth', 'take_while', 'zero?'
- ]
- builtins = hy_builtins + hy_core
- # valid names for identifiers
- # well, names can only not consist fully of numbers
- # but this should be good enough for now
- valid_name = r'(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+'
- def _multi_escape(entries):
- return '(%s)' % ('|'.join(re.escape(entry) + ' ' for entry in entries))
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- # the comments - always starting with semicolon
- # and going to the end of the line
- (r';.*$', Comment.Single),
- # whitespaces - usually not relevant
- (r'[,\s]+', Text),
- # numbers
- (r'-?\d+\.\d+', Number.Float),
- (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r'0[0-7]+j?', Number.Oct),
- (r'0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex),
- # strings, symbols and characters
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
- (r"'" + valid_name, String.Symbol),
- (r"\\(.|[a-z]+)", String.Char),
- (r'^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}"""(?:.|\n)*?""")', bygroups(Text, String.Doc)),
- (r"^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}'''(?:.|\n)*?''')", bygroups(Text, String.Doc)),
- # keywords
- (r'::?' + valid_name, String.Symbol),
- # special operators
- (r'~@|[`\'#^~&@]', Operator),
- include('py-keywords'),
- include('py-builtins'),
- # highlight the special forms
- (_multi_escape(special_forms), Keyword),
- # Technically, only the special forms are 'keywords'. The problem
- # is that only treating them as keywords means that things like
- # 'defn' and 'ns' need to be highlighted as builtins. This is ugly
- # and weird for most styles. So, as a compromise we're going to
- # highlight them as Keyword.Declarations.
- (_multi_escape(declarations), Keyword.Declaration),
- # highlight the builtins
- (_multi_escape(builtins), Name.Builtin),
- # the remaining functions
- (r'(?<=\()' + valid_name, Name.Function),
- # find the remaining variables
- (valid_name, Name.Variable),
- # Hy accepts vector notation
- (r'(\[|\])', Punctuation),
- # Hy accepts map notation
- (r'(\{|\})', Punctuation),
- # the famous parentheses!
- (r'(\(|\))', Punctuation),
- ],
- 'py-keywords': PythonLexer.tokens['keywords'],
- 'py-builtins': PythonLexer.tokens['builtins'],
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- if '(import ' in text or '(defn ' in text:
- return 0.9
-class ChaiscriptLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `ChaiScript <>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'ChaiScript'
- aliases = ['chai', 'chaiscript']
- filenames = ['*.chai']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-chaiscript', 'application/x-chaiscript']
- flags = re.DOTALL
- tokens = {
- 'commentsandwhitespace': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'^\#.*?\n', Comment.Single)
- ],
- 'slashstartsregex': [
- include('commentsandwhitespace'),
- (r'/(\\.|[^[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*])+/'
- r'([gim]+\b|\B)', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'(?=/)', Text, ('#pop', 'badregex')),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'badregex': [
- ('\n', Text, '#pop')
- ],
- 'root': [
- include('commentsandwhitespace'),
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- (r'\+\+|--|~|&&|\?|:|\|\||\\(?=\n)|\.\.'
- r'(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*%&\|\^/])=?', Operator, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'[{(\[;,]', Punctuation, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'[})\].]', Punctuation),
- (r'[=+\-*/]', Operator),
- (r'(for|in|while|do|break|return|continue|if|else|'
- r'throw|try|catch'
- r')\b', Keyword, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'(var)\b', Keyword.Declaration, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'(attr|def|fun)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'(true|false)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- (r'(eval|throw)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'`\S+`', Name.Builtin),
- (r'[$a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Other),
- (r'[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?', Number.Float),
- (r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'dqstring'),
- (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
- ],
- 'dqstring': [
- (r'\${[^"}]+?}', String.Iterpol),
- (r'\$', String.Double),
- (r'\\\\', String.Double),
- (r'\\"', String.Double),
- (r'[^\\\\\\"$]+', String.Double),
- (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
- ],
- }
+from pygments.lexers.python import PythonLexer, PythonConsoleLexer, \
+ PythonTracebackLexer, Python3Lexer, Python3TracebackLexer, DgLexer
+from pygments.lexers.ruby import RubyLexer, RubyConsoleLexer, FancyLexer
+from pygments.lexers.perl import PerlLexer, Perl6Lexer
+from pygments.lexers.c_like.d import CrocLexer, MiniDLexer
+from pygments.lexers.misc.iolang import IoLexer
+from pygments.lexers.misc.tcl import TclLexer
+from pygments.lexers.misc.factor import FactorLexer
+from pygments.lexers.scripting import LuaLexer, MoonScriptLexer
+__all__ = []