path: root/pygments/lexers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8ed7ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers.erlang
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for Erlang.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2014 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, words, do_insertions, \
+ include
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
+ Number, Punctuation, Generic
+__all__ = ['ErlangLexer', 'ErlangShellLexer', 'ElixirConsoleLexer',
+ 'ElixirLexer']
+line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
+class ErlangLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For the Erlang functional programming language.
+ Blame Jeremy Thurgood (
+ .. versionadded:: 0.9
+ """
+ name = 'Erlang'
+ aliases = ['erlang']
+ filenames = ['*.erl', '*.hrl', '*.es', '*.escript']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-erlang']
+ keywords = (
+ 'after', 'begin', 'case', 'catch', 'cond', 'end', 'fun', 'if',
+ 'let', 'of', 'query', 'receive', 'try', 'when',
+ )
+ builtins = ( # See erlang(3) man page
+ 'abs', 'append_element', 'apply', 'atom_to_list', 'binary_to_list',
+ 'bitstring_to_list', 'binary_to_term', 'bit_size', 'bump_reductions',
+ 'byte_size', 'cancel_timer', 'check_process_code', 'delete_module',
+ 'demonitor', 'disconnect_node', 'display', 'element', 'erase', 'exit',
+ 'float', 'float_to_list', 'fun_info', 'fun_to_list',
+ 'function_exported', 'garbage_collect', 'get', 'get_keys',
+ 'group_leader', 'hash', 'hd', 'integer_to_list', 'iolist_to_binary',
+ 'iolist_size', 'is_atom', 'is_binary', 'is_bitstring', 'is_boolean',
+ 'is_builtin', 'is_float', 'is_function', 'is_integer', 'is_list',
+ 'is_number', 'is_pid', 'is_port', 'is_process_alive', 'is_record',
+ 'is_reference', 'is_tuple', 'length', 'link', 'list_to_atom',
+ 'list_to_binary', 'list_to_bitstring', 'list_to_existing_atom',
+ 'list_to_float', 'list_to_integer', 'list_to_pid', 'list_to_tuple',
+ 'load_module', 'localtime_to_universaltime', 'make_tuple', 'md5',
+ 'md5_final', 'md5_update', 'memory', 'module_loaded', 'monitor',
+ 'monitor_node', 'node', 'nodes', 'open_port', 'phash', 'phash2',
+ 'pid_to_list', 'port_close', 'port_command', 'port_connect',
+ 'port_control', 'port_call', 'port_info', 'port_to_list',
+ 'process_display', 'process_flag', 'process_info', 'purge_module',
+ 'put', 'read_timer', 'ref_to_list', 'register', 'resume_process',
+ 'round', 'send', 'send_after', 'send_nosuspend', 'set_cookie',
+ 'setelement', 'size', 'spawn', 'spawn_link', 'spawn_monitor',
+ 'spawn_opt', 'split_binary', 'start_timer', 'statistics',
+ 'suspend_process', 'system_flag', 'system_info', 'system_monitor',
+ 'system_profile', 'term_to_binary', 'tl', 'trace', 'trace_delivered',
+ 'trace_info', 'trace_pattern', 'trunc', 'tuple_size', 'tuple_to_list',
+ 'universaltime_to_localtime', 'unlink', 'unregister', 'whereis'
+ )
+ operators = r'(\+\+?|--?|\*|/|<|>|/=|=:=|=/=|=<|>=|==?|<-|!|\?)'
+ word_operators = (
+ 'and', 'andalso', 'band', 'bnot', 'bor', 'bsl', 'bsr', 'bxor',
+ 'div', 'not', 'or', 'orelse', 'rem', 'xor'
+ )
+ atom_re = r"(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')"
+ variable_re = r'(?:[A-Z_]\w*)'
+ escape_re = r'(?:\\(?:[bdefnrstv\'"\\/]|[0-7][0-7]?[0-7]?|\^[a-zA-Z]))'
+ macro_re = r'(?:'+variable_re+r'|'+atom_re+r')'
+ base_re = r'(?:[2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])'
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'\s+', Text),
+ (r'%.*\n', Comment),
+ (words(keywords, suffix=r'\b'), Keyword),
+ (words(builtins, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
+ (words(word_operators, suffix=r'\b'), Operator.Word),
+ (r'^-', Punctuation, 'directive'),
+ (operators, Operator),
+ (r'"', String, 'string'),
+ (r'<<', Name.Label),
+ (r'>>', Name.Label),
+ ('(' + atom_re + ')(:)', bygroups(Name.Namespace, Punctuation)),
+ ('(?:^|(?<=:))(' + atom_re + r')(\s*)(\()',
+ bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
+ (r'[+-]?' + base_re + r'#[0-9a-zA-Z]+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'[+-]?\d+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'[+-]?\d+.\d+', Number.Float),
+ (r'[]\[:_@\".{}()|;,]', Punctuation),
+ (variable_re, Name.Variable),
+ (atom_re, Name),
+ (r'\?'+macro_re, Name.Constant),
+ (r'\$(?:'+escape_re+r'|\\[ %]|[^\\])', String.Char),
+ (r'#'+atom_re+r'(:?\.'+atom_re+r')?', Name.Label),
+ ],
+ 'string': [
+ (escape_re, String.Escape),
+ (r'"', String, '#pop'),
+ (r'~[0-9.*]*[~#+bBcdefginpPswWxX]', String.Interpol),
+ (r'[^"\\~]+', String),
+ (r'~', String),
+ ],
+ 'directive': [
+ (r'(define)(\s*)(\()('+macro_re+r')',
+ bygroups(Name.Entity, Text, Punctuation, Name.Constant), '#pop'),
+ (r'(record)(\s*)(\()('+macro_re+r')',
+ bygroups(Name.Entity, Text, Punctuation, Name.Label), '#pop'),
+ (atom_re, Name.Entity, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ }
+class ErlangShellLexer(Lexer):
+ """
+ Shell sessions in erl (for Erlang code).
+ .. versionadded:: 1.1
+ """
+ name = 'Erlang erl session'
+ aliases = ['erl']
+ filenames = ['*.erl-sh']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-erl-shellsession']
+ _prompt_re = re.compile(r'\d+>(?=\s|\Z)')
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ erlexer = ErlangLexer(**self.options)
+ curcode = ''
+ insertions = []
+ for match in line_re.finditer(text):
+ line =
+ m = self._prompt_re.match(line)
+ if m is not None:
+ end = m.end()
+ insertions.append((len(curcode),
+ [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:end])]))
+ curcode += line[end:]
+ else:
+ if curcode:
+ for item in do_insertions(insertions,
+ erlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
+ yield item
+ curcode = ''
+ insertions = []
+ if line.startswith('*'):
+ yield match.start(), Generic.Traceback, line
+ else:
+ yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
+ if curcode:
+ for item in do_insertions(insertions,
+ erlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
+ yield item
+def gen_elixir_string_rules(name, symbol, token):
+ states = {}
+ states['string_' + name] = [
+ (r'[^#%s\\]+' % (symbol,), token),
+ include('escapes'),
+ (r'\\.', token),
+ (r'(%s)' % (symbol,), bygroups(token), "#pop"),
+ include('interpol')
+ ]
+ return states
+def gen_elixir_sigstr_rules(term, token, interpol=True):
+ if interpol:
+ return [
+ (r'[^#%s\\]+' % (term,), token),
+ include('escapes'),
+ (r'\\.', token),
+ (r'%s[a-zA-Z]*' % (term,), token, '#pop'),
+ include('interpol')
+ ]
+ else:
+ return [
+ (r'[^%s\\]+' % (term,), token),
+ (r'\\.', token),
+ (r'%s[a-zA-Z]*' % (term,), token, '#pop'),
+ ]
+class ElixirLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For the `Elixir language <>`_.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.5
+ """
+ name = 'Elixir'
+ aliases = ['elixir', 'ex', 'exs']
+ filenames = ['*.ex', '*.exs']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-elixir']
+ KEYWORD = ('fn', 'do', 'end', 'after', 'else', 'rescue', 'catch')
+ KEYWORD_OPERATOR = ('not', 'and', 'or', 'when', 'in')
+ 'case', 'cond', 'for', 'if', 'unless', 'try', 'receive', 'raise',
+ 'quote', 'unquote', 'unquote_splicing', 'throw', 'super'
+ )
+ 'def', 'defp', 'defmodule', 'defprotocol', 'defmacro', 'defmacrop',
+ 'defdelegate', 'defexception', 'defstruct', 'defimpl', 'defcallback'
+ )
+ BUILTIN_NAMESPACE = ('import', 'require', 'use', 'alias')
+ CONSTANT = ('nil', 'true', 'false')
+ PSEUDO_VAR = ('_', '__MODULE__', '__DIR__', '__ENV__', '__CALLER__')
+ '<<<', '>>>', '|||', '&&&', '^^^', '~~~', '===', '!==',
+ '~>>', '<~>', '|~>', '<|>',
+ )
+ '==', '!=', '<=', '>=', '&&', '||', '<>', '++', '--', '|>', '=~',
+ '->', '<-', '|', '.', '=', '~>', '<~',
+ )
+ OPERATORS1 = ('<', '>', '+', '-', '*', '/', '!', '^', '&')
+ '\\\\', '<<', '>>', '=>', '(', ')', ':', ';', ',', '[', ']'
+ )
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ if token is Name:
+ if value in self.KEYWORD:
+ yield index, Keyword, value
+ elif value in self.KEYWORD_OPERATOR:
+ yield index, Operator.Word, value
+ elif value in self.BUILTIN:
+ yield index, Keyword, value
+ elif value in self.BUILTIN_DECLARATION:
+ yield index, Keyword.Declaration, value
+ elif value in self.BUILTIN_NAMESPACE:
+ yield index, Keyword.Namespace, value
+ elif value in self.CONSTANT:
+ yield index, Name.Constant, value
+ elif value in self.PSEUDO_VAR:
+ yield index, Name.Builtin.Pseudo, value
+ else:
+ yield index, token, value
+ else:
+ yield index, token, value
+ def gen_elixir_sigil_rules():
+ # all valid sigil terminators (excluding heredocs)
+ terminators = [
+ (r'\{', r'\}', 'cb'),
+ (r'\[', r'\]', 'sb'),
+ (r'\(', r'\)', 'pa'),
+ (r'\<', r'\>', 'ab'),
+ (r'/', r'/', 'slas'),
+ (r'\|', r'\|', 'pipe'),
+ ('"', '"', 'quot'),
+ ("'", "'", 'apos'),
+ ]
+ # heredocs have slightly different rules
+ triquotes = [(r'"""', 'triquot'), (r"'''", 'triapos')]
+ token = String.Other
+ states = {'sigils': []}
+ for term, name in triquotes:
+ states['sigils'] += [
+ (r'(~[a-z])(%s)' % (term,), bygroups(token, String.Heredoc),
+ (name + '-end', name + '-intp')),
+ (r'(~[A-Z])(%s)' % (term,), bygroups(token, String.Heredoc),
+ (name + '-end', name + '-no-intp')),
+ ]
+ states[name + '-end'] = [(r'[a-zA-Z]*', token, '#pop')]
+ states[name + '-intp'] = [
+ (r'^\s*' + term, String.Heredoc, '#pop'),
+ include('heredoc_interpol'),
+ ]
+ states[name + '-no-intp'] = [
+ (r'^\s*' + term, String.Heredoc, '#pop'),
+ include('heredoc_no_interpol'),
+ ]
+ for lterm, rterm, name in terminators:
+ states['sigils'] += [
+ (r'~[a-z]' + lterm, token, name + '-intp'),
+ (r'~[A-Z]' + lterm, token, name + '-no-intp'),
+ ]
+ states[name + '-intp'] = gen_elixir_sigstr_rules(rterm, token)
+ states[name + '-no-intp'] = \
+ gen_elixir_sigstr_rules(rterm, token, interpol=False)
+ return states
+ op3_re = "|".join(re.escape(s) for s in OPERATORS3)
+ op2_re = "|".join(re.escape(s) for s in OPERATORS2)
+ op1_re = "|".join(re.escape(s) for s in OPERATORS1)
+ ops_re = r'(?:%s|%s|%s)' % (op3_re, op2_re, op1_re)
+ punctuation_re = "|".join(re.escape(s) for s in PUNCTUATION)
+ alnum = '[A-Za-z_0-9]'
+ name_re = r'(?:\.\.\.|[a-z_]%s*[!\?]?)' % alnum
+ modname_re = r'[A-Z]%(alnum)s*(?:\.[A-Z]%(alnum)s*)*' % {'alnum': alnum}
+ complex_name_re = r'(?:%s|%s|%s)' % (name_re, modname_re, ops_re)
+ special_atom_re = r'(?:\.\.\.|<<>>|%{}|%|{})'
+ long_hex_char_re = r'(\\x{)([\da-fA-F]+)(})'
+ hex_char_re = r'(\\x[\da-fA-F]{1,2})'
+ escape_char_re = r'(\\[abdefnrstv])'
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'\s+', Text),
+ (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
+ # Various kinds of characters
+ (r'(\?)' + long_hex_char_re,
+ bygroups(String.Char,
+ String.Escape, Number.Hex, String.Escape)),
+ (r'(\?)' + hex_char_re,
+ bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape)),
+ (r'(\?)' + escape_char_re,
+ bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape)),
+ (r'\?\\?.', String.Char),
+ # '::' has to go before atoms
+ (r':::', String.Symbol),
+ (r'::', Operator),
+ # atoms
+ (r':' + special_atom_re, String.Symbol),
+ (r':' + complex_name_re, String.Symbol),
+ (r':"', String.Symbol, 'string_double_atom'),
+ (r":'", String.Symbol, 'string_single_atom'),
+ # [keywords: ...]
+ (r'(%s|%s)(:)(?=\s|\n)' % (special_atom_re, complex_name_re),
+ bygroups(String.Symbol, Punctuation)),
+ # @attributes
+ (r'@' + name_re, Name.Attribute),
+ # identifiers
+ (name_re, Name),
+ (r'(%%?)(%s)' % (modname_re,), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Class)),
+ # operators and punctuation
+ (op3_re, Operator),
+ (op2_re, Operator),
+ (punctuation_re, Punctuation),
+ (r'&\d', Name.Entity), # anon func arguments
+ (op1_re, Operator),
+ # numbers
+ (r'0b[01]+', Number.Bin),
+ (r'0o[0-7]+', Number.Oct),
+ (r'0x[\da-fA-F]+', Number.Hex),
+ (r'\d(_?\d)*\.\d(_?\d)*([eE][-+]?\d(_?\d)*)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'\d(_?\d)*', Number.Integer),
+ # strings and heredocs
+ (r'"""\s*', String.Heredoc, 'heredoc_double'),
+ (r"'''\s*$", String.Heredoc, 'heredoc_single'),
+ (r'"', String.Double, 'string_double'),
+ (r"'", String.Single, 'string_single'),
+ include('sigils'),
+ (r'%{', Punctuation, 'map_key'),
+ (r'{', Punctuation, 'tuple'),
+ ],
+ 'heredoc_double': [
+ (r'^\s*"""', String.Heredoc, '#pop'),
+ include('heredoc_interpol'),
+ ],
+ 'heredoc_single': [
+ (r"^\s*'''", String.Heredoc, '#pop'),
+ include('heredoc_interpol'),
+ ],
+ 'heredoc_interpol': [
+ (r'[^#\\\n]+', String.Heredoc),
+ include('escapes'),
+ (r'\\.', String.Heredoc),
+ (r'\n+', String.Heredoc),
+ include('interpol'),
+ ],
+ 'heredoc_no_interpol': [
+ (r'[^\\\n]+', String.Heredoc),
+ (r'\\.', String.Heredoc),
+ (r'\n+', String.Heredoc),
+ ],
+ 'escapes': [
+ (long_hex_char_re,
+ bygroups(String.Escape, Number.Hex, String.Escape)),
+ (hex_char_re, String.Escape),
+ (escape_char_re, String.Escape),
+ ],
+ 'interpol': [
+ (r'#{', String.Interpol, 'interpol_string'),
+ ],
+ 'interpol_string': [
+ (r'}', String.Interpol, "#pop"),
+ include('root')
+ ],
+ 'map_key': [
+ include('root'),
+ (r':', Punctuation, 'map_val'),
+ (r'=>', Punctuation, 'map_val'),
+ (r'}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ 'map_val': [
+ include('root'),
+ (r',', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'(?=})', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ 'tuple': [
+ include('root'),
+ (r'}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ }
+ tokens.update(gen_elixir_string_rules('double', '"', String.Double))
+ tokens.update(gen_elixir_string_rules('single', "'", String.Single))
+ tokens.update(gen_elixir_string_rules('double_atom', '"', String.Symbol))
+ tokens.update(gen_elixir_string_rules('single_atom', "'", String.Symbol))
+ tokens.update(gen_elixir_sigil_rules())
+class ElixirConsoleLexer(Lexer):
+ """
+ For Elixir interactive console (iex) output like:
+ .. sourcecode:: iex
+ iex> [head | tail] = [1,2,3]
+ [1,2,3]
+ iex> head
+ 1
+ iex> tail
+ [2,3]
+ iex> [head | tail]
+ [1,2,3]
+ iex> length [head | tail]
+ 3
+ .. versionadded:: 1.5
+ """
+ name = 'Elixir iex session'
+ aliases = ['iex']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-elixir-shellsession']
+ _prompt_re = re.compile('(iex|\.{3})(\(\d+\))?> ')
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ exlexer = ElixirLexer(**self.options)
+ curcode = ''
+ in_error = False
+ insertions = []
+ for match in line_re.finditer(text):
+ line =
+ if line.startswith(u'** '):
+ in_error = True
+ insertions.append((len(curcode),
+ [(0, Generic.Error, line[:-1])]))
+ curcode += line[-1:]
+ else:
+ m = self._prompt_re.match(line)
+ if m is not None:
+ in_error = False
+ end = m.end()
+ insertions.append((len(curcode),
+ [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:end])]))
+ curcode += line[end:]
+ else:
+ if curcode:
+ for item in do_insertions(
+ insertions, exlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
+ yield item
+ curcode = ''
+ insertions = []
+ token = Generic.Error if in_error else Generic.Output
+ yield match.start(), token, line
+ if curcode:
+ for item in do_insertions(
+ insertions, exlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
+ yield item