path: root/pygments/lexers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 84720fab..b15fd0c0 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
from pygments.lexers.python import PythonLexer
__all__ = ['SchemeLexer', 'CommonLispLexer', 'HyLexer', 'RacketLexer',
- 'NewLispLexer', 'EmacsLispLexer', 'ShenLexer', 'CPSALexer']
+ 'NewLispLexer', 'EmacsLispLexer', 'ShenLexer', 'CPSALexer',
+ 'XtlangLexer']
class SchemeLexer(RegexLexer):
@@ -2135,49 +2136,52 @@ class ShenLexer(RegexLexer):
filenames = ['*.shen']
mimetypes = ['text/x-shen', 'application/x-shen']
- DECLARATIONS = re.findall(r'\S+', """
- datatype define defmacro defprolog defcc synonyms declare package
- type function
- """)
- SPECIAL_FORMS = re.findall(r'\S+', """
- lambda get let if cases cond put time freeze value load $
- protect or and not do output prolog? trap-error error
- make-string /. set @p @s @v
- """)
- BUILTINS = re.findall(r'\S+', """
- == = * + - / < > >= <= <-address <-vector abort absvector
- absvector? address-> adjoin append arity assoc bind boolean?
- bound? call cd close cn compile concat cons cons? cut destroy
- difference element? empty? enable-type-theory error-to-string
- eval eval-kl exception explode external fail fail-if file
- findall fix fst fwhen gensym get-time hash hd hdstr hdv head
- identical implementation in include include-all-but inferences
- input input+ integer? intern intersection is kill language
- length limit lineread loaded macro macroexpand map mapcan
- maxinferences mode n->string nl nth null number? occurrences
- occurs-check open os out port porters pos pr preclude
- preclude-all-but print profile profile-results ps quit read
- read+ read-byte read-file read-file-as-bytelist
- read-file-as-string read-from-string release remove return
- reverse run save set simple-error snd specialise spy step
- stinput stoutput str string->n string->symbol string? subst
- symbol? systemf tail tc tc? thaw tl tlstr tlv track tuple?
- undefmacro unify unify! union unprofile unspecialise untrack
- variable? vector vector-> vector? verified version warn when
- write-byte write-to-file y-or-n?
- """)
- BUILTINS_ANYWHERE = re.findall(r'\S+', """
- where skip >> _ ! <e> <!>
- """)
+ 'datatype', 'define', 'defmacro', 'defprolog', 'defcc',
+ 'synonyms', 'declare', 'package', 'type', 'function',
+ )
+ 'lambda', 'get', 'let', 'if', 'cases', 'cond', 'put', 'time', 'freeze',
+ 'value', 'load', '$', 'protect', 'or', 'and', 'not', 'do', 'output',
+ 'prolog?', 'trap-error', 'error', 'make-string', '/.', 'set', '@p',
+ '@s', '@v',
+ )
+ '==', '=', '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '>', '>=', '<=', '<-address',
+ '<-vector', 'abort', 'absvector', 'absvector?', 'address->', 'adjoin',
+ 'append', 'arity', 'assoc', 'bind', 'boolean?', 'bound?', 'call', 'cd',
+ 'close', 'cn', 'compile', 'concat', 'cons', 'cons?', 'cut', 'destroy',
+ 'difference', 'element?', 'empty?', 'enable-type-theory',
+ 'error-to-string', 'eval', 'eval-kl', 'exception', 'explode', 'external',
+ 'fail', 'fail-if', 'file', 'findall', 'fix', 'fst', 'fwhen', 'gensym',
+ 'get-time', 'hash', 'hd', 'hdstr', 'hdv', 'head', 'identical',
+ 'implementation', 'in', 'include', 'include-all-but', 'inferences',
+ 'input', 'input+', 'integer?', 'intern', 'intersection', 'is', 'kill',
+ 'language', 'length', 'limit', 'lineread', 'loaded', 'macro', 'macroexpand',
+ 'map', 'mapcan', 'maxinferences', 'mode', 'n->string', 'nl', 'nth', 'null',
+ 'number?', 'occurrences', 'occurs-check', 'open', 'os', 'out', 'port',
+ 'porters', 'pos', 'pr', 'preclude', 'preclude-all-but', 'print', 'profile',
+ 'profile-results', 'ps', 'quit', 'read', 'read+', 'read-byte', 'read-file',
+ 'read-file-as-bytelist', 'read-file-as-string', 'read-from-string',
+ 'release', 'remove', 'return', 'reverse', 'run', 'save', 'set',
+ 'simple-error', 'snd', 'specialise', 'spy', 'step', 'stinput', 'stoutput',
+ 'str', 'string->n', 'string->symbol', 'string?', 'subst', 'symbol?',
+ 'systemf', 'tail', 'tc', 'tc?', 'thaw', 'tl', 'tlstr', 'tlv', 'track',
+ 'tuple?', 'undefmacro', 'unify', 'unify!', 'union', 'unprofile',
+ 'unspecialise', 'untrack', 'variable?', 'vector', 'vector->', 'vector?',
+ 'verified', 'version', 'warn', 'when', 'write-byte', 'write-to-file',
+ 'y-or-n?',
+ )
+ BUILTINS_ANYWHERE = ('where', 'skip', '>>', '_', '!', '<e>', '<!>')
MAPPINGS = dict((s, Keyword) for s in DECLARATIONS)
MAPPINGS.update((s, Name.Builtin) for s in BUILTINS)
MAPPINGS.update((s, Keyword) for s in SPECIAL_FORMS)
- valid_symbol_chars = r'[\w!$%*+,<=>?/.\'@&#:_-]'
+ valid_symbol_chars = r'[\w!$%*+,<=>?/.\'@&#:-]'
valid_name = '%s+' % valid_symbol_chars
symbol_name = r'[a-z!$%%*+,<=>?/.\'@&#_-]%s*' % valid_symbol_chars
variable = r'[A-Z]%s*' % valid_symbol_chars
@@ -2313,7 +2317,7 @@ class CPSALexer(SchemeLexer):
# valid names for identifiers
# well, names can only not consist fully of numbers
# but this should be good enough for now
- valid_name = r'[a-zA-Z0-9!$%&*+,/:<=>?@^_~|-]+'
+ valid_name = r'[\w!$%&*+,/:<=>?@^~|-]+'
tokens = {
'root': [
@@ -2334,7 +2338,7 @@ class CPSALexer(SchemeLexer):
# strings, symbols and characters
(r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
(r"'" + valid_name, String.Symbol),
- (r"#\\([()/'\"._!§$%& ?=+-]{1}|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", String.Char),
+ (r"#\\([()/'\"._!§$%& ?=+-]|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", String.Char),
# constants
(r'(#t|#f)', Name.Constant),
@@ -2363,3 +2367,207 @@ class CPSALexer(SchemeLexer):
(r'(\[|\])', Punctuation),
+class XtlangLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """An xtlang lexer for the `Extempore programming environment
+ <>`_.
+ This is a mixture of Scheme and xtlang, really. Keyword lists are
+ taken from the Extempore Emacs mode
+ (
+ .. versionadded:: 2.2
+ """
+ name = 'xtlang'
+ aliases = ['extempore']
+ filenames = ['*.xtm']
+ mimetypes = []
+ common_keywords = (
+ 'lambda', 'define', 'if', 'else', 'cond', 'and',
+ 'or', 'let', 'begin', 'set!', 'map', 'for-each',
+ )
+ scheme_keywords = (
+ 'do', 'delay', 'quasiquote', 'unquote', 'unquote-splicing', 'eval',
+ 'case', 'let*', 'letrec', 'quote',
+ )
+ xtlang_bind_keywords = (
+ 'bind-func', 'bind-val', 'bind-lib', 'bind-type', 'bind-alias',
+ 'bind-poly', 'bind-dylib', 'bind-lib-func', 'bind-lib-val',
+ )
+ xtlang_keywords = (
+ 'letz', 'memzone', 'cast', 'convert', 'dotimes', 'doloop',
+ )
+ common_functions = (
+ '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '<=', '=', '>', '>=', '%', 'abs', 'acos',
+ 'angle', 'append', 'apply', 'asin', 'assoc', 'assq', 'assv',
+ 'atan', 'boolean?', 'caaaar', 'caaadr', 'caaar', 'caadar',
+ 'caaddr', 'caadr', 'caar', 'cadaar', 'cadadr', 'cadar',
+ 'caddar', 'cadddr', 'caddr', 'cadr', 'car', 'cdaaar',
+ 'cdaadr', 'cdaar', 'cdadar', 'cdaddr', 'cdadr', 'cdar',
+ 'cddaar', 'cddadr', 'cddar', 'cdddar', 'cddddr', 'cdddr',
+ 'cddr', 'cdr', 'ceiling', 'cons', 'cos', 'floor', 'length',
+ 'list', 'log', 'max', 'member', 'min', 'modulo', 'not',
+ 'reverse', 'round', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'substring', 'tan',
+ 'println', 'random', 'null?', 'callback', 'now',
+ )
+ scheme_functions = (
+ 'call-with-current-continuation', 'call-with-input-file',
+ 'call-with-output-file', 'call-with-values', 'call/cc',
+ 'char->integer', 'char-alphabetic?', 'char-ci<=?', 'char-ci<?',
+ 'char-ci=?', 'char-ci>=?', 'char-ci>?', 'char-downcase',
+ 'char-lower-case?', 'char-numeric?', 'char-ready?',
+ 'char-upcase', 'char-upper-case?', 'char-whitespace?',
+ 'char<=?', 'char<?', 'char=?', 'char>=?', 'char>?', 'char?',
+ 'close-input-port', 'close-output-port', 'complex?',
+ 'current-input-port', 'current-output-port', 'denominator',
+ 'display', 'dynamic-wind', 'eof-object?', 'eq?', 'equal?',
+ 'eqv?', 'even?', 'exact->inexact', 'exact?', 'exp', 'expt',
+ 'force', 'gcd', 'imag-part', 'inexact->exact', 'inexact?',
+ 'input-port?', 'integer->char', 'integer?',
+ 'interaction-environment', 'lcm', 'list->string',
+ 'list->vector', 'list-ref', 'list-tail', 'list?', 'load',
+ 'magnitude', 'make-polar', 'make-rectangular', 'make-string',
+ 'make-vector', 'memq', 'memv', 'negative?', 'newline',
+ 'null-environment', 'number->string', 'number?',
+ 'numerator', 'odd?', 'open-input-file', 'open-output-file',
+ 'output-port?', 'pair?', 'peek-char', 'port?', 'positive?',
+ 'procedure?', 'quotient', 'rational?', 'rationalize', 'read',
+ 'read-char', 'real-part', 'real?',
+ 'remainder', 'scheme-report-environment', 'set-car!', 'set-cdr!',
+ 'string', 'string->list', 'string->number', 'string->symbol',
+ 'string-append', 'string-ci<=?', 'string-ci<?', 'string-ci=?',
+ 'string-ci>=?', 'string-ci>?', 'string-copy', 'string-fill!',
+ 'string-length', 'string-ref', 'string-set!', 'string<=?',
+ 'string<?', 'string=?', 'string>=?', 'string>?', 'string?',
+ 'symbol->string', 'symbol?', 'transcript-off', 'transcript-on',
+ 'truncate', 'values', 'vector', 'vector->list', 'vector-fill!',
+ 'vector-length', 'vector?',
+ 'with-input-from-file', 'with-output-to-file', 'write',
+ 'write-char', 'zero?',
+ )
+ xtlang_functions = (
+ 'printf', 'toString', 'afill!', 'pfill!', 'tfill!', 'tbind', 'vfill!',
+ 'array-fill!', 'pointer-fill!', 'tuple-fill!', 'vector-fill!', 'free',
+ 'array', 'tuple', 'list', '~', 'cset!', 'cref', '&', 'bor',
+ 'ang-names', '<<', '>>', 'nil', 'printf', 'sprintf', 'null', 'now',
+ 'pset!', 'pref-ptr', 'vset!', 'vref', 'aset!', 'aref', 'aref-ptr',
+ 'tset!', 'tref', 'tref-ptr', 'salloc', 'halloc', 'zalloc', 'alloc',
+ 'schedule', 'exp', 'log', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'asin', 'acos', 'atan',
+ 'sqrt', 'expt', 'floor', 'ceiling', 'truncate', 'round',
+ 'llvm_printf', 'push_zone', 'pop_zone', 'memzone', 'callback',
+ 'llvm_sprintf', 'make-array', 'array-set!', 'array-ref',
+ 'array-ref-ptr', 'pointer-set!', 'pointer-ref', 'pointer-ref-ptr',
+ 'stack-alloc', 'heap-alloc', 'zone-alloc', 'make-tuple', 'tuple-set!',
+ 'tuple-ref', 'tuple-ref-ptr', 'closure-set!', 'closure-ref', 'pref',
+ 'pdref', 'impc_null', 'bitcast', 'void', 'ifret', 'ret->', 'clrun->',
+ 'make-env-zone', 'make-env', '<>', 'dtof', 'ftod', 'i1tof',
+ 'i1tod', 'i1toi8', 'i1toi32', 'i1toi64', 'i8tof', 'i8tod',
+ 'i8toi1', 'i8toi32', 'i8toi64', 'i32tof', 'i32tod', 'i32toi1',
+ 'i32toi8', 'i32toi64', 'i64tof', 'i64tod', 'i64toi1',
+ 'i64toi8', 'i64toi32',
+ )
+ # valid names for Scheme identifiers (names cannot consist fully
+ # of numbers, but this should be good enough for now)
+ valid_scheme_name = r'[\w!$%&*+,/:<=>?@^~|-]+'
+ # valid characters in xtlang names & types
+ valid_xtlang_name = r'[\w.!-]+'
+ valid_xtlang_type = r'[]{}[\w<>,*/|!-]+'
+ tokens = {
+ # keep track of when we're exiting the xtlang form
+ 'xtlang': [
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, '#push'),
+ (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'(?<=bind-func\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-val\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-type\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-alias\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-poly\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-lib\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-dylib\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-lib-func\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ (r'(?<=bind-lib-val\s)' + valid_xtlang_name, Name.Function),
+ # type annotations
+ (r':' + valid_xtlang_type, Keyword.Type),
+ # types
+ (r'(<' + valid_xtlang_type + r'>|\|' + valid_xtlang_type + r'\||/' +
+ valid_xtlang_type + r'/|' + valid_xtlang_type + r'\*)\**',
+ Keyword.Type),
+ # keywords
+ (words(xtlang_keywords, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Keyword),
+ # builtins
+ (words(xtlang_functions, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Name.Function),
+ include('common'),
+ # variables
+ (valid_xtlang_name, Name.Variable),
+ ],
+ 'scheme': [
+ # quoted symbols
+ (r"'" + valid_scheme_name, String.Symbol),
+ # char literals
+ (r"#\\([()/'\"._!§$%& ?=+-]|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", String.Char),
+ # special operators
+ (r"('|#|`|,@|,|\.)", Operator),
+ # keywords
+ (words(scheme_keywords, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Keyword),
+ # builtins
+ (words(scheme_functions, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Name.Function),
+ include('common'),
+ # variables
+ (valid_scheme_name, Name.Variable),
+ ],
+ # common to both xtlang and Scheme
+ 'common': [
+ # comments
+ (r';.*$', Comment.Single),
+ # whitespaces - usually not relevant
+ (r'\s+', Text),
+ # numbers
+ (r'-?\d+\.\d+', Number.Float),
+ (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
+ # binary/oct/hex literals
+ (r'(#b|#o|#x)[\d.]+', Number),
+ # strings
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
+ # true/false constants
+ (r'(#t|#f)', Name.Constant),
+ # keywords
+ (words(common_keywords, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Keyword),
+ # builtins
+ (words(common_functions, prefix=r'(?<=\()'), Name.Function),
+ # the famous parentheses!
+ (r'(\(|\))', Punctuation),
+ ],
+ 'root': [
+ # go into xtlang mode
+ (words(xtlang_bind_keywords, prefix=r'(?<=\()', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Keyword, 'xtlang'),
+ include('scheme')
+ ],
+ }