path: root/pygments/lexers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a47ca26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers.r
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for the R/S languages.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, include, words, do_insertions
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
+ Number, Punctuation, Generic
+__all__ = ['RConsoleLexer', 'SLexer', 'RdLexer']
+line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
+class RConsoleLexer(Lexer):
+ """
+ For R console transcripts or R CMD BATCH output files.
+ """
+ name = 'RConsole'
+ aliases = ['rconsole', 'rout']
+ filenames = ['*.Rout']
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ slexer = SLexer(**self.options)
+ current_code_block = ''
+ insertions = []
+ for match in line_re.finditer(text):
+ line =
+ if line.startswith('>') or line.startswith('+'):
+ # Colorize the prompt as such,
+ # then put rest of line into current_code_block
+ insertions.append((len(current_code_block),
+ [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:2])]))
+ current_code_block += line[2:]
+ else:
+ # We have reached a non-prompt line!
+ # If we have stored prompt lines, need to process them first.
+ if current_code_block:
+ # Weave together the prompts and highlight code.
+ for item in do_insertions(
+ insertions, slexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(current_code_block)):
+ yield item
+ # Reset vars for next code block.
+ current_code_block = ''
+ insertions = []
+ # Now process the actual line itself, this is output from R.
+ yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
+ # If we happen to end on a code block with nothing after it, need to
+ # process the last code block. This is neither elegant nor DRY so
+ # should be changed.
+ if current_code_block:
+ for item in do_insertions(
+ insertions, slexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(current_code_block)):
+ yield item
+class SLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For S, S-plus, and R source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.10
+ """
+ name = 'S'
+ aliases = ['splus', 's', 'r']
+ filenames = ['*.S', '*.R', '.Rhistory', '.Rprofile', '.Renviron']
+ mimetypes = ['text/S-plus', 'text/S', 'text/x-r-source', 'text/x-r',
+ 'text/x-R', 'text/x-r-history', 'text/x-r-profile']
+ builtins_base = (
+ 'Arg', 'Conj', 'Cstack_info', 'Encoding', 'FALSE',
+ 'Filter', 'Find', 'I', 'ISOdate', 'ISOdatetime', 'Im', 'Inf',
+ 'La.svd', 'Map', 'Math.Date', 'Math.POSIXt', '',
+ 'Math.difftime', 'Math.factor', 'Mod', 'NA_character_',
+ 'NA_complex_', 'NA_real_', 'NCOL', 'NROW', 'NULLNA_integer_', 'NaN',
+ 'Negate', 'NextMethod', 'Ops.Date', 'Ops.POSIXt', '',
+ 'Ops.difftime', 'Ops.factor', 'Ops.numeric_version', 'Ops.ordered',
+ 'Position', 'R.Version', 'R.home', 'R.version', 'R.version.string',
+ 'RNGkind', 'RNGversion', 'R_system_version', 'Re', 'Recall',
+ 'Reduce', 'Summary.Date', 'Summary.POSIXct', 'Summary.POSIXlt',
+ '', 'Summary.difftime', 'Summary.factor',
+ 'Summary.numeric_version', 'Summary.ordered', 'Sys.Date',
+ 'Sys.chmod', 'Sys.getenv', 'Sys.getlocale', 'Sys.getpid',
+ 'Sys.glob', '', 'Sys.localeconv', 'Sys.readlink',
+ 'Sys.setFileTime', 'Sys.setenv', 'Sys.setlocale', 'Sys.sleep',
+ 'Sys.time', 'Sys.timezone', 'Sys.umask', 'Sys.unsetenv',
+ 'Sys.which', 'TRUE', 'UseMethod', 'Vectorize', 'abbreviate', 'abs',
+ 'acos', 'acosh', 'addNA', 'addTaskCallback', 'agrep', 'alist',
+ 'all', 'all.equal', 'all.equal.POSIXct', 'all.equal.character',
+ 'all.equal.default', 'all.equal.factor', 'all.equal.formula',
+ 'all.equal.language', 'all.equal.list', 'all.equal.numeric',
+ 'all.equal.raw', 'all.names', 'all.vars', 'any', 'anyDuplicated',
+ 'anyDuplicated.array', '',
+ 'anyDuplicated.default', 'anyDuplicated.matrix', 'aperm',
+ 'aperm.default', 'aperm.table', 'append', 'apply', 'args',
+ 'arrayInd', 'as.Date', 'as.Date.POSIXct', 'as.Date.POSIXlt',
+ 'as.Date.character', '', 'as.Date.dates',
+ 'as.Date.default', 'as.Date.factor', 'as.Date.numeric',
+ 'as.POSIXct', 'as.POSIXct.Date', 'as.POSIXct.POSIXlt',
+ '', 'as.POSIXct.dates', 'as.POSIXct.default',
+ 'as.POSIXct.numeric', 'as.POSIXlt', 'as.POSIXlt.Date',
+ 'as.POSIXlt.POSIXct', 'as.POSIXlt.character', '',
+ 'as.POSIXlt.dates', 'as.POSIXlt.default', 'as.POSIXlt.factor',
+ 'as.POSIXlt.numeric', 'as.array', 'as.array.default', '',
+ 'as.character', 'as.character.Date', 'as.character.POSIXt',
+ 'as.character.condition', 'as.character.default',
+ 'as.character.error', 'as.character.factor', 'as.character.hexmode',
+ 'as.character.numeric_version', 'as.character.octmode',
+ 'as.character.srcref', 'as.complex', '',
+ '', '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '',
+ '', '', '',
+ '', 'as.difftime', 'as.double',
+ 'as.double.POSIXlt', 'as.double.difftime', 'as.environment',
+ 'as.expression', 'as.expression.default', 'as.factor',
+ 'as.function', 'as.function.default', 'as.hexmode', 'as.integer',
+ 'as.list', 'as.list.Date', 'as.list.POSIXct', '',
+ 'as.list.default', 'as.list.environment', 'as.list.factor',
+ 'as.list.function', 'as.list.numeric_version', 'as.logical',
+ 'as.logical.factor', 'as.matrix', 'as.matrix.POSIXlt',
+ '', 'as.matrix.default', 'as.matrix.noquote',
+ '', 'as.null', 'as.null.default', 'as.numeric',
+ 'as.numeric_version', 'as.octmode', 'as.ordered',
+ 'as.package_version', 'as.pairlist', 'as.qr', 'as.raw', 'as.single',
+ 'as.single.default', 'as.symbol', 'as.table', 'as.table.default',
+ 'as.vector', 'as.vector.factor', 'asNamespace', 'asS3', 'asS4',
+ 'asin', 'asinh', 'assign', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh',
+ 'attachNamespace', 'attr', 'attr.all.equal', 'attributes',
+ 'autoload', 'autoloader', 'backsolve', 'baseenv', 'basename',
+ 'besselI', 'besselJ', 'besselK', 'besselY', 'beta',
+ 'bindingIsActive', 'bindingIsLocked', 'bindtextdomain', 'bitwAnd',
+ 'bitwNot', 'bitwOr', 'bitwShiftL', 'bitwShiftR', 'bitwXor', 'body',
+ 'bquote', 'browser', 'browserCondition', 'browserSetDebug',
+ 'browserText', 'builtins', 'by', '', 'by.default',
+ 'bzfile', 'c.Date', 'c.POSIXct', 'c.POSIXlt', 'c.noquote',
+ 'c.numeric_version', 'call', 'callCC', 'capabilities', 'casefold',
+ 'cat', 'category', 'cbind', '', 'ceiling',
+ 'char.expand', 'charToRaw', 'charmatch', 'chartr', 'check_tzones',
+ 'chol', 'chol.default', 'chol2inv', 'choose', 'class',
+ 'clearPushBack', 'close', 'close.connection', 'close.srcfile',
+ 'close.srcfilealias', 'closeAllConnections', 'col', 'colMeans',
+ 'colSums', 'colnames', 'commandArgs', 'comment', 'computeRestarts',
+ 'conditionCall', 'conditionCall.condition', 'conditionMessage',
+ 'conditionMessage.condition', 'conflicts', 'contributors', 'cos',
+ 'cosh', 'crossprod', 'cummax', 'cummin', 'cumprod', 'cumsum', 'cut',
+ 'cut.Date', 'cut.POSIXt', 'cut.default', 'dQuote', 'data.class',
+ 'data.matrix', 'date', 'debug', 'debugonce',
+ 'default.stringsAsFactors', 'delayedAssign', 'deparse', 'det',
+ 'determinant', 'determinant.matrix', 'dget', 'diag', 'diff',
+ 'diff.Date', 'diff.POSIXt', 'diff.default', 'difftime', 'digamma',
+ 'dim', '', 'dimnames', '', 'dir',
+ 'dir.create', 'dirname', '', 'dput', 'drop', 'droplevels',
+ '', 'droplevels.factor', 'dump', 'duplicated',
+ 'duplicated.POSIXlt', 'duplicated.array', '',
+ 'duplicated.default', 'duplicated.matrix',
+ 'duplicated.numeric_version', 'dyn.load', 'dyn.unload', 'eapply',
+ 'eigen', 'else', 'emptyenv', 'enc2native', 'enc2utf8',
+ 'encodeString', 'enquote', 'env.profile', 'environment',
+ 'environmentIsLocked', 'environmentName', 'eval', 'eval.parent',
+ 'evalq', 'exists', 'exp', 'expand.grid', 'expm1', 'expression',
+ 'factor', 'factorial', 'fifo', 'file', 'file.access', 'file.append',
+ 'file.choose', 'file.copy', 'file.create', 'file.exists',
+ '', '', 'file.path', 'file.remove', 'file.rename',
+ '', 'file.symlink', 'find.package', 'findInterval',
+ 'findPackageEnv', 'findRestart', 'floor', 'flush',
+ 'flush.connection', 'force', 'formals', 'format',
+ 'format.AsIs', 'format.Date', 'format.POSIXct', 'format.POSIXlt',
+ '', 'format.default', 'format.difftime',
+ 'format.factor', 'format.hexmode', '',
+ 'format.libraryIQR', 'format.numeric_version', 'format.octmode',
+ 'format.packageInfo', 'format.pval', 'format.summaryDefault',
+ 'formatC', 'formatDL', 'forwardsolve', 'gamma', 'gc', 'gc.time',
+ 'gcinfo', 'gctorture', 'gctorture2', 'get', 'getAllConnections',
+ 'getCallingDLL', 'getCallingDLLe', 'getConnection',
+ 'getDLLRegisteredRoutines', 'getDLLRegisteredRoutines.DLLInfo',
+ 'getDLLRegisteredRoutines.character', 'getElement',
+ 'getExportedValue', 'getHook', 'getLoadedDLLs', 'getNamespace',
+ 'getNamespaceExports', 'getNamespaceImports', 'getNamespaceInfo',
+ 'getNamespaceName', 'getNamespaceUsers', 'getNamespaceVersion',
+ 'getNativeSymbolInfo', 'getOption', 'getRversion', 'getSrcLines',
+ 'getTaskCallbackNames', 'geterrmessage', 'gettext', 'gettextf',
+ 'getwd', 'gl', 'globalenv', 'gregexpr', 'grep', 'grepRaw', 'grepl',
+ 'gsub', 'gzcon', 'gzfile', 'head', 'iconv', 'iconvlist',
+ 'icuSetCollate', 'identical', 'identity', 'ifelse', 'importIntoEnv',
+ 'in', 'inherits', 'intToBits', 'intToUtf8', 'interaction', 'interactive',
+ 'intersect', 'inverse.rle', 'invisible', 'invokeRestart',
+ 'invokeRestartInteractively', 'is.R', 'is.array', 'is.atomic',
+ '', 'is.character', 'is.complex', '',
+ 'is.double', 'is.element', 'is.environment', 'is.expression',
+ 'is.factor', 'is.finite', 'is.function', 'is.infinite',
+ 'is.integer', 'is.language', 'is.list', 'is.loaded', 'is.logical',
+ 'is.matrix', '', '', '',
+ '', '', 'is.nan', 'is.null',
+ 'is.numeric', 'is.numeric.Date', 'is.numeric.POSIXt',
+ 'is.numeric.difftime', 'is.numeric_version', 'is.object',
+ 'is.ordered', 'is.package_version', 'is.pairlist', 'is.primitive',
+ 'is.qr', 'is.raw', 'is.recursive', 'is.single', 'is.symbol',
+ 'is.table', 'is.unsorted', 'is.vector', 'isBaseNamespace',
+ 'isIncomplete', 'isNamespace', 'isOpen', 'isRestart', 'isS4',
+ 'isSeekable', 'isSymmetric', 'isSymmetric.matrix', 'isTRUE',
+ 'isatty', 'isdebugged', 'jitter', 'julian', 'julian.Date',
+ 'julian.POSIXt', 'kappa', 'kappa.default', 'kappa.lm', 'kappa.qr',
+ 'kronecker', 'l10n_info', 'labels', 'labels.default', 'lapply',
+ 'lazyLoad', 'lazyLoadDBexec', 'lazyLoadDBfetch', 'lbeta', 'lchoose',
+ 'length', 'length.POSIXlt', 'letters', 'levels', 'levels.default',
+ 'lfactorial', 'lgamma', 'library.dynam', 'library.dynam.unload',
+ 'licence', 'license', 'list.dirs', 'list.files', 'list2env', 'load',
+ 'loadNamespace', 'loadedNamespaces', 'loadingNamespaceInfo',
+ 'local', 'lockBinding', 'lockEnvironment', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p',
+ 'log2', 'logb', 'lower.tri', 'ls', 'make.names', 'make.unique',
+ 'makeActiveBinding', 'mapply', 'margin.table', 'mat.or.vec',
+ 'match', 'match.arg', '', '', 'max', 'max.col',
+ 'mean', 'mean.Date', 'mean.POSIXct', 'mean.POSIXlt', 'mean.default',
+ 'mean.difftime', 'mem.limits', 'memCompress', 'memDecompress',
+ 'memory.profile', 'merge', '', 'merge.default',
+ 'message', 'mget', 'min', 'missing', 'mode', '',
+ '', 'months', 'months.Date', 'months.POSIXt',
+ '', 'months.nameletters', 'names', 'names.POSIXlt',
+ 'namespaceExport', 'namespaceImport', 'namespaceImportClasses',
+ 'namespaceImportFrom', 'namespaceImportMethods', 'nargs', 'nchar',
+ 'ncol', 'new.env', 'ngettext', 'nlevels', 'noquote', 'norm',
+ 'normalizePath', 'nrow', 'numeric_version', 'nzchar', 'objects',
+ 'oldClass', 'on.exit', 'open', 'open.connection', 'open.srcfile',
+ 'open.srcfilealias', 'open.srcfilecopy', 'options', 'order',
+ 'ordered', 'outer', 'packBits', 'packageEvent',
+ 'packageHasNamespace', 'packageStartupMessage', 'package_version',
+ 'pairlist', 'parent.env', 'parent.frame', 'parse',
+ 'parseNamespaceFile', 'paste', 'paste0', 'path.expand',
+ 'path.package', 'pipe', 'pmatch', 'pmax', '', 'pmin',
+ '', 'polyroot', '', 'pretty', 'pretty.default',
+ 'prettyNum', 'print', 'print.AsIs', 'print.DLLInfo',
+ 'print.DLLInfoList', 'print.DLLRegisteredRoutines', 'print.Date',
+ 'print.NativeRoutineList', 'print.POSIXct', 'print.POSIXlt',
+ '', 'print.condition', 'print.connection',
+ '', 'print.default', 'print.difftime',
+ 'print.factor', 'print.function', 'print.hexmode',
+ 'print.libraryIQR', 'print.listof', 'print.noquote',
+ 'print.numeric_version', 'print.octmode', 'print.packageInfo',
+ 'print.proc_time', 'print.restart', 'print.rle',
+ 'print.simple.list', 'print.srcfile', 'print.srcref',
+ 'print.summary.table', 'print.summaryDefault', 'print.table',
+ 'print.warnings', 'prmatrix', 'proc.time', 'prod', 'prop.table',
+ 'provideDimnames', 'psigamma', 'pushBack', 'pushBackLength', 'q',
+ 'qr', 'qr.Q', 'qr.R', 'qr.X', 'qr.coef', 'qr.default', 'qr.fitted',
+ 'qr.qty', 'qr.qy', 'qr.resid', 'qr.solve', 'quarters',
+ 'quarters.Date', 'quarters.POSIXt', 'quit', 'quote', 'range',
+ 'range.default', 'rank', 'rapply', 'raw', 'rawConnection',
+ 'rawConnectionValue', 'rawShift', 'rawToBits', 'rawToChar', 'rbind',
+ '', 'rcond', 'read.dcf', 'readBin', 'readChar',
+ 'readLines', 'readRDS', 'readRenviron', 'readline', 'reg.finalizer',
+ 'regexec', 'regexpr', 'registerS3method', 'registerS3methods',
+ 'regmatches', 'remove', 'removeTaskCallback', 'rep', 'rep.Date',
+ 'rep.POSIXct', 'rep.POSIXlt', 'rep.factor', '',
+ 'rep.numeric_version', 'rep_len', 'replace', 'replicate',
+ 'requireNamespace', 'restartDescription', 'restartFormals',
+ 'retracemem', 'rev', 'rev.default', 'rle', 'rm', 'round',
+ 'round.Date', 'round.POSIXt', 'row', 'row.names',
+ '', 'row.names.default', 'rowMeans', 'rowSums',
+ 'rownames', 'rowsum', '', 'rowsum.default',
+ 'sQuote', 'sample', '', 'sapply', 'save', 'save.image',
+ 'saveRDS', 'scale', 'scale.default', 'scan', 'search',
+ 'searchpaths', 'seek', 'seek.connection', 'seq', 'seq.Date',
+ 'seq.POSIXt', 'seq.default', '', 'seq_along', 'seq_len',
+ 'sequence', 'serialize', 'set.seed', 'setHook', 'setNamespaceInfo',
+ 'setSessionTimeLimit', 'setTimeLimit', 'setdiff', 'setequal',
+ 'setwd', 'shQuote', 'showConnections', 'sign', 'signalCondition',
+ 'signif', 'simpleCondition', 'simpleError', 'simpleMessage',
+ 'simpleWarning', 'simplify2array', 'sin', 'single',
+ 'sinh', 'sink', 'sink.number', 'slice.index', 'socketConnection',
+ 'socketSelect', 'solve', 'solve.default', 'solve.qr', 'sort',
+ 'sort.POSIXlt', 'sort.default', '', 'sort.list', 'split',
+ 'split.Date', 'split.POSIXct', '', 'split.default',
+ 'sprintf', 'sqrt', 'srcfile', 'srcfilealias', 'srcfilecopy',
+ 'srcref', 'standardGeneric', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stop',
+ 'stopifnot', 'storage.mode', 'strftime', 'strptime', 'strsplit',
+ 'strtoi', 'strtrim', 'structure', 'strwrap', 'sub', 'subset',
+ '', 'subset.default', 'subset.matrix',
+ 'substitute', 'substr', 'substring', 'sum', 'summary',
+ 'summary.Date', 'summary.POSIXct', 'summary.POSIXlt',
+ 'summary.connection', '', 'summary.default',
+ 'summary.factor', 'summary.matrix', 'summary.proc_time',
+ 'summary.srcfile', 'summary.srcref', 'summary.table',
+ 'suppressMessages', 'suppressPackageStartupMessages',
+ 'suppressWarnings', 'svd', 'sweep', '', 'sys.calls',
+ 'sys.frame', 'sys.frames', 'sys.function', 'sys.load.image',
+ 'sys.nframe', 'sys.on.exit', 'sys.parent', 'sys.parents',
+ '', 'sys.source', 'sys.status', 'system',
+ 'system.file', 'system.time', 'system2', 't', '',
+ 't.default', 'table', 'tabulate', 'tail', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tapply',
+ 'taskCallbackManager', 'tcrossprod', 'tempdir', 'tempfile',
+ 'testPlatformEquivalence', 'textConnection', 'textConnectionValue',
+ 'toString', 'toString.default', 'tolower', 'topenv', 'toupper',
+ 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemem', 'tracingState', 'transform',
+ '', 'transform.default', 'trigamma', 'trunc',
+ 'trunc.Date', 'trunc.POSIXt', 'truncate', 'truncate.connection',
+ 'try', 'tryCatch', 'typeof', 'unclass', 'undebug', 'union',
+ 'unique', 'unique.POSIXlt', 'unique.array', '',
+ 'unique.default', 'unique.matrix', 'unique.numeric_version',
+ 'units', 'units.difftime', 'unix.time', 'unlink', 'unlist',
+ 'unloadNamespace', 'unlockBinding', 'unname', 'unserialize',
+ 'unsplit', 'untrace', 'untracemem', 'unz', 'upper.tri', 'url',
+ 'utf8ToInt', 'vapply', 'version', 'warning', 'warnings', 'weekdays',
+ 'weekdays.Date', 'weekdays.POSIXt', 'which', 'which.max',
+ 'which.min', 'with', 'with.default', 'withCallingHandlers',
+ 'withRestarts', 'withVisible', 'within', '',
+ 'within.list', 'write', 'write.dcf', 'writeBin', 'writeChar',
+ 'writeLines', 'xor', 'xor.hexmode', 'xor.octmode',
+ '', 'xtfrm', 'xtfrm.AsIs', 'xtfrm.Date',
+ 'xtfrm.POSIXct', 'xtfrm.POSIXlt', 'xtfrm.Surv', 'xtfrm.default',
+ 'xtfrm.difftime', 'xtfrm.factor', 'xtfrm.numeric_version', 'xzfile',
+ 'zapsmall'
+ )
+ tokens = {
+ 'comments': [
+ (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
+ ],
+ 'valid_name': [
+ (r'[a-zA-Z][\w.]*', Text),
+ # can begin with ., but not if that is followed by a digit
+ (r'\.[a-zA-Z_][\w.]*', Text),
+ ],
+ 'punctuation': [
+ (r'\[{1,2}|\]{1,2}|\(|\)|;|,', Punctuation),
+ ],
+ 'keywords': [
+ (words(builtins_base, suffix=r'(?![\w. =])'),
+ Keyword.Pseudo),
+ (r'(if|else|for|while|repeat|in|next|break|return|switch|function)'
+ r'(?![\w.])',
+ Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'(array|category|character|complex|double|function|integer|list|'
+ r'logical|matrix|numeric|vector|data.frame|c)'
+ r'(?![\w.])',
+ Keyword.Type),
+ (r'(library|require|attach|detach|source)'
+ r'(?![\w.])',
+ Keyword.Namespace)
+ ],
+ 'operators': [
+ (r'<<?-|->>?|-|==|<=|>=|<|>|&&?|!=|\|\|?|\?', Operator),
+ (r'\*|\+|\^|/|!|%[^%]*%|=|~|\$|@|:{1,3}', Operator)
+ ],
+ 'builtin_symbols': [
+ (r'(NULL|NA(_(integer|real|complex|character)_)?|'
+ r'letters|LETTERS|Inf|TRUE|FALSE|NaN|pi|\.\.(\.|[0-9]+))'
+ r'(?![\w.])',
+ Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'(T|F)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
+ ],
+ 'numbers': [
+ # hex number
+ (r'0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+([pP][0-9]+)?[Li]?', Number.Hex),
+ # decimal number
+ (r'[+-]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+|\.)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[Li]?',
+ Number),
+ ],
+ 'statements': [
+ include('comments'),
+ # whitespaces
+ (r'\s+', Text),
+ (r'`.*?`', String.Backtick),
+ (r'\'', String, 'string_squote'),
+ (r'\"', String, 'string_dquote'),
+ include('builtin_symbols'),
+ include('numbers'),
+ include('keywords'),
+ include('punctuation'),
+ include('operators'),
+ include('valid_name'),
+ ],
+ 'root': [
+ include('statements'),
+ # blocks:
+ (r'\{|\}', Punctuation),
+ # (r'\{', Punctuation, 'block'),
+ (r'.', Text),
+ ],
+ # 'block': [
+ # include('statements'),
+ # ('\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
+ # ('\}', Punctuation, '#pop')
+ # ],
+ 'string_squote': [
+ (r'([^\'\\]|\\.)*\'', String, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ 'string_dquote': [
+ (r'([^"\\]|\\.)*"', String, '#pop'),
+ ],
+ }
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ if'[a-z0-9_\])\s]<-(?!-)', text):
+ return 0.11
+class RdLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ Pygments Lexer for R documentation (Rd) files
+ This is a very minimal implementation, highlighting little more
+ than the macros. A description of Rd syntax is found in `Writing R
+ Extensions <>`_
+ and `Parsing Rd files <>`_.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ """
+ name = 'Rd'
+ aliases = ['rd']
+ filenames = ['*.Rd']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-r-doc']
+ # To account for verbatim / LaTeX-like / and R-like areas
+ # would require parsing.
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ # catch escaped brackets and percent sign
+ (r'\\[\\{}%]', String.Escape),
+ # comments
+ (r'%.*$', Comment),
+ # special macros with no arguments
+ (r'\\(?:cr|l?dots|R|tab)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ # macros
+ (r'\\[a-zA-Z]+\b', Keyword),
+ # special preprocessor macros
+ (r'^\s*#(?:ifn?def|endif).*\b', Comment.Preproc),
+ # non-escaped brackets
+ (r'[{}]', Name.Builtin),
+ # everything else
+ (r'[^\\%\n{}]+', Text),
+ (r'.', Text),
+ ]
+ }