path: root/pygments
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments')
14 files changed, 794 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 8085bb8a..6e0f728c 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'Cfengine3Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.configs', 'CFEngine3', ('cfengine3', 'cf3'), ('*.cf',), ()),
'ChaiscriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.scripting', 'ChaiScript', ('chai', 'chaiscript'), ('*.chai',), ('text/x-chaiscript', 'application/x-chaiscript')),
'ChapelLexer': ('pygments.lexers.chapel', 'Chapel', ('chapel', 'chpl'), ('*.chpl',), ()),
- 'CharmciLexer': ('pygments.lexers.c_like', 'Charmci', ('charmci',), ('*.ci',), ('text/x-c++hdr', 'text/x-c++src')),
+ 'CharmciLexer': ('pygments.lexers.c_like', 'Charmci', ('charmci',), ('*.ci',), ()),
'CheetahHtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Cheetah', ('html+cheetah', 'html+spitfire', 'htmlcheetah'), (), ('text/html+cheetah', 'text/html+spitfire')),
'CheetahJavascriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'JavaScript+Cheetah', ('js+cheetah', 'javascript+cheetah', 'js+spitfire', 'javascript+spitfire'), (), ('application/x-javascript+cheetah', 'text/x-javascript+cheetah', 'text/javascript+cheetah', 'application/x-javascript+spitfire', 'text/x-javascript+spitfire', 'text/javascript+spitfire')),
'CheetahLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Cheetah', ('cheetah', 'spitfire'), ('*.tmpl', '*.spt'), ('application/x-cheetah', 'application/x-spitfire')),
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'HyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.lisp', 'Hy', ('hylang',), ('*.hy',), ('text/x-hy', 'application/x-hy')),
'HybrisLexer': ('pygments.lexers.scripting', 'Hybris', ('hybris', 'hy'), ('*.hy', '*.hyb'), ('text/x-hybris', 'application/x-hybris')),
'IDLLexer': ('pygments.lexers.idl', 'IDL', ('idl',), ('*.pro',), ('text/idl',)),
+ 'IconLexer': ('pygments.lexers.unicon', 'Icon', ('icon',), ('*.icon', '*.ICON'), ()),
'IdrisLexer': ('pygments.lexers.haskell', 'Idris', ('idris', 'idr'), ('*.idr',), ('text/x-idris',)),
'IgorLexer': ('pygments.lexers.igor', 'Igor', ('igor', 'igorpro'), ('*.ipf',), ('text/ipf',)),
'Inform6Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.int_fiction', 'Inform 6', ('inform6', 'i6'), ('*.inf',), ()),
@@ -428,8 +429,11 @@ LEXERS = {
'TypeScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.javascript', 'TypeScript', ('ts', 'typescript'), ('*.ts', '*.tsx'), ('text/x-typescript',)),
'TypoScriptCssDataLexer': ('pygments.lexers.typoscript', 'TypoScriptCssData', ('typoscriptcssdata',), (), ()),
'TypoScriptHtmlDataLexer': ('pygments.lexers.typoscript', 'TypoScriptHtmlData', ('typoscripthtmldata',), (), ()),
- 'TypoScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.typoscript', 'TypoScript', ('typoscript',), ('*.ts', '*.txt'), ('text/x-typoscript',)),
+ 'TypoScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.typoscript', 'TypoScript', ('typoscript',), ('*.typoscript',), ('text/x-typoscript',)),
+ 'UcodeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.unicon', 'ucode', ('ucode',), ('*.u', '*.u1', '*.u2'), ()),
+ 'UniconLexer': ('pygments.lexers.unicon', 'Unicon', ('unicon',), ('*.icn',), ('text/unicon',)),
'UrbiscriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.urbi', 'UrbiScript', ('urbiscript',), ('*.u',), ('application/x-urbiscript',)),
+ 'VBScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.basic', 'VBScript', (), ('*.vbs', '*.VBS'), ()),
'VCLLexer': ('pygments.lexers.varnish', 'VCL', ('vcl',), ('*.vcl',), ('text/x-vclsrc',)),
'VCLSnippetLexer': ('pygments.lexers.varnish', 'VCLSnippets', ('vclsnippets', 'vclsnippet'), (), ('text/x-vclsnippet',)),
'VCTreeStatusLexer': ('pygments.lexers.console', 'VCTreeStatus', ('vctreestatus',), (), ()),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d514790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers._vbscript_builtins
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ These are manually translated lists from
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ 'ByRef',
+ 'ByVal',
+ # dim: special rule
+ 'call',
+ 'case',
+ 'class',
+ # const: special rule
+ 'do',
+ 'each',
+ 'else',
+ 'elseif',
+ 'end',
+ 'erase',
+ 'execute',
+ 'function',
+ 'exit',
+ 'for',
+ 'function',
+ 'GetRef',
+ 'global',
+ 'if',
+ 'let',
+ 'loop',
+ 'next',
+ 'new',
+ # option: special rule
+ 'private',
+ 'public',
+ 'redim',
+ 'select',
+ 'set',
+ 'sub',
+ 'then',
+ 'wend',
+ 'while',
+ 'with',
+ 'Abs',
+ 'Array',
+ 'Asc',
+ 'Atn',
+ 'CBool',
+ 'CByte',
+ 'CCur',
+ 'CDate',
+ 'CDbl',
+ 'Chr',
+ 'CInt',
+ 'CLng',
+ 'Cos',
+ 'CreateObject',
+ 'CSng',
+ 'CStr',
+ 'Date',
+ 'DateAdd',
+ 'DateDiff',
+ 'DatePart',
+ 'DateSerial',
+ 'DateValue',
+ 'Day',
+ 'Eval',
+ 'Exp',
+ 'Filter',
+ 'Fix',
+ 'FormatCurrency',
+ 'FormatDateTime',
+ 'FormatNumber',
+ 'FormatPercent',
+ 'GetObject',
+ 'GetLocale',
+ 'Hex',
+ 'Hour',
+ 'InStr',
+ 'inStrRev',
+ 'Int',
+ 'IsArray',
+ 'IsDate',
+ 'IsEmpty',
+ 'IsNull',
+ 'IsNumeric',
+ 'IsObject',
+ 'Join',
+ 'LBound',
+ 'LCase',
+ 'Left',
+ 'Len',
+ 'LoadPicture',
+ 'Log',
+ 'LTrim',
+ 'Mid',
+ 'Minute',
+ 'Month',
+ 'MonthName',
+ 'MsgBox',
+ 'Now',
+ 'Oct',
+ 'Randomize',
+ 'RegExp',
+ 'Replace',
+ 'RGB',
+ 'Right',
+ 'Rnd',
+ 'Round',
+ 'RTrim',
+ 'ScriptEngine',
+ 'ScriptEngineBuildVersion',
+ 'ScriptEngineMajorVersion',
+ 'ScriptEngineMinorVersion',
+ 'Second',
+ 'SetLocale',
+ 'Sgn',
+ 'Space',
+ 'Split',
+ 'Sqr',
+ 'StrComp',
+ 'String',
+ 'StrReverse',
+ 'Tan',
+ 'Time',
+ 'Timer',
+ 'TimeSerial',
+ 'TimeValue',
+ 'Trim',
+ 'TypeName',
+ 'UBound',
+ 'UCase',
+ 'VarType',
+ 'Weekday',
+ 'WeekdayName',
+ 'Year',
+ 'Debug',
+ 'Dictionary',
+ 'Drive',
+ 'Drives',
+ 'Err',
+ 'File',
+ 'Files',
+ 'FileSystemObject',
+ 'Folder',
+ 'Folders',
+ 'Match',
+ 'Matches',
+ 'RegExp',
+ 'Submatches',
+ 'TextStream',
+ '+',
+ '-',
+ '*',
+ '/',
+ '\\',
+ '^',
+ '|',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '=',
+ '<>',
+ '&',
+ '$',
+ 'mod',
+ 'and',
+ 'or',
+ 'xor',
+ 'eqv',
+ 'imp',
+ 'is',
+ 'not',
+ 'False',
+ 'True',
+ 'vbAbort',
+ 'vbAbortRetryIgnore',
+ 'vbApplicationModal',
+ 'vbArray',
+ 'vbBinaryCompare',
+ 'vbBlack',
+ 'vbBlue',
+ 'vbBoole',
+ 'vbByte',
+ 'vbCancel',
+ 'vbCr',
+ 'vbCritical',
+ 'vbCrLf',
+ 'vbCurrency',
+ 'vbCyan',
+ 'vbDataObject',
+ 'vbDate',
+ 'vbDefaultButton1',
+ 'vbDefaultButton2',
+ 'vbDefaultButton3',
+ 'vbDefaultButton4',
+ 'vbDouble',
+ 'vbEmpty',
+ 'vbError',
+ 'vbExclamation',
+ 'vbFalse',
+ 'vbFirstFullWeek',
+ 'vbFirstJan1',
+ 'vbFormFeed',
+ 'vbFriday',
+ 'vbGeneralDate',
+ 'vbGreen',
+ 'vbIgnore',
+ 'vbInformation',
+ 'vbInteger',
+ 'vbLf',
+ 'vbLong',
+ 'vbLongDate',
+ 'vbLongTime',
+ 'vbMagenta',
+ 'vbMonday',
+ 'vbMsgBoxHelpButton',
+ 'vbMsgBoxRight',
+ 'vbMsgBoxRtlReading',
+ 'vbMsgBoxSetForeground',
+ 'vbNewLine',
+ 'vbNo',
+ 'vbNull',
+ 'vbNullChar',
+ 'vbNullString',
+ 'vbObject',
+ 'vbObjectError',
+ 'vbOK',
+ 'vbOKCancel',
+ 'vbOKOnly',
+ 'vbQuestion',
+ 'vbRed',
+ 'vbRetry',
+ 'vbRetryCancel',
+ 'vbSaturday',
+ 'vbShortDate',
+ 'vbShortTime',
+ 'vbSingle',
+ 'vbString',
+ 'vbSunday',
+ 'vbSystemModal',
+ 'vbTab',
+ 'vbTextCompare',
+ 'vbThursday',
+ 'vbTrue',
+ 'vbTuesday',
+ 'vbUseDefault',
+ 'vbUseSystem',
+ 'vbUseSystem',
+ 'vbVariant',
+ 'vbVerticalTab',
+ 'vbWednesday',
+ 'vbWhite',
+ 'vbYellow',
+ 'vbYes',
+ 'vbYesNo',
+ 'vbYesNoCancel',
+] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index e6545ee6..b0409386 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
import re
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups, default, words, include
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
- Number, Punctuation
+from pygments.token import Comment, Error, Keyword, Name, Number, \
+ Punctuation, Operator, String, Text, Whitespace
+from pygments.lexers import _vbscript_builtins
__all__ = ['BlitzBasicLexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer', 'MonkeyLexer', 'CbmBasicV2Lexer',
- 'QBasicLexer']
+ 'QBasicLexer', 'VBScriptLexer']
class BlitzMaxLexer(RegexLexer):
@@ -498,3 +500,65 @@ class QBasicLexer(RegexLexer):
def analyse_text(text):
if '$DYNAMIC' in text or '$STATIC' in text:
return 0.9
+class VBScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ VBScript is scripting language that is modeled on Visual Basic.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+ """
+ name = 'VBScript'
+ aliases = []
+ filenames = ['*.vbs', '*.VBS']
+ flags = re.IGNORECASE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r"'[^\n]*", Comment.Single),
+ (r'\s+', Whitespace),
+ ('"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ ('&h[0-9a-f]+', Number.Hex),
+ # Float variant 1, for example: 1., 1.e2, 1.2e3
+ (r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float), # Float variant 2, for example: .1, .1e2
+ (r'[0-9]+e[+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float), # Float variant 3, for example: 123e45
+ (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
+ ('#.+#', String), # date or time value
+ (r'(dim)(\s+)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Name.Variable), 'dim_more'),
+ (r'(function|sub)(\s+)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Name.Function)),
+ (r'(class)(\s+)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Name.Class)),
+ (r'(const)(\s+)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Name.Constant)),
+ (r'(end)(\s+)(class|function|if|property|sub|with)', bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword)),
+ (r'(on)(\s+)(error)(\s+)(goto)(\s+)(0)',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Number.Integer)),
+ (r'(on)(\s+)(error)(\s+)(resume)(\s+)(next)',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword)),
+ (r'(option)(\s+)(explicit)', bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword)),
+ (r'(property)(\s+)(get|let|set)(\s+)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Keyword.Declaration, Whitespace, Name.Property)),
+ (r'rem\s.*[^\n]*', Comment.Single),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.KEYWORDS, suffix=r'\b'), Keyword),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.OPERATORS), Operator),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.OPERATOR_WORDS, suffix=r'\b'), Operator.Word),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.BUILTIN_CONSTANTS, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Constant),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
+ (words(_vbscript_builtins.BUILTIN_VARIABLES, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
+ (r'[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*', Name),
+ (r'\b_\n', Operator),
+ (words(r'(),.:'), Punctuation),
+ ('.+(\n)?', Error)
+ ],
+ 'dim_more': [
+ (r'(\s*)(,)(\s*)([a-z_][a-z0-9]*)', bygroups(Whitespace, Punctuation, Whitespace, Name.Variable)),
+ default('#pop'),
+ ],
+ 'string': [
+ (r'[^"\n]+', String.Double),
+ (r'\"\"', String.Double),
+ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
+ (r'\n', Error, '#pop'), # Unterminated string
+ ],
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index ba735a6b..58372b81 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -549,6 +549,8 @@ class CharmciLexer(CppLexer):
aliases = ['charmci']
filenames = ['*.ci']
+ mimetypes = []
tokens = {
'statements': [
(r'(module)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'classname'),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index c30b87cc..161e1576 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -227,9 +227,13 @@ class CsoundOrchestraLexer(CsoundLexer):
yield nameMatch.start(2), Name,
yield match.start(), Name, name
- if
- yield match.start(2), Punctuation,
- yield match.start(3), Name,
+ # If there's a trailing :V, for example, we want to keep this around
+ # and emit it as well, otherwise this lexer will not pass round-trip
+ # testing
+ if
+ yield match.start(2), Punctuation,
+ yield match.start(3), Name,
tokens = {
'root': [
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 87c4af2d..0507375f 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -538,12 +538,6 @@ class TypeScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
- def analyse_text(text):
- if'^(import.+(from\s+)?["\']|'
- r'(export\s*)?(interface|class|function)\s+)',
- text, re.MULTILINE):
- return 1.0
class LassoLexer(RegexLexer):
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 5a9a74a9..8de6e9f2 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ class KotlinLexer(RegexLexer):
.. versionadded:: 1.5
name = 'Kotlin'
aliases = ['kotlin']
filenames = ['*.kt']
@@ -1017,15 +1017,22 @@ class KotlinLexer(RegexLexer):
kt_name = ('@?[_' + uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Nl') + ']' +
'[' + uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Nl', 'Nd', 'Pc', 'Cf',
'Mn', 'Mc') + ']*')
- kt_id = '(' + kt_name + '|`' + kt_name + '`)'
+ kt_space_name = ('@?[_' + uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Nl') + ']' +
+ '[' + uni.combine('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Nl', 'Nd', 'Pc', 'Cf',
+ 'Mn', 'Mc', 'Zs') + ',-]*')
+ kt_id = '(' + kt_name + '|`' + kt_space_name + '`)'
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'^\s*\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute),
(r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'\s+', Text),
(r'\\\n', Text), # line continuation
(r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
(r'/[*].*?[*]/', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'""".*?"""', String),
(r'\n', Text),
(r'::|!!|\?[:.]', Operator),
(r'[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?-]', Punctuation),
@@ -1035,11 +1042,14 @@ class KotlinLexer(RegexLexer):
(r"'\\.'|'[^\\]'", String.Char),
r"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?", Number),
- (r'(class)(\s+)(object)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword)),
+ (r'(object)(\s+)(:)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation, Text), 'class'),
+ (r'(companion)(\s+)(object)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword)),
(r'(class|interface|object)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'class'),
(r'(package|import)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'package'),
+ (r'(val|var)(\s+)([(])', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation), 'property_dec'),
(r'(val|var)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'property'),
(r'(fun)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'function'),
+ (r'(inline fun)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'function'),
@@ -1058,9 +1068,26 @@ class KotlinLexer(RegexLexer):
'property': [
(kt_id, Name.Property, '#pop')
+ 'property_dec': [
+ (r'(,)(\s*)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text)),
+ (r'(:)(\s*)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text)),
+ (r'<', Punctuation, 'generic'),
+ (r'([)])', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (kt_id, Name.Property)
+ ],
'function': [
+ (r'<', Punctuation, 'generic'),
+ (r''+kt_id+'([.])'+kt_id, bygroups(Name.Class, Punctuation, Name.Function), '#pop'),
(kt_id, Name.Function, '#pop')
+ 'generic': [
+ (r'(>)(\s*)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text), '#pop'),
+ (r':',Punctuation),
+ (r'(reified|out|in)\b', Keyword),
+ (r',',Text),
+ (r'\s+',Text),
+ (kt_id,Name)
+ ]
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index ba3fd403..3bfc83a6 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ class RacketLexer(RegexLexer):
class NewLispLexer(RegexLexer):
- For `newLISP. <>`_ source code (version 10.3.0).
+ For `newLISP. <>`_ source code (version 10.3.0).
.. versionadded:: 1.5
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index e6265f40..6eb55fc4 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -582,6 +582,11 @@ class MarkdownLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'[@#][\w/:]+', Name.Entity),
# (image?) links eg: ![Image of Yaktocat](
(r'(!?\[)([^]]+)(\])(\()([^)]+)(\))', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Text, Name.Attribute, Text)),
+ # reference-style links, e.g.:
+ # [an example][id]
+ # [id]:
+ (r'(\[)([^]]+)(\])(\[)([^]]*)(\])', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Text, Name.Label, Text)),
+ (r'^(\s*\[)([^]]*)(\]:\s*)(.+)', bygroups(Text, Name.Label, Text, Name.Attribute)),
# general text, must come last!
(r'[^\\\s]+', Text),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index f959fb1f..440d9d81 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, default, using, \
this, words
from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
Number, Punctuation, Other
-from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt, iteritems
+from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt, iteritems, \
+ shebang_matches
__all__ = ['ZephirLexer', 'PhpLexer']
@@ -261,6 +262,8 @@ class PhpLexer(RegexLexer):
yield index, token, value
def analyse_text(text):
+ if shebang_matches(text, r'php'):
+ return True
rv = 0.0
if'<\?(?!xml)', text):
rv += 0.3
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 0829ae6e..66d6402c 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class RdLexer(RegexLexer):
This is a very minimal implementation, highlighting little more
than the macros. A description of Rd syntax is found in `Writing R
Extensions <>`_
- and `Parsing Rd files <>`_.
+ and `Parsing Rd files <>`_.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 86d8c37a..31bc7e94 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class BashLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'&&|\|\|', Operator),
'data': [
- (r'(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])*"', String.Double),
+ (r'(?s)\$?"(\\.|[^"\\$])*"', String.Double),
(r'"', String.Double, 'string'),
(r"(?s)\$'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single),
(r"(?s)'.*?'", String.Single),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 6e1c3155..f75a6f02 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class TypoScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'TypoScript'
aliases = ['typoscript']
- filenames = ['*.ts', '*.txt']
+ filenames = ['*.typoscript']
mimetypes = ['text/x-typoscript']
flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
@@ -220,7 +220,3 @@ class TypoScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'[\w"\-!/&;]+', Text),
- def analyse_text(text):
- if '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:' in text:
- return 1.0
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6301a88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers.icon
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for the Icon and Unicon languages, including ucode VM.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, include, bygroups, words, \
+ using, this, default
+from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
+ Number, Punctuation, Error
+from pygments.scanner import Scanner
+__all__ = ['IconLexer', 'UcodeLexer', 'UniconLexer']
+class UniconLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For Unicon source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+ """
+ name = 'Unicon'
+ aliases = ['unicon']
+ filenames = ['*.icn']
+ mimetypes = ['text/unicon']
+ flags = re.MULTILINE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'#.*?\n', Comment.Single),
+ (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'class|method|procedure', Keyword.Declaration, 'subprogram'),
+ (r'(record)(\s+)(\w+)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text, Keyword.Type), 'type_def'),
+ (r'(#line|\$C|\$Cend|\$define|\$else|\$endif|\$error|\$ifdef|'
+ r'\$ifndef|\$include|\$line|\$undef)\b', Keyword.PreProc),
+ (r'(&null|&fail)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'&allocated|&ascii|&clock|&collections|&column|&col|&control|'
+ r'&cset|&current|&dateline|&date|&digits|&dump|'
+ r'&errno|&errornumber|&errortext|&errorvalue|&error|&errout|'
+ r'&eventcode|&eventvalue|&eventsource|&e|'
+ r'&features|&file|&host|&input|&interval|&lcase|&letters|'
+ r'&level|&line|&ldrag|&lpress|&lrelease|'
+ r'&main|&mdrag|&meta|&mpress|&mrelease|&now|&output|'
+ r'&phi|&pick|&pi|&pos|&progname|'
+ r'&random|&rdrag|&regions|&resize|&row|&rpress|&rrelease|'
+ r'&shift|&source|&storage|&subject|'
+ r'&time|&trace|&ucase|&version|'
+ r'&window|&x|&y', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'(by|of|not|to)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'(global|local|static|abstract)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'package|link|import', Keyword.Declaration),
+ (words((
+ 'break', 'case', 'create', 'critical', 'default', 'end', 'all',
+ 'do', 'else', 'every', 'fail', 'if', 'import', 'initial',
+ 'initially', 'invocable', 'next',
+ 'repeat', 'return', 'suspend',
+ 'then', 'thread', 'until', 'while'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Keyword.Reserved),
+ (words((
+ 'Abort', 'abs', 'acos', 'Active', 'Alert', 'any', 'Any', 'Arb',
+ 'Arbno', 'args', 'array', 'asin', 'atan', 'atanh', 'Attrib',
+ 'Bal', 'bal', 'Bg', 'Break', 'Breakx',
+ 'callout', 'center', 'char', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chroot',
+ 'classname', 'Clip', 'Clone', 'close', 'cofail', 'collect',
+ 'Color', 'ColorValue', 'condvar', 'constructor', 'copy',
+ 'CopyArea', 'cos', 'Couple', 'crypt', 'cset', 'ctime',
+ 'dbcolumns', 'dbdriver', 'dbkeys', 'dblimits', 'dbproduct',
+ 'dbtables', 'delay', 'delete', 'detab', 'display', 'DrawArc',
+ 'DrawCircle', 'DrawCube', 'DrawCurve', 'DrawCylinder',
+ 'DrawDisk', 'DrawImage', 'DrawLine', 'DrawPoint', 'DrawPolygon',
+ 'DrawRectangle', 'DrawSegment', 'DrawSphere', 'DrawString',
+ 'DrawTorus', 'dtor',
+ 'entab', 'EraseArea', 'errorclear', 'Event', 'eventmask',
+ 'EvGet', 'EvSend', 'exec', 'exit', 'exp', 'Eye',
+ 'Fail', 'fcntl', 'fdup', 'Fence', 'fetch', 'Fg', 'fieldnames',
+ 'filepair', 'FillArc', 'FillCircle', 'FillPolygon',
+ 'FillRectangle', 'find', 'flock', 'flush', 'Font', 'fork',
+ 'FreeColor', 'FreeSpace', 'function',
+ 'get', 'getch', 'getche', 'getegid', 'getenv', 'geteuid',
+ 'getgid', 'getgr', 'gethost', 'getpgrp', 'getpid', 'getppid',
+ 'getpw', 'getrusage', 'getserv', 'GetSpace', 'gettimeofday',
+ 'getuid', 'globalnames', 'GotoRC', 'GotoXY', 'gtime', 'hardlink',
+ 'iand', 'icom', 'IdentityMatrix', 'image', 'InPort', 'insert',
+ 'Int86', 'integer', 'ioctl', 'ior', 'ishift', 'istate', 'ixor',
+ 'kbhit', 'key', 'keyword', 'kill',
+ 'left', 'Len', 'list', 'load', 'loadfunc', 'localnames',
+ 'lock', 'log', 'Lower', 'lstat',
+ 'many', 'map', 'match', 'MatrixMode', 'max', 'member',
+ 'membernames', 'methodnames', 'methods', 'min', 'mkdir', 'move',
+ 'MultMatrix', 'mutex',
+ 'name', 'NewColor', 'Normals', 'NotAny', 'numeric',
+ 'open', 'opencl', 'oprec', 'ord', 'OutPort',
+ 'PaletteChars', 'PaletteColor', 'PaletteKey', 'paramnames',
+ 'parent', 'Pattern', 'Peek', 'Pending', 'pipe', 'Pixel',
+ 'PlayAudio', 'Poke', 'pop', 'PopMatrix', 'Pos', 'pos',
+ 'proc', 'pull', 'push', 'PushMatrix', 'PushRotate', 'PushScale',
+ 'PushTranslate', 'put',
+ 'QueryPointer',
+ 'Raise', 'read', 'ReadImage', 'readlink', 'reads', 'ready',
+ 'real', 'receive', 'Refresh', 'Rem', 'remove', 'rename',
+ 'repl', 'reverse', 'right', 'rmdir', 'Rotate', 'Rpos',
+ 'Rtab', 'rtod', 'runerr',
+ 'save', 'Scale', 'seek', 'select', 'send', 'seq',
+ 'serial', 'set', 'setenv', 'setgid', 'setgrent',
+ 'sethostent', 'setpgrp', 'setpwent', 'setservent',
+ 'setuid', 'signal', 'sin', 'sort', 'sortf', 'Span',
+ 'spawn', 'sql', 'sqrt', 'stat', 'staticnames', 'stop',
+ 'StopAudio', 'string', 'structure', 'Succeed', 'Swi',
+ 'symlink', 'sys_errstr', 'system', 'syswrite',
+ 'Tab', 'tab', 'table', 'tan',
+ 'Texcoord', 'Texture', 'TextWidth', 'Translate',
+ 'trap', 'trim', 'truncate', 'trylock', 'type',
+ 'umask', 'Uncouple', 'unlock', 'upto', 'utime',
+ 'variable', 'VAttrib',
+ 'wait', 'WAttrib', 'WDefault', 'WFlush', 'where',
+ 'WinAssociate', 'WinButton', 'WinColorDialog', 'WindowContents',
+ 'WinEditRegion', 'WinFontDialog', 'WinMenuBar', 'WinOpenDialog',
+ 'WinPlayMedia', 'WinSaveDialog', 'WinScrollBar', 'WinSelectDialog',
+ 'write', 'WriteImage', 'writes', 'WSection',
+ 'WSync'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Name.Function),
+ include('numbers'),
+ (r'<@|<<@|>@|>>@|\.>|\->', Operator),
+ (r'\*\*|\+\+|\-\-|\.|\=|\~\=|<\=|>\=|\=\=|\~\=\=|<<|<<\=|>>|>>\=', Operator),
+ (r':\=|:\=:|\->|<\->|\+:\=|\|', Operator),
+ (r'\=\=\=|\~\=\=\=', Operator),
+ (r'"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"', String),
+ (r"'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*'", String.Character),
+ (r'[*<>+=/&!?@~\\-]', Operator),
+ (r'\^', Operator),
+ (r'(\w+)(\s*|[(,])', bygroups(Name, using(this))),
+ (r"([\[\]])", Punctuation),
+ (r"(<>|=>|[()|:;,.'`]|[{}]|[%]|[&?])", Punctuation),
+ (r'\n+', Text),
+ ],
+ 'numbers': [
+ (r'\b([+-]?([2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])[rR][0-9a-zA-Z]+)\b', Number.Hex),
+ (r'[+-]?[0-9]*\.([0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]*)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'\b([+-]?[0-9]+[KMGTPkmgtp]?)\b', Number.Integer),
+ ],
+ 'subprogram': [
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'formal_part')),
+ (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'"[^"]+"|\w+', Name.Function),
+ include('root'),
+ ],
+ 'type_def': [
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, 'formal_part'),
+ ],
+ 'formal_part': [
+ (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'\w+', Name.Variable),
+ (r',', Punctuation),
+ (r'(:string|:integer|:real)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ include('root'),
+ ],
+ }
+class IconLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ Lexer for Icon
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ """
+ name = 'Icon'
+ aliases = ['icon']
+ filenames = ['*.icon', '*.ICON']
+ mimetypes = []
+ flags = re.MULTILINE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'#.*?\n', Comment.Single),
+ (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'class|method|procedure', Keyword.Declaration, 'subprogram'),
+ (r'(record)(\s+)(\w+)',
+ bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text, Keyword.Type), 'type_def'),
+ (r'(#line|\$C|\$Cend|\$define|\$else|\$endif|\$error|\$ifdef|'
+ r'\$ifndef|\$include|\$line|\$undef)\b', Keyword.PreProc),
+ (r'(&null|&fail)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'&allocated|&ascii|&clock|&collections|&column|&col|&control|'
+ r'&cset|&current|&dateline|&date|&digits|&dump|'
+ r'&errno|&errornumber|&errortext|&errorvalue|&error|&errout|'
+ r'&eventcode|&eventvalue|&eventsource|&e|'
+ r'&features|&file|&host|&input|&interval|&lcase|&letters|'
+ r'&level|&line|&ldrag|&lpress|&lrelease|'
+ r'&main|&mdrag|&meta|&mpress|&mrelease|&now|&output|'
+ r'&phi|&pick|&pi|&pos|&progname|'
+ r'&random|&rdrag|&regions|&resize|&row|&rpress|&rrelease|'
+ r'&shift|&source|&storage|&subject|'
+ r'&time|&trace|&ucase|&version|'
+ r'&window|&x|&y', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'(by|of|not|to)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'(global|local|static)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ (r'link', Keyword.Declaration),
+ (words((
+ 'break', 'case', 'create', 'default', 'end', 'all',
+ 'do', 'else', 'every', 'fail', 'if', 'initial',
+ 'invocable', 'next',
+ 'repeat', 'return', 'suspend',
+ 'then', 'until', 'while'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Keyword.Reserved),
+ (words((
+ 'abs', 'acos', 'Active', 'Alert', 'any',
+ 'args', 'array', 'asin', 'atan', 'atanh', 'Attrib',
+ 'bal', 'Bg',
+ 'callout', 'center', 'char', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chroot',
+ 'Clip', 'Clone', 'close', 'cofail', 'collect',
+ 'Color', 'ColorValue', 'condvar', 'copy',
+ 'CopyArea', 'cos', 'Couple', 'crypt', 'cset', 'ctime',
+ 'delay', 'delete', 'detab', 'display', 'DrawArc',
+ 'DrawCircle', 'DrawCube', 'DrawCurve', 'DrawCylinder',
+ 'DrawDisk', 'DrawImage', 'DrawLine', 'DrawPoint', 'DrawPolygon',
+ 'DrawRectangle', 'DrawSegment', 'DrawSphere', 'DrawString',
+ 'DrawTorus', 'dtor',
+ 'entab', 'EraseArea', 'errorclear', 'Event', 'eventmask',
+ 'EvGet', 'EvSend', 'exec', 'exit', 'exp', 'Eye',
+ 'fcntl', 'fdup', 'fetch', 'Fg', 'fieldnames',
+ 'FillArc', 'FillCircle', 'FillPolygon',
+ 'FillRectangle', 'find', 'flock', 'flush', 'Font',
+ 'FreeColor', 'FreeSpace', 'function',
+ 'get', 'getch', 'getche', 'getenv',
+ 'GetSpace', 'gettimeofday',
+ 'getuid', 'globalnames', 'GotoRC', 'GotoXY', 'gtime', 'hardlink',
+ 'iand', 'icom', 'IdentityMatrix', 'image', 'InPort', 'insert',
+ 'Int86', 'integer', 'ioctl', 'ior', 'ishift', 'istate', 'ixor',
+ 'kbhit', 'key', 'keyword', 'kill',
+ 'left', 'Len', 'list', 'load', 'loadfunc', 'localnames',
+ 'lock', 'log', 'Lower', 'lstat',
+ 'many', 'map', 'match', 'MatrixMode', 'max', 'member',
+ 'membernames', 'methodnames', 'methods', 'min', 'mkdir', 'move',
+ 'MultMatrix', 'mutex',
+ 'name', 'NewColor', 'Normals', 'numeric',
+ 'open', 'opencl', 'oprec', 'ord', 'OutPort',
+ 'PaletteChars', 'PaletteColor', 'PaletteKey', 'paramnames',
+ 'parent', 'Pattern', 'Peek', 'Pending', 'pipe', 'Pixel',
+ 'Poke', 'pop', 'PopMatrix', 'Pos', 'pos',
+ 'proc', 'pull', 'push', 'PushMatrix', 'PushRotate', 'PushScale',
+ 'PushTranslate', 'put',
+ 'QueryPointer',
+ 'Raise', 'read', 'ReadImage', 'readlink', 'reads', 'ready',
+ 'real', 'receive', 'Refresh', 'Rem', 'remove', 'rename',
+ 'repl', 'reverse', 'right', 'rmdir', 'Rotate', 'Rpos',
+ 'rtod', 'runerr',
+ 'save', 'Scale', 'seek', 'select', 'send', 'seq',
+ 'serial', 'set', 'setenv',
+ 'setuid', 'signal', 'sin', 'sort', 'sortf',
+ 'spawn', 'sql', 'sqrt', 'stat', 'staticnames', 'stop',
+ 'string', 'structure', 'Swi',
+ 'symlink', 'sys_errstr', 'system', 'syswrite',
+ 'tab', 'table', 'tan',
+ 'Texcoord', 'Texture', 'TextWidth', 'Translate',
+ 'trap', 'trim', 'truncate', 'trylock', 'type',
+ 'umask', 'Uncouple', 'unlock', 'upto', 'utime',
+ 'variable',
+ 'wait', 'WAttrib', 'WDefault', 'WFlush', 'where',
+ 'WinAssociate', 'WinButton', 'WinColorDialog', 'WindowContents',
+ 'WinEditRegion', 'WinFontDialog', 'WinMenuBar', 'WinOpenDialog',
+ 'WinPlayMedia', 'WinSaveDialog', 'WinScrollBar', 'WinSelectDialog',
+ 'write', 'WriteImage', 'writes', 'WSection',
+ 'WSync'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Name.Function),
+ include('numbers'),
+ (r'\*\*|\+\+|\-\-|\.|\=|\~\=|<\=|>\=|\=\=|\~\=\=|<<|<<\=|>>|>>\=', Operator),
+ (r':\=|:\=:|<\-|<\->|\+:\=|\||\|\|', Operator),
+ (r'\=\=\=|\~\=\=\=', Operator),
+ (r'"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"', String),
+ (r"'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*'", String.Character),
+ (r'[*<>+=/&!?@~\\-]', Operator),
+ (r'(\w+)(\s*|[(,])', bygroups(Name, using(this))),
+ (r"([\[\]])", Punctuation),
+ (r"(<>|=>|[()|:;,.'`]|[{}]|[%^]|[&?])", Punctuation),
+ (r'\n+', Text),
+ ],
+ 'numbers': [
+ (r'\b([+-]?([2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])[rR][0-9a-zA-Z]+)\b', Number.Hex),
+ (r'[+-]?[0-9]*\.([0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]*)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'\b([+-]?[0-9]+[KMGTPkmgtp]?)\b', Number.Integer),
+ ],
+ 'subprogram': [
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'formal_part')),
+ (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'"[^"]+"|\w+', Name.Function),
+ include('root'),
+ ],
+ 'type_def': [
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, 'formal_part'),
+ ],
+ 'formal_part': [
+ (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'\w+', Name.Variable),
+ (r',', Punctuation),
+ (r'(:string|:integer|:real)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ include('root'),
+ ],
+ }
+class UcodeLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ Lexer for Icon ucode files
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+ """
+ name = 'ucode'
+ aliases = ['ucode']
+ filenames = ['*.u', '*.u1', '*.u2']
+ mimetypes = []
+ flags = re.MULTILINE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'(#.*\n)', Comment),
+ (words((
+ 'con', 'declend', 'end',
+ 'global',
+ 'impl', 'invocable',
+ 'lab', 'link', 'local',
+ 'record',
+ 'uid', 'unions',
+ 'version'),
+ prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Name.Function),
+ (words((
+ 'colm', 'filen', 'line', 'synt'),
+ prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Comment),
+ (words((
+ 'asgn',
+ 'bang', 'bscan',
+ 'cat', 'ccase', 'chfail',
+ 'coact', 'cofail', 'compl',
+ 'coret', 'create', 'cset',
+ 'diff', 'div', 'dup',
+ 'efail', 'einit', 'end', 'eqv', 'eret',
+ 'error', 'escan', 'esusp',
+ 'field',
+ 'goto',
+ 'init', 'int', 'inter',
+ 'invoke',
+ 'keywd',
+ 'lconcat', 'lexeq', 'lexge',
+ 'lexgt', 'lexle', 'lexlt', 'lexne',
+ 'limit', 'llist', 'lsusp',
+ 'mark', 'mark0', 'minus', 'mod', 'mult',
+ 'neg', 'neqv', 'nonnull', 'noop', 'null',
+ 'number', 'numeq', 'numge', 'numgt',
+ 'numle', 'numlt', 'numne',
+ 'pfail', 'plus', 'pnull', 'pop', 'power',
+ 'pret', 'proc', 'psusp', 'push1', 'pushn1',
+ 'random', 'rasgn', 'rcv', 'rcvbk', 'real',
+ 'refresh', 'rswap',
+ 'sdup', 'sect', 'size', 'snd', 'sndbk',
+ 'str', 'subsc', 'swap',
+ 'tabmat', 'tally', 'toby', 'trace',
+ 'unmark',
+ 'value', 'var'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Keyword.Declaration),
+ (words((
+ 'any',
+ 'case',
+ 'endcase', 'endevery', 'endif',
+ 'endifelse', 'endrepeat', 'endsuspend',
+ 'enduntil', 'endwhile', 'every',
+ 'if', 'ifelse',
+ 'repeat',
+ 'suspend',
+ 'until',
+ 'while'),
+ prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Name.Constant),
+ (r'\d+(\s*|\.$|$)', Number.Integer),
+ (r'[+-]?\d*\.\d+(E[-+]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*(E[-+]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r"(<>|=>|[()|:;,.'`]|[{}]|[%^]|[&?])", Punctuation),
+ (r'\s+\b', Text),
+ (r'[\w-]+', Text),
+ ],