path: root/tests/examplefiles/example.hx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/example.hx')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.hx b/tests/examplefiles/example.hx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd93bb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/example.hx
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * This is not really a valid Haxe file, but just an demo...
+ */
+package net.onthewings;
+import net.onthewings.Test;
+import net.onthewings.*;
+using Lambda;
+using net.onthewings.Test;
+#if flash8
+// Haxe code specific for flash player 8
+#elseif flash
+// Haxe code specific for flash platform (any version)
+#elseif js
+// Haxe code specific for javascript plaform
+#elseif neko
+// Haxe code specific for neko plaform
+// do something else
+ #error // will display an error "Not implemented on this platform"
+ #error "Custom error message" // will display an error "Custom error message"
+0; // Int
+-134; // Int
+0xFF00; // Int
+123.0; // Float
+.14179; // Float
+13e50; // Float
+-1e-99; // Float
+"hello"; // String
+"hello \"world\" !"; // String
+'hello "world" !'; // String
+true; // Bool
+false; // Bool
+null; // Unknown<0>
+~/[a-z]+/i; // EReg : regular expression
+var point = { "x" : 1, "y" : -5 };
+ var x;
+ var y = 3;
+ var z : String;
+ var w : String = "";
+ var a, b : Bool, c : Int = 0;
+//haxe3 pattern matching
+switch(e.expr) {
+ case EConst(CString(s)) if (StringTools.startsWith(s, "foo")):
+ "1";
+ case EConst(CString(s)) if (StringTools.startsWith(s, "bar")):
+ "2";
+ case EConst(CInt(i)) if (switch(Std.parseInt(i) * 2) { case 4: true; case _: false; }):
+ "3";
+ case EConst(_):
+ "4";
+ case _:
+ "5";
+switch [true, 1, "foo"] {
+ case [true, 1, "foo"]: "0";
+ case [true, 1, _]: "1";
+ case _: "_";
+class Test <T:Void->Void> {
+ private function new():Void {
+ inline function innerFun(a:Int, b:Int):Int {
+ return readOnlyField = a + b;
+ }
+ _innerFun(1, 2.3);
+ }
+ static public var instance(get,null):Test;
+ static function get_instance():Test {
+ return instance != null ? instance : instance = new Test();
+ }
+@:native("Test") private class Test2 {}
+extern class Ext {}
+@:macro class M {
+ @:macro static function test(e:Array<Expr>):ExprOf<String> {
+ return macro "ok";
+ }
+enum Color {
+ Red;
+ Green;
+ Blue;
+ Grey( v : Int );
+ Rgb( r : Int, g : Int, b : Int );
+ Alpha( a : Int, col : Color );
+class Colors {
+ static function toInt( c : Color ) : Int {
+ return switch( c ) {
+ case Red: 0xFF0000;
+ case Green: 0x00FF00;
+ case Blue: 0x0000FF;
+ case Grey(v): (v << 16) | (v << 8) | v;
+ case Rgb(r,g,b): (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
+ case Alpha(a,c): (a << 24) | (toInt(c) & 0xFFFFFF);
+ }
+ }
+class EvtQueue<T : (Event, EventDispatcher)> {
+ var evt : T;
+typedef DS = Dynamic<String>;
+typedef Pt = {
+ var x:Float;
+ var y:Float;
+ @:optional var z:Float; /* optional z */
+ function add(pt:Pt):Void;
+typedef Pt2 = {
+ x:Float,
+ y:Float,
+ ?z:Float, //optional z
+ add : Point -> Void,
+} \ No newline at end of file