path: root/tests/examplefiles/test-exist-update.xq
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/test-exist-update.xq')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test-exist-update.xq b/tests/examplefiles/test-exist-update.xq
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..073cc22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test-exist-update.xq
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+xquery version "3.0";
+declare function local:add-log-message($message as xs:string) as empty-sequence()?
+ let $logfile-collection := "/db/apps/exist101/log"
+ let $logfile-name := "exist101-log.xml"
+ let $logfile-full := concat($logfile-collection, '/', $logfile-name)
+ let $logfile-created :=
+ if(doc-available($logfile-full))then
+ $logfile-full
+ else
+ xmldb:store($logfile-collection, $logfile-name, <eXist101-Log/>)
+ return
+ update insert
+ <LogEntry timestamp="{current-dateTime()}">{$message}</LogEntry>
+ into doc($logfile-full)/*
+declare function local:insert-attributes() {
+ let $elm as element() := doc('/db/Path/To/Some/Document.xml')/*
+ return (
+ update insert <NEW/> into $elm,
+ update insert attribute x { 'y' } into $elm/*[last()],
+ update insert attribute a { 'b' } into $elm/*[last()]
+ )
+declare function local:insert-elem() {
+ let $elm as element() := doc('/db/Path/To/Some/Document.xml')/*
+ return
+ update insert <NEW x="y" a="b"/> into $elm
+declare function local:insert-elem2() {
+ let $elm as element() := doc('/db/Path/To/Some/Document.xml')/*
+ let $new-element as element() := <NEW x="y" a="b"/>
+ return
+ update insert $new-element into $elm
+declare function local:insert-single() {
+ update insert <LogEntry>Something happened...</LogEntry> into doc('/db/logs/mainlog.xml')/*
+declare function local:trim-insert() {
+ let $document := doc('/db/logs/mainlog.xml')
+ let $newentry := <LogEntry>Something happened...</LogEntry>
+ return
+ update delete $document/*/LogEntry[position() ge 10],
+ if(exists($document/*/LogEntry[1]))then
+ update insert $newentry preceding $document/*/LogEntry[1]
+ else
+ update insert $newentry into $document/*
+declare function local:attempt-document-node-insert() {
+ (: This is invalid: :)
+ let $document as document-node() := <Root><a/></Root>
+ return
+ update insert <b/> into $document/*
+declare function local:attempt-attr-update-with-node() {
+ update replace doc('/db/test/test.xml')/*/@name with
+ <a>aaa<b>bbb</b></a>
+(# exist:batch-transaction #) {
+ update delete $document/*/LogEntry[position() ge 10],
+ update insert $newentry preceding $document/*/LogEntry[1]
+} \ No newline at end of file