path: root/tests/examplefiles/test.sil
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/test.sil')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.sil b/tests/examplefiles/test.sil
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bcee835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.sil
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+domain Option__Node {
+ unique function Option__Node__Some(): Option__Node
+ unique function Option__Node__None(): Option__Node
+ function variantOfOptionNode(self: Ref): Option__Node
+ function isOptionNode(self: Ref): Bool
+ axiom ax_variantOfOptionNodeChoices {
+ forall x: Ref :: { variantOfOptionNode(x) }
+ (variantOfOptionNode(x) == Option__Node__Some() || variantOfOptionNode(x) == Option__Node__None())
+ }
+ axiom ax_isCounterState {
+ forall x: Ref :: { variantOfOptionNode(x) }
+ isOptionNode(x) == (variantOfOptionNode(x) == Option__Node__Some() ||
+ variantOfOptionNode(x) == Option__Node__None())
+ }
+predicate validOption(this: Ref) {
+ isOptionNode(this) &&
+ variantOfOptionNode(this) == Option__Node__Some() ==> (
+ acc(this.Option__Node__Some__1, write) &&
+ acc(validNode(this.Option__Node__Some__1))
+ )
+field Option__Node__Some__1: Ref
+field Node__v: Int
+field Node__next: Ref
+predicate validNode(this: Ref) {
+ acc(this.Node__v) &&
+ acc(this.Node__next) &&
+ acc(validOption(this.Node__next))
+function length(this: Ref): Int
+ requires acc(validNode(this), write)
+ ensures result >= 1
+ (unfolding acc(validNode(this), write) in
+ unfolding acc(validOption(this.Node__next)) in
+ (variantOfOptionNode(this.Node__next) == Option__Node__None()) ?
+ 1 : 1 + length(this.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1)
+ )
+function itemAt(this: Ref, i: Int): Int
+ requires acc(validNode(this), write)
+ requires 0 <= i && i < length(this)
+ unfolding acc(validNode(this), write) in unfolding acc(validOption(this.Node__next)) in (
+ (i == 0) ?
+ this.Node__v:
+ (variantOfOptionNode(this.Node__next) == Option__Node__Some()) ?
+ itemAt(this.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1, i-1) : this.Node__v
+ )
+function sum(this$1: Ref): Int
+ requires acc(validNode(this$1), write)
+ (unfolding acc(validNode(this$1), write) in unfolding acc(validOption(this$1.Node__next)) in
+ (variantOfOptionNode(this$1.Node__next) == Option__Node__None()) ? this$1.Node__v : this$1.Node__v + sum(this$1.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1))
+method append(this: Ref, val: Int)
+ requires acc(validNode(this), write)
+ ensures acc(validNode(this), write) /* POST1 */
+ ensures length(this) == (old(length(this)) + 1) /* POST2 */
+ ensures (forall i: Int :: (0 <= i && i < old(length(this))) ==> (itemAt(this, i) == old(itemAt(this, i)))) /* POST3 */
+ ensures itemAt(this, length(this) - 1) == val /* POST4 */
+ ensures true ==> true
+ var tmp_node: Ref
+ var tmp_option: Ref
+ unfold acc(validNode(this), write)
+ unfold acc(validOption(this.Node__next), write)
+ if (variantOfOptionNode(this.Node__next) == Option__Node__None()) {
+ tmp_node := new(Node__next, Node__v)
+ tmp_node.Node__next := null
+ tmp_node.Node__v := val
+ assume variantOfOptionNode(tmp_node.Node__next) == Option__Node__None()
+ fold acc(validOption(tmp_node.Node__next))
+ fold acc(validNode(tmp_node), write)
+ tmp_option := new(Option__Node__Some__1)
+ tmp_option.Option__Node__Some__1 := tmp_node
+ assume variantOfOptionNode(tmp_option) == Option__Node__Some()
+ fold acc(validOption(tmp_option))
+ this.Node__next := tmp_option
+ unfold validOption(tmp_option)
+ assert length(tmp_node) == 1 /* TODO: Required by Silicon, POST2 fails otherwise */
+ assert itemAt(tmp_node, 0) == val /* TODO: Required by Silicon, POST4 fails otherwise */
+ fold validOption(tmp_option)
+ } else {
+ append(this.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1, val)
+ fold acc(validOption(this.Node__next), write)
+ }
+ fold acc(validNode(this), write)
+method prepend(tail: Ref, val: Int) returns (res: Ref)
+ requires acc(validNode(tail))
+ ensures acc(validNode(res))
+ //ensures acc(validNode(tail))
+ ensures length(res) == old(length(tail)) + 1
+ ensures (forall i: Int :: (1 <= i && i < length(res)) ==> (itemAt(res, i) == old(itemAt(tail, i-1)))) /* POST3 */
+ ensures itemAt(res, 0) == val
+ var tmp_option: Ref
+ res := new(Node__v, Node__next)
+ res.Node__v := val
+ tmp_option := new(Option__Node__Some__1)
+ tmp_option.Option__Node__Some__1 := tail
+ assume variantOfOptionNode(tmp_option) == Option__Node__Some()
+ res.Node__next := tmp_option
+ assert acc(validNode(tail))
+ fold acc(validOption(res.Node__next))
+ fold acc(validNode(res))
+method length_iter(list: Ref) returns (len: Int)
+ requires acc(validNode(list), write)
+ ensures old(length(list)) == len
+ // TODO we have to preserve this property
+ // ensures acc(validNode(list))
+ var curr: Ref := list
+ var tmp: Ref := list
+ len := 1
+ unfold acc(validNode(curr))
+ unfold acc(validOption(curr.Node__next))
+ while(variantOfOptionNode(curr.Node__next) == Option__Node__Some())
+ invariant acc(curr.Node__v)
+ invariant acc(curr.Node__next)
+ invariant (variantOfOptionNode(curr.Node__next) == Option__Node__Some() ==> (
+ acc(curr.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1, write) &&
+ acc(validNode(curr.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1))
+ ))
+ invariant (variantOfOptionNode(curr.Node__next) == Option__Node__Some() ==> len + length(curr.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1) == old(length(list)))
+ invariant (variantOfOptionNode(curr.Node__next) == Option__Node__None() ==> len == old(length(list)))
+ {
+ assert acc(validNode(curr.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1))
+ len := len + 1
+ tmp := curr
+ curr := curr.Node__next.Option__Node__Some__1
+ unfold acc(validNode(curr))
+ unfold acc(validOption(curr.Node__next))
+ }
+method t1()
+ var l: Ref
+ l := new(Node__v, Node__next)
+ l.Node__next := null
+ l.Node__v := 1
+ assume variantOfOptionNode(l.Node__next) == Option__Node__None()
+ fold validOption(l.Node__next)
+ fold validNode(l)
+ assert length(l) == 1
+ assert itemAt(l, 0) == 1
+ append(l, 7)
+ assert itemAt(l, 1) == 7
+ assert itemAt(l, 0) == 1
+ assert length(l) == 2
+ l := prepend(l, 10)
+ assert itemAt(l, 2) == 7
+ assert itemAt(l, 1) == 1
+ assert itemAt(l, 0) == 10
+ assert length(l) == 3
+ //assert sum(l) == 18
+method t2(l: Ref) returns (res: Ref)
+ requires acc(validNode(l), write)
+ ensures acc(validNode(res), write)
+ ensures length(res) > old(length(l))
+ res := prepend(l, 10)