path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d493bd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Csound lexer tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import unittest
+from textwrap import dedent
+from pygments.token import Comment, Error, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, Punctuation, \
+ String, Text
+from pygments.lexers import CsoundOrchestraLexer
+class CsoundOrchestraTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.lexer = CsoundOrchestraLexer()
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ def testComments(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ /*
+ * comment
+ */
+ ; comment
+ // comment
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/*\n * comment\n */'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'; comment'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'// comment'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testInstrumentBlocks(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ instr/**/1,/**/N_a_M_e_,/**/+Name/**///
+ iDuration = p3
+ outc:a(aSignal)
+ endin
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'instr'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'1'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'N_a_M_e_'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Punctuation, u'+'),
+ (Name.Function, u'Name'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'//'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'i'),
+ (Name, u'Duration'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Operator, u'='),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Variable.Instance, u'p3'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Builtin, u'outc'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'a'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'a'),
+ (Name, u'Signal'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'endin'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testUserDefinedOpcodes(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ opcode/**/aUDO,/**/i[],/**/aik//
+ aUDO
+ endop
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'opcode'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Name.Function, u'aUDO'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'i[]'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'aik'),
+ (Comment.Single, u'//'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Function, u'aUDO'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Keyword.Declaration, u'endop'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testNumbers(self):
+ fragment = '123 0123456789'
+ tokens = [
+ (Number.Integer, u'123'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0123456789'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = '0xabcdef0123456789 0XABCDEF'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Type, u'0x'),
+ (Number.Hex, u'abcdef0123456789'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Keyword.Type, u'0X'),
+ (Number.Hex, u'ABCDEF'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragments = ['1e2', '3e+4', '5e-6', '7E8', '9E+0', '1E-2', '3.', '4.56', '.789']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Number.Float, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testQuotedStrings(self):
+ fragment = '"characters$MACRO."'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String, u'characters'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'$MACRO.'),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testBracedStrings(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ {{
+ characters$MACRO.
+ }}
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String, u'\ncharacters$MACRO.\n'),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testEscapeSequences(self):
+ for character in ['\\', 'a', 'b', 'n', 'r', 't', '"', '012', '345', '67']:
+ escapedCharacter = '\\' + character
+ fragment = '"' + escapedCharacter + '"'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = '{{' + escapedCharacter + '}}'
+ tokens = [
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testOperators(self):
+ fragments = ['+', '-', '~', u'¬', '!', '*', '/', '^', '%', '<<', '>>', '<', '>',
+ '<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '&', '#', '|', '&&', '||', '?', ':', '+=',
+ '-=', '*=', '/=']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Operator, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testGlobalValueIdentifiers(self):
+ for fragment in ['0dbfs', 'A4', 'kr', 'ksmps', 'nchnls', 'nchnls_i', 'sr']:
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Variable.Global, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testKeywords(self):
+ fragments = ['do', 'else', 'elseif', 'endif', 'enduntil', 'fi', 'if', 'ithen',
+ 'kthen', 'od', 'then', 'until', 'while']
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for fragment in ['return', 'rireturn']:
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, fragment),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testLabels(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ aLabel:
+ label2:
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'label2'),
+ (Punctuation, u':'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testPrintksAndPrintsEscapeSequences(self):
+ escapedCharacters = ['%!', '%%', '%n', '%N', '%r', '%R', '%t', '%T', '\\\\a',
+ '\\\\A', '\\\\b', '\\\\B', '\\\\n', '\\\\N', '\\\\r',
+ '\\\\R', '\\\\t', '\\\\T']
+ for opcode in ['printks', 'prints']:
+ for escapedCharacter in escapedCharacters:
+ fragment = opcode + ' "' + escapedCharacter + '"'
+ tokens = [
+ (Name.Builtin, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (String.Escape, escapedCharacter),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testGotoStatements(self):
+ for keyword in ['goto', 'igoto', 'kgoto']:
+ fragment = keyword + ' aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword, keyword),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['reinit', 'rigoto', 'tigoto']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['cggoto', 'cigoto', 'cingoto', 'ckgoto', 'cngoto', 'cnkgoto']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' 1==0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'1'),
+ (Operator, u'=='),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ fragment = 'timout 0, 0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, 'timout'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ for opcode in ['loop_ge', 'loop_gt', 'loop_le', 'loop_lt']:
+ fragment = opcode + ' 0, 0, 0, aLabel'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Pseudo, opcode),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Number.Integer, u'0'),
+ (Punctuation, u','),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Name.Label, u'aLabel'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testIncludeDirectives(self):
+ for character in ['"', '|']:
+ fragment = '#include/**/' + character + 'file.udo' + character
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#include'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (String, character + u'file.udo' + character),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testObjectLikeMacroDefinitions(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ # \tdefine MACRO#macro_body#
+ #define/**/
+ MACRO/**/
+ #\\#macro
+ body\\##
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'# \tdefine'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro_body'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro\nbody'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testFunctionLikeMacroDefinitions(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ #define MACRO(ARG1#ARG2) #macro_body#
+ #define/**/
+ MACRO(ARG1'ARG2' ARG3)/**/
+ #\\#macro
+ body\\##
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG1'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG2'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro_body'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#define'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG1'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG2'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'ARG3'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Comment.Multiline, u'/**/'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'macro\nbody'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\#'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testMacroPreprocessorDirectives(self):
+ for directive in ['#ifdef', '#ifndef', '#undef']:
+ fragment = directive + ' MACRO'
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, directive),
+ (Text, u' '),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'MACRO'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testOtherPreprocessorDirectives(self):
+ fragment = dedent('''\
+ #else
+ #end
+ #endif
+ ###
+ @ \t12345
+ @@ \t67890
+ ''')
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#else'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#end'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'#endif'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'###'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'@ \t12345'),
+ (Text, u'\n'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'@@ \t67890'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testFunctionLikeMacros(self):
+ fragment = "$MACRO.(((x#y\\)))' \"(#'x)\\)x\\))\"# {{x\\))x)\\)(#'}});"
+ tokens = [
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'$MACRO.'),
+ (Punctuation, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'('),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'x#y\\)'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u')'),
+ (Punctuation, u"'"),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u' '),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Error, u'('),
+ (Error, u'#'),
+ (Error, u"'"),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (String, u'"'),
+ (Punctuation, u'#'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u' '),
+ (String, u'{{'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (String, u'x'),
+ (Error, u')'),
+ (Comment.Preproc, u'\\)'),
+ (Error, u'('),
+ (Error, u'#'),
+ (Error, u"'"),
+ (String, u'}}'),
+ (Punctuation, u')'),
+ (Comment.Single, u';'),
+ (Text, u'\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))
+ def testName(self):
+ fragment = 'kG:V'
+ tokens = [
+ (Keyword.Type, 'k'),
+ (Name, 'G'),
+ (Punctuation, ':'),
+ (Name, 'V'),
+ (Text, '\n')
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(tokens, list(self.lexer.get_tokens(fragment)))