Pygments changelog ================== Version 0.11.1 -------------- (released Aug 24, 2008) - Fix a Jython compatibility issue in pygments.unistring (#358). Version 0.11 ------------ (codename Straußenei, released Aug 23, 2008) Many thanks go to Tim Hatch for writing or integrating most of the bug fixes and new features. - Lexers added: * Nasm-style assembly language, thanks to delroth * YAML, thanks to Kirill Simonov * ActionScript 3, thanks to Pierre Bourdon * Cheetah/Spitfire templates, thanks to Matt Good * Lighttpd config files * Nginx config files * Gnuplot plotting scripts * Clojure * POV-Ray scene files * Sqlite3 interactive console sessions * Scala source files, thanks to Krzysiek Goj - Lexers improved: * C lexer highlights standard library functions now and supports C99 types. * Bash lexer now correctly highlights heredocs without preceding whitespace. * Vim lexer now highlights hex colors properly and knows a couple more keywords. * Irc logs lexer now handles xchat's default time format (#340) and correctly highlights lines ending in ``>``. * Support more delimiters for perl regular expressions (#258). * ObjectiveC lexer now supports 2.0 features. - Added "Visual Studio" style. - Updated markdown processor to Markdown 1.7. - Support roman/sans/mono style defs and use them in the LaTeX formatter. - The RawTokenFormatter is no longer registered to ``*.raw`` and it's documented that tokenization with this lexer may raise exceptions. - New option ``hl_lines`` to HTML formatter, to highlight certain lines. - New option ``prestyles`` to HTML formatter. - New option *-g* to pygmentize, to allow lexer guessing based on filetext (can be slowish, so file extensions are still checked first). - ``guess_lexer()`` now makes its decision much faster due to a cache of whether data is xml-like (a check which is used in several versions of ``analyse_text()``. Several lexers also have more accurate ``analyse_text()`` now. Version 0.10 ------------ (codename Malzeug, released May 06, 2008) - Lexers added: * Io * Smalltalk * Darcs patches * Tcl * Matlab * Matlab sessions * FORTRAN * XSLT * tcsh * NumPy * Python 3 * S, S-plus, R statistics languages * Logtalk - In the LatexFormatter, the *commandprefix* option is now by default 'PY' instead of 'C', since the latter resulted in several collisions with other packages. Also, the special meaning of the *arg* argument to ``get_style_defs()`` was removed. - Added ImageFormatter, to format code as PNG, JPG, GIF or BMP. (Needs the Python Imaging Library.) - Support doc comments in the PHP lexer. - Handle format specifications in the Perl lexer. - Fix comment handling in the Batch lexer. - Add more file name extensions for the C++, INI and XML lexers. - Fixes in the IRC and MuPad lexers. - Fix function and interface name highlighting in the Java lexer. - Fix at-rule handling in the CSS lexer. - Handle KeyboardInterrupts gracefully in pygmentize. - Added BlackWhiteStyle. - Bash lexer now correctly highlights math, does not require whitespace after semicolons, and correctly highlights boolean operators. - Makefile lexer is now capable of handling BSD and GNU make syntax. Version 0.9 ----------- (codename Herbstzeitlose, released Oct 14, 2007) - Lexers added: * Erlang * ActionScript * Literate Haskell * Common Lisp * Various assembly languages * Gettext catalogs * Squid configuration * Debian control files * MySQL-style SQL * MOOCode - Lexers improved: * Greatly improved the Haskell and OCaml lexers. * Improved the Bash lexer's handling of nested constructs. * The C# and Java lexers exhibited abysmal performance with some input code; this should now be fixed. * The IRC logs lexer is now able to colorize weechat logs too. * The Lua lexer now recognizes multi-line comments. * Fixed bugs in the D and MiniD lexer. - The encoding handling of the command line mode (pygmentize) was enhanced. You shouldn't get UnicodeErrors from it anymore if you don't give an encoding option. - Added a ``-P`` option to the command line mode which can be used to give options whose values contain commas or equals signs. - Added 256-color terminal formatter. - Added an experimental SVG formatter. - Added the ``lineanchors`` option to the HTML formatter, thanks to Ian Charnas for the idea. - Gave the line numbers table a CSS class in the HTML formatter. - Added a Vim 7-like style. Version 0.8.1 ------------- (released Jun 27, 2007) - Fixed POD highlighting in the Ruby lexer. - Fixed Unicode class and namespace name highlighting in the C# lexer. - Fixed Unicode string prefix highlighting in the Python lexer. - Fixed a bug in the D and MiniD lexers. - Fixed the included MoinMoin parser. Version 0.8 ----------- (codename Maikäfer, released May 30, 2007) - Lexers added: * Haskell, thanks to Adam Blinkinsop * Redcode, thanks to Adam Blinkinsop * D, thanks to Kirk McDonald * MuPad, thanks to Christopher Creutzig * MiniD, thanks to Jarrett Billingsley * Vim Script, by Tim Hatch - The HTML formatter now has a second line-numbers mode in which it will just integrate the numbers in the same ``
`` tag as the

- The `CSharpLexer` now is Unicode-aware, which means that it has an
  option that can be set so that it correctly lexes Unicode
  identifiers allowed by the C# specs.

- Added a `RaiseOnErrorTokenFilter` that raises an exception when the
  lexer generates an error token, and a `VisibleWhitespaceFilter` that
  converts whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) into visible

- Fixed the `do_insertions()` helper function to yield correct

- The ReST lexer now automatically highlights source code blocks in
  ".. sourcecode:: language" and ".. code:: language" directive

- Improved the default style (thanks to Tiberius Teng). The old
  default is still available as the "emacs" style (which was an alias

- The `get_style_defs` method of HTML formatters now uses the
  `cssclass` option as the default selector if it was given.

- Improved the ReST and Bash lexers a bit.

- Fixed a few bugs in the Makefile and Bash lexers, thanks to Tim

- Fixed a bug in the command line code that disallowed ``-O`` options
  when using the ``-S`` option.

- Fixed a bug in the `RawTokenFormatter`.

Version 0.7.1
(released Feb 15, 2007)

- Fixed little highlighting bugs in the Python, Java, Scheme and
  Apache Config lexers.

- Updated the included manpage.

- Included a built version of the documentation in the source tarball.

Version 0.7
(codename Faschingskrapfn, released Feb 14, 2007)

- Added a MoinMoin parser that uses Pygments. With it, you get
  Pygments highlighting in Moin Wiki pages.

- Changed the exception raised if no suitable lexer, formatter etc. is
  found in one of the `get_*_by_*` functions to a custom exception,
  `pygments.util.ClassNotFound`. It is, however, a subclass of
  `ValueError` in order to retain backwards compatibility.

- Added a `-H` command line option which can be used to get the
  docstring of a lexer, formatter or filter.

- Made the handling of lexers and formatters more consistent. The
  aliases and filename patterns of formatters are now attributes on

- Added an OCaml lexer, thanks to Adam Blinkinsop.

- Made the HTML formatter more flexible, and easily subclassable in
  order to make it easy to implement custom wrappers, e.g. alternate
  line number markup. See the documentation.

- Added an `outencoding` option to all formatters, making it possible
  to override the `encoding` (which is used by lexers and formatters)
  when using the command line interface. Also, if using the terminal
  formatter and the output file is a terminal and has an encoding
  attribute, use it if no encoding is given.

- Made it possible to just drop style modules into the `styles`
  subpackage of the Pygments installation.

- Added a "state" keyword argument to the `using` helper.

- Added a `commandprefix` option to the `LatexFormatter` which allows
  to control how the command names are constructed.

- Added quite a few new lexers, thanks to Tim Hatch:

  * Java Server Pages
  * Windows batch files
  * Trac Wiki markup
  * Python tracebacks
  * ReStructuredText
  * Dylan
  * and the Befunge esoteric programming language (yay!)

- Added Mako lexers by Ben Bangert.

- Added "fruity" style, another dark background originally vim-based

- Added sources.list lexer by Dennis Kaarsemaker.

- Added token stream filters, and a pygmentize option to use them.

- Changed behavior of `in` Operator for tokens. 

- Added mimetypes for all lexers.

- Fixed some problems lexing Python strings.

- Fixed tickets: #167, #178, #179, #180, #185, #201.

Version 0.6
(codename Zimtstern, released Dec 20, 2006)

- Added option for the HTML formatter to write the CSS to an external
  file in "full document" mode.

- Added RTF formatter.

- Added Bash and Apache configuration lexers (thanks to Tim Hatch).

- Improved guessing methods for various lexers.

- Added `@media` support to CSS lexer (thanks to Tim Hatch).

- Added a Groff lexer (thanks to Tim Hatch).

- License change to BSD.

- Added lexers for the Myghty template language.

- Added a Scheme lexer (thanks to Marek Kubica).

- Added some functions to iterate over existing lexers, formatters and

- The HtmlFormatter's `get_style_defs()` can now take a list as an
  argument to generate CSS with multiple prefixes.

- Support for guessing input encoding added.

- Encoding support added: all processing is now done with Unicode
  strings, input and output are converted from and optionally to byte
  strings (see the ``encoding`` option of lexers and formatters).

- Some improvements in the C(++) lexers handling comments and line

Version 0.5.1
(released Oct 30, 2006)

- Fixed traceback in ``pygmentize -L`` (thanks to Piotr Ozarowski).

Version 0.5
(codename PyKleur, released Oct 30, 2006)

- Initial public release.