Todo ==== for 0.7 ------- - lexers: * Haskell * (Q)BASIC * Lisp * Python TBs * IPython sessions * ls -alG * HTML with special formatting? * LaTeX special formatting? * OCaml * Nemerle * Windows batch files * Assembler * Objective C * MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite * Tcl - automatically get help for lexers/formatters/options from docstrings - a MoinMoin parser - allow "overlay" token types to highlight specials: nth line, a word etc. - readd property support for C# lexer? that is, find a regex that doesn't backtrack to death... - add support for function name highlighting to c++ lexer - pygmentize option presets? - more unit tests (test pygmentize, test all formatters comprehensively) - review perl lexer (numerous bugs, but so far no one had complaints ;) - add `Mako lexers`_ written by Ben Bangert. .. _Mako lexers: for 0.8 -- 1.0 -------------- - more setuptools entrypoints (html formatter etc.) see paste script's Commands - add folding? would require more language-aware parsers...