Download and installation ========================= The current release is version |version|. Packaged versions ----------------- You can download it `from the Python Package Index `_. For installation of packages from PyPI, we recommend `Pip `_, which works on all major platforms. Under Linux, most distributions include a package for Pygments, usually called ``pygments`` or ``python-pygments``. You can install it with the package manager as usual. Development sources ------------------- We're using the `Mercurial `_ version control system. You can get the development source using this command:: hg clone pygments Development takes place at `Bitbucket `_, you can browse the source online `here `_. The latest changes in the development source code are listed in the `changelog `_. .. Documentation ------------- .. XXX todo You can download the documentation either as a bunch of rst files from the Mercurial repository, see above, or as a tar.gz containing rendered HTML files:
