.. -*- mode: rst -*- ====== Styles ====== Pygments comes with some builtin styles that work for both the HTML and LaTeX formatter. The builtin styles can be looked up with the `get_style_by_name` function: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name >>> get_style_by_name('colorful') You can pass a instance of a `Style` class to a formatter as the `style` option in form of a string: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name >>> HtmlFormatter(style='colorful').style Or you can also import your own style (which must be a subclass of `pygments.style.Style`) and pass it to the formatter: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from yourapp.yourmodule import YourStyle >>> HtmlFormatter(style=YourStyle).style Creating Own Styles =================== So, how to create a style? All you have to do is to subclass `Style` and define some styles: .. sourcecode:: python from pygments.style import Style from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, \ Number, Operator, Generic class YourStyle(Style): default_style = "" styles = { Comment: 'italic #888', Keyword: 'bold #005', Name: '#f00', Name.Function: '#0f0', Name.Class: 'bold #0f0', String: 'bg:#eee #111' } That's it. There are just a few rules. When you define a style for `Name` the style automatically also affects `Name.Function` and so on. If you defined ``'bold'`` and you don't want boldface for a subtoken use ``'nobold'``. (Philosophy: the styles aren't written in CSS syntax since this way they can be used for a variety of formatters.) `default_style` is the style inherited by all token types. Style Rules =========== Here a small overview over all allowed styles: ``bold`` render text as bold ``nobold`` don't render text as bold (to prevent subtokens behing highlighted bold) ``italic`` render text italic ``noitalic`` don't render text as italic ``underline`` render text underlined ``nounderline`` don't render text underlined ``bg:`` transparent background ``bg:#000000`` background color (black) ``border:`` no border ``border:#ffffff`` border color (white) ``#ff0000`` text color (red) ``noinherit`` don't inherit styles from supertoken Note that there may not be a space between ``bg:`` and the color value since the style definition string is split at whitespace. Also, using named colors is not allowed since the supported color names vary for different formatters. Furthermore, not all lexers might support every style. Builtin Styles ============== Pygments ships some builtin styles which are maintained by the Pygments team. To get a list of known styles you can use this snippet: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from pygments.styles import STYLE_MAP >>> STYLE_MAP.keys() ['default', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'colorful']