# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.formatters.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Formatter for HTML output. :copyright: 2006 by Georg Brandl, Armin Ronacher. :license: GNU LGPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ import StringIO from pygments.formatter import Formatter from pygments.token import Token, Text, STANDARD_TYPES from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_int_opt, get_list_opt __all__ = ['HtmlFormatter'] def escape_html(text): """Escape &, <, > as well as single and double quotes for HTML.""" return text.replace('&', '&'). \ replace('<', '<'). \ replace('>', '>'). \ replace('"', '"'). \ replace("'", ''') def get_random_id(): """Return a random id for javascript fields.""" from random import random from time import time try: from hashlib import sha1 as sha except ImportError: import sha sha = sha.new return sha('%s|%s' % (random(), time())).hexdigest() def _get_ttype_class(ttype): fname = STANDARD_TYPES.get(ttype) if fname: return fname aname = '' while fname is None: aname = '-' + ttype[-1] + aname ttype = ttype.parent fname = STANDARD_TYPES.get(ttype) return fname + aname DOC_TEMPLATE = '''\ %(title)s


%(code)s ''' class HtmlFormatter(Formatter): """ Output HTML tags with appropriate classes. Additional options accepted: ``nowrap`` If set to true, don't wrap the tokens at all. This disables all other options (default: False). ``noclasses`` If set to true, token s will not use CSS classes, but inline styles. ``classprefix`` Prefix for token CSS classes, is prepended to all token style classes (e.g. class="o" -> class="_o" if classprefix == '_') (default: ''). ``cssclass`` CSS class for the wrapping
(default: 'highlight'). ``cssstyles`` Inline CSS styles for the wrapping
. (default: ''). ``linenos`` If set to ``True``, output line numbers (default: False). ``linenostart`` The line number for the first line (default: 1). ``linenostep`` If set to a number n > 1, only every nth line number is printed (default: 1). ``linenospecial`` If set to a number n > 0, every nth line number is given a special CSS class ``special`` (default: 0). ``nobackground`` If set to ``True`` the formatter won't output the background color for the overall element (this automatically defaults to ``False`` when there is no overall element [eg: no argument for the `get_syntax_defs` method given]) (default: ``False``) """ def __init__(self, **options): Formatter.__init__(self, **options) self.nowrap = get_bool_opt(options, 'nowrap', False) self.noclasses = get_bool_opt(options, 'noclasses', False) self.classprefix = options.get('classprefix', '') self.cssclass = options.get('cssclass', 'highlight') self.cssstyles = options.get('cssstyles', '') self.linenos = get_bool_opt(options, 'linenos', False) self.linenostart = abs(get_int_opt(options, 'linenostart', 1)) self.linenostep = abs(get_int_opt(options, 'linenostep', 1)) self.linenospecial = abs(get_int_opt(options, 'linenospecial', 0)) self.nobackground = get_bool_opt(options, 'nobackground', False) self._class_cache = {} self._create_stylesheet() def _get_css_class(self, ttype): """Return the css class of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.""" if ttype in self._class_cache: return self._class_cache[ttype] return self.classprefix + STANDARD_TYPES.get(ttype) or _get_ttype_class(ttype) def _create_stylesheet(self): t2c = self.ttype2class = {Token: ''} c2s = self.class2style = {} cp = self.classprefix for ttype, ndef in self.style: name = cp + _get_ttype_class(ttype) style = '' if ndef['color']: style += 'color: #%s; ' % ndef['color'] if ndef['bold']: style += 'font-weight: bold; ' if ndef['italic']: style += 'font-style: italic; ' if ndef['underline']: style += 'text-decoration: underline; ' if ndef['bgcolor']: style += 'background-color: #%s; ' % ndef['bgcolor'] if ndef['border']: style += 'border: 1px solid #%s; ' % ndef['border'] if style: t2c[ttype] = name # save len(ttype) to enable ordering the styles by # hierarchy (necessary for CSS cascading rules!) c2s[name] = (style[:-2], ttype, len(ttype)) def get_style_defs(self, arg=''): """ Return CSS style definitions for the classes produced by the current highlighting style. ``arg`` can be a string of selectors to insert before the token type classes. """ if arg: arg += ' ' styles = [(level, ttype, cls, style) for cls, (style, ttype, level) in self.class2style.iteritems() if cls and style] styles.sort() lines = ['%s.%s { %s } /* %s */' % (arg, cls, style, repr(ttype)[6:]) for level, ttype, cls, style in styles] if arg and not self.nobackground and \ self.style.background_color is not None: text_style = '' if Text in self.ttype2class: text_style = ' ' + self.class2style[self.ttype2class[Text]][0] lines.insert(0, '%s{ background: %s;%s }' % (arg, self.style.background_color, text_style)) return '\n'.join(lines) def _format_nowrap(self, tokensource, outfile, lnos=False): lncount = 0 nocls = self.noclasses # for lookup only getcls = self.ttype2class.get c2s = self.class2style write = outfile.write lspan = '' for ttype, value in tokensource: htmlvalue = escape_html(value) if lnos: lncount += value.count("\n") if nocls: cclass = getcls(ttype) while cclass is None: ttype = ttype.parent cclass = getcls(ttype) cspan = cclass and '' % c2s[cclass][0] else: cls = self._get_css_class(ttype) cspan = cls and '' % cls if cspan == lspan: if not cspan: write(htmlvalue) else: write(htmlvalue.replace('\n', '\n' + cspan)) elif htmlvalue: # if no value, leave old span open if lspan: write('') lspan = cspan if cspan: htmlvalue = htmlvalue.replace('\n', '\n' + cspan) write(cspan + htmlvalue) else: write(htmlvalue) if lspan: write('') return lncount def format(self, tokensource, outfile): if self.nowrap: self._format_nowrap(tokensource, outfile) return realoutfile = outfile lnos = self.linenos full = self.full div = ('') if full or lnos: outfile = StringIO.StringIO() else: outfile.write(div) outfile.write('
        lncount = self._format_nowrap(tokensource, outfile, lnos)
') ret = '' if lnos: fl = self.linenostart mw = len(str(lncount + fl - 1)) sp = self.linenospecial st = self.linenostep if sp: ls = '\n'.join([(i%st == 0 and (i%sp == 0 and '%*d' or '%*d') % (mw, i) or '') for i in range(fl, fl + lncount)]) else: ls = '\n'.join([(i%st == 0 and ('%*d' % (mw, i)) or '') for i in range(fl, fl + lncount)]) ret = div + ('' '
                   + ls + '
') ret += outfile.getvalue() ret += '
' if full: if not ret: ret = div + outfile.getvalue() + '
\n' realoutfile.write(DOC_TEMPLATE % dict(title = self.title, styledefs = self.get_style_defs('body'), code = ret)) elif lnos: realoutfile.write(ret + '
\n') else: realoutfile.write('\n')