module: sample comment: for make sure that does not highlight per word. and it continues on to the next line. define class () slot serial-number :: = unique-serial-number(); constant slot model-name :: , required-init-keyword: model:; each-subclass slot has-sunroof? :: , init-keyword: sunroof?:, init-value: #f; keyword foo:; required keyword bar:; end class ; define class () end class ; let flying-car = make(); let car? :: = #f; let prefixed-car :: = #f; let model :: = #f; define constant $empty-string = ""; define constant $escaped-backslash = '\\'; define constant $escaped-single-quote = '\''; define variable *unique-serial-number* = 0; define function unique-serial-number() => (usn :: ) let serial = *unique-serial-number*; *unique-serial-number* := *unique-serial-number* + 1; serial; end function; define constant $blue-car = make(, model: "Viper"); define constant $black-car = make(, model: "Town Car", sunroof?: #t); define constant $red-car = make(, model: "F40", sunroof?: #f); define method foo() => _ :: #t end method; define method foo() => _ :: ; #t end method; define method \+ (offset1 :: , offset2 :: ) => (sum :: ) let sum = +; make(, total-seconds: sum); end method \+; define method bar () 1 | 2 & 3 end if (bar) 1 elseif (foo) 2 else 3 end if; select (foo by instance?) => 1 otherwise => 3 end select; /* multi line comment */ /* multi line comments /* can be */ nested */ define constant $symbol = #"hello"; define variable *vector* = #[3.5, 5] define constant $list = #(1, 2); define constant $pair = #(1 . "foo") let octal-number = #o238; let hex-number = #x3890ADEF; let binary-number = #b1010; let float-exponent = 3.5e10; block (return) with-lock (lock) return(); end; exception (e :: ) format-out("Oh no"); cleanup return(); afterwards format-out("Hello"); end; define macro repeat { repeat ?:body end } => { block (?=stop!) local method again() ?body; again() end; again(); end } end macro repeat; define macro with-decoded-seconds { with-decoded-seconds (?max:variable, ?min:variable, ?sec:variable = ?time:expression) ?:body end } => { let (?max, ?min, ?sec) = decode-total-seconds(?time); ?body } end macro; let x = "This size call should be seen as a builtin despite the odd case.".siZe;