package example uses java.util.* uses class Person extends Contact implements IEmailable { var _name : String var _age : Integer as Age var _relationship : Relationship as readonly RelationshipOfPerson delegate _emailHelper represents IEmailable enum Relationship { FRIEND, FAMILY, BUSINESS_CONTACT } // Map of names to people static var ALL_PEOPLE = new HashMap() /* Constructs a new Person */ construct( name : String, age : Integer, relationship : Relationship ) { _name = name _age = age _relationship = relationship _emailHelper = new EmailHelper( this ) } property get Name():String{ return _name } property set Name(name : String){ _name = name } /* Implement IEmailable#getEmailName() */ override function getEmailName():String{ return Name } function incrementAge() { _age++ } @Deprecated function printPersonInfo() { print( "Person { Name : ${Name}, Age : ${Age}, Relationship : ${RelationshipOfPerson} }" ) } static function addPerson(p : Person){ if(ALL_PEOPLE.containsKey(p?.Name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There is already someone named '${p.Name}'." ) } ALL_PEOPLE[p.Name] = p } static function addAllPeople( contacts : List ) { for( contact in contacts ) { if( contact typeis Person and not ALL_PEOPLE.containsKey( contact.Name )) { addPerson( contact ) } } } static function getAllPeopleOlderThanNOrderedByName( age : int ) { var allPeople = ALL_PEOPLE.Values return allPeople.where( \ p -> p.Age > age ).orderBy( \ p -> p.Name ) } static function loadPersonFromDB( id : Integer ) { using( var conn = DBConnectionManager.getConnection(), var stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT name, age, relationship FROM PEOPLE WHERE ID=?") ){ stmt.setInt( 0, 0 ) var result = stmt.executeQuery() if( ) { addPerson( new Person( result.getString( "name" ), result.getInt( "age" ), Relationship.valueOf( result.getString( "relationship" ) ) ) ) } } } /* Loads in people from a CSV */ static function loadFromFile( file : File ) { file.eachLine( \ line -> { if( line.HasContent ) { addPerson( line.toPerson() ) } }) } /* Save people to a CSV */ static function saveToFile( file : File ) { using( var writer = new FileWriter( file ) ) { print( PersonCSVTemplate.renderToString( ALL_PEOPLE.Values ) ) PersonCSVTemplate.render( writer, ALL_PEOPLE.Values ) } } }