# this is a header ## this is a 2nd level header * list item 1 * list item 1.1 * list item 2 - list item 3 1. numbered list item 1 1. numbered list item 2 - [ ] todo - [x] done - [X] done The following is italic: *italic* The following is italic: _italic_ The following is not italic: \*italic\* The following is not italic: \_italic\_ The following is not italic: snake*case*word The following is not italic: snake_case_word The following is bold: **bold** **two or more words** The following is bold: __bold__ __two or more words__ The following is not bold: snake**case**word The following is not bold: snake__case__word The following is strikethrough: ~~bold~~ The following is not strikethrough: snake~~case~~word The following is bold with italics inside: **the next _word_ should have been italics** > this is a quote > this is a multiline > quote string thing this sentence `has monospace` in it this sentence @tweets a person about a #topic. [google](https://google.com/some/path.html) ![Image of Yaktocat](https://octodex.github.com/images/yaktocat.png) [reference link][id] [id]: http://example.com/ ``` * this is just unformated __text__ ``` some other text ```python from pygments import token # comment ``` some more text