form Highlighter test sentence Blank sentence My_sentence This should all be a string text My_text This should also all be a string word My_word Only the first word is a string, the rest is discarded boolean Binary 1 boolean Text no boolean Quoted "yes" comment This should be a string optionmenu Choice: 1 option Foo option Bar option 100 real left_Range -123.6 positive right_Range_max 3.3 integer Int 4 natural Nat 4 endform # Periods do not establish boundaries for keywords form.var = 10 # Or operators$ = "Bad variable name" bad.or.not = 1 # External scripts include /path/to/file runScript: "/path/to/file" execute /path/to/file # Predefined variables a = praatVersion a = e a = pi a$ = homeDirectory$ + tab$ + newline$ a$ = temporaryDirectory$ a$ = praatVersion$ a$ = shellDirectory$ a$ = homeDirectory$ a$ = preferencesDirectory$ a$ = defaultDirectory$ nocheck selectObject: undefined # Arrays are not comments a# = zero# (5, 6) a [3], 5 = 7 printline 'a[3,5]', 'a[3]' a [1] = 2 b [a [1]] = 3 assert b [a [1]] = 3 printline 'b[2]' # if-block with built-in variables if windows # We are on Windows elsif unix = 1 or !macintosh exitScript: "We are on Linux" else macintosh == 1 exit We are on Mac endif string$ = "Strings can be 'interpolated'" string$ = "But don't interpolate everything!" string$(10) repeat string$ = string$ - right$(string$) until !length(string$) Text... 1 Right 0.2 Half many----hyphens Text... 1 Right -0.4 Bottom aحبيبa Text... 1 Right -0.6 Bottom 日本 Draw circle (mm)... 0.5 0.5 i rows = Object_'table'.nrow value$ = Table_'table'$[25, "f0"] fixed = Sound_10.xmin fixed = Object_foo.xmin fixed = Procrustes_foo.nx # old-style procedure call call oldStyle "quoted" 2 unquoted string assert oldStyle.local = 1 # New-style procedure call with parens @newStyle("quoted", 2, "quoted string") if praatVersion >= 5364 # New-style procedure call with colon @newStyle: "quoted", 2, "quoted string" endif # inline if with inline comment var = if macintosh = 1 then 0 else 1 fi ; This is an inline comment # for-loop with explicit from using local variable # and paren-style function calls and variable interpolation n = numberOfSelected("Sound") for i from newStyle.local to n name = selected$(extractWord$(selected$(), " ")) sound'i' = selected("Sound", i+(a*b)) sound[i] = sound'i' endfor i = 1 while i < n i++ # Different styles of object selection select sound'i' sound = selected() sound$ = selected$("Sound") select Sound 'sound$' selectObject( sound[i]) selectObject: sound # Pause commands beginPause("Viewing " + sound$) if i > 1 button = endPause("Stop", "Previous", ...if i = total_sounds then "Finish" else "Next" fi, ...3, 1) else button = endPause("Stop", ...if i = total_sounds then "Finish" else "Next" fi, ...2, 1) endif editor_name$ = if total_textgrids then "TextGrid " else "Sound " fi + name$ nocheck editor Sound 'editor_name$' nocheck Close nocheck endeditor editor_id = editor: editor_name$ Close endeditor # New-style standalone command call Rename: "SomeName" # Command call with assignment duration = Get total duration # Multi-line command with modifier pitch = noprogress To Pitch (ac): 0, 75, 15, "no", ...0.03, 0.45, 0.01, 0.35, 0.14, 600 # Formulas are strings Formula: "if col = 1 then row * Object_'pitch'.dx + 'first' else self fi" # do-style command with assignment minimum = do("Get minimum...", 0, 0, "Hertz", "Parabolic") # New-style multi-line command call with broken strings table = Create Table with column names: "table", 0, ..."file subject speaker ... f0 f1 f2 f" + string$(3) + " " + ..."duration response" # Function call with trailing space removeObject: pitch, table # Picture window commands selectObject: sound # do-style command do("Select inner viewport...", 1, 6, 0.5, 1.5) Black Draw... 0 0 0 0 "no" Curve Draw inner box Text bottom: "yes", sound$ Erase all # Demo window commands demo Erase all demo Select inner viewport... 0 100 0 100 demo Axes... 0 100 0 100 demo Paint rectangle... white 0 100 0 100 demo Text... 50 centre 50 half Click to finish demoWaitForInput ( ) demo Erase all demo Text: 50, "centre", 50, "half", "Finished" endwhile switch$ = if switch == 1 then "a" else ... if switch == 2 then "b" else ... if switch == 3 then "c" else ... if switch == 4 then "d" else ... "default" fi fi fi fi # An old-style sendpraat block # All these lines should be a string! sendpraat Praat ...'newline$' Create Sound as pure tone... "tone" 1 0 0.4 44100 440 0.2 0.01 0.01 ...'newline$' Play ...'newline$' Remove # A new-style sendpraat block beginSendPraat: "Praat" Create Sound as pure tone: "tone", 1, 0, 0.4, 44100, 440, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01 duration = Get total duration Remove endSendPraat: "duration" appendInfoLine: "The generated sound lasted for ", duration, "seconds" # Number types a = 10% a = -10 a = +10 a = 10.4 a = 294e12 a = 2.94e12 # Operators a = 2 ^ -6 a = -(1+1)^6 a = 4^3 ^ 2 a = 54 div 5.1 a = 54.3 mod 5 a = 3 ** 8 - 7 a = 3 / (8 + 7) a = (7 * (3 + 5)) / ((2 + 3) - 1) # Logical operators assert (a = b) and c assert a == (b or c) assert a <= b not c assert a >= b !c assert a != b & c assert a != b && c assert a <> b || c assert a < b | c assert a > b assert (a)or (b) assert (a) or(b) assert (a)and(b) assert "hello" = "he" + "llo" assert "hello" == "hello world" - " world" stopwatch time = stopwatch clearinfo echo This script took print 'time' seconds to printline execute. # Old-style procedure declaration procedure oldStyle .str1$ .num .str2$ .local = 1 endproc # New-style procedure declaration with parentheses procedure newStyle (.str1$, .num, .str2$) # Command with "local" variable .local = Get total duration .local = Get 'some' duration .local = Get 'some[1]' value... hello 10 p[i] .local = Get 'some[1,3]' value: "hello", 10, 'p[i]' .local = Get 'some$' duration .local = Get 'some$[1]' duration endproc # New-style procedure declaration with colon procedure _new_style: .str1$, .num, .str2$ # Command with "local" variable # Initial underscores in variables not allowed (unless interpolated) _new_style.local = Get total duration endproc asserterror Unknown symbol:'newline$'« _ assert '_new_style.local' @proc: a, selected("string"), b # Comment for i to saveSelection.n selectObject:[i] appendInfoLine: selected$() endfor @ok(if selected$("Sound") = "tone" then 1 else 0 fi, ... "selected sound is tone") @ok_formula("selected$(""Sound"") = ""tone""", "selected sound is tone")