module CodeRay module Scanners class Ruby < Scanner RESERVED_WORDS = [ 'and', 'def', 'end', 'in', 'or', 'unless', 'begin', 'defined?', 'ensure', 'module', 'redo', 'super', 'until', 'BEGIN', 'break', 'do', 'next', 'rescue', 'then', 'when', 'END', 'case', 'else', 'for', 'retry', 'while', 'alias', 'class', 'elsif', 'if', 'not', 'return', 'undef', 'yield', ] DEF_KEYWORDS = ['def'] MODULE_KEYWORDS = ['class', 'module'] DEF_NEW_STATE = add(DEF_KEYWORDS, :def_expected). add(MODULE_KEYWORDS, :module_expected) WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP = [ 'and', 'or', 'not', 'while', 'until', 'unless', 'if', 'elsif', 'when' ] REGEXP_ALLOWED = add(WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP, :set) PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = [ 'nil', 'true', 'false', 'self', 'DATA', 'ARGV', 'ARGF', '__FILE__', '__LINE__', ] IDENT_KIND = add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant) METHOD_NAME = / #{IDENT} [?!]? /xo METHOD_NAME_EX = / #{METHOD_NAME} # common methods: split, foo=, empty?, gsub! | \*\*? # multiplication and power | [-+~]@? # plus, minus | [\/%&|^`] # division, modulo or format strings, &and, |or, ^xor, `system` | \[\]=? # array getter and setter | <=?>? | >=? # comparison, rocket operator | << | >> # append or shift left, shift right | ===? # simple equality and case equality /ox GLOBAL_VARIABLE = / \$ (?: #{IDENT} | \d+ | [~&+`'=\/,;_.<>!@0$?*":F\\] | -[a-zA-Z_0-9] ) /ox DOUBLEQ = / " [^"\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$")? | \\. ) [^"\#\\]* )* "? /ox SINGLEQ = / ' [^'\\]* (?: \\. [^'\\]* )* '? /ox STRING = / #{SINGLEQ} | #{DOUBLEQ} /ox SHELL = / ` [^`\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$`)? | \\. ) [^`\#\\]* )* `? /ox REGEXP = / \/ [^\/\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$\/)? | \\. ) [^\/\#\\]* )* \/? /ox DECIMAL = /\d+(?:_\d+)*/ # doesn't recognize 09 as octal error OCTAL = /0_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*/ HEXADECIMAL = /0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*/ BINARY = /0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*/ EXPONENT = / [eE] [+-]? #{DECIMAL} /ox FLOAT = / #{DECIMAL} (?: #{EXPONENT} | \. #{DECIMAL} #{EXPONENT}? ) / INTEGER = /#{OCTAL}|#{HEXADECIMAL}|#{BINARY}|#{DECIMAL}/ def reset super @regexp_allowed = false end def next_token return if @scanner.eos? kind = :error if @scanner.scan(/\s+/) # in every state kind = :space @regexp_allowed = :set if @regexp_allowed or @scanner.matched.index(?\n) # delayed flag setting elsif @state == :def_expected if @scanner.scan(/ (?: (?:#{IDENT}(?:\.|::))* | (?:@@?|$)? #{IDENT}(?:\.|::) ) #{METHOD_NAME_EX} /ox) kind = :method @state = :initial else @scanner.getch end @state = :initial elsif @state == :module_expected if @scanner.scan(/<#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^>#\\\\]*)*>?|([^a-zA-Z\\\\])(?:(?!\1)[^#\\\\])*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)(?:(?!\1)[^#\\\\])*)*\1?)|\([^)#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^)#\\\\]*)*\)?|\[[^\]#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^\]#\\\\]*)*\]?|\{[^}#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^}#\\\\]*)*\}?|<[^>#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^>#\\\\]*)*>?|([^a-zA-Z\s\\\\])(?:(?!\2)[^#\\\\])*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)(?:(?!\2)[^#\\\\])*)*\2?|\\\\[^#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#)[^#\\\\]*)*\\\\?)/ elsif @scanner.scan(/:(?:#{GLOBAL_VARIABLE}|#{METHOD_NAME_EX}|#{STRING})/ox) kind = :symbol elsif @scanner.scan(/ \? (?: [^\s\\] | \\ (?:M-\\C-|C-\\M-|M-\\c|c\\M-|c|C-|M-))? (?: \\ (?: . | [0-7]{3} | x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f] ) ) /mox) kind = :integer elsif @scanner.scan(/ [-+*\/%=<>;,|&!()\[\]{}~?] | \.\.?\.? | ::? /x) kind = :operator @regexp_allowed = :set if @scanner.matched[-1,1] =~ /[~=!<>|&^,\(\[+\-\/\*%]\z/ elsif @scanner.scan(FLOAT) kind = :float elsif @scanner.scan(INTEGER) kind = :integer else @scanner.getch end end token = @scanner.matched, kind if kind == :regexp token.text << @scanner.scan(/[eimnosux]*/) end @regexp_allowed = (@regexp_allowed == :set) # delayed flag setting token end end register Ruby, 'ruby', 'rb' end end class Set include Enumerable # Creates a new set containing the given objects. def self.[](*ary) new(ary) end # Creates a new set containing the elements of the given enumerable # object. # # If a block is given, the elements of enum are preprocessed by the # given block. def initialize(enum = nil, &block) # :yields: o @hash ||= enum.nil? and return if block enum.each { |o| add(block[o]) } else merge(enum) end end # Copy internal hash. def initialize_copy(orig) @hash = orig.instance_eval{@hash}.dup end # Returns the number of elements. def size @hash.size end alias length size # Returns true if the set contains no elements. def empty? @hash.empty? end # Removes all elements and returns self. def clear @hash.clear self end # Replaces the contents of the set with the contents of the given # enumerable object and returns self. def replace(enum) if enum.class == self.class @hash.replace(enum.instance_eval { @hash }) else enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" clear enum.each { |o| add(o) } end self end # Converts the set to an array. The order of elements is uncertain. def to_a @hash.keys end def flatten_merge(set, seen = set.each { |e| if e.is_a?(Set) if seen.include?(e_id = e.object_id) raise ArgumentError, "tried to flatten recursive Set" end seen.add(e_id) flatten_merge(e, seen) seen.delete(e_id) else add(e) end } self end protected :flatten_merge # Returns a new set that is a copy of the set, flattening each # containing set recursively. def flatten end # Equivalent to Set#flatten, but replaces the receiver with the # result in place. Returns nil if no modifications were made. def flatten! if detect { |e| e.is_a?(Set) } replace(flatten()) else nil end end # Returns true if the set contains the given object. def include?(o) @hash.include?(o) end alias member? include? # Returns true if the set is a superset of the given set. def superset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if size < set.size set.all? { |o| include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a proper superset of the given set. def proper_superset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if size <= set.size set.all? { |o| include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a subset of the given set. def subset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if set.size < size all? { |o| set.include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a proper subset of the given set. def proper_subset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if set.size <= size all? { |o| set.include?(o) } end # Calls the given block once for each element in the set, passing # the element as parameter. def each @hash.each_key { |o| yield(o) } self end # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. Use +merge+ to # add several elements at once. def add(o) @hash[o] = true self end alias << add # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. If the # object is already in the set, returns nil. def add?(o) if include?(o) nil else add(o) end end # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. Use +subtract+ to # delete several items at once. def delete(o) @hash.delete(o) self end # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the # object is not in the set, returns nil. def delete?(o) if include?(o) delete(o) else nil end end # Deletes every element of the set for which block evaluates to # true, and returns self. def delete_if @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) } self end # Do collect() destructively. def collect! set = each { |o| set << yield(o) } replace(set) end alias map! collect! # Equivalent to Set#delete_if, but returns nil if no changes were # made. def reject! n = size delete_if { |o| yield(o) } size == n ? nil : self end # Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and # returns self. def merge(enum) if enum.is_a?(Set) @hash.update(enum.instance_eval { @hash }) else enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" enum.each { |o| add(o) } end self end # Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object # and returns self. def subtract(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" enum.each { |o| delete(o) } self end # Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the # given enumerable object. def |(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" dup.merge(enum) end alias + | ## alias union | ## # Returns a new set built by duplicating the set, removing every # element that appears in the given enumerable object. def -(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" dup.subtract(enum) end alias difference - ## # Returns a new array containing elements common to the set and the # given enumerable object. def &(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" n = enum.each { |o| n.add(o) if include?(o) } n end alias intersection & ## # Returns a new array containing elements exclusive between the set # and the given enumerable object. (set ^ enum) is equivalent to # ((set | enum) - (set & enum)). def ^(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" n = dup enum.each { |o| if n.include?(o) then n.delete(o) else n.add(o) end } n end # Returns true if two sets are equal. The equality of each couple # of elements is defined according to Object#eql?. def ==(set) equal?(set) and return true set.is_a?(Set) && size == set.size or return false hash = @hash.dup set.all? { |o| hash.include?(o) } end def hash # :nodoc: @hash.hash end def eql?(o) # :nodoc: return false unless o.is_a?(Set) @hash.eql?(o.instance_eval{@hash}) end # Classifies the set by the return value of the given block and # returns a hash of {value => set of elements} pairs. The block is # called once for each element of the set, passing the element as # parameter. # # e.g.: # # require 'set' # files ="*.rb")) # hash = files.classify { |f| File.mtime(f).year } # p hash # => {2000=>#, # # 2001=>#, # # 2002=>#} def classify # :yields: o h = {} each { |i| x = yield(i) (h[x] ||= } h end # Divides the set into a set of subsets according to the commonality # defined by the given block. # # If the arity of the block is 2, elements o1 and o2 are in common # if, o2) is true. Otherwise, elements o1 and o2 are # in common if == # # e.g.: # # require 'set' # numbers = Set[1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11] # set = numbers.divide { |i,j| (i - j).abs == 1 } # p set # => #, # # #, # # #, # # #}> def divide(&func) if func.arity == 2 require 'tsort' class << dig = {} # :nodoc: include TSort alias tsort_each_node each_key def tsort_each_child(node, &block) fetch(node).each(&block) end end each { |u| dig[u] = a = [] each{ |v|, v) and a << v } } set = dig.each_strongly_connected_component { |css| set.add( } set else end end InspectKey = :__inspect_key__ # :nodoc: # Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the # set. ("#") def inspect ids = (Thread.current[InspectKey] ||= []) if ids.include?(object_id) return sprintf('#<%s: {...}>', end begin ids << object_id return sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>', self.class, to_a.inspect[1..-2]) ensure ids.pop end end def pretty_print(pp) # :nodoc: pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {', pp.nest(1) { pp.seplist(self) { |o| pp.pp o } } pp.text "}>" end def pretty_print_cycle(pp) # :nodoc: pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>',, empty? ? '' : '...') end end # SortedSet implements a set which elements are sorted in order. See Set. class SortedSet < Set @@setup = false class << self def [](*ary) # :nodoc: new(ary) end def setup # :nodoc: @@setup and return begin require 'rbtree' module_eval %{ def initialize(*args, &block) @hash = super end } rescue LoadError module_eval %{ def initialize(*args, &block) @keys = nil super end def clear @keys = nil super end def replace(enum) @keys = nil super end def add(o) @keys = nil @hash[o] = true self end alias << add def delete(o) @keys = nil @hash.delete(o) self end def delete_if n = @hash.size @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) } @keys = nil if @hash.size != n self end def merge(enum) @keys = nil super end def each to_a.each { |o| yield(o) } end def to_a (@keys = @hash.keys).sort! unless @keys @keys end } end @@setup = true end end def initialize(*args, &block) # :nodoc: SortedSet.setup initialize(*args, &block) end end module Enumerable # Makes a set from the enumerable object with given arguments. def to_set(klass = Set, *args, &block), *args, &block) end end # =begin # == RestricedSet class # RestricedSet implements a set with restrictions defined by a given # block. # # === Super class # Set # # === Class Methods # --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |o| ... } # --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |rset, o| ... } # Creates a new restricted set containing the elements of the given # enumerable object. Restrictions are defined by the given block. # # If the block's arity is 2, it is called with the RestrictedSet # itself and an object to see if the object is allowed to be put in # the set. # # Otherwise, the block is called with an object to see if the object # is allowed to be put in the set. # # === Instance Methods # --- restriction_proc # Returns the restriction procedure of the set. # # =end # # class RestricedSet < Set # def initialize(*args, &block) # @proc = block or raise ArgumentError, "missing a block" # # if @proc.arity == 2 # instance_eval %{ # def add(o) # @hash[o] = true if, o) # self # end # alias << add # # def add?(o) # if include?(o) || !, o) # nil # else # @hash[o] = true # self # end # end # # def replace(enum) # enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" # clear # enum.each { |o| add(o) } # # self # end # # def merge(enum) # enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" # enum.each { |o| add(o) } # # self # end # } # else # instance_eval %{ # def add(o) # if # @hash[o] = true # end # self # end # alias << add # # def add?(o) # if include?(o) || ! # nil # else # @hash[o] = true # self # end # end # } # end # # super(*args) # end # # def restriction_proc # @proc # end # end if $0 == __FILE__ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4 end # = rweb - CGI Support Library # # Author:: Johannes Barre ( # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2003, 04 by Johannes Barre # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (COPYING, # Version:: 0.1.0 # CVS-ID:: $Id: example.rb 39 2005-11-05 03:33:55Z murphy $ # # == What is Rweb? # Rweb is a replacement for the cgi class included in the ruby distribution. # # == How to use # # === Basics # # This class is made to be as easy as possible to use. An example: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.puts "Hello world!" # end # # The visitor will get a simple "Hello World!" in his browser. Please notice, # that won't set html-tags for you, so you should better do something like this: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.puts "Hello world!" # end # # === Set headers # Of course, it's also possible to tell the browser, that the content of this # page is plain text instead of html code: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.header("content-type: text/plain") # web.puts "Hello plain world!" # end # # Please remember, headers can't be set after the page content has been send. # You have to set all nessessary headers before the first puts oder print. It's # possible to cache the content until everything is complete. Doing it this # way, you can set headers everywhere. # # If you set a header twice, the second header will replace the first one. The # header name is not casesensitive, it will allways converted in to the # capitalised form suggested by the w3c ( # # === Set cookies # Setting cookies is quite easy: # include 'rweb' # # web = #"Visits", web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1) # web.out do # web.puts "Welcome back! You visited this page #{web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1} times" # end # # See the class Cookie for more details. # # === Get form and cookie values # There are four ways to submit data from the browser to the server and your # ruby script: via GET, POST, cookies and file upload. Rweb doesn't support # file upload by now. # # include 'rweb' # # web = # web.out do # web.print "action: #{web.get['action']} " # web.puts "The value of the cookie 'visits' is #{web.cookies['visits']}" # web.puts "The post parameter 'test['x']' is #{['test']['x']}" # end RWEB_VERSION = "0.1.0" RWEB = "rweb/#{RWEB_VERSION}" #require 'rwebcookie' -> edit by bunny :-) class Rweb # All parameter submitted via the GET method are available in attribute # get. This is Hash, where every parameter is available as a key-value # pair. # # If your input tag has a name like this one, it's value will be available # as web.get["fieldname"] # # You can submit values as a Hash # # # will be available as # web.get["text"]["index"] # web.get["text"]["index2"] # Integers are also possible # # # # will be available as # web.get["int"][0] # First Field # web.get["int"][1] # Second one # Please notice, this doesn'd work like you might expect: # # It will not be available as web.get["text"]["index"] but # web.get["text[index]"] attr_reader :get # All parameters submitted via POST are available in the attribute post. It # works like the get attribute. # # will be available as #["text"][0] attr_reader :post # All cookies submitted by the browser are available in cookies. This is a # Hash, where every cookie is a key-value pair. attr_reader :cookies # The name of the browser identification is submitted as USER_AGENT and # available in this attribute. attr_reader :user_agent # The IP address of the client. attr_reader :remote_addr # Creates a new Rweb object. This should only done once. You can set various # options via the settings hash. # # "cache" => true: Everything you script send to the client will be cached # until the end of the out block or until flush is called. This way, you # can modify headers and cookies even after printing something to the client. # # "safe" => level: Changes the $SAFE attribute. By default, $SAFE will be set # to 1. If $SAFE is already higher than this value, it won't be changed. # # "silend" => true: Normaly, Rweb adds automaticly a header like this # "X-Powered-By: Rweb/x.x.x (Ruby/y.y.y)". With the silend option you can # suppress this. def initialize (settings = {}) # {{{ @header = {} @cookies = {} @get = {} @post = {} # Internal attributes @status = nil @reasonPhrase = nil @setcookies = [] @output_started = false; @output_allowed = false; @mod_ruby = false @env = ENV.to_hash if defined?(MOD_RUBY) @output_method = "mod_ruby" @mod_ruby = true elsif @env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] =~ /^Microsoft-IIS/i @output_method = "nph" else @output_method = "ph" end unless settings.is_a?(Hash) raise TypeError, "settings must be a Hash" end @settings = settings unless @settings.has_key?("safe") @settings["safe"] = 1 end if $SAFE < @settings["safe"] $SAFE = @settings["safe"] end unless @settings.has_key?("cache") @settings["cache"] = false end # mod_ruby sets no QUERY_STRING variable, if no GET-Parameters are given unless @env.has_key?("QUERY_STRING") @env["QUERY_STRING"] = "" end # Now we split the QUERY_STRING by the seperators & and ; or, if # specified, settings['get seperator'] unless @settings.has_key?("get seperator") get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(/[&;]/) else get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(@settings['get seperator']) end get_args.each do | arg | arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2) arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key) arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val) # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[] pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/ keys = [] while match = pattern.match(arg_key) arg_key = match[1] keys = [match[2]] + keys end keys = [arg_key] + keys akt = @get last = nil lastkey = nil keys.each do |key| if key == "" # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use the # lowerst unused Integer as key key = 0 while akt.has_key?(key) key += 1 end elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer key = key.to_i elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"' key = key[1, key.length() -2] end if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one akt[key] = {} end last = akt lastkey = key akt = akt[key] end last[lastkey] = arg_val end if @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" if @env.has_key?("CONTENT_TYPE") && @env['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && @env.has_key?('CONTENT_LENGTH') unless @settings.has_key?("post seperator") post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(/[&;]/) else post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(@settings['post seperator']) end post_args.each do | arg | arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2) arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key) arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val) # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[] pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/ keys = [] while match = pattern.match(arg_key) arg_key = match[1] keys = [match[2]] + keys end keys = [arg_key] + keys akt = @post last = nil lastkey = nil keys.each do |key| if key == "" # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use # the lowerst unused Integer as key key = 0 while akt.has_key?(key) key += 1 end elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer key = key.to_i elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"' key = key[1, key.length() -2] end if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one akt[key] = {} end last = akt lastkey = key akt = akt[key] end last[lastkey] = arg_val end else # Maybe we should print a warning here? $stderr.print("Unidentified form data recived and discarded.") end end if @env.has_key?("HTTP_COOKIE") cookie = @env['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(/; ?/) cookie.each do | c | cookie_key, cookie_val = c.split(/=/, 2) @cookies [Rweb::unescape(cookie_key)] = Rweb::unescape(cookie_val) end end if defined?(@env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) @user_agent = @env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] else @user_agent = nil; end if defined?(@env['REMOTE_ADDR']) @remote_addr = @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] else @remote_addr = nil end # }}} end # Prints a String to the client. If caching is enabled, the String will # buffered until the end of the out block ends. def print(str = "") # {{{ unless @output_allowed raise "You just can write to output inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if @settings["cache"] @buffer += [str.to_s] else unless @output_started sendHeaders end $stdout.print(str) end nil # }}} end # Prints a String to the client and adds a line break at the end. Please # remember, that a line break is not visible in HTML, use the
HTML-Tag # for this. If caching is enabled, the String will buffered until the end # of the out block ends. def puts(str = "") # {{{ self.print(str + "\n") # }}} end # Alias to print. def write(str = "") # {{{ self.print(str) # }}} end # If caching is enabled, all cached data are send to the cliend and the # cache emptied. def flush # {{{ unless @output_allowed raise "You can't use flush outside of a Rweb::out-block" end buffer = @buffer.join unless @output_started sendHeaders end $stdout.print(buffer) @buffer = [] # }}} end # Sends one or more header to the client. All headers are cached just # before body data are send to the client. If the same header are set # twice, only the last value is send. # # Example: # web.header("Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 20:15:41 GMT") # web.header("Location:") # # You can specify more than one header at the time by doing something like # this: # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: 383") # or # web.header(["Content-Type: text/plain", "Content-Length: 383"]) def header(str) # {{{ if @output_started raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!" end unless @output_allowed raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if str.is_a?Array str.each do | value | self.header(value) end elsif str.split(/\n/).length > 1 str.split(/\n/).each do | value | self.header(value) end elsif str.is_a? String str.gsub!(/\r/, "") if (str =~ /^HTTP\/1\.[01] [0-9]{3} ?.*$/) == 0 pattern = /^HTTP\/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ result = pattern.match(str) self.setstatus(result[0], result[1]) elsif (str =~ /^status: [0-9]{3} ?.*$/i) == 0 pattern = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i result = pattern.match(str) self.setstatus(result[0], result[1]) else a = str.split(/: ?/, 2) @header[a[0].downcase] = a[1] end end # }}} end # Changes the status of this page. There are several codes like "200 OK", # "302 Found", "404 Not Found" or "500 Internal Server Error". A list of # all codes is available at # # # You can just send the code number, the reason phrase will be added # automaticly with the recommendations from the w3c if not specified. If # you set the status twice or more, only the last status will be send. # Examples: # web.status("401 Unauthorized") # web.status("410 Sad but true, this lonely page is gone :(") # web.status(206) # web.status("400") # # The default status is "200 OK". If a "Location" header is set, the # default status is "302 Found". def status(str) # {{{ if @output_started raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!" end unless @output_allowed raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if str.is_a?Integer @status = str elsif str.is_a?String p1 = /^([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ p2 = /^HTTP\/1\.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ p3 = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i if (a = p1.match(str)) == nil if (a = p2.match(str)) == nil if (a = p3.match(str)) == nil raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument", caller end end end @status = a[1].to_i if a[2] != "" @reasonPhrase = a[2] else @reasonPhrase = getReasonPhrase(@status) end else raise ArgumentError, "Argument of setstatus must be integer or string", caller end # }}} end # Handles the output of your content and rescues all exceptions. Send all # data in the block to this method. For example: # web.out do # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain") # web.puts("Hello, plain world!") # end def out # {{{ @output_allowed = true @buffer = []; # We use an array as buffer, because it's more performant :) begin yield rescue Exception => exception $stderr.puts "Ruby exception rescued (#{exception.class}): #{exception.message}" $stderr.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n") unless @output_started self.setstatus(500) @header = {} end unless (@settings.has_key?("hide errors") and @settings["hide errors"] == true) unless @output_started self.header("Content-Type: text/html") self.puts "" self.puts "" self.puts "" self.puts "500 Internal Server Error" self.puts "" self.puts "" end if @header.has_key?("content-type") and (@header["content-type"] =~ /^text\/html/i) == 0 self.puts "

Internal Server Error

" self.puts "

The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request.

" self.puts "

The exception has provided the following information:

" self.puts "
#{exception.class}: #{exception.message} on"
                    self.puts "#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}
" self.puts "" self.puts "" else self.puts "The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request" self.puts "The exception has provided the following information:" self.puts "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}" self.puts self.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n") end end end if @settings["cache"] buffer = @buffer.join unless @output_started unless @header.has_key?("content-length") self.header("content-length: #{buffer.length}") end sendHeaders end $stdout.print(buffer) elsif !@output_started sendHeaders end @output_allowed = false; # }}} end # Decodes URL encoded data, %20 for example stands for a space. def Rweb.unescape(str) # {{{ if defined? str and str.is_a? String str.gsub!(/\+/, " ") str.gsub(/%.{2}/) do | s | s[1,2].hex.chr end end # }}} end protected def sendHeaders # {{{ Cookie.disallow # no more cookies can be set or modified if !(@settings.has_key?("silent") and @settings["silent"] == true) and !@header.has_key?("x-powered-by") if @mod_ruby header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}, #{MOD_RUBY})"); else header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION})"); end end if @output_method == "ph" if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location")) header("content-type: text/html") end if @status != nil $stdout.print "Status: #{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}\r\n" end @header.each do |key, value| key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :) key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0] key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char| "-" + char[1,1].upcase end $stdout.print "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end cookies = Cookie.getHttpHeader # Get all cookies as an HTTP Header if cookies $stdout.print cookies end $stdout.print "\r\n" elsif @output_method == "nph" elsif @output_method == "mod_ruby" r = Apache.request if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location")) header("text/html") end if @status != nil r.status_line = "#{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}" end r.send_http_header @header.each do |key, value| key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :) key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0] key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char| "-" + char[1,1].upcase end puts "#{key}: #{value.class}" #r.headers_out[key] = value end end @output_started = true # }}} end def getReasonPhrase (status) # {{{ if status == 100 "Continue" elsif status == 101 "Switching Protocols" elsif status == 200 "OK" elsif status == 201 "Created" elsif status == 202 "Accepted" elsif status == 203 "Non-Authoritative Information" elsif status == 204 "No Content" elsif status == 205 "Reset Content" elsif status == 206 "Partial Content" elsif status == 300 "Multiple Choices" elsif status == 301 "Moved Permanently" elsif status == 302 "Found" elsif status == 303 "See Other" elsif status == 304 "Not Modified" elsif status == 305 "Use Proxy" elsif status == 307 "Temporary Redirect" elsif status == 400 "Bad Request" elsif status == 401 "Unauthorized" elsif status == 402 "Payment Required" elsif status == 403 "Forbidden" elsif status == 404 "Not Found" elsif status == 405 "Method Not Allowed" elsif status == 406 "Not Acceptable" elsif status == 407 "Proxy Authentication Required" elsif status == 408 "Request Time-out" elsif status == 409 "Conflict" elsif status == 410 "Gone" elsif status == 411 "Length Required" elsif status == 412 "Precondition Failed" elsif status == 413 "Request Entity Too Large" elsif status == 414 "Request-URI Too Large" elsif status == 415 "Unsupported Media Type" elsif status == 416 "Requested range not satisfiable" elsif status == 417 "Expectation Failed" elsif status == 500 "Internal Server Error" elsif status == 501 "Not Implemented" elsif status == 502 "Bad Gateway" elsif status == 503 "Service Unavailable" elsif status == 504 "Gateway Time-out" elsif status == 505 "HTTP Version not supported" else raise "Unknown Statuscode. See for more information." end # }}} end end class Cookie attr_reader :name, :value, :maxage, :path, :domain, :secure, :comment # Sets a cookie. Please see below for details of the attributes. def initialize (name, value = nil, maxage = nil, path = nil, domain = nil, secure = false) # {{{ # HTTP headers (Cookies are a HTTP header) can only set, while no content # is send. So an exception will be raised, when @@allowed is set to false # and a new cookie has set. unless defined?(@@allowed) @@allowed = true end unless @@allowed raise "You can't set cookies after the HTTP headers are send." end unless defined?(@@list) @@list = [] end @@list += [self] unless defined?(@@type) @@type = "netscape" end unless name.class == String raise TypeError, "The name of a cookie must be a string", caller end if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float value = value.to_s elsif value.class != String && value != nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller end if maxage.class == Time maxage = maxage - elsif !maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil raise TypeError, "The maxage date of a cookie must be an Integer or Time object or nil.", caller end unless path.class == String || path == nil raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end unless domain.class == String || domain == nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end unless secure == true || secure == false raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller end @name, @value, @maxage, @path, @domain, @secure = name, value, maxage, path, domain, secure @comment = nil # }}} end # Modifies the value of this cookie. The information you want to store. If the # value is nil, the cookie will be deleted by the client. # # This attribute can be a String, Integer or Float object or nil. def value=(value) # {{{ if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float value = value.to_s elsif value.class != String && value != nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller end @value = value # }}} end # Modifies the maxage of this cookie. This attribute defines the lifetime of # the cookie, in seconds. A value of 0 means the cookie should be discarded # imediatly. If it set to nil, the cookie will be deleted when the browser # will be closed. # # Attention: This is different from other implementations like PHP, where you # gives the seconds since 1/1/1970 0:00:00 GMT. # # This attribute must be an Integer or Time object or nil. def maxage=(maxage) # {{{ if maxage.class == Time maxage = maxage - elsif maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil raise TypeError, "The maxage of a cookie must be an Interger or Time object or nil.", caller end @maxage = maxage # }}} end # Modifies the path value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie # only, if the requested document is this directory or a subdirectory of it. # # The value of the attribute must be a String object or nil. def path=(path) # {{{ unless path.class == String || path == nil raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end @path = path # }}} end # Modifies the domain value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie # only if it's connected with this domain (or a subdomain, if the first # character is a dot like in "") # # The value of this attribute must be a String or nil. def domain=(domain) # {{{ unless domain.class == String || domain == nil raise TypeError, "The domain of a cookie must be a String or nil.", caller end @domain = domain # }}} end # Modifies the secure flag of this cookie. If it's true, the client will only # send this cookie if it is secured connected with us. # # The value od this attribute has to be true or false. def secure=(secure) # {{{ unless secure == true || secure == false raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller end @secure = secure # }}} end # Modifies the comment value of this cookie. The comment won't be send, if # type is "netscape". def comment=(comment) # {{{ unless comment.class == String || comment == nil raise TypeError, "The comment of a cookie must be a string or nil", caller end @comment = comment # }}} end # Changes the type of all cookies. # Allowed values are RFC2109 and netscape (default). def Cookie.type=(type) # {{{ unless @@allowed raise "The cookies are allready send, so you can't change the type anymore." end unless type.downcase == "rfc2109" && type.downcase == "netscape" raise "The type of the cookies must be \"RFC2109\" or \"netscape\"." end @@type = type; # }}} end # After sending this message, no cookies can be set or modified. Use it, when # HTTP-Headers are send. Rweb does this for you. def Cookie.disallow # {{{ @@allowed = false true # }}} end # Returns a HTTP header (type String) with all cookies. Rweb does this for # you. def Cookie.getHttpHeader # {{{ if defined?(@@list) if @@type == "netscape" str = "" @@list.each do |cookie| if cookie.value == nil cookie.maxage = 0 cookie.value = "" end # TODO: Name and value should be escaped! str += "Set-Cookie: #{}=#{cookie.value}" unless cookie.maxage == nil expire = + cookie.maxage expire.gmtime str += "; Expire=#{expire.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")}" end unless cookie.domain == nil str += "; Domain=#{cookie.domain}" end unless cookie.path == nil str += "; Path=#{cookie.path}" end if str += "; Secure" end str += "\r\n" end return str else # type == "RFC2109" str = "Set-Cookie: " comma = false; @@list.each do |cookie| if cookie.value == nil cookie.maxage = 0 cookie.value = "" end if comma str += "," end comma = true str += "#{}=\"#{cookie.value}\"" unless cookie.maxage == nil str += "; Max-Age=\"#{cookie.maxage}\"" end unless cookie.domain == nil str += "; Domain=\"#{cookie.domain}\"" end unless cookie.path == nil str += "; Path=\"#{cookie.path}\"" end if str += "; Secure" end unless cookie.comment == nil str += "; Comment=\"#{cookie.comment}\"" end str += "; Version=\"1\"" end str end else false end # }}} end end require 'strscan' module BBCode DEBUG = true use 'encoder', 'tags', 'tagstack', 'smileys' =begin The Parser class takes care of the encoding. It scans the given BBCode (as plain text), finds tags and smilies and also makes links of urls in text. Normal text is send directly to the encoder. If a tag was found, an instance of a Tag subclass is created to handle the case. The @tagstack manages tag nesting and ensures valid HTML. =end class Parser class Attribute # flatten and use only one empty_arg def self.create attr attr = flatten attr return @@empty_attr if attr.empty? new attr end private_class_method :new # remove leading and trailing whitespace; concat lines def self.flatten attr attr.strip.gsub(/\n/, ' ') # -> ^ and $ can only match at begin and end now end ATTRIBUTE_SCAN = / (?!$) # don't match at end \s* ( # $1 = key [^=\s\]"\\]* (?: (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? ) [^=\s\]"\\]* )* ) (?: = ( # $2 = value [^\s\]"\\]* (?: (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? ) [^\s\]"\\]* )* )? )? \s* /x def self.parse source source = source.dup # empty_tag: the tag looks like [... /] # slice!: this deletes the \s*/] at the end # \s+ because [url=] is NOT an empty tag. # In RubyBBCode, you can use [url= /], and this has to be # interpreted correctly. empty_tag = source.sub!(/^:/, '=') or source.slice!(/\/$/) debug 'PARSE: ' + source.inspect + ' => ' + empty_tag.inspect #-> we have now an attr that's EITHER empty OR begins and ends with non-whitespace. attr = attr[:flags] = [] source.scan(ATTRIBUTE_SCAN) { |key, value| if not value attr[:flags] << unescape(key) else next if value.empty? and key.empty? attr[unescape(key)] = unescape(value) end } debug attr.inspect return empty_tag, attr end def self.unescape_char esc esc[1] end def self.unquote qt qt[1..-1].chomp('"').gsub(/\\./) { |esc| unescape_char esc } end def self.unescape str str.gsub(/ (\\.) | (" [^"\\]* (?:\\.[^"\\]*)* "?) /x) { if $1 unescape_char $1 else unquote $2 end } end include Enumerable def each &block @args.each(&block) end attr_reader :source, :args, :value def initialize source @source = source debug 'Attribute#new(%p)' % source @empty_tag, @attr = Attribute.parse source @value = @attr[''].to_s end def empty? self == @@empty_attr end def empty_tag? @empty_tag end def [] *keys res = @attr[*keys] end def flags attr[:flags] end def to_s @attr end def inspect 'ATTR[' + @attr.inspect + (@empty_tag ? ' | empty tag' : '') + ']' end end class Attribute @@empty_attr = new '' end end