rem VBScript examples ' Various constants of different types const someText = "some " & """text""" const someInt = 123 const someHex = &h3110c0d3 const someFloat = 123.45e-67 const someDate = #1/2/2016# const someTime = #12:34:56 AM# const someBool = vbTrue ' -1 ' Do some math. radius = 1.e2 area = radius ^ 2 * 3.1315 a = 17 : b = 23 c = sqr(a ^2 + b ^ 2) ' Write 10 files. For i = 1 to 10 createFile( i ) Next Public Sub createFile(a) Dim fso, TargetFile TargetPath = "C:\some_" & a & ".tmp" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TargetFile = fso.CreateTextFile(TargetPath) TargetFile.WriteLine("Hello " & vbCrLf & "world!") TargetFile.Close End Sub ' Define a class with a property. Class Customer Private m_CustomerName Private Sub Class_Initialize m_CustomerName = "" End Sub ' CustomerName property. Public Property Get CustomerName CustomerName = m_CustomerName End Property Public Property Let CustomerName(custname) m_CustomerName = custname End Property End Class ' Special constructs Option Explicit On Error Resume Next On Error Goto 0 ' Comment without terminating CR/LF.