/** trait_json_serialize Objects with this trait will be assumed to convert to json data when its ->asString method is called */ define trait_json_serialize => trait { require asString() } define json_serialize(e::bytes)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"') define json_serialize(e::string)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"') define json_serialize(e::json_literal)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::integer)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::decimal)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::boolean)::string => (#e->asstring) define json_serialize(e::null)::string => ('null') define json_serialize(e::date)::string => ('"' + #e->format(#e->gmt ? '%QT%TZ' | '%Q%T') + '"') /* define json_serialize(e::array)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } define json_serialize(e::staticarray)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } */ define json_serialize(e::trait_forEach)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; } return('[' + #output + ']'); } define json_serialize(e::map)::string => { local(output = with pr in #e->eachPair select json_serialize(#pr->first->asString) + ': ' + json_serialize(#pr->second)) return '{' + #output->join(',') + '}' } define json_serialize(e::json_object)::string => { local(output) = ''; local(delimit) = ''; #e->foreachpair => { #output += #delimit + #1->first + ': ' + json_serialize(#1->second); #delimit = ', '; } return('{' + #output + '}'); } define json_serialize(e::trait_json_serialize) => #e->asString define json_serialize(e::any)::string => json_serialize('' + #e->serialize + '') // Bil Corry fixes for decoding json define json_consume_string(ibytes::bytes) => { local(obytes) = bytes; local(temp) = 0; while((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 34); #obytes->import8bits(#temp); (#temp == 92) ? #obytes->import8bits(#ibytes->export8bits); // Escape \ /while; local(output = string(#obytes)->unescape) //Replace('\\"', '\"') & Replace('\\r', '\r') & Replace('\\n', '\n') & Replace('\\t', '\t') & Replace('\\f', '\f') & Replace('\\b', '\b') &; if(#output->BeginsWith('') && #output->EndsWith('')); Protect; return serialization_reader(xml(#output - '' - ''))->read /Protect; else( (#output->size == 16 or #output->size == 15) and regexp(`\d{8}T\d{6}Z?`, '', #output)->matches) return date(#output, -Format=#output->size == 16?`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ`|`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss`) /if return #output } // Bil Corry fix + Ke fix define json_consume_token(ibytes::bytes, temp::integer) => { local(obytes = bytes->import8bits(#temp) &, delimit = array(9, 10, 13, 32, 44, 58, 93, 125)) // \t\r\n ,:]} while(#delimit !>> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits)) #obytes->import8bits(#temp) /while #temp == 125? // } #ibytes->marker -= 1 //============================================================================ // Is also end of token if end of array[] #temp == 93? // ] #ibytes->marker -= 1 //............................................................................ local(output = string(#obytes)) #output == 'true'? return true #output == 'false'? return false #output == 'null'? return null string_IsNumeric(#output)? return (#output >> '.')? decimal(#output) | integer(#output) return #output } // Bil Corry fix define json_consume_array(ibytes::bytes)::array => { Local(output) = array; local(delimit) = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44); // \t\r\n , local(temp) = 0; While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 93); // ] If(#delimit >> #temp); // Discard whitespace Else(#temp == 34); // " #output->insert(json_consume_string(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 91); // [ #output->insert(json_consume_array(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 123); // { #output->insert(json_consume_object(#ibytes)); Else; #output->insert(json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp)); (#temp == 93) ? Loop_Abort; /If; /While; Return(#output); } // Bil Corry fix define json_consume_object(ibytes::bytes)::map => { Local('output' = map, 'delimit' = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44), // \t\r\n , 'temp' = 0, 'key' = null, 'val' = null); While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 125); // } If(#delimit >> #temp); // Discard whitespace Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 34)); // " #output->insert(#key = json_consume_string(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 91)); // [ #output->insert(#key = json_consume_array(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 123)); // { #output->insert(#key = json_consume_object(#ibytes)); #key = null; Else((#key !== null)); #output->insert(#key = json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp)); #key = null; Else; #key = json_consume_string(#ibytes); while(#delimit >> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits)); /while; #temp != 58 ? Loop_Abort; /If; /While; If((#output >> '__jsonclass__') && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->isa('array')) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->size >= 2) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->First == 'deserialize')); Return(#output->find('__jsonclass__')->Second->First); Else((#output >> 'native') && (#output >> 'comment') && (#output->find('comment') == 'http://www.lassosoft.com/json')); Return(#output->find('native')); /If; Return(#output); } // Bil Corry fix + Ke fix define json_deserialize(ibytes::bytes)::any => { #ibytes->removeLeading(bom_utf8); //============================================================================ // Reset marker on provided bytes #ibytes->marker = 0 //............................................................................ Local(temp) = #ibytes->export8bits; If(#temp == 91); // [ Return(json_consume_array(#ibytes)); Else(#temp == 123); // { Return(json_consume_object(#ibytes)); else(#temp == 34) // " return json_consume_string(#ibytes) /If; } define json_deserialize(s::string) => json_deserialize(bytes(#s)) /**! json_literal - This is a subclass of String used for JSON encoding. A json_literal works exactly like a string, but will be inserted directly rather than being encoded into JSON. This allows JavaScript elements like functions to be inserted into JSON objects. This is most useful when the JSON object will be used within a JavaScript on the local page. [Map: 'fn'=Literal('function(){ ...})] => {'fn': function(){ ...}} **/ define json_literal => type { parent string } /**! json_object - This is a subclass of Map used for JSON encoding. An object works exactly like a map, but when it is encoded into JSON all of the keys will be inserted literally. This makes it easy to create a JavaScript object without extraneous quote marks. Object('name'='value') => {name: "value"} **/ define json_object => type { parent map public onCreate(...) => ..onCreate(:#rest or (:)) } define json_rpccall(method::string, params=map, id='', host='') => { #id == '' ? #host = Lasso_UniqueID; #host == '' ? #host = 'http://localhost/lassoapps.8/rpc/rpc.lasso'; Return(Decode_JSON(Include_URL(#host, -PostParams=Encode_JSON(Map('method' = #method, 'params' = #params, 'id' = #id))))); }