∇ R←M COMBIN N;D;E;F;G;P ⍝ Returns a matrix of every possible ⍝ combination of M elements from the ⍝ vector ⍳N. That is, returns a ⍝ matrix with M!N rows and N columns. ⍝ E←(⍳P←N-R←M-1)-⎕IO D←R+⍳P R←(P,1)⍴D P←P⍴1 L1:→(⎕IO>1↑D←D-1)⍴0 P←+\P G←+\¯1↓0,F←⌽P E←F/E-G R←(F/D),R[E+⍳⍴E;] E←G →L1 ∇ ∇ R←M QUICKEXP N ⍝ Matrix exponentiation B ← ⌊ 1 + 2 ⍟ N V ← (B ⍴ 2) ⊤ N L ← ⊂ M R ← ⊃ +.× / V / L ⊣ { L ← (⊂ A +.× A ← ↑L) , L }¨ ⍳ B-1 ∇